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Silver's House of Pancakes

Started by Dog Food, September 06, 2010, 07:19:28 PM

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Dog Food

Silver's House of Pancakes

Past SHOP Employees of the Month
Silver - The clumsy but lovable owner of the pancake shack.
Mack - The brains and manager of the operations.
??? - The sassy chef with a taste bud for delicious.
Magnum - The fun and goofy busboy.
Skye - The likable Latino package boy introvert.
Rob - The fiery temp with a mind for politics.
Boar DeFanboye - A testosterone-filled actor with a pretty face and a love for whiskey.
Night - The vampire-like night-shift taciturn.
Super - The superintendent of the shack who is followed constantly by rumors.

The Ingredient Cabinet (SUMMARIES ONLY)
Chapter One - All the Little Things
[spoiler]KJ, a waitress at the small pancake shack, reflects on her crappy life waiting on the disgusting customers who come for breakfast at Silver's House of Pancakes. She admits that the staff at the shack are like her family, and they are the reason she doesn't leave. She also adds that the view at the beach shack is beautiful, and she often watches the sunset. It is during these times that she thinks about the person she has become and wonders about the choices she has made. Although the answers are never easy, she states that the person she is can be seen somewhere "between the lines", yet she doesn't manage to give a solid response to the question. Instead, she leaves the question lingering in the wind for the reader to puzzle over.[/spoiler]

Chapter Two - The Seal of Fate
[spoiler]KJ begins the chapter by talking about an obscure title, "Web Surfer". She hints at its importance to her life, but changes the subject before going into the details. Instead, she rewinds back in time to "three trivial events" that "sealed [her] fate". The first event was Silver (the lovable owner of the shack) dropping a plate. KJ wonders how her life may have been different had this not happened, but decides "what if" questions aren't worth worrying over. In any case, she steps in the plate and is rushed to the hospital, although why this event is significant remains unexplained (although she mentions feeling "euphoric" after the trip to the emergency room). The second event is someone slapping her ass, and instead of brushing it off, she attacks the pervert. Her coworkers pull her off and she is brought to Mack the Manager's office, where she realizes what she did and begins to freak out at the realization of what she did. And "the final event that sealed [her] fate"... not getting fired from her job.[/spoiler]

Chapter Three - A Beach With No Name
[spoiler]KJ took a week's leave from her job as waitress to scrub the dishes. She feels guilt about what she did and is paranoid about what the others might be saying about her now. Two coworkers are introduced during this period: Magnum (a goofy skater working as busboy) and Skye (a shy delivery boy with an unexplained hatred towards Mack the Manager). Magnum jokes around with KJ about her outburst at one of the customers, which helps relieve some of her stress about things changing between her and the others. She still feels a strange power within her, but she locks it away. When she goes back to waitressing, things seem easier than before, but the sudden lack of Silver disturbs her. She wasn't the only one. Rob the temp (a college student and very active in the Labor Union) demanded that Silver leave his office, which caused a flock of employees to rally behind Rob. KJ leaves, fearing that Silver's disappearance has something to do with her.

Instead, she takes a walk along the beach and thinks about it's history. The unnamed beach was a nice community for all.But then came a selfish entrepreneur named Judas Faraway. His only job was making money and he quickly destroyed anything he touched (which included SHOP). He bought out the beach and named it (North-South Faraway Crab Den or NSFCD). Turmoil spread, SHOP was destroyed, and then suddenly Judas disappeared. Silver had to buy back his shack and start over, and things were never as busy and grand as they once were. KJ ends her story by saying she never actually was around at that time, coming to live at the beach a little over a year after Judas' strange disappearance. She then brings us abruptly back to reality and mentions a cave she enjoys spending her time in that can only be reached during low tide. The chapter ends with her falling asleep inside the cave, setting up the drama for the next chapter.[/spoiler]

Chapter Four - Born to Die
[spoiler]This chapter begins with many paradoxes. KJ is in a hallway, attempting to reach the "final door". She seems to understand where she is, although she doesn't let the reader in on the secret. She mentions "the men in black" again, whom she hasn't talked about since chapter two. But as she reaches the final door, water bursts out of it and she drowns, only to wake up in the cave - really drowning. In her final moments she makes peace with death, only for a new her to emerge and save her from the clutches of death. When KJ describes this, she does not call this person "me" or "I", she calls this person "she", hinting that they are not the same people. And then KJ goes on to mention that she did not find out about this incident until later, although she won't explain further. Instead, she challenges the reader to think about what else she may be lying about in her story.

KJ goes back to the pancake shack well after dark and hides in the delivery room to change. But during this time, she hears a strange conversation between Skye and a distorted voice. The voice talks about saving everyone and calls Skye a coward for not acting fast enough. Skye seems frightened and asks the voice for more time. Before KJ can hear more, she falls over and causes Skye to find her. She quickly lies and says she heard nothing, then rushes out of there. In the kitchen, she finds Magnum and Rob still around. They explain that Silver won't come out and they don't know why. KJ feels like it's her fault and resolves to confront Silver.[/spoiler]

Chapter Five - Trust your Instincts
[spoiler]KJ enters Silver's office and takes a look around. The awards on the walls give the first hint at the timeline of events. Silver appears out of sorts and asks for Mack the Manager, so KJ obliges to find him. When she finds Mack, they go back to Silver's office to have a secret meeting. Silver and Mack inform KJ of a new job offer and hand her a confidential letter which she is to take home and look over. They seem to be acting strangely, but KJ can't figure out why. As she leaves the office, she brings with her mixed emotions of loneliness, departure and regret.[/spoiler]

Chapter Six - The Number Six
[spoiler]This chapter opens up with the confidential letter. Unfortunately, it gives very little, if any, information. KJ decides it was a prank and throws it out. Then she goes back to work at 5 AM sharp. On her way to work, she sees Night (who works the night shift) leaving. There's a tense moment between them, followed by relief when he leaves. KJ has a strange conversation with car aficionado Spencer and package delivery boy Skye. KJ's breakfast consists of a bottle of syrup from Skye, and then she gets to work. Later on in the day, Silver meets up with her and they have a short conversation. But before anything else, KJ begins to feel dizzy and passes out.[/spoiler]

Chapter Seven - Ask the Questions
[spoiler]This chapter opens up with a bit more background info on KJ's arrival in town. She came in a little after Judas' disappearance and lived life like a bum as she worked her job at SHOP. During this time she met the DJ Zovi and the clown Junior, who were just leaving town on their bus. They helped KJ learn the ropes around town so she wouldn't have to sleep in the sand, and then left. She never saw them again. The past fades into the present, where KJ wakes up sick with a man in a suit greeting her. She vomits and then passes out again, only to wake up in a strange room, wet, wearing someone else's clothes.

The man in black is there and talks to KJ, but he refuses to answer any of her questions. Instead, he tells her to find the truths for herself. He leaves her more confused then before. She is now in a strange room, wearing strange clothes, with no explanation as to what has happened to her life. She goes toward the door, wondering if she can leave without any trouble. The door creaks open and ends on a lingering question... Is she finally free?[/spoiler]

Chapter Eight - Seek the Answers
[spoiler]KJ exits the room and wonders what to do next. She allows her feet to lead her, hoping to find her way out of the seemingly deserted cave. She reflects on her life and all the strange events that have led her to this place, just wishing to go back to SHOP, the one place she has been able to truly call home. Eventually along the walk, her body seems to act of it's own accord and jerks into a strange position. And then, the cave wall opens up into a room covered in light. The only solid thing is a pedestal in the center of the room, which KJ walks towards without another thought. She finds an item on the pedestal and grabs it without thinking (without ever getting to see what she picked up). At that moment, the room becomes pitch black and a man's voice (the strange man from chapter seven) echoes throughout the room. They have a short conversation discussing truths and seeking answers, but he doesn't seem to be very helpful or informative, which frustrates KJ. When his voice no longer answers her cries, KJ realizes she must be alone and falls to the ground, defeated. Confused, tired and unable to comprehend anything else, she passes out.[/spoiler]
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


This is certainly an enjoyable and interesting take on NSF, if not concerning as well, to some degree.

...but why did it end on a cliffhanger?


This was a highly enjoyable read, I must say.

Dog Food

Quote from: MasterYoungLink on September 06, 2010, 09:48:44 PM
This is certainly an enjoyable and interesting take on NSF, if not concerning as well, to some degree.

...but why did it end on a cliffhanger?
What cliffhanger?

But if want a better answer, think of it as symbolic. Can any human being really be defined in simple terms? Sure, you could try. But there are so many layers to us all, and we change all the time (depending on our experiences). It's nearly impossible to put an accurate label on ourselves. The narrator realized that, and so she ended it on a blank note, rather than attempt to describe herself in menial words.

Quote from: Silverhawk79 on September 06, 2010, 10:25:01 PM
This was a highly enjoyable read, I must say.
Anything with Silver breaking things in it is highly enjoyable :3
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


...well, I didn't expect both a link to TVtropes and something so deep, considering what you wrote before it. But I'll accept it, nonetheless. When do you plan on starting the next part?


I demand KJ X MYL shipping in the next chapter!

Nah, that's getting as old as the Silver breaks stuff joke. Seriously, I liked it.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Dog Food

Quote from: MasterYoungLink on September 09, 2010, 02:17:53 PM
...well, I didn't expect both a link to TVtropes and something so deep, considering what you wrote before it. But I'll accept it, nonetheless. When do you plan on starting the next part?
I'll hopefully have the next chapter up by tonight or tomorrow night. Depends on how quickly things come to me. That first chapter I wrote in about ten or fifteen minutes. It was almost completely random and basically wrote itself. Sometimes it's harder and I actually have to think. Which usually results in not-as-good.

Quote from: MagnumSonic on September 09, 2010, 03:14:02 PM
I demand KJ X MYL shipping in the next chapter!

Nah, that's getting as old as the Silver breaks stuff joke. Seriously, I liked it.
Hm... Maybe for a change of pace I'll try a whole new ship! ...Like Magnum x MYL. Wouldn't that just be a sexy pairing?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: Kill Joy on September 09, 2010, 03:44:02 PM
Hm... Maybe for a change of pace I'll try a whole new ship! ...Like Magnum x MYL. Wouldn't that just be a sexy pairing?

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Kill Joy on September 09, 2010, 03:44:02 PM
Hm... Maybe for a change of pace I'll try a whole new ship! ...Like Magnum x MYL. Wouldn't that just be a sexy pairing?
We may as well just go ask Night to write another fanfiction.

Dog Food

Chapter Two - The Seal of Fate

[spoiler]A Web Surfer's life is never easy.

Doing what no one's done before... A new profession that has cast its hold upon our nation. It started as a simple idea but, like all things, it grew...

The creators were in need of beta testers for what they called "a revolutionary new system". Nothing more was said about it. No information about what people would be signing up for was revealed. It was the mystery that enticed people. The allure of danger that this strange form of propaganda seemed to hint at only excited people, and they openly fantasized about what it could possibly be. I doubt a single one of them came close.

The creators looked for people who could be erased from the system without the bat of an eye. They looked for people who didn't matter. Low income, no family, crap job...

I fit the bill. Every requirement? I met it. It was the first test I passed with flying colors, and I didn't even show up for it.

I heard hundreds of people applied to be a tester. From that number, maybe a handful were chosen. From that handful, maybe one or two actually went through with it. I wasn't among them. I hadn't applied. They weren't even on my radar.

Yet somehow the men in black showed up at Silver's quaint little pancake shack with my name. They hadn't been in a single one of my thoughts, but for some reason I was in theirs.

But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren't we? There are three trivial events I should highlight first. Three small things that, looking back, sealed my fate. Which I guess ranks them higher than merely "trivial", but at the time, that's all they were to me. Small, unimportant details in my blurry life. What were they? Well, let's start with the first event. It was nothing special, nothing new. In fact, it happened often enough. But on this occasion it was different, and with me unaware, it set in motion my future.

Silver dropped a plate.

I don't know if my life would have been different if this didn't happen. But sometimes I wonder. Maybe if I hadn't been in the kitchen at that time or if I warned Silver that he didn't dry his hands enough. If I worked harder to get all the dishes done before Silver offered to pitch in... Maybe, if I had done something different, none of this would have happened.

Or maybe fate would have stepped in and obstructed my path with another obstacle. It's impossible to know and "what if" questions are like a form of torture... But I can't stop myself from sometimes wondering.

Regardless of what might have been, the fact of the matter is, Silver dropped a plate. And I, barefoot (like everyone at the beach is), stepped right in the glass.

It was a hot, searing pain. I jumped back and howled. Silver apologized profusely. I told him it was fine, I was okay, there was no need to... HOLY HELL THIS HURTS FUCKING SHIT GOT DAMN... No, no I'm fine... Really, don't call the ambulance... FUCKING HELL WHAT THE FUCK I WANT TO DIE THE PAIN OH GOD... No, no, it's barely touching the bone really I'm okay, really. Don't worry, I'm fine... WHY GOD WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME FUCK YOU THIS HURTS TAKE IT BACK... It's barely bleeding, the glass didn't go all the way through my bone stopped it so it's okay... I THINK IT CRACKED SOMETHING FUCK THIS SHIT IT HURTS FUCK FUCK MOTHER FUCKER. Oh, the ambulance is here...? I'm really okay, but if it means I get to get out of work early then why not? STOP LYIN THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE GET ME OUT OF HERE SO YOU CAN FUCKING TREAT ME. See you guys later, have fun working while I get to relax in a comfy bed GOD DAMMIT ENOUGH WITH THE PLEASANTRIES GET ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL.

Really, it wasn't that bad. After the initial shock wore off, I started laughing. And I couldn't stop. Then my eyes began to tear up long after my foot went numb, long after the pain died away, and only shortly after the laughing stopped. And then I was at the hospital.

The doctor took the glass out and stitched me up. Six stitches and a pretty scar right on the bottom of my foot. Apparently the glass did go partially through my bone, but they told me they fixed it. I don't know what they did, since I was out cold for the operation, but I felt great when I woke up.

Better than great. I felt euphoric. I felt more fit than I had been before getting stabbed in the foot. They told me it was the meds and the feeling would wear off in a day or two. It was half a lie.

The feeling did wear off. But it wasn't because of the meds, it was because I become used to feeling that way.

Harder, better, faster, stronger. That's exactly how I felt.

I was back at work the next day. The next event demonstrated the possibilities of my future.

Someone slapped my ass.

Normally I'd roll my eyes and move on, but something was different now. I didn't give a slight start, I didn't sigh or give a fake smile, and I didn't inwardly complain about my crap job. I grabbed his retreating hand and snapped it back. He cried out.

"What the intercourse , lady? You ninny!"

"Pervert." He cradled his hand, eyes watering. I watched him for a moment, suddenly realizing what I did. For a second, I was stunned and just gaped at him. He looked at me, gritting his teeth, then spit at me. He missed. But something boiled up within me and I grabbed him by the neck with both hands and pushed him against a pole.

"Want to try doing that again?" I threatened. He did try. He tried, but he couldn't breath and he was struggling to work his throat. Then he stopped trying and turned bright red. His eyes widened and he began flailing. Some other customers began noticing and making noise. I blocked out all other voices, even my own, and just focused on the dying man in front of me.

Finally, someone attempted to pull me off of him. I pushed them back with a shoulder shrug. Then, more arms wrapped themselves around me. I struggled to shrug them off, and even released a hand to push them back, but they finally took me down. They were my own co-workers. The man whose neck I had my hands wrapped around fell to the floor, sputtering.

I was dragged away. I didn't struggle, but my eyes never left my victim's face.

I was put into a chair. My surroundings began to take form around me and my own voice began to pound inside my head.

Oh god. What did you just do? That wasn't you... was it? I don't remember... I wasn't in control... What did you do?

"What did you do?"

I looked up. Mack the Manager was in front of me. I was sitting in a chair, alone with him in his office. I blinked.

He repeated himself. "What did you do?"

"I... don't know."

What did I do? What did I do? I was shaking. I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Am I fired?"

And the final event that sealed my fate...

I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


And thus, the plot thickens.

But yeah, I'm digging this.


For the record, I don't break stuff that much...;_;
Just kidding. I like it. MORE IS DEMANDED.


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on September 10, 2010, 10:18:03 PM
For the record, I don't break stuff that much...;_;
Yet, you managed to break your laptop just recently.

Dog Food

Quote from: Silverhawk79 on September 10, 2010, 10:18:03 PM
For the record, I don't break stuff that much...;_;
Just kidding. I like it. MORE IS DEMANDED.
Don't worry, your breaking of things will wane down in upcoming chapters. It was a necessary plot device.

The next installment will feature a lot of the beach itself's history, as well as some cameos from more of SHOP's employees.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: MasterYoungLink on September 11, 2010, 04:04:09 PM
Yet, you managed to break your laptop just recently.
Don't blame HP's shoddy manufacturing techniques on me. D: