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5th gen species discussion

Started by bluaki, September 16, 2010, 02:34:30 PM

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All of the new Pokemon are revealed, with Japanese names, pictures, and fully-evolved base stats. At Serebii:
[spoiler=And if you want to see one big picture of them all...][/spoiler]
Or, a prettier picture of all 649 front non-animated sprite rips here
Discuss them all here. Let the other 5th gen thread cover everything else, like gym leaders, mechanics, region, items, etc.

We've essentially only touched one thread in this board for months. It's time to start actually organizing the new discussion.


As everyone knows, I like two types quite a bit. Dark, and Ice.

The ice are thoroughly disappointing. The Ice Cream Pokemon looks like a phallus. The baby Polar bear has snot running out of its nose. There's a snowflake.

The darks, with the exception of the mentally retarded kid (Dark/Fighting type), are exceptional. The Power Ranger, the Hydra, the Gator, the Leopard, the Vulture, etc.

As someone who worked extensively with fossils and the like, I'm pleased by the fossil Pokemon. Both are top notch choices that are just a little out there.

The sheer number of Fighting, Dark, and Bug is an interesting change, and one I'm pleased with. If only there was just a slight boost to Fire and Electric as well. Even ghost got its dues this time around - the Ghost/Earth is cool.


luuuuuuuv this gen so freaking much.

My team will probably be:

Lamprey (pure electric + levitate = winzorz)
Hydra (pleez don't get ubered like garchomp... although i hated garchomp)
archeopteryx (rainbow fossil bird)
candelabra or anteater (disappointed on anteater's stats, though)
seasonal deer (or grass monkey if i can get it from my friend)

The first two are DEFINITE, and I'm really hoping for the hydra, but may not be totally sure about last three


Quote from: Mace on September 16, 2010, 02:57:10 PM
The ice are thoroughly disappointing. The Ice Cream Pokemon looks like a phallus. The baby Polar bear has snot running out of its nose. There's a snowflake.
This covers many of my strongest dislikes out of the new Pokemon. If the Polar bear baby had the snot removed, it'd be pretty cute. Definitely improved. Ice Cream as a core idea doesn't sound bad, but the second and third forms are terribly designed (baby isn't bad).

Some of my other dislikes about these:
1. Victini should be last, not first.
2. Those flying legends should be next to each other in the Pokedex. I don't like their designs at all either.
3. The fighting legends, although pretty, do not look like they should be fighting-type
4. Tadpole's face is ridiculously out-of-place.
5. Gear. Geargear. Geargeargear. I don't like the evolutions; they might've worked much better if becoming a whole machine instead of additional cogs. I believe their main purpose to exaggerate the fact that significant animation is added in these games.

Other than those, I generally like most of these new Pokemon.


To be honest about the Gear, I was horribly worried they would look like Magneton/Dugtrio/etc. In that sense, I'm quite pleased the Gear actually change, rather than just getting thrown together. Still, your point about showcasing animation is more than valid.

The Genies being split up by the Cover-Poke didn't make any sense to me. And the Fighting Legendaries just don't cut it as Fighting.

I'd also like to say that, those niggles aside, Fighting got some good representation. A Dark/Fighting (as bad as it looks) to get rid of that pesky psychic weakness (and the fighting weakness for the dark), the power-house with the concrete blocks, Dageki/Nageki (and their trade offs), and the cat-like Kojondo are all respectable. I wouldn't be surprised to see a higher level trainer that focuses on Fighting.


I intercourse ing love that snow cone <3333

And the Leopard is cool. It's like a more girly Absol.


The pokemon seem a lot more balanced this time around. I didn't really see any Luvdisc or Farfetch'd while skimming through.

My favorites (Only counting final forms):
Flaming monkey
Hermit Crab
Exploded Angry Birds Pig
Ice cream (such a great idea)
Pringles Jellyfish
Ground flying man with the cool hair

Least Favorites:
Fire pig
Giant cement block roids clown
Weird ass retard
Polar Bear
Purple weasel fighting thing
Fighting legendaries
Rainbow unicorn
Girl with green hair

I think it's funny that they added so many fighting types but just about every one looks absolutely terrible. And what's up with the ninja clam being bug type?


In random order, my thoughts.

Fighting types should never be on all fours, and there are 4 that look that way (possibly more if I missed something)
Birijion looks like a Sky Forme Shaymin evo.
Also, is it me? or does almost EVERYTHING have an evo/prevo? There aren't too many Single Pokés.
I do like the Pokémon holding items thingy again.
Pokémon from the same gen that basically go together should BE NEXT TO EACH OTHER, not one randomly 2 Pokés later.
Kojondo doesn't look like a fighter.
Sure, legend trios can look 90% similar, but DON'T GIVE THEM THE EXACT SAME POSE YOU RETARDS
The "Mew" of this gen looks like a little girl celebrity who is acting slutty, which is why I like it, it's a big sign of USA!
Dude .


How am I the only one who likes the old man trio? Obviously the flying and electric ones are able to be captured before Zekrom and Reshiram, and the ground one is either national dex only or appears after you beat the elite four, explaining it's dex placement. It has a different ability than the other two so it's obviously special, it wouldn't surprise me if you needed the other two to capture it or something. As for the poses, they move so I'm sure they'll look plenty different in game.

I should probably add the megazord pokemon to my list, it's pretty awesome. It better get it's own laser move or something.

Oh, and the Mew of this gen is Victini. Singer girl is the Shaymin because she changes forms and types.

Gwen Khan

some of these look odd, but I kinda like the Ghost/Fire


When I consider something a "Mew," it floats, like I assume the singer girl does.

Genie trio, I did think of them moving after I typed my complaint, but they don't move much, and I assume the movements will have little to no difference from each other. And even if they are gotten in a special way, it is still preferred for them to be next to each other.
Dude .


Sounds fair enough, but I don't think it floats while in fighting form.

If you want to complain about dex placement, I think that ugly water/fighting thing is the fourth member of the four legged fighting trio. Same ability, secondary type, number of legs, and general ugliness.


Quote from: Cornwad on September 16, 2010, 03:51:41 PM
Exploded Angry Birds Pig
Pringles Jellyfish

...angry birds pig? And that isn't a jellyfish but w/e

Quote from: Cornwad on September 16, 2010, 03:51:41 PM

what pokemon are you talking about? The power ranger?


I think it does, but I could easily be wrong.

I'd like the fighting trio if they weren't on all fours, hell the Flying trio would make a better looking Fighting trio, just change "Flying" to "Fighting" and it looks like it would make sense. Hell, make the Fighting Trio flying type too, it looks like it makes just as much sense as them being Fighting.
Dude .


I don't really get what the big deal is; why can't something with four legs be fighting? They can still fight, can't they? As long as they don't punch, it seems fine; heck, even that's not really a limit, like how Absol can Sucker Punch.

Also, I'd think a "Mew" would be more specifically defined as a small legendary with 100 for every base stat, which would specifically include Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, and Victini (although you could disqualify Shaymin if you wanted to since technically not ALL of his stats are 100, just his land-form stats are).