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Started by Macawmoses, September 18, 2010, 07:31:19 PM

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Actually Nayr, last I checked, Nintendo was the second most. Did they recently change?

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: bluaki on September 20, 2010, 05:07:08 PM
From what I take on it, the localization process includes:
1. Translation of dialogue, menus, etc. My square Enix and MGS4 examples still count.
2. Localization/translation of names for creatures, characters, and locations Pokemon is one of the biggest franchises in gaming, they should really be prepared/working on this from the get go
3. Programming for trivial changes to the game mechanics, such as Voltorb Flip, increasing nickname space to 10 characters, and change in keyboard layouts again, they should be working on this from the get go. Not to mention this is already 5th gen. They should know how to do this by now.
4. Creating marketing videos, materials, and web site (I might add that NOA has not seemed to bother promoting Black/White at all yet beyond the initial reveal) NOA doesn't advertise anything. It's Nintendo...
5. Beta testing the game is done dude.
6. Legal matters regarding copyright for localized names This is where I agree with you
7. Manufacturing game carts, cases, and manuals. And shipping. They should know how to do this already. Again, a lot of their stuff sells so darn well, Nintendo should be aware of how to make a lot of carts quickly X_X;;
8. Possibly waiting several months extra for launch for the sake of strategic release date (i.e. not shortly after Christmas) It'd be like waiting for a better release date for a new Mario game, it's GOING to sell...there's no point in waiting.

Of these, 1 is something that fan translations tend to do. 2 is something that some fans attempt to do, but companies do better. The remaining 6 parts are extra issues faced just because of being a large company.

And popular fan sites only contribute to their intentions with 4, as long as they don't encourage things like piracy, so I don't see why they'd be concerned about them. I have doubts that this threat is even (if not fake) legally valid, considering fair use and whatnot; but it's not like I (or practically any of the rest of the pokemon fanbase) have any legal knowledge.

My thoughts.

Quote from: MagnumSonic on September 20, 2010, 05:08:05 PM
Actually Nayr, last I checked, Nintendo was the second most. Did they recently change?

Either way the point is still valid. If FF13 can get a four month window between releases and Metal Gear Solid 4 have a near simultaneous launch, surely Nintendo (a much bigger company) can handle some darn text.


Um... so... are we still enforcing this thing? Was it proven fake? Not to "tattle" or anything, but I continue to see posts linking to sprites, as well as avatars and sigs containing Black & White stuff, so I'm a bit confused...

Well now. I did not know this was going on. I find this kinda funny but also kinda not


Nintendo's been releasing official statements. Basically, letter is fully legit, as described by Pokebeach.


Quote from: Mace on September 18, 2010, 07:31:19 PM
As an act of good faith towards Nintendo, we will be enforcing the DMCA on NSFCD.

Quote from: Silverhawk79 on September 18, 2010, 07:33:46 PM
Don't chance it. Nintendo could wipe us out without even breaking a sweat.
oh wait you're serious let me laugh even harder.gif



I think this can get deleted or something now.
Dude .


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