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Disapointments in gaming this generation?

Started by Tupin, September 24, 2010, 10:58:13 PM

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Quote from: Persephone on September 25, 2010, 10:08:00 PM
Six of which are first party titles. Look harder.

No poop. Great deducing, Watson.  I clearly implied the only games worth a poop on the Wii, for the most part, are the first/second party games. Third party support for the system is a complete cesspool of shovelware.

Looking for good games on the Wii is like looking for water in the Sahara.


Quote from: Zero on September 26, 2010, 12:43:40 AM
No poop. Great deducing, Watson.  I clearly implied the only games worth a poop on the Wii, for the most part, are the first/second party games. Third party support for the system is a complete cesspool of shovelware.

Looking for good games on the Wii is like looking for water in the Sahara.
Fragile Dreams, Muramasa, Monster Hunter Tri, Little King's Story, Phantom Brave, Resident Evil 4, Umbrella Chronicles, Guilty Gear, Madworld, Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, NiGHTS 2, Red Steel 2, Rune Factory Frontier, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Fatal Frame 4 (if you have homebrew anyway D:), Trauma Center, Final Fantasy IV The After Years, Cave Story, Phoenix Wright Wiiware, and not to mention everything on the virtual console.

Sure there's a ton of shovelware, but it also has an incredible amount of gems that really don't get any decent amount of attention. If anything, I'd say most are actually even better than most of the good-but-not-amazing first party releases. I blame bad or nonexistent marketing, really.

Quote from: Cornwad on September 25, 2010, 10:57:05 PM
Doesn't matter, because the PS3 controllers and online systems for both games aren't as good.
The only real positive thing I can say about Xbox Live is the sheer amount of people that use the service. Other than that, it's objectively bad.

-Paying to access P2P connections. Microsoft isn't offering you a service. They aren't paying for any game servers. Every single other platform offers free online.
-Paying to access otherwise free services that aren't even related to video games (ESPN, Facebook). You can't opt out of said services either. They're even raising the price of Xbox Live in November to accommodate these features.
-Microsoft charges companies to release updates for their games after the first time. Companies have no incentive at all to fix glitches and bugs. This is the main reason that the Xbox version of Team Fortress 2 is so limited. They can't do anything with it.
-The Dashboard generates enough revenue to run the Marketplace on its own, but they still charge consumers an exorbitant amount for it. There are quite literally ads on every inch of the Dashboard.
-Microsoft pressures companies to make what would otherwise be free DLC into paid DLC.

Also, about the controllers:

-The D-Pad is widely considered to be horrendous. Which is fine since there are very few games that use it, but I hope you aren't planning on playing fighting games without a stick.
-The build quality of the controllers - along with the rest of the console, mind you - is just terrible. There's an issue  with some of the wireless controllers, when you press the right trigger, it completely disconnects your controller. This has happened to every single one of my wireless controllers at some point in time. Several are completely unusable. Now think about how many games use the right trigger. Yeah.

Though aside from that, the controller is pretty great. Feels great in your hand, and functions well.

Quote from: Cornwad on September 25, 2010, 10:57:05 PM
Besides, exclusives in general are pretty stupid, they just limit the fan base.
Wait, what? How'd you come to that conclusion? Why would exposing more people to a game limit the fanbase?


Yeah, exposing more people to a game makes the fan base bigger. That's why exclusives, which only let owners of one console play them, make it smaller. And you shouldn't be playing fighting games without a stick, and the sticks for the 360 are better than the ones for the PS3. The achievement and friends/recent players system is much better on 360, this is coming from someone who owns and plays on both.


Quote from: Persephone on September 26, 2010, 10:41:47 AM
Fragile Dreams, Muramasa, Monster Hunter Tri, Little King's Story, Phantom Brave, Resident Evil 4, Umbrella Chronicles, Guilty Gear, Madworld, Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, NiGHTS 2, Red Steel 2, Rune Factory Frontier, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Fatal Frame 4 (if you have homebrew anyway D:), Trauma Center, Final Fantasy IV The After Years, Cave Story, Phoenix Wright Wiiware, and not to mention everything on the virtual console.

Sure there's a ton of shovelware, but it also has an incredible amount of gems that really don't get any decent amount of attention. If anything, I'd say most are actually even better than most of the good-but-not-amazing first party releases. I blame bad or nonexistent marketing, really.
The only real positive thing I can say about Xbox Live is the sheer amount of people that use the service. Other than that, it's objectively bad.

Monster Hunter Tri would have been an instant buy for me, but from what I've seen of the online play its just a waste of time. Phantom Brave, RE4, Cavestory, Guilty Gear, and PW are all ports that I ALREADY own on other consoles. Nights 2 sucks. Silent Hill SM sucks. TC is better on the DS and is more suited to being a portable game anyway. FFIV the After Years isn't worth my time from what I've played, and the Virtual Console is filled with poop I already own on other consoles and wasn't even what I was talking about anyway. I was talking about current generation releases and games that oh I don't know, are Wii-exclusive? The problem with the Naruto Clash of Ninja series is the insane focus on who makes the first move. Making the first move in that game is infuriating because you'll almost certainly be countered thanks to the sheer imbalance of the gameplay mechanics(see: the blocking mechanics, the ultra mechanics, the jutsu mechanics, the projectile mechanics, and the combo system in general). A friend of mine has 3, and it can be fun, but its just maddening how the blocking mechanics work and I can't think of any excuse for it.

lol @ Xbox Live being bad. You do realize that while the Wii offers free "online" its absolute poop? Every game has poopty servers with even pooptier online modes. You know you can turn some of the ads off, right? Even if you don't, the ads don't "literally" cover every inch of the dashboard. Even the PS3's "free" online service has its downsides. Cross game chat anyone? The need of a netflix disc to use netflix?

Microsoft has XBLA sales that are up to 66 percent off all the time, not to mention soon we will get to vote for the sales we want.

The problem you've mentioned with the controllers, I've never even heard of it before. No one I know has had that problem. Any controller that survives a rage incident from a buddy of mine(mind you, he chucked it into the intercourse ing wall has hard as he could and he's a built guy) is a controller that is pretty well built. About the only thing that's wrong with it is that its RB button sticks from time to time. He's done the same with several Gamecube controllers and those aren't even phased, but hell the Gamecube itself can practically be annihilated in a nuclear blast and still function.


Quote from: Zero on September 26, 2010, 03:04:00 PM
Monster Hunter Tri would have been an instant buy for me, but from what I've seen of the online play its just a waste of time. Phantom Brave, RE4, Cavestory, Guilty Gear, and PW are all ports that I ALREADY own on other consoles. Nights 2 sucks. Silent Hill SM sucks. TC is better on the DS and is more suited to being a portable game anyway. FFIV the After Years isn't worth my time from what I've played, and the Virtual Console is filled with poop I already own on other consoles and wasn't even what I was talking about anyway. I was talking about current generation releases and games that oh I don't know, are Wii-exclusive? The problem with the Naruto Clash of Ninja series is the insane focus on who makes the first move. Making the first move in that game is infuriating because you'll almost certainly be countered thanks to the sheer imbalance of the gameplay mechanics(see: the blocking mechanics, the ultra mechanics, the jutsu mechanics, the projectile mechanics, and the combo system in general). A friend of mine has 3, and it can be fun, but its just maddening how the blocking mechanics work and I can't think of any excuse for it.
You're cherrypicking issues and not even elaborating on half of those, man. =( And really, some aren't even accurate. There are three or four Trauma Center games, and not all of them are on the DS.

Exclusives raise a good point, but a lot are enhanced versions, such as Guilty Gear and Cave Story. You can't find the same experience on a different platform, despite them being the same game. The Wii version of Cave Story in particular is just an improvement in every way.

The Virtual Console also has games that have long gone out of print, or games that were only ever released in Japan. Not everybody knows how to work an emulator or even can be expected not to have moral issues about it. Plus, it's just really nice playing on a TV. They may have come out before, but it's still something to do in between the breaks that actual exclusive Wii titles come out.

Quote from: Zero on September 26, 2010, 03:04:00 PM
lol @ Xbox Live being bad. You do realize that while the Wii offers free "online" its absolute poop? Every game has poopty servers with even pooptier online modes. You know you can turn some of the ads off, right? Even if you don't, the ads don't "literally" cover every inch of the dashboard.
I realize the Wii service is also bad, but it doesn't excuse Xbox Live from being bad as well.

Have you seen the old Blades design? Compare the two. And no, you can't turn a lot of the ads off, despite them saying so in the past. Look for the option and find me proof of it, I can guarantee you won't find it.

Quote from: Zero on September 26, 2010, 03:04:00 PM
Even the PS3's "free" online service has its downsides. Cross game chat anyone?
I definitely don't disagree, but keep in mind that it's an entirely free service.

Quote from: Zero on September 26, 2010, 03:04:00 PM
The need of a netflix disc to use netflix?
Game consoles have no use for Netflix in the first place (Especially if they end up raising the service price for everyone in the long run). Plus, on 360 you have to have a Gold account to use it in the first place, on top of the fees for the service itself. It doesn't make sense.

Quote from: Zero on September 26, 2010, 03:04:00 PM
Microsoft has XBLA sales that are up to 66 percent off all the time, not to mention soon we will get to vote for the sales we want.
It's still light years behind Steam, though XBLA is one of the greatest features of the 360. I agree.

Microsoft just runs it in a too controlling way that limits players (Scott Pilgrim for example, came out three weeks later on XBLA than PSN just because of Microsoft intervention because there was a sale going on at the same time) and developers.

Quote from: Zero on September 26, 2010, 03:04:00 PM
The problem you've mentioned with the controllers, I've never even heard of it before. No one I know has had that problem.

It's common enough to be a serious detriment, really. I've had it happen to every single one of my wireless controllers.


Quote from: Cornwad on September 25, 2010, 10:57:05 PM
Doesn't matter, because the PS3 controllers and online systems for both games aren't as good. Besides, exclusives in general are pretty stupid, they just limit the fan base.
I personally like the PS3 controllers. Can't say the same about online, but then again I only play my friend's PS3.


Accurate? How am I not being accurate about my own opinions? I played both Nights 2 and SH and I was pretty disappointed in them both. I don't feel like going in depth into the actual problems I had with them as I don't completely remember, but I remember Nights 2's online mode was pretty bad, even if it was a good idea on paper. As for SH I don't remember what faults it had but I'm sure there is a game review out there that points them out. I've always felt like Trauma Center is more fun on the DS than on the Wii, I don't know, I just couldn't get into the Wii versions.

If I'm not mistaken the Guilty Gear game that is on the Wii is also on the PS2. XXAC+ if I'm not mistaken.

My point in regard to your "XBL is objectively bad" statement was just disproving that its objectively bad. About the only thing that justifies it being bad is how Microsoft are greedy intercourse s that interrupt game releases and sales for their own monetary gain and I do agree that its a complete "intercourse  you" to the customer. I myself have been waiting for that XBLA Yu-Gi-Oh game that was SUPPOSED to have come out back in July, but was pushed back because of Microsoft's Summer of Arcade 2010 bull and then pushed back further to August 28th thanks to DLC negotiations taking longer than expected. Of course, Konami wanted to price the DLC for the game cheaply, but Microsoft cannot have affordable DLC on their service. Naw. We're looking at a September 30th release for a reason that hasn't been explained, but I won't be surprised if they push it back a 4th time.

I disagree that game consoles have no use for Netflix. It pretty much renders my actual television programming useless now that I have Netflix on my 360. Entire seasons of shows like South Park and Family Guy without ads and in HD? Boss.

As for the ads, if I'm not mistaken, you can get rid of the Welcome channel entirely and I could have sworn that channel had ads, but then again I disabled it the first chance I got, so my bad if that isn't the case.

And that really sucks about your controllers. Not sure if it makes up for it but they're re-designing the 360 controller. New buttons and a new d-pad. At least Microsoft is trying to address these issues.


The lack of things on the Wii that appeal directly to me.  This is, of course, a personal gripe.  I just don't think Twilight Princess had enough substance to it. I think I've done more on the VC than anything else.  And where the intercourse  is Earthbound?

I feel roughly the same about the PSP.  I like it, but the lack of a second analog sucks, and only a few of the games have been able to hold my attention.  God of War and Disgaea are two that kicked ass, though.  FF7 was a nice little gift.

PS3 price.  Still haven't gotten one. I know they're cheaper now, but I can't justify it.

RROD.  Anything else about the 360 has been alright.  I do wish the port of TF2 had gotten more love, but that's the benefit of PC gaming: you get more poop for your game.


It seems like people are more interested in showing off their e-penis than actually playing games to have fun. A lot of the focus this generation is on online and meta-gaming (achievements, trophies, challenges, etc.)

These provide games with replay value, but it seems like more energy is spent into perfecting these features rather than creating a wonderful campaign or story mode. Why can't people just play to have fun?

I'm not saying online isn't fun, I'm just saying that it should be an addition to a stellar game rather than the centerpiece. There are examples of games that mesh story and online, but they are not as common.

Videogames are turning into Hollywood. No love, just competition. It's sad.


Another thing is that Wii "exclusives" never stay exclusive. NBA Jam on the Wii has no online mode and worse graphics than the PS3/360 version. Why get it then? Epic Mickey's probably going to end up on PS3, but I'll stay with Wii on that one, because add-on controllers never are successful.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


I don't know, I'm pretty sure Epic Mickey will stay true to the PS3 til the end. They've been making a huge deal about how it's Wii exclusive for a while now, and this late in development it seems like a PS3 version would be disappointing due to the fact that the graphics and content size would still more or less be Wii-level. Plus, the Wii is more kid friendly and Nintendo is known better for their platformers.

I am disappointed that No More Heroes is being ported to other consoles; I never actually played the series, and I don't plan to, but it still felt nice to have that kind of respectable hard-core 3rd party game exclusively for Nintendo.

I'm a bit more sure that Conduit 2 will remain Wii exclusive, since it wouldn't survive against CoD and Halo on other consoles anyway.


Wait, Netflix doesn't belong on consoles?! Are you stupid or something? Netflix on 360 is one of my favorite ways to watch movies and shows. Somebody must not have a Netflix account.


It is also worth noting that the ads on the 360 dashboard are not forced on you. You never even have to browse through the Community, Inside Xbox, and Spotlight channels, and if you do, some of these ads are actually helpful in letting you know whats on sale and information recent game releases or tips and tricks without browsing youtube.

The ad I see most often when browsing through these channels is a Jack Link's Beef Jerky ad, but again, it isn't forced on you, you can move right past it. None of these ads hinder the Xbox Live experience.


Oh hi thread, I see you got off to a nice start.

In this generation, I gotta say I'm disappointed overall with everything. Many of the things I grew to love have taken a backseat to casual games, FPS spree, and a general lack of storytelling. For me, it's getting hard to find games with a great story and a great cast of character that get me involved. This is the reason Oblivion never got interesting to me. The gameplay is solid and the quests almost feel endless, but the story goes no where fast and there is really no characters. Then you have games like Lost Odyssey which should have been amazing. But please, why, why are you spoiling the entire game for me at disk 2? The entire rest of the game felt like one huge side-quest until I finally got to the final boss. Then FPS' really don't even try. Even Halo Reach just seemed to go Hollywood and depends on one liners and explosions. Really, it's hard to find games unlike last gen where I literally didn't have the money to buy everything I wanted. I still regret not being able to get games like Drakengard, the full Xenosaga collection, ect...

Consoles themselves, I think everyone is disappointed with the Wii. Thankfully, we have some classics coming back, but I want to see something happen with these, not just some rehashes for quick money. Also, a new system that could be a disaster or a fantastic 'gimmick'. While people are going to hate on it because of the 3D aspect, I'm going in with an open mind. And don't get me started online with Wii.

PS3 has been a sorry excuse when compared to the PS2. Exclusive games are rare, and really not all that amazing. Many people would argue with Little Big Planet as a shining example, but really, that's something that is for people to be creative with, and I will admit that it really does fit many audiences. But not me. When I go into games, I expect 2 things. Story and characters. PS3 games have offered me little of both, and I'm not satisfied. But I got my PS2, so it's all fine with me to wait a bit longer.

Then there is 360. FPS and community heaven. The console is made to make online play the biggest. And why shouldn't it when it's the only one that makes you pay for it? When it comes down to it, Microsoft went for the online market, and it's helping them. They even feel confident enough to raise the prices. And yeah, it's fun. But I can say with confidence that the console is not for me. I'll play it, but I still have better fun from my PS2 than it.
360 is my most played, which is sad to me. But oh well, it has it's good sides, I'm just being a complete negative about it.

BTW, if you can't tell, I'm big into RPG's, and my favorites are JRPG's because they usually go for character depth, something that is rare to see from American RPG's.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Have you tried Dragon Age: Origins?  Filled with story and character exploration.