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X or Y?

Started by Dog Food, October 24, 2010, 07:17:59 PM

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Dog Food

Someone asked a question, between X or Y. Next person answers, then gives new X or Y question.

Example: Which would you rather eat: a live dog (X) or a dead person (Y)?
Example 2: Who is uglier: Mary Kate Olsen (X) or Ashley Olsen (Y)?


Who's hotter: Jennifer Aniston or Courtney Cox?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.



Which is the better series: Mario or Zelda?


It really depends on the type of game one likes, but in my case, I'd have to say Zelda.

When watching something in a foreign language, which do you prefer: Subs or Dubs?


I don't have a default preference.  It depends on the quality of the dubs/subs of that particular series.

Who's the slower host: Rob or Light?


Light doesn't count because hosting =/= or lack thereof, so Rob.

Do you prefer using a laptop or a desktop?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Desktop: Way more durable.

YOU HAVE $20 BUCKS! Do you spend it on Food or Games?


Movies. Ffff-fine. Food, because you can't get good games for $20, unless you get a MSPoint card or something, and my Xbox is offline atm.

Holidays: Christmas or your birthday?
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: Light on October 25, 2010, 06:23:20 PM
Ffff-fine. Food, because you can't get good games for $20, unless you get a MSPoint card or something, and my Xbox is offline atm.
You're a good boy, Light.

On topic, Christmas.

Which do you think is a more cozy time of day, Night or Day?


I used to think night, but recently nights have been nothing but horrid work, so while no part of my life is enjoyable right now, days feel a LITTLE less stressful.

Which super power would you have: control/generation of fire, or control/generation of ice?


Quote from: Neerb on October 25, 2010, 08:48:40 PM
I used to think night, but recently nights have been nothing but horrid work, so while no part of my life is enjoyable right now, days feel a LITTLE less stressful.

Which super power would you have: control/generation of fire, or control/generation of ice?
Control/generation of Gravity. DUH!

But of those two... Ice. Cold can do things Heat just can't.

Chain Restaurants or Small Business Restaurants?

Jhen Mohran

Hmmm...Small business restaurants.

Reckless brute force, or cunning decisive logic?


Brute Force. I'm quick as hell, and that's a dangerous combination.

Salmon or Bass?