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The Warm Feeling of Victory (CYOA)

Started by SkyMyl, October 25, 2010, 07:03:33 PM

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Dog Food

"Sorry if it seemed that way, I only wanted to lead you into this more romantic setting. This was a set up reminiscent of back in the day together... Don't you remember?"

You say, hoping if this set up isn't reminiscent of anything the two of you shared together, you can at least bullpoop a similar situation or hope she goes along with it for fear of seeming like she forgot something important.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Summoning up your courage once again, chancing your luck twice over, you decide to bullpoop your way out of this and bring up an event that never happened.

"Sorry if it seemed that way, I only wanted to lead you into this more romantic setting. This was a set up reminiscent of back in the day together... Don't you remember?"

Hopefully, her memory isn't that stellar, you think to yourself.

" sweet of you to remember..."

It took some time for her to reply, as if she was trying to grasp what you had just said. And when she did speak, her tone of voice once again sounded different from before. It sounded like she was pained to hear you bring up a (fake) memory.

Immediately after she spoke, the branches on the treetops began to shake violently, causing some leaves to fall off the branches they were attached to. At the same time, a powerful gust of wind blows right past you, knocking you off your feet, onto the ground below you. Just as you start to get up, you can hear the sound of your ex-girlfriend landing on the ground. You scramble to your feet and sprint away from her, once again. Just like before, she wastes no time in chasing after you.

You continue to run past all the trees, not even paying attention to which direction you're going in, as long as you can make it out alive.

"Where's that hug you promised, you lying bastard!? If you want to be afraid of the woman who you claimed you would never abandon, then I'll be sure show you no mercy!"

You steal a quick glance behind you to see just how close she is, and find that she's only a few feet away from you. For every step you take away from her, she takes two steps closer to you...and it doesn't seem like she's getting tired from chasing you down, unlike you, who's out of breath, and slowing down. When you look ahead of you to see where you're going, you trip on a small rock that was poking out of the dirt, landing face first onto the ground.

Once again, you try to regain your footing, only to feel your ex-girlfriend's weight on your back, and her hand forcing your head into the ground further.

"There never was a day like this. Maybe you experienced a day like this with some other whore, but not with me...I never forgot anything we did together."

You bit off more than you could chew. Without getting the chance to apologize, she forces something very sharp into your lower back, causing you to scream out in seems she was holding a knife after all.  She pulls it out and thrusts it back in...and she pulls it out and stabs you again...and again...and again...and again...

Choose a previous post to try again from, for a better end!


Got to love bad ends, yep...

I wonder if things would've went better if we ran to the shop instead on into the woods...


Go to the shop.

But to you everything is a bad end.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Dog Food

Quote from: Poet Laureate on October 30, 2010, 05:40:26 PM
I choose going to the shop - maybe it will lead to buying some cool weapons and lead to an awesome fight scene.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"*Pant* Can't...keep running*gasp*for much...longer...I*pant*should probably stuh...stop..."

You slow your running speed down. If you kept going, you would have collided with the sign just in front of you, and died from exhaustion. You've reached the fork in the road, which has a worn out wooden sign with three lines of directions written on it.

"<- Left: Moonlit Woods"
"<- Further left: Manā no Hogo
"Right: Millard's Wares ->"

The name of the large estate always sounded retarded to you, but not more than the sign misleading anyone who reads it, as there's a whole forest to go through that takes at least a few hours to traverse on foot. And all you really have is an apple with you. Going through the forest with an upset ex-girlfriend is really stupid, but you don't have that much money to buy anything to defend yourself with...assuming that shop even has such products. It all boils down to whether or not she's still following you or not, which is nearly impossible to tell with the wind blowing leaves all around.

There's only one quick solution: you reach into your left jeans pocket and pull a quarter out. Heads to go into the woods, right to visit the shop. You flip the coin as well as you possibly can, unable to reach a decision yourself. The coin flips three times in the air before it falls to the ground with the satisfying sound coins always make when they tip over.


You kneel over to pick the coin back up, and start rummaging through all of your pockets. Unfortunately, all you have is that one quarter, and the apple you went back home for. With a sigh, knowing full well that insufficient funds at Millard's Wares usually leads to a harsh lashing, you stick with the coin flip and walk to the right.

After walking down the right path for some time, with little to comment on, you've reached Millard's Wares. A small house, adorned with signs encouraging anyone passing by to shop their, as, according to one sign, it would be their "last chance to stock up!". Bracing yourself for the standard insults the usual clerk typically spats out at costumers, you walk inside the shop, which itself is also rather small, but also somewhat cozy. A blue and white tiled floor, wooden shelves all against the walls, stocked with food and emergency supplies, such as pre-made first aid kits, and a small fridge, containing an assortment of beverages.

"Welcome to Millard's Wares, sir! You need help searching for anything?"

Your eyes light up at the sound of this voice. It isn't the voice of the grouchy, irritable, middle-aged old man that happens to drive costumers away, but the serene, calming, and best of all, polite voice of his daughter, whom you've happened to seen around the area recently. Since you're currently single, you have been thinking of asking her out one of these days...

...but you shake your head and remember that you've got an ex-girlfriend chasing after you. It's definitely not the time for this. You turn towards the counter where she is, and take one moment to steal a glance at her...long, brown hair, tied in a ponytail, green eyes, the perfect chest size...three of your weaknesses when it comes to physical appearances in women. Reminding yourself to not stare, you go ahead towards the counter, place your left hand on it, and ask

"Yes, actually. Would you happen to have a baseball bat in stock?"

The girl tilts her head to the left, crosses her arms, and closes her eyes. Seems like she's trying to remember whether or not they have bats. After a minute, she opens her eyes and says

"Yes, actually. We should have at least one in the basement...hang on, just let me go back and find it."

She turns around, opens a door behind her, and walks away, leaving you all alone in the store. Just you, what's on the shelves, what's in the fridge, and what's in the cash register.


...OF COURSE! It may be immoral and wrong, but maybe if you took some money from the cash register to buy the necessary supplies, then you could pay it with the money you just stole, getting it all for free! Or you could outright steal something right now instead of doing it the complicated way. As long as you don't get caught, you should be able to get away with it.

What do?

Wait for her to come back
Rob the cash register

Quote from: Kianglo on November 02, 2010, 06:27:59 PM
But to you everything is a bad end.
And what is this supposed to mean?

Dog Food

Since I really want to intercourse  this girl, I'm going to be the better man and

QuoteWait for her to come back
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Stealing won't get me any points with her, or whatever the hell is waiting in the afterlife. I should just wait for her to come back and figure out what to do by then.", you think to yourself.

You continue to stand in front of the counter, waiting patiently for this girl to come back...and fortunately, you don't have to wait much longer, as the door behind the counter swings open again, the girl returning with a wooden baseball bat in hand. She closes the door and places the bat onto the counter.

"Phew, that took some work to get. That's all you're going to buy?"

"Yeah, I'm a little shorthanded on cash to be honest. How much is the bat?"

"Only fifteen dollars."

Fifteen dollars for a wooden baseball bat? That's surprisingly cheap, you wonder...but still too expensive for you to afford. Armed with only a quarter and an apple, that baseball bat is something you could really use for your defense, though not necessarily to kill with.

What do you do now?

[Suggest an action]

Dog Food

QuoteOffer her your apple.

I have absolutely no reason for it, I just feel like doing it. Although it's probably going to lead to bad things. Like no food and fatigue. So you can all thank me when the character dies from starvation.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote...but you shake your head and remember that you've got an ex-girlfriend chasing after you. It's definitely not the time for this. You turn towards the counter where she is, and take one moment to steal a glance at her...long, brown hair, tied in a ponytail, green eyes, the perfect chest size...three of your weaknesses when it comes to physical appearances in women.
Is it bad...that I imagined a young lady with a ponytail, green eyes, and a flat chest?


Quote from: Rayquarian on November 03, 2010, 06:45:16 PM
Is it bad...that I imagined a young lady with a ponytail, green eyes, and a flat chest?
Since the story is going by your own view, meaning it varies between users, "the perfect chest size" for you could mean a flat chest, if you want it.

...that's a pretty lame excuse for poor, bland descriptions. I'll write the next part tomorrow...


With some quick thinking, you come to the conclusion that the only thing you can offer her in your inventory is your apple. You reach deep into your left jacket pocket and pull the apple out, whimsically, and place it on the counter in place of actual money."

"Um...will this do for now?"

The girl stares wide eyed at you in response to this display of...poverty. She smirks, and picks up the apple.

"Do you have any actual cash on hand, as opposed to this apple?"

You can feel your face turn a shade of bright red as you reach into your other jacket pocket to pull out that one quarter of yours, which you quietly place on the counter. She lets out a sigh, takes the quarter, and places it into the cash register.

"Just this once, I''ll let ya buy something without paying full price. If my Dad were here, you would be thrown out the store."

She hands you the bat with a slightly disappointed look on her face. Still feeling embarrassed, you take the bat and nod your head to her.

"Don't worry, I'll pay you back the money I owe if I'm still alive!"

"If you're still alive? What do you me-"

"My apologies, milady, I can't exactly tell you what it means just yet."

Before taking your leave, you lean over the counter, feeling (suddenly) confident, and peck her on the cheek. Instead of receiving a slap to the face, you're greeted with the sight of her incredibly red face, an expression of shock replacing the sweet, kind demeanor you saw moments ago.

Without saying anything more, you sprint out the store, armed with a new weapon to defend yourself with. But only as you're standing outside the store does it occur to you that a baseball bat already exists in your possession, inside your bedroom closet back home.

"Ah well, too late for that. I'm not heading back home just for a baseball bat."

You could, however, go back home for anything else you might need...or you could just go back home feeling twice as safe as you did before, and just lounge around...your ex-girlfriend might not be there anymore.

Go home
Go to the forest
Go further down the path you're currently on
[Suggest an action]

Dog Food

Go home. You can load up on as much as you can get so you don't suffer another mishap like this last one.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


And if a certain someone is waiting for you, you have a nifty bat to fight them off with, at least until you get something better from home.


You decide to walk back home, now that you've armed yourself with a bat, and lost your apple. Maybe get another apple from back home, and go see your friend across the forest...if you don't run into your ex again, that is.

[Nothing happens on the way back to your house]

After a few minutes of walking, baseball bat perched on your shoulder, ready to be swung, you can see your house not too far away. Wasting no further time, you begin to run towards your only potential safe haven, and proceed to trip onto the ground. The baseball bat rolls a few feet ahead of you as you struggle to regain your footing. Then you realize what you tripped on: your front door. You grab the bat and resume your running, as you find that the door was, indeed, ripped from its hinges.

You let out a deep sigh, and ignore this problem for now. Stumbling back into your house, which now has leaves scattered onto the floor, you walk back to the kitchen to grab another apple and...the basket only has bananas and pomegranates in it.

"Damn it all...I can't get into Eri's Manor without an apple!"

Then a burst of inspiration rushes into your head. You made it back to your house, alive. Your ex is nowhere in sight, for now, and you can stock up on anything you need to while you're here. Taking this opportunity, you dash towards your bedroom and pick up your (rather expensive) conveniently waterproof backpack, and after a quick romp through the house, you now have two bottles of your favorite beverage on the side pouches, a flashlight, your HD camera that your ex gave to you, two sandwiches you prepared the other night for lunch, and a flat bedsheet (never know when you might need it) inside your backpack. And you even remembered to stow your wallet back into your pocket, for future measure. Armed with a baseball bat, a backpack of supplies, and a good sum of money, you're all set for whatever is to come.


  • Camera
  • Flashlight
  • Two sandwiches (FOOD)
  • Bedsheet
  • Drinks

There's a few really profitable options at your disposal, now that you've got your wallet and a baseball bat. Which one should you tackle, though?

Go through the forest
Go back to the store to repay your debt
[Action suggestion]