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Well, Goldeneye's out now...

Started by Neerb, November 02, 2010, 10:49:03 AM

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And IGN gave it a 9/10. That's right, it's a Wii FPS and it scored as well as a 360/PS3 FPS.

Sounds awesome... too bad I don't have the cash. Maybe I'll ask for it for Christmas, along with Donkey Kong Country Returns or Kirby's Epic Yarn or Epic Mickey.

Anyway, anyone else here intend to get the glorious return of the Nintendo FPS? Do you ALREADY HAVE IT? Opinions?


I'll pick it up for the hell of it, definitely. Mostly because of the sexy, golden Classic Controller. I'll probably like it whether or not it's faithful to the original Goldeneye, because I don't view the original with the nostalgia tinted goggles that everyone who says "THEY BETTER NOT FUCK THE REMAKE UP" have.

...but first, I have to get money.

Quote from: IGN's ReviewOn a straight run-through, the single-player campaign isn't enormously long, but playing through on one difficulty opens up harder challenges, including a time trial as well as the insanely tough "007 Classic" that brings back the classic health bars.
Fuck yeah.


And a lot of people didn't give it a 9.0, it's been getting an average of a low B. I don't think I'll be picking it up, I mean the actual FPS game of the century comes out next week.


Quote from: Cornwad on November 02, 2010, 04:10:14 PM
And a lot of people didn't give it a 9.0, it's been getting an average of a low B. I don't think I'll be picking it up, I mean the actual FPS game of the century comes out next week.

Until CoD 8 comes out next year.  :|

I'd hardly give an FPS game that much glory; not that they're by any means bad, but because they're CONSTANTLY coming out and being improved and everyone on the planet plays them. I'm just interested in Goldeneye because I've never really played the first, allowing me for some pseudo-nostalgia, and because I refuse to give up on the Wii as a home for FPS games (I mean, after Star Wars, FPS was probably the next thing that came to mind when Nintendo first revealed their motion-aiming controller, yet so far all we have is The Conduit).


Quote from: Neerb on November 02, 2010, 08:52:52 PM
Until CoD 8 comes out next year.  :|

I'd hardly give an FPS game that much glory; not that they're by any means bad, but because they're CONSTANTLY coming out and being improved and everyone on the planet plays them. I'm just interested in Goldeneye because I've never really played the first, allowing me for some pseudo-nostalgia, and because I refuse to give up on the Wii as a home for FPS games (I mean, after Star Wars, FPS was probably the next thing that came to mind when Nintendo first revealed their motion-aiming controller, yet so far all we have is The Conduit).
But unfortunately, another one of the Wii's key features is its all around terrible online and not so nice graphics, which are really noticable in realistic FPS. And we don't know if CoD8 will be as good. It's not being handled by Treyarch or Infinity Ward, and after Black Ops I can't imagine them fitting in any more communist killing than Cubans, Vietnamese, Chinese, Russians, and Castro, so it can only go downhill from here. And FPS sequels aren't always better, for example this and the last Goldeneye aren't nearly as good as the N64 one.

Wait, and the fact that everyone plays it makes it bad? What kind of sense does that make? Everyone played Goldeneye back in the day too.


It's not that everyone plays it, it's that EVERYONE plays it. Like, it's practically been debased to casualware (not that it's bad/easy). And that devalues plenty of real gamers out there too; it used to be that people who didn't play video games mocked those who did and that was that, but now it's downright hypocrisy: people who play FPS and nothing else mock those who play FPS AND other genres (and yes, I've dealt with this plenty of times).

Sports games are very similar, but I also don't play them so much since they're too realistic; Mario sports can be over-the-top fun when they don't suck, but I don't care to pay $60 for Madden when I can play football outside. Once again, I don't mean sports games are bad/easy. I'm just not exceptionally fond of them due to their appeal to casual jerks.


Popularity influencing your opinion is an elitist trait. It really shouldn't affect the way you feel about something, and you really shouldn't care what idiots like the ones you mentioned say. I've never really met anyone like that online or off, but regardless of their mocking of your favorite games, you should try not letting them get to you when they only play one type of game and have no knowledge of what they're mocking.

I won't be getting Black Ops or Goldeneye, but I'm glad Goldeneye is allegedly solid and I do hope that Black Ops fixes a lot of the problems MW2 had.


Bought it, and it's pretty good.

Don't know what anyone else would think with their opinions being influenced by the changes made from the original, or the similarities to Modern Warfare, but it's fun for what it is. 007 Classic is pretty hard, and the multiplayer is fun, Black Box mode in particular.


im askng for this for for christmas. im looking foward to the online play. a lot.
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Quote from: Persephone on December 17, 2010, 06:07:21 AM
reskinned call of duty

This. It's basically Call of Duty with Goldeneye characters. It shouldn't be compared to the original, since it's actually just a "re-imagining" of a Goldeneye game, and is more based on the movie., but of course it's going to be. The original game is definitely better.

The campaign wasn't too exciting for me. The game basically holds your hand, even for things that you're supposed to "look for," like hacking those computers or whatever with your PDA; an icon just flashes whenever you're near it. It's pretty much just walking and shooting with some fancy effects and cutscenes. The fight scenes were ridiculous, too. PRESS [BUTTON] WHEN TOLD. WIN FIGHT.

The multiplayer is decent for a Wii FPS, but still just a watered down CoD.

The "007 Classic" mode is kind of silly, too, being the game is designed for regenerating health. It's more of a hindrance than it is actual difficulty.


I got the game yesterday, and I love it. The game has surprisingly good online, a decent campaign (I like how you can generally choose if you want to be stealthy or if you want to go in guns-blazing), and my friends and I had a blast on split-screen (something previous Wii FPSs have mysteriously lacked).


I thought it was supposed to be a complete remake of the old title. I bought a generic FPS. The Wii still can't even hold candle wax to a 360 or PC so I'd only suggest buying this if you don't own a good PC or a 360/PS3. I found it very bleh, but I'm not really an FPS guy. But I do enjoy a good FPS when it comes around.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!

Jhen Mohran

Quote from: Custom on December 27, 2010, 04:40:37 PM
I thought it was supposed to be a complete remake of the old title.
Ya shoulda known it wasn't going to be a remake when they mentioned regenerating health.


Quote from: Marisa on January 01, 2011, 04:12:31 PM
Ya shoulda known it wasn't going to be a remake when they mentioned regenerating health.

>implying I do any research into wii titles

good ones come so rarely
and all the ones that are supposed to be good suck dick

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!