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NSFCD User Reviews

Started by Super, February 07, 2011, 02:58:46 AM

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This is a thread dedicated to storing data about each important (or formerly important) user on NSFCD. Data can include simple descriptions, anecdotes, tips on "approaching" the user, likes/dislikes, etc.

Post reviews of your buddies and I'll go about listing them here. If there are multiple reviews for the same person, I will combine the data. This is more than a user bio database. Your opinions are most necessary. Be sure to give your opinion and rating for each person. I'll calculate a rating average for those special people who get more than one review. You don't have to be extremely intercourse ing detailed, either. This is NSFCD, after all. Laziness is rampant. It would be cool, though. Only review the people you want. You don't have to review everybody. If you review people that aren't listed below, I will add them to the list.

Example: Silver - Admin and buddy to most everyone here. He's got a righteous attitude and is usually unfit to do his duties. He is usually seen hanging out on #nsider. Don't ping him. He'll eat your nutsack. He pretty much talks about anything. Except women. He hates them. He's pretty interesting to talk to, but he can ramble for hours about idiotic rants and his hatred of plastic. Eh, I'd give him a 3/5.

User Reviews:

BOREDFANBOY- Down to earth smart guy. Family man. Drinks with Silver. 4/5, 1 review.

Good buds with Kilroy and Sync to make the 3 Trollmigos. He's a pretty cool guy who just usually posts whatever. Gives the forum stuff to talk about. 4/5, 1 review.

Friendly Hostile-



Kayo- Albino green sheep. Gets unanimous hate, still not sure why. Place him in a room with Custom and tape the results please. Has every form of Messenger ever. 4/5, 1 review.

Kilroy- 2nd member of the Trollmigos. Has 21.1 gigs. 3/5, 1 review.

KJ- She's got girly parts. Nice chick. Easy to talk to. Will not flash the forum. Yet. 5/5, 1 review.

Mack- The boss mod/admin/whatever. It is unknown the extent of what he does, and he likes politics. A lot. He's Canadian and knows more politics in America than you probably do.
IV/5, 1 review.

Magnum- Cool ass mother intercourse er. Confirmed for Master Troll. A little self-centered. Will happily talk to any new guy. Also, will actually play games with people on this "gaming" forum.
6/5, 1 review.

MYL- Yuri. Futanari. These are just two of many words that describe who MYL is and what he likes. You can guess which category they fit under. 2/5, 2 reviews.

Mystic- Daddy #2 of the forum. Usually very chill and good for a laugh. Apparently, his awesomeness breaks the scale. Officials report that this may or may not be true, but what is certain is that he likes-a-da black chicks. 5/5, 2 reviews.

Nayrman- Our second opinionated guy of the forum. Known from BrainScratch Comms. His name is Ryan (if you couldn't tell), and likes to whine about everything.  1.5/5, 2 reviews.

Phatyo- Has a tattoo that says Phatyo. Is a pimp with a strong backhand. Appears once every few months to laugh at the forum, then vanishes. 1/5, 1 review.

Riddler Rob- Dude PMS' a lot. Probably most opinionated on the forum. Likes Bird Pokemon. Is Magnum's homie. 5/5, 1 review.

Silverhawk79- He mostly pays the bills. Kinda runs the place. Usually is a Charizard. 5/5, 1 review.

Super- If he's here, he is drunk/high/both. Does the pretty sparkling, non-gay vampire poop on here. He's just another guy you'd have a beer with. Fun to play games with. Funny, respectable. Makes it known if you're pissing him off. 5/5, 2 review.

Sync- Final member of the 3 Trollmigos. He is a man that enjoys his weed and the occasional vaginal penetration. Doesn't give a intercourse . I don't know anything other than that. 4.7/5, 2 reviews.

VaatixGanon- Q. 5/5, all reviews.


Quote from: Super on February 07, 2011, 02:58:46 AM
User Reviews:

Down to earth smart guy. Family man. Drinks with Silver.

Good buds with Kilroy and Sync to make the 3 Trollmigos. He's a pretty cool guy who just usually posts whatever. Gives the forum stuff to talk about.

Friendly Hostile
I dunno

I dunno

I want some cheese now

Albino green sheep. Gets unanimous hate, still not sure why. Place him in a room with Custom and tape the results please. Has every form of Messenger ever. 4/5

2nd member of the Trollmigos. Has 21.1 gigs. 3/5

She's got girly parts. Nice chick. Easy to talk to. Will not flash the forum. 5/5

The boss mod/admin/whatever. It is unknown the extent of what he does, and he likes politics. A lot. He's Canadian and knows more politics in America than you probably do.

Cool ass mother intercourse er. Confirmed for Master Troll. A little self-centered. Will happily talk to any new guy. Also, will actually play games with people on this "gaming" forum.

Has a tattoo that says Phatyo. Is a pimp with a strong backhand. Appears once every few months to laugh at the forum, then vanishes. 1/5

Riddler Rob
Dude PMS' a lot. Probably most opinionated on the forum. Likes Bird Pokemon. Is Magnum's homie. 5/5

He mostly pays the bills. Kinda runs the place. Usually is a Charizard. 5/5

If he's here, he is drunk/high/both. Does the pretty sparkling, non-gay vampire poop on here. 5/5

Final member of the 3 Trollmigos. I don't know anything other than that.

Mack's secret lover. He's a smart guy who doesn't come here anymore.
I'm adding one.
Yuri. Futanari. These are just two of many words that describe who MYL is and what he likes. You can guess which category they fit under.

Adding more.
Our second opinionated guy of the forum. Known from BrainScratch Comms. His name is Ryan (if you couldn't tell) 3/5

Daddy #2 of the forum. Usually very chill and good for a laugh. 5/5

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Did you really just intercourse ing skip me?

Ass D:


Quote from: Mystic on February 07, 2011, 08:06:52 PM
Did you really just intercourse ing skip me?

Ass D:
Your awesomeness breaks the scale. Easier ranking one to 5 than one to Mystic <3
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Friendly Hostile - That gay guy that sometimes gets himself into homosexual puns. 3/5

JMV - Eyebrows. 3/5

Kaso - That asian guy that lives near Custom. Mostly around at night, or at least east coast night. Sometimes my bro in TF2. 5/5

Kayo - Hoodies. Likes to be asked questions. Penis/5

Kilroy - Enjoys looking at Minecraft penises. 5/5

KJ - Attracts crowds because she has these things called "boobs." Nice, likable person. Likes to contribute. May flash the forum. 4/5

Mack - Our resident Canadian staff member. Enjoys his syrup more than PY likes Jolly's Seaman's Surprise. Seems like a guy you'd go out and have a beer with. Funny, too. Contributes a lot to the site. 4/5

Magnum - Cool ass motherintercourse er. 6/5

Mystic - Resident pimp. Owns most if not all of you. 4/5

Silverhawk79 - Nice guy. Good listener, and funny. Is responsible for a lot of NSFCD memes, and the emotes. 4/5

Super - Another guy you'd have a beer with. Fun to play games with. Funny, respectable. Makes it known if you're pissing him off. 5/5

Sync - A man that enjoys his weed and the occasional vaginal penetration. Doesn't give a intercourse . [spoiler]Is an adult.[/spoiler] 5/5



Quote from: Mystic on February 07, 2011, 08:06:52 PM
Did you really just intercourse ing skip me?

Ass D:
I didn't skip you, I just didn't put you up there yet.

Miss Dick.


thedarkchief - who the intercourse  is that badass canadian bro? god i cant remember him but he makes me have a huge erection


I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Doodle on February 07, 2011, 08:28:29 PM

Sync - A man that enjoys his weed and the occasional vaginal penetration. Doesn't give a intercourse . [spoiler]Is an adult.[/spoiler] 5/5

I am not an adult.
I'm still 18 nigga



Quote from: Tiger Barb on February 08, 2011, 07:21:36 AM
Where am I? ;_;
With Mystic, me, and a bunch of others from the forum.
MYL used to be with us but is now up there, so it can change.
Dude .


Any particular reason we're doing this, and why aren't some other people who should be on there aren't? Ah, whatever.


Silverhawk79 - One sexy ass motherintercourse er. 10/5


I'm pretty sure you guys can just review anyone.


Quote from: Doodle on February 08, 2011, 01:12:31 PM
I'm pretty sure you guys can just review anyone.
Our good friend Super will just add anyone else who gets a review to the first post.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.