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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Started by Neerb, March 02, 2011, 09:39:46 PM

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Well, it makes sense. Zelda has always been bigger in the west than it is back in Japan. And Retro has proven themselves many times, why not give them a shot? It's not like the series is getting any real gameplay lifts these days staying in Japan. <_<;;


Why would someone want a successful franchise to have a "gameplay facelift?" Isn't the gameplay what makes someone like a game and what makes the series what it is? Sequels are supposed to refine and improve the gameplay of predecessors, not change it altogether.


Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on December 14, 2011, 11:14:08 AM
Why would someone want a successful franchise to have a "gameplay facelift?" Isn't the gameplay what makes someone like a game and what makes the series what it is? Sequels are supposed to refine and improve the gameplay of predecessors, not change it altogether.

Yet when I look at TP and SS, it's just kind of getting samey to me. I think it's why I like Majora's Mask so much. While the inherent gameplay is the same, the framework in which you do things is very different. With the whole groundhog day thing you have to think differently than you do in other Zelda games. Ultimately I'm just getting kind of tired of the whole "roam overworld without much to do, go into dungeon, rinse and repeat" sort of deal.


I did like the fact that other areas were kind of dungeon-y, but whatever happened to that whole "WE'RE REDEFINING DUNGEONS AND YOU WON'T EVEN REALIZE YOU'RE IN ONE" thing? :U


Quote from: Doodle on December 14, 2011, 01:14:35 PM
I did like the fact that other areas were kind of dungeon-y, but whatever happened to that whole "WE'RE REDEFINING DUNGEONS AND YOU WON'T EVEN REALIZE YOU'RE IN ONE" thing? :U

I think they were referring to the overworld more-so than the dungeon itself, like "The overworld is so dungeony that by the time you get to the dungeon you'll be like 'I thought I was already in one?!'"


Quote from: Delibird on December 14, 2011, 03:17:07 PM
I think they were referring to the overworld more-so than the dungeon itself, like "The overworld is so dungeony that by the time you get to the dungeon you'll be like 'I thought I was already in one?!'"



Quote from: Nayrman on December 14, 2011, 11:54:02 AM
Yet when I look at TP and SS, it's just kind of getting samey to me. I think it's why I like Majora's Mask so much. While the inherent gameplay is the same, the framework in which you do things is very different. With the whole groundhog day thing you have to think differently than you do in other Zelda games. Ultimately I'm just getting kind of tired of the whole "roam overworld without much to do, go into dungeon, rinse and repeat" sort of deal.

Clearly, you haven't played SS.



Quote from: Nayrman on December 14, 2011, 03:38:43 PM
Except I have.  :|

Have you considered that maybe you're burned out of Zelda and it's time to move on?


the bad parts are new, the good parts are not. so yes its very samey.
~~ <3


Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on December 14, 2011, 04:31:14 PM
Have you considered that maybe you're burned out of Zelda and it's time to move on?

Possibly. Same for a lot of Nintendo franchises for me lately. They seem to be as hung up on living the past than doing anything else, so maybe I should just take a break from them altogether. Again, it's why even since it first announced Kid Icarus is my most anticipated Nintendo game we have truly confirmed. Because it's finally something different. Pit has been gone so long this might as well be a new franchise with some real new gameplay from the company. March can't come soon enough in terms of games for me for that game.

Flying Chickens

Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on December 14, 2011, 09:54:57 AM
Well, 3DS is likely going to sell much less than DS did as well.

SS's downward spiral in Japan continues, while Miyamoto considers collaborating with Retro on a Zelda. Interesting...
FPS Legend of Zelda Prime?


If it isn't broke, don't fix it, is the mentality of most developers/publishers. I don't really blame them for this either. Risk taking doesn't insure a game will be great.

Then again I'm perfectly content playing a game that has the same formula as its predecessor. It's pretty much the entire point of a sequel anyway.


Quote from: Michio Kaku on December 14, 2011, 09:55:45 PM
If it isn't broke, don't fix it, is the mentality of most developers/publishers. I don't really blame them for this either. Risk taking doesn't insure a game will be great.

Then again I'm perfectly content playing a game that has the same formula as its predecessor. It's pretty much the entire point of a sequel anyway.
It is nice to have new stuff thrown in the mix to complement the core game. After several sequels without much change, things start to reek of "tired and familiar". 


Quote from: Super on December 15, 2011, 04:05:53 AM
It is nice to have new stuff thrown in the mix to complement the core game. After several sequels without much change, things start to reek of "tired and familiar".

Agreed, but how many sequels do we see that don't bring anything new at all to the core game?

Mario Galaxy 2 had the same concept and core gameplay of the first, but added new power-ups, Yoshi, and honestly had some neat platforming ideas that the first didn't have.