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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Started by Neerb, March 02, 2011, 09:39:46 PM

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Quote from: The Riddler on February 19, 2012, 03:05:09 PM
btw i knew who the old lady was way before they revealed it.
I haven't yet beaten it (I'm currently doing the
[spoiler]Thunder Dragon's boss fight challenge thing, to get the shield[/spoiler].)

but I've already figured this out. It's pretty darn obvious.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I honestly liked the ending of the game. It made me cry a little.


This is the most polarizing Zelda ever. Wind Waker looks universally loved by comparison. :/

... And I still don't get how anyone has trouble with the flying controls.

[spoiler]About Demise: Frankly, he's on-par with the other final fights. Both OoT Ganon and TP Ganondorf are ridiculously easy to avoid getting hit by; Ganon is only harder due to damage output. Demise at least has the best final blow and lets you use intercourse ing lightning.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on February 20, 2012, 05:25:01 PM
This is the most polarizing Zelda ever.
Even more so than Twilight Princess?

Among all my friends who've played the series, they either adored and favored TP over all else, or hated it with a burning passion.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Pennington on February 20, 2012, 07:09:14 PM
Even more so than Twilight Princess?

Among all my friends who've played the series, they either adored and favored TP over all else, or hated it with a burning passion.
Definitely. TP at least had pretty much universally great reviews. Skyward Sword actually has the lowest review average of all 3D Zeldas.


Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on February 20, 2012, 07:18:30 PM
Definitely. TP at least had pretty much universally great reviews. Skyward Sword actually has the lowest review average of all 3D Zeldas.
Why's that?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Pennington on February 20, 2012, 07:37:04 PM
Why's that?

Some people didn't like the motion controls because they had no idea what they were doing, some people just went in biased against motion controls even when they worked, and some people hated the repetitive fetch quests (most justified complaint imo).


Quote from: Neerb on February 20, 2012, 07:43:35 PM
Some people didn't like the motion controls because they had no idea what they were doing, some people just went in biased against motion controls even when they worked,
As far as these, I'm more used to a regular controller with Zelda games, and any games for that matter. I guess I prefer pushing buttons to swinging my arm around like a lunatic, however I thought some of the motion controls in SS were pretty cool.

Quoteand some people hated the repetitive fetch quests (most justified complaint imo).
Oh whinewhinewhine.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Pennington on February 20, 2012, 07:37:04 PM
Why's that?

Annoying motion controls that, while they work better than most Wii games, are still annoying. Much easier/faster to just press a button to use a weapon rather than press a button to slowly get it out, then have to aim, then aim while using, etc., etc.   I've never liked motion controls and this didn't change my mind.

Overworld is still bare and lifeless without much to really do.

Incredibly annoying fetch quests that are very numerous. Take this as an example between 3rd and fourth dungeons: Find a thing to fix a robot to get another thing. Then I go and access the second half, where I have to get three things. But to get the three things, I have to beat three tests, which involve getting a lot of things. After I did the first one in the grassy area, I then had to get some water for the dragon before they let me in the temple.    This is just plain ridiculous. Remember the days when you only had to do nothing, or at most one thing to get access to the next dungeon? Geh.

And for me, great production values followed by incredibly lazy ones. Example, great orchestra and music, but followed up by NPC's still using text boxes with no voices (Nintendo, it's 2011 at the time of release, seriously), lazy texturing at points (is that a 2D tree I see?), and so on.


The biggest issue with the game is that it had two less dungeons than usual and tried to pad the game with tears, Imprisoned, a very bad escort mission, and a pointless dungeon backtrack quest. Just put in the usual nine dungeons next time! In fact, make it 10! And then add a super-hard secret dungeon with an awesome reward!

Beyond that, it got the typical complaints about motion controls, "too kiddy", "OoT rehash", too easy, etc.


Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on February 20, 2012, 08:04:59 PM
The biggest issue with the game is that it had two less dungeons than usual and tried to pad the game with tears, Imprisoned, a very bad escort mission, and a pointless dungeon backtrack quest. Just put in the usual nine dungeons next time! In fact, make it 10! And then add a super-hard secret dungeon with an awesome reward!

Beyond that, it got the typical complaints about motion controls, "too kiddy", "OoT rehash", too easy, etc.
Well, there were a bunch of dungeons (like the Fire Sanctuary and the ship thing) but I see what you mean.

Yeah, I suppose they could have done better than giving us a whopping three areas to enter 3 times each (not counting the fetch things)

Honestly from the beginning, after I got the first two pieces of the tablet, I thought there'd be two more to make four separate areas, like in Majora's Mask. Nope.

Quote from: Nayrman on February 20, 2012, 08:02:21 PM

Annoying motion controls that, while they work better than most Wii games, are still annoying. Much easier/faster to just press a button to use a weapon rather than press a button to slowly get it out, then have to aim, then aim while using, etc., etc.   I've never liked motion controls and this didn't change my mind.
I felt the same way, but I did enjoy using motion controls for things like the Whip.

QuoteOverworld is still bare and lifeless without much to really do.

Incredibly annoying fetch quests that are very numerous. Take this as an example between 3rd and fourth dungeons: Find a thing to fix a robot to get another thing. Then I go and access the second half, where I have to get three things. But to get the three things, I have to beat three tests, which involve getting a lot of things. After I did the first one in the grassy area, I then had to get some water for the dragon before they let me in the temple.    This is just plain ridiculous. Remember the days when you only had to do nothing, or at most one thing to get access to the next dungeon? Geh.
This sounds too much like complaining about minor complexity than a legitimate problem with the game. I didn't really have a problem with it; you can't expect to march right into a dungeon upon entering an area. It shouldn't be hard to do a little walking around first. Remember, they only gave us THREE areas.

QuoteAnd for me, great production values followed by incredibly lazy ones. Example, great orchestra and music, but followed up by NPC's still using text boxes with no voices (Nintendo, it's 2011 at the time of release, seriously), lazy texturing at points (is that a 2D tree I see?), and so on.
Honestly, I don't exactly love when NPCs actually TALK to me. I'd prefer just reading text boxes than listening to them say every word, but I suppose that's up to personal preference. But the faces. The faces.

Artwork-wise, apparently Wind Waker wasn't enough cel-shading for Nintendo.

I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I should'nt have to do four fetch quests (one of them being a sub-fetch quest of ANOTHER fetch quest) to get into a dungeon. Just about everyone agrees the dungeons are the best part of a Zelda game, yet every game since OoT there's been more and more bullpoop getting in the way of getting to each dungeon. It's getting beyond annoying, and having to collect a bunch of things for essentially no reason is not good game design.

And I'd like to see them at least try with the voice acting. NPC's that are JUST text boxes feels so old considering we have big budget games will full voice acting since the PS2/GC/XB days. Yet the biggest gaming company in Japan can't seem to understand that big games require some effort put into things like that. Then again, after I look at Other M, it's sort of a mix between wanting Nintendo to get up to speed on things or leave them alone because on the rare instances they do try they screw it up rather badly....


Quote from: Pennington on February 20, 2012, 08:41:45 PM
Well, there were a bunch of dungeons (like the Fire Sanctuary and the ship thing) but I see what you mean.

Yeah, I suppose they could have done better than giving us a whopping three areas to enter 3 times each (not counting the fetch things)

Honestly from the beginning, after I got the first two pieces of the tablet, I thought there'd be two more to make four separate areas, like in Majora's Mask. Nope.
There were six main dungeons, plus a shorter final dungeon. Every other console game in the series except Wind Waker and Majora's Mask* has nine dungeons total.

*I haven't played Zelda 2.


Other M wasn't even developed by Nintendo


I still find it really funny that you kids are so bad with the controls that you still consider them bad when its really you guys that suck.

I STILL haven't had any problems. The fetch quests are getting ridiculous though. I still haven't finished it but at least I'm getting closer.


Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on February 20, 2012, 10:38:11 PM
There were six main dungeons, plus a shorter final dungeon. Every other console game in the series except Wind Waker and Majora's Mask* has nine dungeons total.

*I haven't played Zelda 2.

And yet those are the two favorites of almost everyone on the internet, which makes me think the number of dungeons is relatively unimportant.

Quote from: Michio Kaku on February 21, 2012, 07:50:58 AM
Other M wasn't even developed by Nintendo

I thought Nintendo and Team Ninja co-developed it.