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NSFCD's Unova Log

Started by Nayrman, March 06, 2011, 06:33:58 PM

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Hello all. How far is everyone in Pokemon Black or White? Well, I figured this would be a good place to post what we've been up to on our journeys through the Unova region. If you want to have one post and update it as you go, cool. Or if you want to post whenever you feel like it, that's cool too. Just though this would be a fun thread to see how far everyone is.  ;)

Of course, this will be spoiler-tastic so yeah... :P

Nayrman's Log:

March 6th, 2011 - RELEASE DAY!

Started out the game, and was a bit perplexed as to why the game looked the same, but once I started doing things I realized the environments and animations look much better than they usually do. Sure, sprites look like poop when you zoom in on them, but that was a given. I chose Tepig as my starter and whooped my two rivals easily at first. I went upwards and caught a Lillipup and Patrat for kicks basically. Lillipup is surprisingly good for this early in the game since it's attack is decent. Went up north still to first gym town. Beat this guy N who totally isn't the bad guy, then got a Pansage, the grass monkey. They give it to you specifically so you can beat the gym leader. It's like the game wants you to win or something. How odd...

Beat the first gym. Wasn't hard in the slightest. Tepig and Mansage did all the work. I then went to Route 3 and caught a Blitzie, the electric Zebra. I rather like this pokemon to be honest. I also caught some Purrloins and Pidoves. Thanks to Bluaki, I got some eggs that I wanted. Snivy, Oshawott, and Zorua. Zorua's ability is neat, but rather confusing, even for the user. @_@;;

I trained for a while and went to the second gym town. I messed around a bit and walked around then went to the gym. I'm surprised it's a normal gym, as I'm not sure if that's happened before. Well, needless to say I almost got my butt kicked. Normal types? Pesh. No problem. They're normal, they're strong against nothing. *trots in there and Watchog obliterates my entire team save for Pignite, as it's only fighting move saves the day* Er... I was underlevelled, yeah, WAY underlevelled. Heh heh.

I then decided to do some serious level grinding after Team Plasma stole some fossil, not that I care but whatever. All three starters evolve to second forms and I whoop Team Plasma in not-Viridian Forest. To be honest I like the new bugs, but I'm not gonna bother using any of them. Heh heh. I got some really good experience, and all five pokemon in my team levelled up to level 21. This is going well so far.

I then cross a very cool bridge sequence to reach Castelia city. Seriously, that bridge was awesome. A bit too long, but it's nice to see Game Freak trying new visual designs instead of the blocky mess the series was starting to become. Maybe someday we'll get to move diagonally. *laughs* Castelia city is also really fun to walk around in. I took a look around before doing something of the utmost importance. I took the boat to Liberty Island. Beat up some Team Plasma chumps with my Pignite's fists of fury. Now it was time for Victini.

First, I paralyzed it with Thunder Wave. Then widdled it's health down to next to nothing. Blitzie got KO'ed by Confusion, now it's Servine's turn to sit there while I try to catch it. Sequence:
Great Ball 1 - Does nothing. catches, pops open. Fuck...
Great Ball 2 - Does nothing. catches, pops open. FUCK...
Great Ball 3 - Does nothing. catches, pops open. FUCK! Now I know why they blatantly give you an Ultra Ball outside... you might need it...
Great Ball 4 - Catches... rock, rock, rock... pops open. ARGH!
Great Ball 5 - Catches.... rock, rock, rock...CLICK! GOTCHA! VICTINI WAS CAUGHT!

So my team is now set, time to get serious about Unova, and take our time from now on now that I realized I did so much in day 1. Heh heh heh... :P
Victini, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Blitzie, and Zorua. My team for this particular journey. This is fun so far.

Day 2: An easy Gym and a not so easy Gym

Played a lot more today. I level grinding Victini up to the rest of my team, and then took on 3rd Gym. Oh bugs, you're so painfully pointless. Whooped everyone in your sorry gym without breaking a sweat. Heh heh. Then I beat up my two rivals for some decent experience. Next came a sandstorm route with a lot of trainers to fight. LOTS of good exp here. I'm noticing this game has a slight increase in trainers on any given route to make sure you're a decent level when you head to a new town. I level grinded a bit more on Route 4 and Route 16 between trainers and wild battles, I felt I was good to go.

I then went to Electric gym. Here I saw my first glimpse of this gen's pikachu. Yeah, it's cute, and it's flying part of it is annoying. Still, I beat the four trainers easily. However, I then got to the Gym Leader. Unfortunately, the only Ice type move I had was with Dewott. I took a chance and he got pummeled. Volt Switch is a really good move for same type gyms. Emolga's took down Dewott and Victini before Zorua finished them off. Zebstrika then took on her Zebstrika. Since I was one level higher, and faster, spamming Fire Charge did the thing. Since no doubt the other moves it had were electric, it was forced to use Fir Charge as well. I win since I was level 28 and she was level 27.

So yeah, good progress, but having trouble with gym leaders. I may level grind some more later but I hardly need to record that here. :P

Day 3: Smooth Sailing.

After switching out Zebstrika for Emolga for it's flying type and awesome speed, I trained and battled well. I beat Clay at the Earth Gym, and had and easy time, and Emolga alone took out the Flying type gym. I think I just had some bad match-ups earlier in the game. But yeah, things are going well. All three starters evolved into their final forms, which is awesome. Also, I taught Zoruark Shadow Claw that I happened to find. Also, Route 7 is a pretty good grinding spot. I'm gonna level grind a bit to reach level 40 and call it a day. :)

Day 4: Lots of stuff got done today.

Yeah, I did a ton of stuff today. After fighting the Ice Gym and going through Twist Cave, I found I was actually overlevelled quite a bit. So after some sidequests to get Waterfall, which you don't need to use thankfully, I went to that sand cavern again as the story said. I followed the plot for a bit then I saw online the three legendary fighting things were open now. I went to go catch the first two, since the last one is on Victory Road.

Let me get this straight with everyone... I HATE TRYING TO CATCH LEGENDARIES! Whittle it's health all the way down? Check. Paralyze or put it to sleep? Check. Ultra Balls used? Like twenty for each. X_X;; Admittedly, I didn't have THAT hard a time getting them, but sitting there and tapping "Ultra Ball" over and over again is just a pain. The last one on Victory Road was a ninny. First Ultra Ball thrown. Three wobbles *ZOMG FIRST BALL!?!?!* It opens and the next twenty Ultra Balls don't even wobble. Ugh. But I got him in the end though.

But before that, I took on the Dragon Gym. That gym is actually pretty tough, as I only had two Ice Moves on me and they were both with Samurott. So I fought with other guys to reach the leader and they did some good damage on me. But I won against the leader easy. Hooray for Blizzard. :P So yeah, that was easy. Oh, and given the Masterball. I'm gonna save it for that Fire/Bug Mothra thing. I don't care about the stupid flying genie thingamahoozit. It looks stupid and it should feel stupid.

Victory Road was surprisingly easy. It's a mountain this time rather than just a maze. So as long as you don't slide down the edges except where you have to, it's pretty easy to get through. Also, the trainers go for a "tough but few in number route". There are only about eight to ten trainers by my count going through, but they've got some good pokemon on them. So yeah. Gonna level grind to Level 50 then take on the E4 and whatever happens next. Maybe tomorrow. :D

Final Update: Elite 4 and Endgame

[spoiler]Yep, it's endgame folks. I did some slight grinding to level 50 and took on the Elite Four. Since two of them are Psychic and Ghost, Zoroark raped them. The dark trainer gave me some problems, if only because I had only one fighting move on me. The fighting type dude gave no problems either. Next was a series of epic cutscenes and battles. Oh how I love they finally made cutscenes. Huge castles, great music, etc. Oh, and you catch your legendary before the final fight. Awesome. Amazingly, I caught Reshiram on my first Ultra Ball. How odd... Also, N is a pain. You fight Zekrom/Reshiram first. And since he's levelled it a bit, it's stronger than your legendary. And it knows Light Screen if you fight Zekrom. SUCH....A...PAIN... The rest of his team is easy enough though. Then you fight Ghetsis, who wasn't as bad as his son. Thankfully, Samurot used Blizzard and Critical I hit KO'ed his best pokemon, so that was a lucky break. But yeah, the ending was great, and I love this game. A bit short compared to some others, but I still have half the region to explore on the east side. So yay.[/spoiler]


first post also edit spacelol

Day 1: Clocked in about a half hour. That's all for now. Picked Snivy as my starter, and I named him Archontas. Got some Lillipups and Patrats to trade to blu for her eggs (unless she want's more ;-;), then decided to turn it off for now. I got things to do tonight. So, more going on tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get my Litwick, Pansage, Tepig, and Solosis soon.

Current team: Archontas (Snivy), Lillipup, Lillipup, Patrat, Lillipup, Patrat
PC: None yet
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Current Progress: Unopened case.
Still waiting for bro.  8)
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Alright, I just beat the first GYM and made it to the Day-Care.
I caught a Lillipup and evolved it into a Herdier.

"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


I'm currently at Castelia on Black Version, and my team now consists of Dewott, Roggenrola (beat 2nd gym leader by itself=awesome), Lilil (there's a girl who gives you one for Cottonee, so I have Lilil even though I'm in Black), Blitzle, and my glorious VICTINI.


Quote from: Neerb on March 07, 2011, 07:35:59 AM
I'm currently at Castelia on Black Version, and my team now consists of Dewott, Roggenrola (beat 2nd gym leader by itself=awesome), Lilil (there's a girl who gives you one for Cottonee, so I have Lilil even though I'm in Black), and my glorious VICTINI.
That's funny. Because in my White version she asks for a Petilil and gives you a Cottonee.
I guess the one she gives to the player depends on the version and which exclusive you can't obtain in the wild.

Anyways, I made it to Shippou City, and guess what?

So now my team goes as follows: Timburr, Drilbur, Herdier, Starter and PanStarter.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Currently entering Pinwheel Forest in White version, after finally getting past that Normal Gym.

Main team thus far:

Sayaka (Lv. 17 Oshawott, female) [Probably won't evolve until Level 35, when it learns Aqua Tail]
Blitzle (Lv. 14, Female)
Kushinada (Lv. 14 Lillipup, Female) [No clue if I'll keep her]
Elsa Maria (Lv. 15 Munna, female)
Leer (Lv. 16 Pansear, Male)


Oh, wow.
You're at the same place I'm at.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Fuck you all ruining my slow run, spoiling everything. Now I have to speed up. Again, intercourse  you.

Day 2. I was up at 2 AM hatching eggs from Bluaki, so my team is better than all of yours. Also, one of the things in the eggs was an Oshawott that already knew Surf. Guess what? Don't need a badge. So I surfed around, caught a Blue-stripe Basculin in a special water spot (Red Stripe is the common one in my game). I like Red better, but yeah. Have one badge, gonna do the second in a minute. Also caught a Blitzle, finally. And what the intercourse , only 8 PC boxes?? BLU, PLEASE TELL ME I CAN GET MORE ;_; Maybe after National dex? Also, Snivy and Oshawott both evolved. And don't say I'm cheating with 2 starters on my team. Ash carries around all three.

In party:
Blitzle ♂ Lv 8
Solosis ♀ Lv 12
Litwick ♀ Lv 14
Kratos (Roggenrola) ♂ Lv 13 [Caught this guy for the second gym. Not sure how much I'll use him after that]
Dewott ♂ Lv 17
Archontas (Servine) ♂ Lv 21 [Level so high because it's how i dealt with all those darn Tympoles :| ]

In PC:
Tepig ♂ Lv 1
Mizaru (Panpour) ♂ Lv 14
Pansear ♂ Lv 1
Pansage Lv 1
Basculin [Blue-Stripe] ♂ Lv 16

Tried to get a fighting type outside Pinwheel Forest, but after 10 straight Tympoles, I gave up.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Man "Work Up" is such a powerful TM.
My Herdier and Timburr are tearing things apart.
Although my Timburr is much more suited for Bulk Up. I'm not even sure what level it learns it at.

"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Now: Level 18 Herdiers that know Take Down are the bane of my training.

Earlier: Today, I found one of those karate guys, got him down to the red, put him to sleep, used all of Great Balls, Heal Balls, and Ultra Ball, and nothing caught him. FML


Was it Sawk (the blue one) or Throh (the red one)?
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Quote from: Negative Vibes on March 07, 2011, 03:39:50 PM
Was it Sawk (the blue one) or Throh (the red one)?

Also cool I just found that green leaf monkey in the wild


Quote from: SkyMyl on March 07, 2011, 04:52:11 PM
It took me 3 Pokeballs to catch it.
No status included.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Just caught an Emolga. I didn't know they were here. Apparently they're rare. Awesome. *looks at stats and moveset* I think I'll stick with Zebstrika for my electric type thanks.

Actually, doing an IV and EV check the Emolga is better. They learn essentially the same moves, and Emolga has great speed and Special Attack, at least this one does. Sure, Zebstrika has better attack, but I don't need my electric type to do that sort of thing. Not to mention it's part flying so fighting types won't take advantage of it's poor defense. Ok, I'll start training Emolga for a bit. :P