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Your weapon

Started by Tahrann, May 31, 2011, 12:10:14 PM

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The Seventh

Quote from: Kayo on June 01, 2011, 11:51:29 AM
I can defend myself with my fists.
But have you ever heard...never bring a knife (or by extension, a fist) to a gunfight?

I could easily blast your head off before you even reach me with your fist >:3

Tis why it's important to be at odds with the robber...make him think twice before entering dat house of yours.

And if all else fails a gun can easily cause severe blunt trauma.

Yes I know I sound a bit psychotic right now, but I'm just stating the facts.


Quote from: Alisaihin on June 01, 2011, 11:55:59 AM
But have you ever heard...never bring a knife (or by extension, a fist) to a gunfight?

I could easily blast your head off before you even reach me with your fist >:3

Tis why it's important to be at odds with the robber...make him think twice before entering dat house of yours.

And if all else fails a gun can easily cause severe blunt trauma.

Yes I know I sound a bit psychotic right now, but I'm just stating the facts.
Or just... don't go to a gunfight. One that directly involves you.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: JrDude 益 on June 01, 2011, 11:20:13 AM
Defending your home is usually because you think someone is gonna attack it when normally no one will. Pussy.
For work, it's often because of your work that your home wants to be targeted, so you need a weapon.

For the first part, there is always a possibility of something like that happening, my house has been vandalized before and I don't even live in the bad part of town. I like to be prepared and having a weapon in arms reach is how I do it.

For the latter, you must not work in an industry that delivers to people, because people like to target us because we are vulnerable. A worker from another store had delivered to an apartment complex, was pistolwipped into unconsciousness, pushed into a room where they ate the food, stole everything that he had on him, and fortunately did not do anything else to him. So this "vagina-y" nature is me being ready.
Puts the lotion on the skin or it gets the hose again!


Also Jr, you're just an idiot if you don't keep some kind of protection in your home. What's wrong with having a gun to defend yourself? Because you never know what could happen. Someone breaks into your house with a gun, what happens? Are you a vagina-y because you have a gun to fight back? No.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Er, I guess my bass could be considered a weapon. It's quite solid.


Oh, and I can throw my shoes like an angry Arab :3
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Most of the people who have a gun for "protection" wouldn't even be able to make use of it.

guns are how you kill you family in accidental shootings :(


Quote from: JrDude 益 on June 01, 2011, 02:35:10 AM
Weapons are for people who need them for work, serial killers, collectors who put them in containers who will only take them out to show off, pussies, and nerds who want to feel cool.
Uhhhhhh... PROTECTION? Hell on cheesecake, you going to tell me that you're a vagina-y or a nerd because you don't charge a guy with a knife using only your fists. This is honestly the most ignorant thing you've ever said. You can try to validate it as much as you want, give your mindset that you're a badass because you try to put others down. I think everyone here can agree with me on it though.

Now with the stupidity that was Jr's opinion out of the way, I only keep a pistol and a katana around. I'll occasionally shoot the pistol, but I don't really ever bring the katana out, even to show people. It's really dull, and falling apart. Nothing special.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Why would someone come to your house with a gun? If you're doing bad poop than that partially falls under the category of "job related," even if it's not directly related to a job. But if someone comes to your house with a gun, they'd probably more prepared than you, unless it is something you know could happen due to something you did. So if you have a gun to protect yourself, unless it's on you at all times, the person could come in while you're taking a poop, showering, doing the laundry, mowing the lawn, or whatever, and you running to your defensive weapon would probably cause them to panic and shoot. Even if the defensive weapon is near by, they could see you reach for it and just shoot. In some situations, you're worse off with a protective weapon.
What you do in a situation like that is just let them take what they want, don't fight back, stay calm, try to get a good mental picture of anything you can, chances are they don't wanna kill or hurt anybody, but rather just take something of yours. Most people aren't just gonna go to a random house with a gun unprepared for whatever you may have.
Yes there are rapists and murderers that could come in to your house for some reason, though chances are they won't choose your house, like I said, they will most likely be more prepared and plan everything to where your weapon is out of reach or useless.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude 益 on June 02, 2011, 12:20:24 AM
Why would someone come to your house with a gun? If you're doing bad poop than that partially falls under the category of "job related," even if it's not directly related to a job. But if someone comes to your house with a gun, they'd probably more prepared than you, unless it is something you know could happen due to something you did. So if you have a gun to protect yourself, unless it's on you at all times, the person could come in while you're taking a poop, showering, doing the laundry, mowing the lawn, or whatever, and you running to your defensive weapon would probably cause them to panic and shoot. Even if the defensive weapon is near by, they could see you reach for it and just shoot. In some situations, you're worse off with a protective weapon.
What you do in a situation like that is just let them take what they want, don't fight back, stay calm, try to get a good mental picture of anything you can, chances are they don't wanna kill or hurt anybody, but rather just take something of yours. Most people aren't just gonna go to a random house with a gun unprepared for whatever you may have.
Yes there are rapists and murderers that could come in to your house for some reason, though chances are they won't choose your house, like I said, they will most likely be more prepared and plan everything to where your weapon is out of reach or useless.
So... you're a vagina-y for having a weapon, but your plan would be to... let them take everything... right... this all makes complete sense.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Let them take the thing you could live without or have a chance the person is crazy and will shoot when you move for your weapon. It's not like you can tell the person "Oh hold on, let me open my drawer/go in the other room and get my gun." And it's not like you reaching for a visible weapon isn't gonna make them want to shoot to stop you from obtaining the weapon.
Dude .


In comes JrDude with his ignorant opinions to cheer up NSFCD and give the members a good laugh.


Quote from: JrDude 益 on June 02, 2011, 12:32:08 AM
Let them take the thing you could live without or have a chance the person is crazy and will shoot when you move for your weapon. It's not like you can tell the person "Oh hold on, let me open my drawer/go in the other room and get my gun." And it's not like you reaching for a visible weapon isn't gonna make them want to shoot to stop you from obtaining the weapon.
You're completely missing the point now. I'm not arguing whether it is a good idea to grab your weapon while the guy has a gun to your head. You point out that you can't have a weapon just for protection, and then change it to, "OH, BUT THEY'RE WELL PREPARED!" That's fantastic. My problem is that you're making it sound like you don't stand any chance at all. Complete fabrication. You're calling a father a vagina-y because he pulls out a gun as some robber comes in and tries to rape his daughter? How about a widow protecting her cats from someone breaking in? You can keep trying to bend this to make yourself sound better, but it isn't going to work. I really don't have to say anything else. Anything you add now just adds more fuel to the fire under your own ass.

Quote from: Matt on June 02, 2011, 12:40:17 AM
In comes JrDude with his ignorant opinions to cheer up NSFCD and give the members a good laugh.
I honestly wonder if Jr thinks about what he's saying, or if he's just trolling NSFCD now since he has nothing better to do.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

I'm sorry but... a widow with cats?