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Super Smash Bros. (Insern New Fight Term Here) 4 Speculation Thread

Started by DededeCloneChris, June 08, 2011, 08:00:17 PM

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The Riddler

Quote from: FruitFlow on June 11, 2011, 08:45:45 PM
You think that's funny?

You realize they're now making cars where you can get Facebook status updates by pressing a button on your mirror?
That every single major corporation has a dedicated Facebook staff?
That more than 500 million people use it?


You fail to realize Sakurai's got no time to look at Facebook.

The Riddler

Quote from: MooglePlayerChris on June 11, 2011, 08:54:32 PM
You fail to realize Sakurai's got no time to look at Facebook.
You think he's the only person who makes these games? Are you retarded? You think he makes every single decision all by himself with no crew?


Quote from: Riddler21 on June 11, 2011, 09:39:49 PM
You think he's the only person who makes these games? Are you retarded? You think he makes every single decision all by himself with no crew?
First, do not call me retarded. That really hurt.

Second, it's unheard of that a game related worker uses Facebook as the basis of an idea.

The Riddler

Quote from: MooglePlayerChris on June 11, 2011, 09:43:10 PM
First, do not call me retarded. That really hurt.

Second, it's unheard of that a game related worker uses Facebook as the basis of an idea.
You're just being closeminded :3
Facebook is a huge growing power. Huge is an understatement. The person who runs Zynga, aka Farmville, was named one of the top 100 creative minds of our generation. FARMVILLE.

Now, Jigglypuff was put in due to fan support. Japanese or not, it was fan support. With how big facebook is getting, most, if not all, major corporations are using facebook to find ideas and sell things to their customers/fan bases. This includes video games companies.

Obviously it's not fool-proof, but it's not a lost cause. I'll say it again: Facebook is more powerful than you realize.


Yes Facebook is powerful Rob, but what are the chance that ANYONE from Nintendo is gonna see it?
What are the chances that some other nerdbase won't make thousands more "PUT *insert video game character here* INTO THE NEXT SMASH BROS GAME" page? Then what are the chances of some overdedicated nerds making a bunch of Facebook accounts just to get some more likes for those pages? (With just an email needed [and I forget if it needs to be verified], it's super easy to do).

Another thing, this nerdbase isn't big enough. If only NSFCD knows of it, what will that accomplish? If only a handful of fan forums know of it, what will that accomplish? A good amount of each forum won't give enough of a poop to like it, and it will only get a handful of likes.
Dude .


The Riddler

Quote from: JrDude 益 on June 11, 2011, 10:30:01 PM
Yes Facebook is powerful Rob, but what are the chance that ANYONE from Nintendo is gonna see it?
Once again, underestimating the true power. And, as MPC said, even  Nintendo has it.!/Nintendo

What are the chances that some other nerdbase won't make thousands more "PUT *insert video game character here* INTO THE NEXT SMASH BROS GAME" page? Then what are the chances of some overdedicated nerds making a bunch of Facebook accounts just to get some more likes for those pages? (With just an email needed [and I forget if it needs to be verified], it's super easy to do).Most of that is irrelevant if it were to get big enough.

Another thing, this nerdbase isn't big enough. If only NSFCD knows of it, what will that accomplish? If only a handful of fan forums know of it, what will that accomplish? A good amount of each forum won't give enough of a poop to like it, and it will only get a handful of likes.
That's why I said start early. Add people we know, that spreads to their friends, to their friends, to their friends, etc.


Quote from: MooglePlayerChris on June 10, 2011, 09:08:10 PM
So was I right?


Quote from: Neerb on June 10, 2011, 10:04:26 PM
Red Ring is a mysterious ailment most commonly blamed on faulty wiring. I assume a hard drive can exist without getting it.

Also incorrect. Er. Well, if you are assuming all technical details can be referred to as "wiring", anyway. You're right about the hard drive having nothing to do with it though. Why one would assume the hard drive has anything to do with these failures is beyond me.

The Red Ring of Death occurs due to many reasons, some of which are: poorly soldered joints/parts, terrible original motherboard(could not displace heat well, thankfully newer models improved upon this, and other issues as well), poorly integrated heatsinks, inefficient GPU, among other things. Would rather not go into detail, as its all under the bridge anyway. I doubt you folks will have to worry about the Wii U having a high failure rate.

I'm all for Geno but would rather have Mega Man, especially if Capcom is getting involved in the development. Though if that does end up happening he's probably a shoe-in.


Quote from: Riddler21 on June 11, 2011, 09:59:33 PM

Now, Jigglypuff was put in due to fan support. Japanese or not, it was fan support.

If by "fan support" you mean blatant popularity to the point where anything Jigglypuff was snatched up off of the shelves in a heartbeat then, yeah. Fans had no input as to what was put in the original outside of voting with their money, and even then they obviously were oblivious to what they were voting for unless there is some poll that I'm unaware of. Jiggs was a cash-in, hell even girls in the states were interested in Smash Bros. simply because they recognized Jiggs. Your Facebook "fan support" is a different entity entirely from the "fan support" Jiggs had. It isn't a lost cause at all, sure, but Geno doesn't exactly make the bank that Jiggs did back in her golden years.

Still, I encourage you to keep up with it and see where it goes. You never know.


Possible titles for next game.
Super Smash Bros. "Instert Synonym for FIGHT here"
Google - thesaurus. Fight.
action, affray, altercation, argument, battle, battle royal, bout, brawl, broil, brush, clash, combat, conflict, confrontation, contention, contest, controversy, difficulty, disagreement, dispute, dissension, dogfight, duel, engagement, exchange, feud, fisticuffs, fracas, fray, free-for-all, fuss, hostility, joust, match, melee, quarrel, riot, rivalry, round, row, ruckus, rumble, scrap*, scrimmage, scuffle, set-to, skirmish, sparring match, strife, struggle, tiff, to-do, tussle, war, wrangling
Bolded the ones I actually think might be possible.

Anywho, I think some possible additional characters could be:
Dr. Eggman (Or really anyone else besides Sonic, maybe even Tails)
Captain Olimar (He wasn't a character was he? I forget, i haven't played Brawl in ages)
Get rid of Game & Watch and replace him with Paper Mario.
Mii (I dunno how they could do it, maybe even let you customize your own moves or something.)
James mother intercourse ing Bond. (Now I'm just throwing poop out there. Ya never know!)

Anywho, I'm just excited for some sort of announcement. Seeing as this'll be my first year of college - I don't see myself in any kind of financial situation to afford both this and a 3DS, so I'll probably only be able to the get the 3DS version for now, but we'll see.

I bet the announcement about compatibility between the two, btw, will be that you can play online against people playing either console. (At least I think that would be the coolest thing they could implement.)

Click me ^


Tussle? Ruckus? lol do you have any idea how ridiculous those names are?

Humor me.



Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Super Smash Bros. Argument That Results In Physical Aggression
