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Super Smash Bros. (Insern New Fight Term Here) 4 Speculation Thread

Started by DededeCloneChris, June 08, 2011, 08:00:17 PM

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Quote from: Zeromus on October 26, 2011, 09:15:36 PM
Skull Kid, recurring character, main villain of Majora's Mask.
Tingle, recurring man dressed as a fairy that steals rupees.

i'm aware of this i've played through more zelda games htan you have had your annoying sig go through gif animations
tingle would be fun due to floatyness and projectile ruppies
it'd be awesome
he also can drop bombs DUH

what's the skull kid going ot do play a song yeah i don't think so

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Zeromus on October 26, 2011, 09:16:41 PM
Geno is unlikely due to his being owned by Square, but thanks to Sonic and Snake, anything is possible there. There is no denying he's a better choice than Waluigi.

Baby Mario not only has been almost everywhere Waluigi has, but was a main character in M&L. Baby Mario/Baby Luigi tag-team would even work.

you're just full of awful ideas riddler
you should RID yourself of them ahhaahhahahahahh

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Zeromus on October 26, 2011, 09:12:03 PM
I disproved your point in that Koopas, Paratroopas, Hammer Bros., Boos, etc have been in more games than Waluigi and HAVE starred in Party games, and would still be irrelevant to Smash.

You really don't get it. They aren't CHARACTERS man. They're generic enemies. Waluigi isn't. He's Luigi's rival or something.

And you're contradicting yourself with "and old school Nintendo fans knew who they were". That also applies to Goroh. Old school SNES fans, then N64 fans, and fans of the franchise period know of his importance.

Oh hey its clear now. You're a F-Zero fanboy. You really believe that Goroh is on the same level that Ice Climbers or Pit are? In the original F-Zero, there was little to no story. It wasn't until GX that we even knew anything about him other than he is apparently a samurai in space. He isn't even a likable character, Riddler. You're the first person I've encountered with a raging boner for Samurai Goroh.

The Fire Emblem note was actually fact. They put Roy and Marth in to advertise Fire Emblem to American Audiences.

Source. Because the game Roy was in didn't come out in America and the game Marth was in was only recently released in America. Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, Roy was put in because Fire Emblem 6 was coming out in Japan shortly after Melee did? Marth was the first FE character, so chances might be that he was included first, and they tweaked Roy to advertise the FE game that he starred in. Fire Emblem becoming well-known in America was just icing on the cake, but don't for a second believe that it was the sole reason they were put in.

As for the Dr. Mario thing, once again take note he was removed from Brawl. How else would you explain him?

Having a lack of a better explanation doesn't necessarily make your convenient explanation fact.

>More appearances = importance
Awesome logic. So, Tingle is more important than Skull Kid?

You're comparing two characters from the same franchise. One is a recurring generic enemy/villain/quest character, and the other just sells you maps in a couple games/is a faggot in FSA. Zelda=/=F-Zero and F-Zero=/=Mario man.

If F-Zero were dead enough, Captain Falcon wouldn't be playable and Goroh wouldn't have been an AT. They're both insanely important to the history of Nintendo. Waluigi is a character who has been in nothing but side games, has no backstory, and is widely regarded as one of Mario's worst characters.
F-Zero GX barely sold 250k and there hasn't been a new F-Zero game since. It's dead, at least for a while. And no, Captain Falcon is intercourse ing Captain Falcon. He's a vet, and the main character. He's the only character from F-Zero that's even needed. F-Zero just isn't as important as you think it is. The games have never been blockbusters and no one really knew who the intercourse  Captain Falcon was until Super Smash Bros 64. Oh and no backstory huh?

Looks to me like he has about as much backstory as Mario does. He runs a motor oil company and Mario is just some fatass plumber that saves the princess and never gets any.


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


I do know what the definition of fact is. I just don't need to argue because you guys aren't open to other opinions. The closest anyone on this forum gets to agreeing with someone when they're arguing is "Well you're right about that, BUT THIS THIS AND THIS. ALSO THIS IS A BETTER ARGUMENT AND THIS IRRELEVANT SENTENCE DISPROVES EVERYTHING YOU SAID ABOUT THAT."
But watch, Waluigi will not be in the next smash game as a playable character. You can argue all you want, you can prove how relevant he is all you want, you can say how he would make sense and have a workable moveset, and you could be 100% right. But he still won't be playable.

Waluigi can swim through the sky. He can spin fast enough to create tornadoes. He can create vines. He has a whip. He has Dr. Octopus Claw things. He can make balls multiply with eggplants or something. He can also use things from the games he's in like Bob-Ombs.
Though he could be awesome, he won't be in it.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude 益 on October 27, 2011, 10:22:42 AM
I do know what the definition of fact is...

>Makes a prediction. Implies that the prediction is fact.

I'm really hoping you're omnipotent.


Quote from: Zero on October 26, 2011, 09:01:56 PM
Who told you that sports/party games were irrelevant? What makes you believe this? I'm not going to reiterate myself again. Stop making assumptions.

All of you saying he has zero chances are incredibly opinionated.


They are irrelevant because ultimately they're just sports games with Mario's face slapped on it to make money. That's all they've ever been. You could just as easily make a bunch of new characters to be the "sports game characters" or "party game characters" and absolutely nothing about the games would be different at all. Mario Kart is really the only exception because it started the whole kart racing genre, but it got a stage, and that's all it needed. Besides, it's not like Waluigi had his debut in a kart game. He's just there because he's a spinoff character and taking up roster spots is all he's good for in those games.

And he has pretty much zero chance because what exactly has he done that's of any note whatsoever? He's been around for over a decade but all he's ever been is filler to be a partner for Wario. He hasn't turned out like Wario, who was a final boss to start out but went on to star in two full series on his own or something.

Further up on this page you mention that F-Zero didn't sell too well (even though 250k units would be great by any other publisher, again, Nintendo's stupidly high standards for sales) and has more or less been on hiatus since then. I have to say, just about all of Nintendo's franchises not of the big three have more or less been on hiatus for varying times. Not a single Star Fox game since the DS one. Kirby FINALLY got some games on the Wii after being a console absentee since 2000, the two Kid Icirus games didn't sell well at all but Pit still got in and was on hiatus for over 20 years. So I think those two points are kind of moot.


Quote from: Zero on October 26, 2011, 09:01:56 PM
Who told you that sports/party games were irrelevant?
You think they are relevant? :U
Nayr summed it up nicely.


Quote from: Neerb on October 26, 2011, 08:29:17 PM
I don't think Waluigi will be in Smash, nor do I think he should, but you guys have been looking at this all the wrong way in terms of what he COULD do if he was in Smash. Instead of thinking about what Waluigi has exclusive access to, you guys should think of what he can do but no one else has already done.

Think about it: eight different sports, a dancing game, a kart racer, and tons of different things from the party games; Mario spin-offs are practically their own franchise at this point, and most of it has yet to be represented in Smash (I say most because Peach does have those two side smashes and Kart got a stage). Waluigi could have a widely-diverse movepool representing a huge chunk of Nintendo, from a "dance" that stomps people into the ground (his AT) to a jump-serve with a tennis racquet that acts as a recovery to driving his kart across the stage to a Final Smash where he hits the party die and causes a random effect to happen.

Again, I don't think Waluigi really has a chance of getting in, and I don't really want him to, but if he DID get in, he could definitely serve a purpose and be a unique, interesting fighter.
I have to respect the fact that you actually put thought into this--unlike most people--with your moveset there. And pretty much, if Waluigi WAS in Smash, he would represent all the Mario spin-offs. And he would do a pretty darn good job of doing it.

But of course... do we really NEED to have the spin-offs represented? It would just ultimately be another Mario rep, and we don't really need so many of them.

But remember this, it's not like there's a limit on how many characters go in. It's not like the game will only be able to take 50 characters or whatever. We wouldn't be LOSING anything by having Waluigi, so I really wouldn't mind if he was in there. If you look at all the spin-offs, there's his use. He seems more viable than the other characters you guys are mentioning.

Neverless, I still doubt he'll be in, but I won't be extremely surprised if he is.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Nayrman on October 27, 2011, 11:03:12 AM
They are irrelevant because ultimately they're just sports games with Mario's face slapped on it to make money. That's all they've ever been. You could just as easily make a bunch of new characters to be the "sports game characters" or "party game characters" and absolutely nothing about the games would be different at all. Mario Kart is really the only exception because it started the whole kart racing genre, but it got a stage, and that's all it needed. Besides, it's not like Waluigi had his debut in a kart game. He's just there because he's a spinoff character and taking up roster spots is all he's good for in those games.

So the spin-off games are cash-ins but "main series" games aren't? Oh god. I really pray that you've grown up to the point where you realize that the main series Nintendo games are yes, made for profit. They aren't made for you, or for fans in general. They're made for profit. Taking up roster spots is all he's good for? Really now? The same can be said for intercourse ing Birdo and Shy Guy(s), who weren'tt even meant to be Mario character(s) until Nintendo changed the poop out of Doki Doki Panic and HUZZAH instant Mario poop. Waluigi is more Mario than Birdo ever will be. It MAKES SENSE to have a parallel to Luigi just like Mario has Wario. herp le derp it really isn't as bad as you kids make it out to be. OH NO FILLER CHARACTER CHRIST. He'd be less of a intercourse ing filler than ROB was, that's for sure.

And he has pretty much zero chance because what exactly has he done that's of any note whatsoever? He's been around for over a decade but all he's ever been is filler to be a partner for Wario. He hasn't turned out like Wario, who was a final boss to start out but went on to star in two full series on his own or something.

You're basing character inclusion off of virtual accomplishments? lol. You guys practically believe that you're a part of the development process, don't you?

Further up on this page you mention that F-Zero didn't sell too well (even though 250k units would be great by any other publisher, again, Nintendo's stupidly high standards for sales) and has more or less been on hiatus since then. I have to say, just about all of Nintendo's franchises not of the big three have more or less been on hiatus for varying times. Not a single Star Fox game since the DS one. Kirby FINALLY got some games on the Wii after being a console absentee since 2000, the two Kid Icirus games didn't sell well at all but Pit still got in and was on hiatus for over 20 years. So I think those two points are kind of moot.

You completely missed my point Nayr. Kid Icarus is one of those "retro NES classics", same with Ice Climbers. We got Ice Climbers in Melee and Pit in Brawl. Sales had nothing to do with their inclusion. They're retro, Nayr. RETRO. That's the entire point. You really think Samurai Goroh is anywhere NEAR their level of importance to Nintendo history? I don't think you do. You're smarter than that. My point was that F-Zero hasn't sold poop and we already have Captain Falcon, who only became as well known as he is because of Smash. As for Kirby, Sakurai created him and we all know it'd be retarded if he didn't put his own character in. He and Mario were the first two characters decided on to be in the first game back when they shifted development of the game to be a cross-over fighting game. Read up on dem interviews.

And no Kayo we dont' really need anything regarding Smash(besides the removal of tripping).

My entire intercourse ing point is that his chances aren't zero like you kids are fooling yourselves into believing. I'M PREPARING YOU FOR THE HORROR.


Quote from: Zero on October 28, 2011, 01:04:26 PM
So the spin-off games are cash-ins but "main series" games aren't? Oh god. I really pray that you've grown up to the point where you realize that the main series Nintendo games are yes, made for profit. They aren't made for you, or for fans in general. They're made for profit. Taking up roster spots is all he's good for? Really now? The same can be said for intercourse ing Birdo and Shy Guy(s), who weren'tt even meant to be Mario character(s) until Nintendo changed the poop out of Doki Doki Panic and HUZZAH instant Mario poop. Waluigi is more Mario than Birdo ever will be. It MAKES SENSE to have a parallel to Luigi just like Mario has Wario. herp le derp it really isn't as bad as you kids make it out to be. OH NO FILLER CHARACTER CHRIST. He'd be less of a intercourse ing filler than ROB was, that's for sure.

They are cash-ins. The main games try to have some level of merit on their own. What are the spin-offs? Board game, Tennis game, Golf game, blah blah blah there are dozens of these games out there. How do they get them to sell? Slap Mario's face on it of course! They are far more cash-ins than the main games. And I understand all of this is for profit, but that doesn't mean you can't be unique and come up with original ideas. That's the problem with supposedly "creative" mediums these days. It's more profit than creativity. And no one said anything about Birdo or Shy Guys. We were talking about Waluigi. Sheesh. Finally, it would make sense for Luigi to have his own evil clone if Waluigi actually DID something.

Quote from: Zero on October 28, 2011, 01:04:26 PM
You're basing character inclusion off of virtual accomplishments? lol. You guys practically believe that you're a part of the development process, don't you?

Uh, yes, virtual accomplishments is part of it otherwise just about anyone would be in and it'd probably be Mario vs. Pokemon and a little bit of Kirby in there because after all, IT'S ALL ABOUT PROFIT.

Quote from: Zero on October 28, 2011, 01:04:26 PM
You completely missed my point Nayr. Kid Icarus is one of those "retro NES classics", same with Ice Climbers. We got Ice Climbers in Melee and Pit in Brawl. Sales had nothing to do with their inclusion. They're retro, Nayr. RETRO. That's the entire point. You really think Samurai Goroh is anywhere NEAR their level of importance to Nintendo history? I don't think you do. You're smarter than that. My point was that F-Zero hasn't sold poop and we already have Captain Falcon, who only became as well known as he is because of Smash. As for Kirby, Sakurai created him and we all know it'd be retarded if he didn't put his own character in. He and Mario were the first two characters decided on to be in the first game back when they shifted development of the game to be a cross-over fighting game. Read up on dem interviews.

It's Retro huh? Well, F-Zero is plenty RETRO. It's 20 years old, launched with the SNES, was the big graphical advancement for Nintendo at the time with Mode 7 for the SNES, and so forth. So that's kind of a moot point. Also, a lot of franchises haven't sold poop, like post Star Fox 64 Star Fox, yet that gets to have 3 reps. At least Goroh wouldn't be a clone of a clone. Again, if it's about being either selling very well (which, again, Nintendo has a very annoyingly skewed view of what sells) or retro, then we have Mario vs. Pokemon plus Link, Kirby, and Samus. Congrats!


Quote from: Zero on October 28, 2011, 01:04:26 PM
So the spin-off games are cash-ins but "main series" games aren't? Oh god. I really pray that you've grown up to the point where you realize that the main series Nintendo games are yes, made for profit. They aren't made for you, or for fans in general. They're made for profit. Taking up roster spots is all he's good for? Really now? The same can be said for intercourse ing Birdo and Shy Guy(s), who weren'tt even meant to be Mario character(s) until Nintendo changed the poop out of Doki Doki Panic and HUZZAH instant Mario poop. Waluigi is more Mario than Birdo ever will be. It MAKES SENSE to have a parallel to Luigi just like Mario has Wario. herp le derp it really isn't as bad as you kids make it out to be. OH NO FILLER CHARACTER CHRIST. He'd be less of a intercourse ing filler than ROB was, that's for sure.
You actually believe the spin-off games are on par with main series Mario games?
Obviously Nintendo is in a business and both types of games are made for profit, but that doesn't mean that they're both of the same quality at all. You're basically saying that the same amount of time and effort went into SMG as any Mario Party, Golf, Tennis, whatever. :U


how many faggots does it take to make this thread?

apparently enough


Quote from: Bearissoslow on October 28, 2011, 07:00:58 PM
how many faggots does it take to make this thread?

apparently enough
Thank you for contributing, faggot.


that was so intercourse ing funny that i respect you now

bro points for life