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When will the world end next?

Started by Kayo, June 17, 2011, 01:53:23 PM

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Yeah I kind of only found out about May 21st like THAT WEEK, so we're bound to have at least one more before December 2012.

So what will they come up with next?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


2013 ends with 13, last digits which are related to Friday 13th. 13 is bad luck, so WORLD IS GOING TO GO BOOM!


Quote from: MooglePlayerChris on June 17, 2011, 02:37:07 PM
2013 ends with 13, last digits which are related to Friday 13th. 13 is bad luck, so WORLD IS GOING TO GO BOOM!
But that's AFTER 2012, I'm talking about in the mean time.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


...Oh, in that case, I'd like to say I don't want to waste time with this thing. It's 2000 nonsense again.




I will cause the world to end.


I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


When some other radical of some organized religion says it will.


Quote from: MooglePlayerChris on June 17, 2011, 02:50:43 PM
...Oh, in that case, I'd like to say I don't want to waste time with this thing. It's 2000 nonsense again.


While much of 2000 was unnecessary panic, "Y2K" was a legitimate fear caused by the idea that computers would not be able to comprehend the time change, resulting in planes falling from the sky, the stock market crashing, and effectively sending us back decades if not more; thankfully, most were able to handle it, and the immense preparations that were made before hand allowed those that wouldn't have handled it to be upgraded in time.

2012, on the other hand, has absolutely zero precedence whatsoever; the surprisingly intelligent Mayans created an accurate calender that ran all the way up to the year 2012 AD (although it obviously was not called that on their calender), and that's as far as they got, which of course was far more than they needed anyway. However, when it was discovered, some group of idiots out there decided that it wasn't just the end of the calender; it was a prophecy, and the calender ended there because the Mayans "knew" that would be the last year.

Anyway, the moron who claimed the rapture would happen in May has now postponed it to October or something like that, so we'll be having another "end of the world" very soon. Honestly, it's people like him that make Christians look stereotypically stupid; JESUS HIMSELF said that ONLY GOD knows when the rapture will happen, meaning anyone, "Christian" or not, who claims to know otherwise is either ignorant or a troll.


Quote from: Neerb on June 18, 2011, 12:07:13 AM

While much of 2000 was unnecessary panic, "Y2K" was a legitimate fear caused by the idea that computers would not be able to comprehend the time change, resulting in planes falling from the sky, the stock market crashing, and effectively sending us back decades if not more; thankfully, most were able to handle it, and the immense preparations that were made before hand allowed those that wouldn't have handled it to be upgraded in time.
This makes sense, to an extent. It seems preposterous to think that a computer couldn't jump from 1999 to 2000 safely. However, remember that technology back then was 11 years more primitive. Windows 98 was the big, new OS.

I wasn't around back then to have been able to put much thought into it at the time. Well, I was around... just five. Maybe it was a matter of thoughts that the basic computer system hadn't been programmed to continue time into the 2,000th year. Looking back now it seems silly, but you never know. Were the people of yester-century concerned with that? Maybe. Did they think that the older computers from the 80s or whenever weren't programmed to go past 1999, and only the new ones were? Maybe. Did they think that anything using outdated computer software would at the very least hiccup or reset itself at 00:00 on 1 Jan 2000? Sure. The resetting thing does not sound too preposterous considering the level of computer technology.

Nevertheless, it probably comes down to this. One person believes this as a worst-case scenario that has less than a 1% chance of happening. Then the rumor spreads that there "could possibly" be a catastrophe. Then that is twisted and exaggerated to "imminent doom". It's all progression. And people underestimating the intelligence of computers, really. I think the date change would not possibly cause a problem. And that's what happened.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.




Harold Camping, the guy who came up with the May 21, 2011 date, has been saying that he made a miscalculation and that that date was only a "spiritual" apocalypse. Now he says that the apocalypse is some time in October. If I recall correctly, it might be the 21st of the month again.

Of course, he's been wrong several times before his May 21, 2011 prediction, so--forgetting the fact that he's a total hack--I don't think he'll be right this time.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


If anything is gonna end the world, its gonna be us. I mean look, tons of people make a BIG deal out of this kind of thing, when most of it is a Hoax.  Back in 1992 the same guy predicted something was going to happen, but then he miscalculated, Hoax, Like what Neerb said with the Y2K Theory, Hoax,  June 6th, 2006 aka (6/6/06) Hoax, and now the May 21, 2011 Rapture theory, its all a hoax.

If anything is gonna end the world, its not gonna be some.....OH MY GODZ A FIRE BALL IN THE SKY AND IS COMING DOWN INTO THE CITY RUN!!! 100,000,000,000 / 1 chance of happening event. If anything is going to end the world, its gonna be us. Us as in Human beings. We're the most power hungry, Resource dependent, and the most corrupt life form on the planet.


Listen, the only thing thats coming close to our planet is in 2029, which is going to be a meteor, which is going to pass right by earth, but its going to be caught by the gravitational pull and return seven years later in 2036, no meteor or any outside space thing is coming at us in 2012