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Elite Beat Agents / Ouendan

Started by DededeCloneChris, June 21, 2011, 08:37:53 PM

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Yay, a second topic.

No matter what you say, you've got to admit this game series is very addicting and so good. I played Elite Beat Agents because it got so hard to play for my little brother and then I found out the game was AWESOME. Even I found the covers of the song much better than the original tracks (they make "La La" actually enjoyable). So how about you? What do you think of the series as a whole? I hope it gets a new sequel for America one of these days.


Elite Beat Agents is one of my favorite DS games. I used to play it constantly. All dat tappin', man.


I unlocked Agent Chieftan today in EBA. I don't think I'll finish every song again though. Some of the songs kind of put me off.
Lately I've been quite a bit of osu!. It's basically a PC version of EBA/Ouendan but with custom songs. Plenty of English songs, video game soundtracks, and Japanese music if you're into that.