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Started by Kayo, August 07, 2011, 11:06:49 PM

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how does a mario thread turn into a pokemon nostalgia debate
Also, the problem with R/S was that the region wasn't all that exciting. It was mostly just forests and water. And if I remember correctly, most of the towns didn't really have that much to offer.
But they were still good games


Quote from: Doodle on September 10, 2011, 11:27:32 AM
how does a mario thread turn into a pokemon nostalgia debate
Also, the problem with R/S was that the region wasn't all that exciting. It was mostly just forests and water. And if I remember correctly, most of the towns didn't really have that much to offer.
But they were still good games
The towns sucked, for the most part. I feel they can really be helped with a 5th gen graphics level. Also the region was a hell of a lot more exciting than Kanto and Johto, with an ocean, desert, forest, jungle, etc. It was pretty diverse.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.



Quote from: NotAsagiChris on September 10, 2011, 04:23:18 PM
Well, Hoenn was, for the most part, a tropical region.
And the pokemon even show for it, with the several fire types and then things like Tropius.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Flying Chickens

Quote from: Kayo on September 09, 2011, 12:37:20 PM
Take off the darn nostalgia glasses. I'm a huge fan of G/S/C since I played them constantly between the ages of like 6 and 10, which is pretty much the majority of my remembered childhood. But in reality, it wasn't that good. They put Kanto back in, but they ripped everything out of it. It seemed more like an extension of R/B than a completely new game, especially since it introduced by far the fewest new pokemon, just barely crossing 100. But sadly I can't critique R/B since, because they're the original, I couldn't judge it without getting my limbs ripped off by you guys if I make so much as one negative remark about it.

D/P was easily the weakest. Only fire types? Starter. Legendary. Basically, if you didn't pick Chimchar at the beginning (he wasn't even that good) you were out of a good fire-type. I understand it was intended to be a colder, snowier climate, but come on. It's just uncreative not to make any.

If I were to look at the 2nd gen, I'd use HGSS for comparison rather than G/S. Pokemon Soulsilver was easily one of the best games I have ever played. It fixed everything that was wrong with Gold and Silver. Truly an all-around exceptional game.

Black and White were not bad. People, STFU about the Pokemon. Gamefreak took a risk, by not re-using any old Pokemon and starting fresh with 150+ new ones. Of course you closed-minded people instantly say that they all suck because they're not the original 150. TAKE. OFF. THE. NOSTALGIA. GLASSES.
The graphics were a lot nicer than the past, and being on the same system as D/P were but being that much better was a nice surprise. If D/P had had graphics that nice, they probably would have been better. But when it comes to big graphical improvements, better late than never. The games look gorgeous and are fun to play through.

R/S had absolutely nothing wrong with it. In my opinion, it had the best legendary stories of all the games. The two godlike pokemon fighting over land and sea were greater than anything in the past or future. Lugia and Ho-Oh were cool, but didn't quite have as dynamic of a story. And the legendary golems, which everyone HATES for some reason, really had a cool unlocking method. They're the only legendaries where the game makes them SEEM legendary when you capture them. You have to go through a course of solving puzzles that open ancient doors containing Pokemon that were sealed for thousands of years because their power caused everyone to be afraid of them. Disregarding anything about the Regis themselves, it was still cool to find and catch them.

I really can find nothing wrong with R/S. It was a big step from the 1st and 2nd generations. A big step was what we NEEDED in Gen 2. G/S were way too much like R/B. The graphics were nearly identical (minus the color, providing you're playing G/S on a GBC) and the G/S pokedex was just "R/B pokedex +100". Plus, Hoenn brought some really nice unusual Pokemon designs. I happen to like those more than just simple animals. Sure, every single generation has some pokemon I like and some I hate. Every single one. Like the double battle gimmick was overplayed with Plusle/Minun, etc. But it's things like Mawile and Camerupt that make me feel like I'm playing a Pokemon game and not hunting slightly-deformed animals in my backyard.

I really have a hard time putting the games in order. I like them all for different reasons. So here's too.

Nostalgia scale:
G/S > R/S > R/B > B/W > D/P

Anti-nostalgia scale (i'm being harsh on the older games here to get past the nostalgia factor)
R/S / B/W > G/S / R/B > D/P

Or some creative substitutions
HGSS > B/W > R/S / R/B >>>>>> D/P

tl;dr I think D/P was the worst, while all the other four were very close in greatness. But I'm gonna REALLY need to play the R/S remakes. I imagine they'll help the 3rd gen like HGSS helped the 2nd gen.
I'll just let you know now, I read the first line and then stopped reading.
It's still not nostalgia, thanks.


Quote from: Kayo on September 09, 2011, 12:37:20 PM
Take off the darn nostalgia glasses. I'm a huge fan of G/S/C since I played them constantly between the ages of like 6 and 10, which is pretty much the majority of my remembered childhood. But in reality, it wasn't that good. They put Kanto back in, but they ripped everything out of it. It seemed more like an extension of R/B than a completely new game, especially since it introduced by far the fewest new pokemon, just barely crossing 100. But sadly I can't critique R/B since, because they're the original, I couldn't judge it without getting my limbs ripped off by you guys if I make so much as one negative remark about it.

D/P was easily the weakest. Only fire types? Starter. Legendary. Basically, if you didn't pick Chimchar at the beginning (he wasn't even that good) you were out of a good fire-type. I understand it was intended to be a colder, snowier climate, but come on. It's just uncreative not to make any.

If I were to look at the 2nd gen, I'd use HGSS for comparison rather than G/S. Pokemon Soulsilver was easily one of the best games I have ever played. It fixed everything that was wrong with Gold and Silver. Truly an all-around exceptional game.

Black and White were not bad. People, STFU about the Pokemon. Gamefreak took a risk, by not re-using any old Pokemon and starting fresh with 150+ new ones. Of course you closed-minded people instantly say that they all suck because they're not the original 150. TAKE. OFF. THE. NOSTALGIA. GLASSES.
The graphics were a lot nicer than the past, and being on the same system as D/P were but being that much better was a nice surprise. If D/P had had graphics that nice, they probably would have been better. But when it comes to big graphical improvements, better late than never. The games look gorgeous and are fun to play through.

R/S had absolutely nothing wrong with it. In my opinion, it had the best legendary stories of all the games. The two godlike pokemon fighting over land and sea were greater than anything in the past or future. Lugia and Ho-Oh were cool, but didn't quite have as dynamic of a story. And the legendary golems, which everyone HATES for some reason, really had a cool unlocking method. They're the only legendaries where the game makes them SEEM legendary when you capture them. You have to go through a course of solving puzzles that open ancient doors containing Pokemon that were sealed for thousands of years because their power caused everyone to be afraid of them. Disregarding anything about the Regis themselves, it was still cool to find and catch them.

I really can find nothing wrong with R/S. It was a big step from the 1st and 2nd generations. A big step was what we NEEDED in Gen 2. G/S were way too much like R/B. The graphics were nearly identical (minus the color, providing you're playing G/S on a GBC) and the G/S pokedex was just "R/B pokedex +100". Plus, Hoenn brought some really nice unusual Pokemon designs. I happen to like those more than just simple animals. Sure, every single generation has some pokemon I like and some I hate. Every single one. Like the double battle gimmick was overplayed with Plusle/Minun, etc. But it's things like Mawile and Camerupt that make me feel like I'm playing a Pokemon game and not hunting slightly-deformed animals in my backyard.

I really have a hard time putting the games in order. I like them all for different reasons. So here's too.

Nostalgia scale:
G/S > R/S > R/B > B/W > D/P

Anti-nostalgia scale (i'm being harsh on the older games here to get past the nostalgia factor)
R/S / B/W > G/S / R/B > D/P

Or some creative substitutions
HGSS > B/W > R/S / R/B >>>>>> D/P

tl;dr I think D/P was the worst, while all the other four were very close in greatness. But I'm gonna REALLY need to play the R/S remakes. I imagine they'll help the 3rd gen like HGSS helped the 2nd gen.

not nostalgia glasses
you're an idiot
why did you do this to this thread

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Hover Poultry on September 11, 2011, 11:10:19 AM
I'll just let you know now, I read the first line and then stopped reading.
It's still not nostalgia, thanks.
Guess you never found out that Gen 2 is my favorite, then.

I really have no way to rate the games in order correctly. I love the first three gens because, my childhood. But in order to counter the nostalgia factor I have to be cruel to them. :/

Eh, Fuck it. G/S/C/HG/SS are the games I'm most likely to want to play through over and over and over again. Dunno if it's nostalgia or what.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Gen 2 was the worst generation by far, you intercourse ing horrible moron.


I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Bearissoslow on September 26, 2011, 12:41:46 AM
Gen 2 was the worst generation by far, you intercourse ing horrible moron.

At least Gen 2 had fire pokemon.


There were only three different fire type pokemon "families" introduced into, if we're not counting Entei and Magby. One of them was a start. one of them was Slugma and Magcarintercourse this. The last one was Houndour and Houndoom, which were cool until you realized that you couldn't get them until the last quarter of the game.

granted fourth gen somehow got less points than this, but that's not to say second gen did startingly well either.


Quote from: Bearissoslow on September 27, 2011, 10:41:57 PM
There were only three different fire type pokemon "families" introduced into, if we're not counting Entei and Magby. One of them was a start. one of them was Slugma and Magcarintercourse this. The last one was Houndour and Houndoom, which were cool until you realized that you couldn't get them until the last quarter of the game.

granted fourth gen somehow got less points than this, but that's not to say second gen did startingly well either.
Houndoom is cool as far as looking back, but it sucks how you had to get to the middle of Kanto to even have one, yet there was one in the Elite Four.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.