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Palestinian Statehood?

Started by CoasterKid93, September 21, 2011, 09:28:22 AM

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Quote from: Doodle on September 22, 2011, 07:15:35 AM
It probably won't happen. The U.S will veto it, because they have to PROTECT THEIR LITTLE BABY ISRAEL.

I liked how this thread turned into Kayo vs The Jews.

I believe this will happen. Although the entire conservative base is outraged at this (this will likely become an argument during the upcoming presidential debates), Obama continues to maintain a respectable Pro-Palestinian stance. That's not to say that the United States won't defend Israel if anything terrible happens.

Basically, the United States is going to support the formation of a Palestinian State WHILE defending the interests of Israel.
Quote from: whatwewishfor on March 14, 2014, 09:35:19 AM


If Israel doesn't agree to it, yet it gets created, it's not really solving anything.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tupin on September 22, 2011, 02:14:29 PM
If Israel doesn't agree to it, yet it gets created, it's not really solving anything.

The Prime Minister has begun to voice interest in talks with Palestinian leaders, but yes, he is not in support of the formation of a sovereign state.

If I remember correctly, he said that any formation of a sovereign state will result in "severe consequences."

I'm sure these aspects are being taken into consideration during the UN delegations, but it will be interesting to see how such factors will play into any final decision.
Quote from: whatwewishfor on March 14, 2014, 09:35:19 AM


Breaking this down.
Quote from: Nayrman on September 22, 2011, 03:46:53 AM
First off, Passover is not more than one day.
"Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. It is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays." Either you don't know poop about your own "most precious" holiday, or you just celebrate it differently than other Jews. Either way, I'm positive some people actually celebrate it for a week, even if you don't.

QuoteThank you for assuming each individual day (for multiple day holidays, and once again, we have no problem working on Chanukah because it's not all that important, just a time for a few little things.) isn't important, after all, we just have silly holidays that don't mean anything right? It's the night before and the day of, because the Jewish "day" begins at nightfall.
I'm supposed to know? Also if you have no problem working on Chanukah WHY ARE YOU ARGUING

QuoteNext, about the trip, why should WE have to choose? It's not "the only week that could be done" for scheduling. I group of people shouldn't have to choose between class events and their religious holidays because the school can't bother to plan. And guess what? Times like Passover and such are when MY family get together. Why should I have to miss out on that?
Remember, they can't please everyone. Also, you don't KNOW that it wasn't the most convenient time for the trip. Often people have to plan ahead for these things and take any day they can get. Seriously, you can't expect them to consider EVERYTHING. It's one instance and you should just move on.

QuoteWe don't get together at all on Christmas because, oh look, WE'RE NOT CHRISTIAN. Is it nice we have the day off? Sure, but doesn't really make up for the fact that we still have to spend our holy days at work or class. Instead, as a religious minority, it's that really annoying period in time where stores try to sell you poop by placing the sticker of a fat, bearded guy on everything, and tv channels have 24 hour marathons of the same god darn movie.
Let me tell you something. I know A LOT of Jews who celebrate Christmas. They don't celebrate the religious aspect, and I'm not saying you should. I come from a Christian family and we don't celebrate Christmas religiously. You don't need to flip out with your "OH LOOK WE'RE NOT CHRISTIAN" poop. A LOT OF JEWS. HAVE LITTLE PARTIES AND GET TOGETHERS. ON CHRISTMAS. I know Jewish families who even put up Christmas trees and leave presents under them for the kids when they wake up on Dec. 25th.

QuoteThe point I was trying to make of having class on Christmas/Easter and so forth is that you still don't get how we feel about that. Oh, sure, it makes sense to never have work on YOUR important days, but intercourse  trying to understand where we're coming from. How DARE we even consider having something happening on Christmas! After all, it's not religious anymore and totally commercial so celebrate it too! (Except you're missing the point that again, we're not Christian so the day has NO meaning to us). Wait, if it's so not religious anymore, why do we have the day off at all? Maybe because of it's religious connotation?
I actually SAID why we have the day off. It originated as a Christian countrywide day of rest but now they leave it there as, LIKE I SAID, ONE day where 99% of all people in the US have the day off, so you're pretty much guaranteed to have your whole family available if you want to do something. And let me ask you something:

How do you think WE feel? You guys still have your Passover and Chanukah, and they're still RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS. Guess what? CHRISTIANS DON'T HAVE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS ANYMORE. Christmas is a commercial 25-day sale at Kohls, symbolized by some strange old man who sneaks into kids' houses and leaves them mysterious gifts.

And Easter is the most sacred holiday for Christians. Yet no one knows that because Easter is a time of year where some demented bunny leaves colorful eggs and candy everywhere for kids to find. Be happy you even HAVE a religious holiday that can be taken seriously, because we don't. So shut up and enjoy the religious holiday you get to have. Jews are lucky enough to not have their religious holidays corrupted by the corporate world, and you claim you guys got it bad. No, you get to celebrate what you were brought up to celebrate, and instead the majority Christians get the short end of the stick.

Nayr, I advise you to just drop the situation, because every post you make just makes you sound more and more like a whiny Jew who cries because you don't get an extra 2 weeks of "Stop everything, we have a holiday" that the majority of the country doesn't even get to have. I'm sorry, but it's true. Just calm down and be thankful that Jews are even allowed in here; in pretty much any middle eastern country you would be prosecuted and killed just because of what you believe in. We're more lenient than a lot of other countries. And you're still a minority.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.



Quote from: Zero on September 22, 2011, 06:12:47 PM

BIG MEMES. In all honesty, what is your opinion on this issue? (Because, after all, this DOES affect us).
Quote from: whatwewishfor on March 14, 2014, 09:35:19 AM


Quote from: CoasterKid93 on September 22, 2011, 07:32:57 PM
BIG MEMES. In all honesty, what is your opinion on this issue? (Because, after all, this DOES affect us).

I'm fine with them.


Quote from: CoasterKid93 on September 22, 2011, 07:32:57 PM
BIG MEMES. In all honesty, what is your opinion on this issue? (Because, after all, this DOES affect us).

ninny i ain't give af uck

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: whatwewishfor on March 14, 2014, 09:35:19 AM