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Kid Icarus Uprising

Started by Neerb, October 05, 2011, 07:38:36 PM

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bad controls kill an otherwise good game faster than just about anything else.

painful controls (even just slightly) are pretty much the worst kind of bad controls.
~~ <3


Quote from: Pennington on March 19, 2012, 12:25:24 PM
"Bawwwwww my hands hurt"

I fail to recognize this as legitimate criticism.

You aren't a very good critic


Quote from: Michio Kaku on March 19, 2012, 05:26:48 PM
You aren't a very good critic
Why, because I don't blame video games for injuries I may receive while playing them?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Criticizing a game for having uncomfortable controls is completely legitimate.

oh and I guess this is old news but the game has multiple control schemes including one where you move with the face buttons.


Quote from: X-3 on March 19, 2012, 10:25:03 PM
Criticizing a game for having uncomfortable controls is completely legitimate.

oh and I guess this is old news but the game has multiple control schemes including one where you move with the face buttons.

lol Sin & Punishment 1.

Also, I've heard that you basically NEED the stylus, in spite of whether or not it's comfortable; the game gets so hectic that S&P style, dual analogs, and possibly even a mouse and keyboard, would never be able to keep up with how fast the opponents are moving. This shooter requires precision, and for better or worse, the stylus delivers. They recommend you max the sensitivity, though, so you can turn fast enough.


Quote from: NoiseHunterChris on March 18, 2012, 09:46:51 PM
Oh, they did...

Except Japan used THEIR Assault VAs.
And then we get stuck with the old VAs
Which would be okay, but they managed to do even worse of a job, so


Quote from: Pennington on March 19, 2012, 06:34:27 PM
Why, because I don't blame video games for injuries I may receive while playing them?

I can't take you seriously


Quote from: Pennington on March 19, 2012, 06:34:27 PM
Why, because I don't blame video games for injuries I may receive while playing them?
Controls shouldn't hurt you while you play a game just as keyboards shouldn't stab in you in the face when typing up a report.


Quote from: Super on March 20, 2012, 11:14:06 AM
Controls shouldn't hurt you while you play a game just as keyboards shouldn't stab in you in the face when typing up a report.
When I write for long periods of time, my hand cramps up.

Fuck these pens. They're complete pieces of poop. I can't believe they would sell pens that cause my hand so much discomfort.

Seriously, do you know how ninnyy you all sound? It's only legitimate criticism if it's impossible to play a game without being in intense pain. Maybe you're experiencing discomfort, but the next 10 players aren't. It's not the game's fault.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


You're right. People should only complain about stuff that can be physically crippling or fatal. You've opened my eyes and I shall meditate on this further.


Good grief you guys.

It is bad that the game causes pain. Pain is bad in any scenario, unless you're masochist; saying "it hurts" is a completely legitimate criticism for a professional reviewer to make.
It is NOT, however, a deal-breaker, as anyone who has played a stylus heavy game in the past seven years could tell you.

Minus 1 or 1.5 points for a control scheme that works fine but hurts after extended play is perfectly viable. The game has an 84 on Metacritic right now, and that sounds about right; it's still a good game, according to the critics. Besides, it's a portable shooter; are you really gonna play for that long at a time anyway? And if you do, aren't you going to do it because you like the game no matter how your hand feels?


Quote from: The True Nicolas Cage on March 20, 2012, 01:25:14 PM
Good grief you guys.

It is bad that the game causes pain. Pain is bad in any scenario, unless you're masochist; saying "it hurts" is a completely legitimate criticism for a professional reviewer to make.
It is NOT, however, a deal-breaker, as anyone who has played a stylus heavy game in the past seven years could tell you.

Minus 1 or 1.5 points for a control scheme that works fine but hurts after extended play is perfectly viable. The game has an 84 on Metacritic right now, and that sounds about right; it's still a good game, according to the critics. Besides, it's a portable shooter; are you really gonna play for that long at a time anyway? And if you do, aren't you going to do it because you like the game no matter how your hand feels?
It's perfectly logical for your hands to hurt after doing something for hours on end without stopping. The control scheme doesn't affect gameplay enough to deserve the loss of points unless EVERYONE who plays the game has an issue. If one critic himself feels discomfort, while 5 of his colleagues don't, that doesn't justify calling it a bad game. In the case of something like the Virtual Boy, where anyone who played it would end up feeling uncomfortable, then yes, that's a design flaw. But if one out of every six people has a problem, it's not because of the game.

It's not pain, either. The game would not cause pain. Discomfort, maybe. MAYBE.
In the games' defense, a lot of times they say to take breaks after playing for an extended period of time. If you fail to comply with their suggestions, it is no longer their fault. All you Zelda fans: when Navi said "Hey! Link, are you getting tired? I sure am!", she had a reason to. Playing any game for hours and hours without stopping will leave you feeling less than amazing. Whether you got a headache from staring into a flickering backlit screen or hand cramps from keeping them in a specific position the entire time, you can't play the games.

All games can potentially cause discomfort. That's why you can't fault one game for not caressing and massaging your thumbs as you play it. Seriously, it's just a bunch of whining. It's really not possible for any video game to leave the player free of any discomfort whatsoever, no matter what.

In this stage, saying "Waahhhh my hand hurts" is most certainly not a legitimate problem with the game. You're telling people not to buy something because YOUR hand cramped up while playing it. Grow up.

tl;dr The game isn't even OUT yet, no one here has any right to complain about the controls making you uncomfortable, because none of you have even PLAYED it.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Pennington on March 20, 2012, 03:34:42 PM
In this stage, saying "Waahhhh my hand hurts" is most certainly not a legitimate problem with the game.

it very much is if its a bigger problem in this game than others
~~ <3


Quote from: zephilicious on March 20, 2012, 03:38:41 PM
it very much is if its a bigger problem in this game than others
Not if you're the only one whining about it so much.

If 100% of players experience discomfort, it's a problem.
If 75% of players experience discomfort, it's a problem.
If 50% of players experience discomfort, it could go either way. If it's a case like this, a good review would not say anything like "Don't buy this game, it made my hand hurt.". It might instead say something like "Some players experience discomfort when playing this game for extended periods of time." In that case, it's a perfectly legitimate argument. Personalizing it by saying "This game's controls were not very good, because MY hand hurt when I was playing it" is wrong. That's something that should rely more on how the general population reacts to the controls, rather than the one reviewer. If a person suffers from a migraine coincidentally while playing a video game, they should not instantly reduce a score and say "This game causes migraines." In that situation, it's best to confirm using a number of other subjects that it's a common problem.
Just because a reviewer experiences discomfort while playing a game does not mean that everyone else also will. As such, it is unfair to score a game based on one person's physical condition alone.

If 25% of players experience discomfort, it is no err on the game's part and may only be coincidental.
If 0% of players experience discomfort, then they are not playing a video game.

I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Kayo, we aren't making a judgement based on only one review.

Everyone is mentioning how awkward and painful the controls are. I don't know why you're conveniently and blatantly ignoring all the criticism this game is getting regarding its controls. You're really acting like it doesn't exist. It's pretty perplexing.

I thought Neerb was into this game more than you were, but clearly not, as you can't stop riding its dick.