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So uh how many of you faggots still haven't read The Sun Also Rises

Started by Ravioli, November 27, 2011, 08:44:13 PM

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How bout you get the intercourse  on that poop

Anyways discuss books and graphic novels/post favs/post your dicks idrgaf

Everything by Vonnegut
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Sun Also Rises
Just Kids
The Hobbit
A Confederacy of Dunces
The Bell Jar
Huckleberry Finn

Flying Chickens

The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, etc)
Catch 22
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Great Shark Hunt
Everything Is Illuminated
Fight Club

I've got Brave New World, To Kill A Mockingbird, and The Englishman's Boy on standby for when I finish Inheritance.

I've heard of Vonnegut, but never read anything by him. What kind of writing is he?


Science metafiction rich with dark humor. His books address big topics but he's funny as hell and knows how to say a lot by saying very little. You won't be disappointed. If you liked Catch-22 you'll like Vonnegut.

Start with Slaughterhouse-Five. Then read Cat's Cradle, then Breakfast of Champions, then whatever. After you've read a few of his novels his essay and short story collections are worth reading too. This article gives a better overview of his work than I could.

Brave New World and Mockingbird are both great, great stuff. BNW blows 1984 out of the water and then intercourse s its rotting corpse with an eel. It's more pertinent in the Western World today, and more cleanly written.



Currently reading the Sound and the Fury and this nifty collection of historically important political/philosophical essays I recently picked up from a used book store.


Faulkner's Sound and the Fury?  Fuck that book.  Fuck it in the book ass.   I've read it three times, thinking "Maybe this time I'll like it."

Nope.  Never.


Apparently King is going back and filling in a gap in the The Dark Tower series with a new book.



Quote from: Michio Kaku on December 16, 2011, 01:23:51 AM
Apparently King is going back and filling in a gap in the The Dark Tower series with a new book.


Huh.  I don't remember a gap in the books.

I guess I didn't really notice, or I just assumed nothing of value happened.  I like the series, but I wasn't particularly happy with the very end.  Serious spoilers ahead.

[spoiler] I wasn't upset he had to do it all over again, but it seemed a little forced with the whole lost horn idea.  If that had been a thread mentioned in the earlier books a little bit more, or even hinted at, I would have gotten on board all the way.  But since it seems like an idea he got while writing the last book, it didn't seem important enough, or really fit as a symbol of him regaining some humanity in his new journey.  I know he even tells you to stop reading, and that you might not like it.  It wasn't the ending as a whole, though, but just that intercourse ing horn. [/spoiler]


I started reading this series in high school and over the years I've become less and less of a reader. To tell the truth, I haven't made it past V: Wolves of the Calla. I would like book VI and VII though. Just haven't gotten around to getting them.


Quality thread alert.

Right now, I'm reading "House of Leaves," and I have to say, it might just be the best book I've read this year. It's profoundly unnerving and its use of narrative is unique and unforgettable.

Also, "Breakfast of Champions" by Kurt Vonnegut is a brilliant and hilarious piece of social satire. Read that poop.
Quote from: whatwewishfor on March 14, 2014, 09:35:19 AM

Flying Chickens

About to start on Slaughterhouse-Five, my friend had to take back BNW (was borrowing) so I never quite got a start on it.
Fuuuuck me.


drop kick that motherintercourse er

-Sound and the Fury was ballin
-Franny and Zooey > Catcher in the Rye
-Wonder Boys was funny
-King Lear is rad
-Palo Alto is alright but forgettable
-Started The Odyssey but my copy is kinda half destroyed
-My best homeslice bought me The Rum Diary for Christmas so I started that. So far so great

Got/bought for Christmas but haven't started:
-The Picture of Dorian Gray
-Women in Love
-Richard III
-Crime and Punishment

Flying Chickens

Oh lord, I disliked the Rum Diary. I'm a huge HST fan, but I found that the Rum Diary never actually really had a point to it.

Flying Chickens

Someone suggest good novels, I want reading material. Currently burying my face in the works of Vonnegut and Thompson. Looking to get into some Hemingway.
Other than that, everything else is completely fair game.


Get BNW back

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Tropic of Cancer
Ham on Rye
The Alchemist
Animal Farm
The Brothers Karamazov

Not novels, but:

Parliament of Whores
The Glass Castle
Letters from the Earth
The Complete Prose of Woody Allen (composed of three separate books: Without Feathers, Getting Even and Side Effects)
On the Genealogy of Morality
Watchmen (or anything by Alan Moore)