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Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 announced for DS!

Started by Hero_of_Darkness, February 25, 2012, 05:39:22 PM

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Quote from: Z on May 16, 2012, 09:39:55 PM
Uh, I was
Yes, I know. I still need to learn how to use English phrases right...


Quote from: zephilicious on May 16, 2012, 07:35:58 PM
do you ever think before you post
"Plot hasn't been a reason since Gen I" could be taken as "It was a reason in Gen I, but not since."

Also, @video. The male protag is starting to grow on me, just a little. Still definitely not my favorite, not even close, but seeing him more and more is starting to make me tolerate him.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: zephilicious on May 14, 2012, 08:36:31 PM
yes i was specifically planning to say that if anyone tried to argue my point

plot has not been a reason to play pokemon since gen 1.

Thought so.


Male protagonist reminds me of Digimon in that video, probably because of the hair now that I finally get to see him move; this makes me like him a lot more, given I was pro-Digimon until Series 4.

Also, Plasma is back, as... Ninjas? Weird, but makes a whole lot more sense than walking around in broad daylight as knights. Maybe Ghetsis' ninja guards from the B/W 1 restarted the team.

Also, is it just me, or does it seem like Bianca is the professor now and the guy in the lab coat might be
1. A recurring side character like Looker or certain Champions.
2. A villain that you don't find out is evil until later.
Because Bianca is the one giving the starters, and that midnight meeting with the professor guy, who has a crazy outfit and a Magneton, doesn't seem like any professor we've met before.

And before you guys say "it's just an anime," I'd like to point out that while this is an exaggerated version, it's still based on events of the game, meaning we can also look forward to that Electric leader who looks like Elesa post-makeover.


Quote from: Kayo on May 16, 2012, 10:41:00 PM
"Plot hasn't been a reason since Gen I" could be taken as "It was a reason in Gen I, but not since."

that is exactly what i said and it still doesnt mean what you said
~~ <3


Quote from: zephilicious on May 17, 2012, 11:17:49 AM
that is exactly what i said and it still doesnt mean what you said
Because Gens II-V admittedly had more plot than Gen I. Gen I was basically just getting 8 badges and challenging the Elite Four, and you bump into Team Rocket in the middle. Great games, Red and Blue were, but there really wasn't a plot. The subsequent generations kept the basic "Get badges" thing, but added a little more depth to the villainous teams and their goals, especially since cover legendaries became standard.

But yeah. Hate all you want, but now that I'm getting used to the male protagonist, he isn't so bad. Just accept the fact that he's different and we'll have to live with him and move on. Getting used to him really helps.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Okay no. There was a plot in R/B. It wasn't very deep and you had to really dig to find it(like the journal logs on Cinnabar or talking to NPC's like intercourse ing mad), but it was there. Team Rocket was doing some really crazy poop. The entire game has a genetic experiment motif. Many Gen I pokemon are dinosaurish and some, like Voltorb(which isn't a Haunter possessing a intercourse ing Pokeball, its the result of a Pokeball experiment gone haywire) and Porygon are completely artificial. Let's not forget bringing back fossils.

There's a difference between saying "There really wasn't a strong, in your face plot" and "...but there really wasn't a plot".

Saying Gen II had a plot but Gen I didn't is laughable as Gen II's minimalist plot relies on Gen I almost entirely.

None of the Pokemon games have a strong plot. But just because in the subsequent games they threw it in your face, that doesn't mean they have much more depth than Gen I did. It's highly debatable.


Quote from: Kayo on May 17, 2012, 12:05:44 PM
Gen I was basically just getting 8 badges and challenging the Elite Four, and you bump into Team Rocket in the middle.
yes this is every game thats the point

once you've played it in gen 1 it doesnt intercourse ing matter any more.
~~ <3


Quote from: Z on May 17, 2012, 12:18:47 PM
Okay no. There was a plot in R/B. It wasn't very deep and you had to really dig to find it(like the journal logs on Cinnabar or talking to NPC's like intercourse ing mad), but it was there. Team Rocket was doing some really crazy poop. The entire game has a genetic experiment motif. Many Gen I pokemon are dinosaurish and some, like Voltorb(which isn't a Haunter possessing a intercourse ing Pokeball, its the result of a Pokeball experiment gone haywire) and Porygon are completely artificial. Let's not forget bringing back fossils.

There's a difference between saying "There really wasn't a strong, in your face plot" and "...but there really wasn't a plot".

Saying Gen II had a plot but Gen I didn't is laughable as Gen II's minimalist plot relies on Gen I almost entirely.

None of the Pokemon games have a strong plot. But just because in the subsequent games they threw it in your face, that doesn't mean they have much more depth than Gen I did. It's highly debatable.

Yeah but, the thing is, a lot of the aspects you mentioned of Gen I's "plot" were retained in subsequent gens. (especially the fossils thing; i don't see why you brought that up to defend Gen I). Also, when you have to dig really far, it becomes more opinion and interpretation than a straight plot.

Yeah, I'll openly admit that Gen I had a lot of "experimentation" going in. It's evident in some choice Pokemon. The problem with that is, it doesn't really contribute to the storyline. Remember, when a plot is completely out of your face, it's left up to interpretation and could be seen way differently by different people. If maybe I was erroneously interchanging "plot" and "storyline", then so be it. But I don't think we're quite on the same page.

Also, I don't exactly think Gen II has much more plot than Gen I; I was kind of thinking more III and on. The key thing that stands out with me is, the villainous team had some huge goal that you usually spent the whole game fighting on and off, eventually culminating with some tangent that throws you off your normal badge-obtaining path, which usually occurs around the time of the 7th gym. You'll grab your 7th badge somewhere in all the action, then get through the climax, then battle the 8th gym leader once the crisis is averted, and continue on your way to the Pokemon League.

Gen I had extra stuff going on, but it never seemed to take center stage. Even though you faced Rocket time and time again (Or maybe just three times, if you even count Mt. Moon), obtaining badges always seemed to be the main goal. In gens III-V, (at least in my opinion), once you got to that climactic part in the story, you accept that as the current main goal. You put your effort into finding an undersea cave, climbing to the top of a mountain, or what have you, but then afterwards it's like "Oh right, I have a badge to get!"

At least that's how I felt.

So yeah, the plot in R/B was more deep and left to interpretation, and to be honest, you can't really catch it until you've played through the game more than once. I mean, I didn't get it on my first time (then again, how old was I?) but I caught the plots of the other games.

But we've all played R/B and their remakes several times, so by now we know a lot of stuff about them that weren't so obvious at first glance. I wonder if the same could be true about the other games...
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Kayo on May 17, 2012, 01:01:29 PM
Also, I don't exactly think Gen II has much more plot than Gen I; I was kind of thinking more III and on. The key thing that stands out with me is, the villainous team had some huge goal that you usually spent the whole game fighting on and off, eventually culminating with some tangent that throws you off your normal badge-obtaining path, which usually occurs around the time of the 7th gym. You'll grab your 7th badge somewhere in all the action, then get through the climax, then battle the 8th gym leader once the crisis is averted, and continue on your way to the Pokemon League.

so every game has the same plot
~~ <3


Quote from: Z on May 17, 2012, 12:18:47 PM
Okay no. There was a plot in R/B. It wasn't very deep and you had to really dig to find it(like the journal logs on Cinnabar or talking to NPC's like intercourse ing mad), but it was there. Team Rocket was doing some really crazy poop. The entire game has a genetic experiment motif. Many Gen I pokemon are dinosaurish and some, like Voltorb(which isn't a Haunter possessing a intercourse ing Pokeball, its the result of a Pokeball experiment gone haywire) and Porygon are completely artificial. Let's not forget bringing back fossils.

There's a difference between saying "There really wasn't a strong, in your face plot" and "...but there really wasn't a plot".

Saying Gen II had a plot but Gen I didn't is laughable as Gen II's minimalist plot relies on Gen I almost entirely.

None of the Pokemon games have a strong plot. But just because in the subsequent games they threw it in your face, that doesn't mean they have much more depth than Gen I did. It's highly debatable.

One area of the game doesn't make a plot. That's just some backstory concerning two Pokemon. It's nothing like Metroid Prime where things like that are spread out everywhere in the game and connect together.


Quote from: zephilicious on May 17, 2012, 01:50:05 PM
so every game has the same plot
That is not even remotely close to what I was saying in that paragraph.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Trevelyan on May 17, 2012, 08:30:11 AM
Male protagonist reminds me of Digimon in that video, probably because of the hair now that I finally get to see him move; this makes me like him a lot more, given I was pro-Digimon until Series 4.

Also, Plasma is back, as... Ninjas? Weird, but makes a whole lot more sense than walking around in broad daylight as knights. Maybe Ghetsis' ninja guards from the B/W 1 restarted the team.

Also, is it just me, or does it seem like Bianca is the professor now and the guy in the lab coat might be
1. A recurring side character like Looker or certain Champions.
2. A villain that you don't find out is evil until later.
Because Bianca is the one giving the starters, and that midnight meeting with the professor guy, who has a crazy outfit and a Magneton, doesn't seem like any professor we've met before.

And before you guys say "it's just an anime," I'd like to point out that while this is an exaggerated version, it's still based on events of the game, meaning we can also look forward to that Electric leader who looks like Elesa post-makeover.
1) Team Plasma isn't made of ninjas. Those ninjas are the Shadow Triad, Ghetsis' personal guard who have caused a lot of theories about them. I mean, creepy ninjas? IN MY POKEMON? Also, Team Plasma is still the same except a lot more evil and back in black.

2) The new professor is the professor of the sequel. It just so happens that Bianca is Prof. Juniper's assistant and thus was requested to give the two their Pokemon.

3) That black-haired woman is still Elesa. She just dyed her hair black.


Quote from: Hero_of_Darkness on May 17, 2012, 02:21:15 PM
One area of the game doesn't make a plot. That's just some backstory concerning two Pokemon. It's nothing like Metroid Prime where things like that are spread out everywhere in the game and connect together.

Its more than just "backstory". You directly put a stop to any further Team Rocket activity. Giovanni was planning on taking over the world with all the fruits of Rocket's research. The Mewtwo thing was just one little piece of it. You get to see the kind of things that Team Rocket was up to. The game is giving you reasons to dislike Team Rocket. That's...sort of relevant. I think you could agree that games try to give you justification for stopping bad guys, right?

I agree that is nothing close to the scale that Prime had but one thing I've said from the start is that the plot is incredibly minimalist. You had to use your imagination.


Quote from: Z on May 17, 2012, 08:10:13 PM
I agree that is nothing close to the scale that Prime had but one thing I've said from the start is that the plot is incredibly minimalist. You had to use your imagination.
Not saying that is or isn't the case here, but that same thing could be said for a LOT of games that are said to have little or no plot.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.