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Tales of Graces f

Started by Zero, April 08, 2012, 01:15:21 AM

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If you were burnt out on Tales before I recommend checking this one out. The combat is updated so that normal attacks aren't tedious to perform like in older entries in the series.  Attacks are divided into Assault Artes and Burst artes(not counting ultimate artes). Assualt artes replace normal attacks and are basically special moves that can be easily chained together in any way. Burst artes are your standard Tales special moves. TP has been removed and replaced by CC, which you spend to perform moves, and recharges if you move or guard and also over time Evading is far more fluid(faster too). You can also switch characters during battle much easier than before(d-pad). Guarding for a certain amount of time provides you with auras that grant certain abilities. There's more.

Before these changes, Tales combat for most characters in each game consisted of spamming the normal attack combo that did the most damage or hits and then chaining that with an Arte at the end of the combo. These changes make it so combat is consistently fresh.

I'm pretty impressed with the game even though Mona and I are only 12 or so hours in.

Anyone else interested?


Finally got bills out of the way so I'll be picking this up sometime this week.
I heard Malik is quite the character.



Finally got around to playing. After getting my poop slapped by Queen Slime, I realized how important dualizing and title swapping is.
Also, while Asbel's fighting stylle is pretty neat, I think Sophie feels just amazing to play as. kajoink


As soon as you are able to Eleth Mix Mastery Tonic, I recommend you do so. The extra SP you get from them is incredibly useful. Also while equipping titles that give you new Artes is important, it's just as important to equip titles that give you defensive and offensive stats or recovery abilities. I'm playing on Hard mode, and sometimes I wish I wouldn't have put so much SP into Titles that give me new Artes.

Dualizing is important but can be pretty annoying to do as weapons and armor temper rather quickly, so you're always taking a break to dualize.


I can't believe I didn't notice you could put items other than food in the mixer.
Also, are those X-Insect and other resistance skills any useful? I haven't really been putting SP those attribute titles.


They're incredibly useful because status effects are extremely prevalent in this game(when compared to other Tales games). Every boss fight has me getting paralyzed or burned so I've started investing SP in Titles with resistance gaining attributes.


After having to retry once or twice against those bosses in Fendel from having my ass handed to me, Richard seemed like a pushover.
Also, should I be dualizing crystals right away, or should I be putting them in the mixer to get more before dualizing them?


I'm not sure which way is best. I haven't tried mixing gems or crystals much because I have so many. I've been grinding a bit and have more than I can really deal with at the moment.

Dualizing crystals as soon as you get them is usually what I do. Chances are you the mixer won't make one anyway.


I guess it doesn't matter since the mixer can make items you don't have anymore.
Lost track of time and didn't save for 1.5 hours running around fetching items for inn requests before I head to the Ghardia Shaft. Died to some enemies in the desert while trying to escape. I think I'll just leave the inn requests for my next playthrough.