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Majora's Mask or A Link to the Past- Which one gets a remake?

Started by Tupin, June 12, 2012, 05:19:53 PM

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Nintendo is apparently trying to figure this out themselves.

Which one would you prefer? I would be fine with either, but I wonder if remake just means a graphical overhaul or it means something else.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


As one of the replies of that thread says. "WHY NOT HAVE BOTH!?"

I'd love both, but if I HAD to choose one, Majora's Mask.


a link to the past obviously

majoras mask is still perfectly playable, alttp feels much more dated
~~ <3


Quote from: zephilicious on June 12, 2012, 05:31:24 PM
a link to the past obviously

majoras mask is still perfectly playable, alttp feels much more dated
This is what I was thinking, unless they can add something to make Majora's Mask amazingly better, ALTTP probably needs it more.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.

The Riddler

If ALTTP gets a full-3D remake, I'd poop myself

Edit: but if they did it in windwaker style graphics I'd be massively disappointed.


Majora's Mask is my favorite of the two by far, so of course I'm gonna go with that one. I didn't really like ALTTP; it was just okay to me. Maybe if they remade it I'd like it more though, who knows.


I'd say Majora's Mask only because I haven't played it. I honestly can't get into the N64 Zeldas for some reason.


Majora's Mask, definitely. I can see it being completely awesome on the 3DS, and I've been hoping for a MM3D to come out ever since I played OoT3D.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

The Riddler

Flying Chickens

A Link to the Mask? I dunno, intercourse , just give me a Zelda game without Fi.


I'd like to see what they'd do with AttLP, but MM is the safer bet imo


I think LttP is fine as it is. MM could probably get a lot out of a remake, though I wouldn't hold my breath.


I'd rather have a Super Metroid remake or something. I'm kind of getting sick of Zelda.

Depends on what kind of remake it is, but A Link to the Past.

Though I would rather have a Link's Awakening remake.