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Pokemon X and Y confirmed

Started by The Riddler, January 08, 2013, 04:14:16 AM

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Quote from: Kayo on February 17, 2013, 08:44:27 PM
Hey guys, wait a darn second. All this talking about Sylveon and no one seems to notice that Xerneas and Yveltal's types are being kept a secret too. Now, I know we didn't get cover legendaries' types right away last time, but it's a little different this time for pretty much the same reason as Sylveon. They gave us height and weight before typing. Anyone else think there's anything strange about that? If not, what types would those two even be?

We actually did talk about it earlier in the thread.


Quote from: Z on February 17, 2013, 10:25:44 PM
We actually did talk about it earlier in the thread.
Yeah, but like, really briefly. Then Sylveon stole all the thunder.

Quote from: Custom on February 17, 2013, 09:45:01 PM
but let's be honest, nobody really gives a poop about dimensions but type can mean everything
My point.

Quote from: Sirwaddy on February 17, 2013, 10:18:25 PM
In all honesty the color coordination argument is insignificant in the first place, I was just trying to appeal to multiple arguments for Sylveon's type. Leafeon is brown anyways, so its tail and ears being green (SAME COLOR AS GRASS WOW) means "absolutely nothing" just as much as Sylveon's ribbons do. I was just trying to defend my case from that theory's point of view too.
You have no point. If we were talking about Sylveon's pink color, you might have one. But no, we're talking about its blue (since it's similar to the Flying color). Leafeon has as much green as Sylveon has pink, not blue. You're just wrong on that one. As trivial as it is, color coordination has been a thing with Eeveelutions so far and in all honestly, that doesn't look like something that will change unless we end up a dozen generations in the future and they have to figure out how to make a Dragon-type Eeveelution.

QuoteThe broken pattern I'm referring to is Black 2 and White 2. Everybody was expecting Gray, and GF broke that tradition/pattern/whatever you want to call it.
Explanation: We all know for a fact that Gen V was cut short to get main-series Pokemon onto the 3DS as soon as possible. Whether it was cut by one year or two depends on if you're talking Japanese or American release dates, but it didn't last a full four years like Gens II-IV did.

This didn't leave enough time to give both a "Gray" version and a pair of remakes (a tradition started in Gen III that will not go anywhere, since it's making GF a intercourse ton of money and we love it) so they went with sequels so they'd have four games in Gen V instead of only three. It was a simple measure to bring it just a bit closer to the five games we're used to, but yeah. It's awfully hard to explain, but someone explained it to me a while ago and it made a lot of sense. If they start doing sequels every Gen in the future, you can bet it's because they were more successful with B2W2 than they ever thought they'd be.

QuoteHeight and weight mean absolutely nothing when Pokemon are being revealed, and in the actual mechanics weight is the only one that matters, and even then it's only involved with a handful of moves. The order of when this info comes out is just as meaningless. The legendaries' types are always kept secret, the focus is on Sylveon because that's where GF wants it to be. They're probably just hyping it up because if it does end up Flying-type, it'd be the first non-legendary that was Flying monotype. Which is certainly something GF would overhype people about.
That's kind of what I'm saying. It looks like you're trying to argue with me but you're not even thinking any differently than I am. Anyway. Yeah. Dimensions are something that you see for the first time when you catch a new Pokemon in the game and check its Pokedex info. It's something that people don't get hyped over or anything. The thing is, because of that, GF could have just released the names and nothing else. And no one would ask questions. But they released dimensions. From there it's not so much a matter of what they DID release, it's what they DIDN'T. Because just like that, it went from knowing only the name to knowing practically everything but the type.

Let's just say, I hope their type combinations are at least good. No Dragon/Flying or poop like that.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


You guys are funny.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. There will be no new type.
You can cry and be as logical as you want in terms of there being a new type Kayo, but it isn't gonna happen. And once the type is said, well, it was fun having hopes up again right? Just like with Black & White?
Dude .


Quote from: Kayo on February 18, 2013, 12:33:13 AM
Explanation: We all know for a fact that Gen V was cut short to get main-series Pokemon onto the 3DS as soon as possible. Whether it was cut by one year or two depends on if you're talking Japanese or American release dates, but it didn't last a full four years like Gens II-IV did.

There was a 3 year gap from 1st to 2nd (2 years in US), and 2nd to 3rd. The only generation that did have a four year gap was the transition from 4th to 5th. That said, Black and White came out in 2010, and we're getting X & Y the end of 2013.

This is the average generation gap we've had in the past that just seems rushed because 5th gen never had any remakes to divert the focus from Unova. But nothing was cut short to get the mian series to the 3DS asap. The exact opposite is more likely because they're gonna want to milk the DS for all it's worth.


Quote from: JrDude 益 on February 18, 2013, 12:53:41 AM
You guys are funny.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. There will be no new type.
You can cry and be as logical as you want in terms of there being a new type Kayo, but it isn't gonna happen. And once the type is said, well, it was fun having hopes up again right? Just like with Black & White?
You can cry and be as stubborn as you want JrDude, but you can't actually say without a doubt that they won't add a new type. You seem pretty darn sure of yourself, so tell me. How do you know that we're not going to get one? What's your logic?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Sirwaddy on February 18, 2013, 01:11:33 AM
There was a 3 year gap from 1st to 2nd, and 2nd to 3rd. The only generation that did have a four year gap was the transition from 4th to 5th. That said, Black and White came out in 2010, and we're getting X & Y the end of 2013.

This is the average generation gap we've had in the past that just seems rushed because 5th gen never had any remakes to divert the focus from Unova. But nothing was cut short to get the mian series to the 3DS asap. The exact opposite is more likely because they're gonna want to milk the DS for all it's worth.
You conveniently forgot 3rd to 4th. Once we got out of the first two generations, we had a literally SOLID four year gap. Ruby and Sapphire came out in Spring 2003. Diamond and Pearl, Spring 2007. Black and White, Spring 2011. X and Y will be Fall 2013. That's two and a half years compared to the four we've been getting used to. Can't argue that.

When Black and White came out, the 3DS had literally JUST hit the shelves. It wasn't so much "milking the 3DS for all its worth" as not wanting to restrict the game to people that bought the new (overpriced) piece of hardware. If they sold it for the DS, they figured more people could (and would) buy it, since everyone already had a DS. They were right.

Now, as you can imagine, that puts GF in an awkward situation. Here we have a new system waiting for games, and you just started a whole new generation on the system before. Are you going to sit through four more years on the DS before finally catching up to the times? No, you're not. GF has released Pokemon games two years into a handheld's life before. But not four.

See, here's why it's a tad awkward. It really wouldn't be a great idea to just stop Gen V at Black and White and move on. I mean, the past two generations had five games each. They weren't about to cut one at two. So what do they do? They turn the 3rd game into a pair, to get two games instead of one, since they know they're not going to bother with remakes this time. There just simply isn't the time to do that.

Thus, a mere year and a half later, Black 2 and White 2 were born, and they turned out better than expected (for most). They were pretty speedy, too, if you remember the localization period for B2W2 was the shortest in Pokemon history (only about four months, as opposed to the usual six or so.) They kicked it into high gear to get B2W2 out before the end of 2012 so they could jump up to a new generation, this time on 3DS, and finally be playing to the tune of the CURRENT Nintendo system.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I didn't say milking the 3DS. I said the DS.

Either way sometimes it's a three year gap sometimes it's four. It doesn't really matter.


Quote from: Sirwaddy on February 18, 2013, 01:30:00 AM
I didn't say milking the 3DS. I said the DS.

Either way sometimes it's a three year gap sometimes it's four. It doesn't really matter.
Blah, that's what I meant. Shut up, it's 3 AM.

No but my point is, it's BEEN a four year gap ever since the Gen III, when they really kicked off with remakes and spin-offs and such. For them to suddenly revert to a single shorter generation isn't just coincidence, given the lack of remakes and presence of a superior system that poor Gen V had to deal with.

Besides, Pokemon suffered a bit by staying on DS for so long. Because they did stay on the two-dimensional system longer than they should have (Of course, they didn't have much of a choice; I refer you back to my point on how B/W came out when not too many people had a 3DS so it would have sold better on the DS). Don't believe me? Well, just speaking from personal experience. When Pokemon Conquest came out in June 2012, my local GameStop (and probably others) blatantly REFUSED to carry the game because it was a DS game, not a 3DS one*. They still took pre-orders, but they absolutely would not order a single extra copy to sell. I know my GameStop isn't really a great store, but I guarantee it's not the only store that did that. Of course that hurts sales. Stores now are at the point where they're clearing a good portion of DS games off the shelf to make room for 3DS titles. And yet we still have DS games coming out as late as three months ago. So yes, I can see how you'd think they're "milking the DS for all it's worth," but the reality is GF dug themselves a bit of a hole by going into a new generation without advancing systems.

*I'm not just putting words into their mouth, I actually had a talk with the manager when I couldn't get myself a copy. Also, let's ignore the fact that the 3DS is backwards compatible. It's GameStop, they don't understand logic.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Kayo on February 18, 2013, 01:43:55 AM
No but my point is, it's BEEN a four year gap ever since the Gen III, when they really kicked off with remakes and spin-offs and such. For them to suddenly revert to a single shorter generation isn't just coincidence, given the lack of remakes and presence of a superior system that poor Gen V had to deal with.

Black & White were said again and again to serve as somewhat of a reboot to this series, and was very pseudo-gen-1. So following that logic, they're following a similar time gap that the actual gen 1 had. And Gold and Silver were originally supposed to just be Red/Green with 2s slapped on them, much like what actually happened with Black & White. They're going back to their roots, so it's only natural to follow the same generational gap as before.

And that gamestop quote has been duly noted, and will most definitely be taken seriously.


Quote from: Kayo on February 18, 2013, 01:43:55 AM
Blah, that's what I meant. Shut up, it's 3 AM.

No but my point is, it's BEEN a four year gap ever since the Gen III, when they really kicked off with remakes and spin-offs and such. For them to suddenly revert to a single shorter generation isn't just coincidence, given the lack of remakes and presence of a superior system that poor Gen V had to deal with.

Besides, Pokemon suffered a bit by staying on DS for so long. Because they did stay on the two-dimensional system longer than they should have (Of course, they didn't have much of a choice; I refer you back to my point on how B/W came out when not too many people had a 3DS so it would have sold better on the DS). Don't believe me? Well, just speaking from personal experience. When Pokemon Conquest came out in June 2012, my local GameStop (and probably others) blatantly REFUSED to carry the game because it was a DS game, not a 3DS one*. They still took pre-orders, but they absolutely would not order a single extra copy to sell. I know my GameStop isn't really a great store, but I guarantee it's not the only store that did that. Of course that hurts sales. Stores now are at the point where they're clearing a good portion of DS games off the shelf to make room for 3DS titles. And yet we still have DS games coming out as late as three months ago. So yes, I can see how you'd think they're "milking the DS for all it's worth," but the reality is GF dug themselves a bit of a hole by going into a new generation without advancing systems.

*I'm not just putting words into their mouth, I actually had a talk with the manager when I couldn't get myself a copy. Also, let's ignore the fact that the 3DS is backwards compatible. It's GameStop, they don't understand logic.

LOL LOL LOL i can't even think straight after reading this garbage
conquest was hard to find, but using that as a reference point for all ds releases is poop
it was also hard to find everywhere in general and isn't a main series pokemon game. 
there are tons of copies of b&w2
also really, you talked to the manager of your local gamestop? about conquest? that's your source? REALLY? are you joking???
he probably spouted bullpoop at you to try to get you to leave the store. or you probably just misquoted him as you tend to do
i really don't think the fact that they lingered on the ds was the main reason for sales hurting.
please post actual sources thanks

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Kayo on February 18, 2013, 01:13:35 AM
You can cry and be as stubborn as you want JrDude, but you can't actually say without a doubt that they won't add a new type. You seem pretty darn sure of yourself, so tell me. How do you know that we're not going to get one? What's your logic?
Any arguments I may have are pointless to say because,
1. You view my points and opinions as useless, so my word means nothing. Probably because I didn't accept your text-based friend request.
2. You're stubborn and dedicated to your belief that a new type will "probably" be coming into the game, that no matter what logic or argument thrown at you, you will counter argue with other things you think make your belief seem more true to others, when in fact it means nothing as well.

Anyone can argue anything and make any point seem logical. But if anyone believes something, anything suggesting anything that isn't their belief looks stupid. Which is why arguing with you, and most everyone else in this thread, is pointless. I have read every post in the thread (except for the last few that happened after my recent post because now it's getting old) and everyone arguing isn't open to the other side of the argument, thus people keep saying "That makes no sense, my theory is more right than yours because of this block of text I typed or this image that supports my argument."

Anyway. I can say without a doubt in my mind, there will be no new types. I can provide my arguments, but there's no reason to.
Dude .


Conquest, hard to find? It's intercourse ing everywhere here.


Quote from: JrDude 益 on February 18, 2013, 05:21:23 AM
no matter what logic or argument thrown at you
once again, the only argument the no new type camp has been able to come up with is I hate change.

almost everyone that's been following the thread has conceded that a new type is starting to look pretty darn likely.
~~ <3



There are two things that make me think we will not get any new types, and neither of them are "I hate change"

1. When Dark/Steel was introduced, Magnemite and Magneton were retyped to be part Steel. That was with 251 pokes at the time. Now with 649 pokes around, and a lot of people just comparing or grouping Sylveon with all the other pink normal types like Chansey or Clefairy, this "new type" would probably get all of those pokemon unecessarily retyped. It's essentially giving half the normal types out there a new type, so that's hardly a useful thing to do.

2. When Dark/Steel came out there were very few Pokemon with those types. And even now during 5th gen there aren't many of them. Even with types that have been around since gen 1, like Dragon. The type-chart is fine, that's all sorted and it works great. But for the pokes actually having each type, that aspect is severely unbalanced. 27 Ghost types for example, is insignificant to the 109 water types. And adding a new type to this unbalanced poop would just muddle things even further. If thing were much more balanced that they actually are I'd probably be expecting a new type as well, but they aren't. So I'm just not convinced.