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Journal of Death: Red Steel

Started by Macawmoses, October 10, 2007, 07:09:06 PM

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Howdy All! I have decided to write a review on my newest addition RED STEEL. This "review " will be quite different as I will be updating it much like a journal. There will be six entries, and then I will give you the link to an actual review. Depending on your preferences you may not like this seldom used style, so that is why there will be a general review. This is a new style to me but expect the titles to be "INITIAL THOUGHTS, DAY TWO, DAY 5, DAY 7(ish) and FINAL THOUGHTS" Please bear with me, and offer critisicm, but remember this will be recieving 5 updates. Also note that much like ILOVE, I dislike BB coding, so pictures may or may not be a possibility. Thankyou for reading this...and note that my preamble is A LITTLE distracting :P

October 10/2007
Initial Thoughts

          Being a Canadian male, with money burning holes through his pockets, I was browsing Wal Mart for THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: PHANTOM HOURGLASS. Who couldn't resist the splendors of the game? Walking by the Wii section I noticed that Wal Mart was clearing out games, particularly UBISOFT's launch window games. Quickly looking through them I noticed RED STEEL for a mere 25 bucks. What a deal! I quickly grabbed it before the chubby little ten year old standing next to me could snatch it out of my hands. I wanted it, I needed it. After securing the goods I ran over and picked up Phantom Hourglass, which is still in it's case.

         I popped the disc in and I got an interesing start. It seems you have to drag and drop neon signs on to a billboard before starting the game. Curious, I finally opened up the manual. The writer noted that Red Steel is a game of precision, and gave pointers on maximizing the value of their hard work. I followed the simple instructions, as this was a game I had longed for, but not wanted to shell out $60 for. After seeing an interesting cut scene, where the story initially unfolds I was quite interested. The scenes themselves are a mix of "moving pictures" and still "pieces of art" and the balance was phenomenal. I also noted the voice acting, not too shabby really.

      The story unfolds with the action, you are a woman's bodyguard and boyfriend. Unfortunately you have to meet daddy ( we all hate that part of a relationship ), who has lavishly booked an entire hotel. His bodyguard asks you to wait while the father and daughter reunite, but just then an assassin starts shooting, and injures the man. The bodyguard kills him, but unfortunately there are several more. You go to help but a man knocks you out, and then the action begins...trying to rescue the father and girlfriend.

        Having only a pistol at my disposal, which I found on the ground, I went in firing. You can tip over tables by seinging the remote down, crouch by hitting Z, walk by using the analog stick and moving the wii remote in unison, and point and hit b to shoot. Those are the jists of it, you can also zoom in on your enemy and lock on...but it seems A LITTLE clumsy to do. The shooting was incredibly amazing, and could be done with ease. The poor Yakuza members were dropping like flies. As you progress on your quest you also pick up a sword, and get taught a few combat. If you fail to learn the objective of the training, and get killed ( and it will happen) you just start the excercise over. Phew! Also I was pleased with the variety of weapons, I have a broken sword, katana, handgun, uzi, and shotgun found up to this point. Every aspect is well balanced.

      To simply touch on the sound is necessary. The gameplay was so intense I didnt notice any music, I was enthralled. However the enemies calling me a "bastard" and the like was enough to cause me to laugh. The voice acting seems natural, but there are a few parts that just don't work. Also some of their "catch phrases" are repetitive.

     Saving is not pleasant. You get to checkpoints and it allows you to start over only if you die. You must make it to significant points for it to count as a save. This is frustrating if you only want to play for a few minutes...but it isn't too much of a big deal!

    Overall, at the moment I am quite impressed. I am not too far, and have only scratched the surface. I am in awe at how well the controls for this launch title are...and that is not something to take likely. The gameplay is so intense you wont notice sounds, except when hilarity ensues...but that isn't a bad it? As of right now I give the game an 8/10 as there is room for improvement, I am not particularly fond of SOME of the controls, or the art, but I can live with it. Also I hate the saving, it is really a weak point, in my opinion.  They are only minor nuisances, however. If this game stays this good you will know, and if it gets worse, I will tell you, but so far the outcome is looking good!



I need edits...thanks....a lot of writing :O