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How are you doing in your classes?

Started by Lotos, October 10, 2007, 09:03:12 PM

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Quote from: PsychoYoshi on October 11, 2007, 12:52:53 PM
Quote from: TheKoopaBros. on October 10, 2007, 09:11:38 PM
The courses I'm in now aren't personally my favourites, but they're required courses that I'll need in the future. Math is my achilles heel, and all of my current courses are math based. XD

Anyways, here's what I believe I'm getting:

Physics: C - C+
Math: C+ - B
Chemistry: B - A

I'm so bad at physics. >.>

I don't blame you in the least, TKB. Physics sucks. :p

Anyway, most of our grades aren't in the system yet, so I can only give (very rough) estimates of what I'm earning right now, 5 weeks into the 10-week classes...

Functions and Calculus I: A- to A (Second time I've taken Calc, it's a heck of a lot easier on your second pass. Hoping to maintain this grade.)

Organic Chemistry I: C+ to B- (Decent homework and quiz average, but only got a straight C on first exam. I'm expecting a better second exam, so this'll probably improve to a straight B.)

Culture and Diplomacy in Modern East Asia: N/A; The class is a research seminar, so our entire grade is based off of the research paper that we turn in at the end of the term.

Yeah, that and I've always been a slow learner in math courses. I am oddly doing better in physics now that we're done with Kinematics, so I'd say I probably have a high C to a C+. :P

This is my second time taking that chemistry course (I got a C first time around) and now I have about 80% (though that isn't saying much since I've only been in school a month now :P).

Friendly Hostile

Quite well, since I'm our valedictorian.

not famy

like a b- or maybe a c+ in biology
b in art
b in spanish
d in english
b in history
d- in algebra II

i think im doing great yay



Quote from: Gamemaster1379 on October 11, 2007, 02:50:18 PM
B+ average...and I never study  ;D
A-, I dun study either :O


YEah, A-, don't feel like typing...
