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Mighty No. 9

Started by Super, August 31, 2013, 05:24:42 PM

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Still looking forward to this, ignoring the stupid bullpoop fit over it recently because holy poop I just want something fun

nothing but it being fun matters to me it's just like Megaman

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


The people buttraging have a lot of valid points but ultimately they are pretty paranoid.



holy poop I just want something fun and that looks decent I don't give a poop

quit with this bullpoop about trying to politicize video games my god just make something FUN

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Zero on December 14, 2013, 02:17:44 AM
The people buttraging have a lot of valid points but ultimately they are pretty paranoid.
true, it's just a shame that both sides are going full retard about all of this

although come the intercourse  on someone who never played a megaman game before christ

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Well hey, that's nepotism for you man.

I'm still working on getting my refund processed. They're dragging their heels about it though.


Quote from: Zero on December 19, 2013, 04:29:13 AM
Well hey, that's nepotism for you man.

I'm still working on getting my refund processed. They're dragging their heels about it though.
There was a pretty big straw poll about this sort of thing, and the biggest problems people had was her lying about playing Mega Man and drawing terrible fanart when she has some role in how the game is designed.

Honestly? I wanted the game to come out changed for the worse by her hands just so it could be used as proof people had genuine fears that came true but were ignored because of accusations of misogyny or some poop. If it were really, truly about that, they would have pitched a fit when several other females joined the creative team.

Good luck getting a refund though. Hopefully they learn.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tupin on December 19, 2013, 03:38:07 PM
There was a pretty big straw poll about this sort of thing, and the biggest problems people had was her lying about playing Mega Man and drawing terrible fanart when she has some role in how the game is designed.

Honestly? I wanted the game to come out changed for the worse by her hands just so it could be used as proof people had genuine fears that came true but were ignored because of accusations of misogyny or some poop. If it were really, truly about that, they would have pitched a fit when several other females joined the creative team.

Good luck getting a refund though. Hopefully they learn.

You're right. If this was really about misogyny then people would have flipped their poop about Manami Matsumae being on the team. They didn't. As a matter of fact, people love her. Why? Because she is incredibly skilled and experienced at what she does.

This Dina chick not only draws terrible art that conflicts with the rest of the art team's work, but is a bad choice for a community manager on so many levels. To relate with the Mega Man fans, you should be a Mega Man fan, or at the very least be open to playing the games and honest about it. Instead, her first impression was chock full of lies and pathetic damage control. There is no turning back.

And thank you, I'm still trying. I'll copy and paste the email for your amusement.

QuoteDear Mighty No. 9 Backer,

We are performing diligence on your refund request regarding your donation which is not a quick process as it has come long after the close of the Kickstarter. I wanted to write to you with some initial information. We are continuing to look into this situation but in an effort to provide you with details as we get them, I am sending you out this email.

Please understand that I am not entering into a debate or discussion on this matter but instead am making sure to get you important details as I have them.

It appears that there is a significant misunderstanding and I respectfully ask that you please read the posting that I have copied below from the Mighty No. 9 forum as a response to concerns around the community manager. It appears that there is a mistaken notion which has unfortunately propagated that either a community manager undertakes development or design tasks, which is simply not the case, or that Comcept's community manager was hired to be a designer on Mighty No. 9, which is also not the case. Nothing has changed in the game or in the design of the game or in regards to the development team. Mighty No.9 is moving full steam ahead today on the same path as it was prior to concerns being raised about the community manager.

It appears that this misinformation has been perhaps unknowingly spread which has caused a small pool of backers to request refunds. However, we have also been getting unsolicited emails from some of these backer to now cancel their refund requests as the facts of the situation come clear and backers realize that nothing has changed around the game. Please let us know if you also would like to cancel your refund request.

Otherwise, I will respond with more information as I have it. Your patience is appreciated.





12/12/2013 - 02:46

Hey guys n gals—Mark from 8-4 here!

First of all, thank you to everyone who has been participating on the forums! Everyone on the team is SUPER happy to see so many made the jump over, even as we continue to refine and improve the functionality and speed. We also want to apologize that the lack of certain features (private messaging, the reply system, thread locking, etc.) can make finding the discussions you want to take part in a bit challenging, but rest assured we are working on improvements and watching the suggestion threads closely to help set priorities.

One thing that has really highlighted the shortcomings of the current forum setup (especially the fact we can't lock threads to consolidate them) has been the biggest topic of the last couple days: the introduction of our official community manager, Dina. Along with plenty of congrats and well-wishes (thanks to all those folks!), some backers have expressed perfectly understandable concerns about exactly how their voice would be represented to the team, and have been discussing (in a mostly-civil manner, though sadly with a few loud exceptions) what they might imagine the implications of this new role could be on the community and the project.

Will the community manager be skewing things the way they would personally like to see the game? Will the community manager ignore views that don't match with their own personal ideals? Will the community manager lose the community's desires due to unfamiliarity with the type of game we are making? Will the community manager be creating their own robots and levels and programming, or changing the game in any way, from what the core creative team wants?! A lot of these or similar questions have been raised.

The good news is that the answer, in all cases, is no.

The job of the community manager is to act as a conduit between the community and the team – basically help keep the team filled in on what all of you are talking about, and help keep all of you filled in on what's going on with the team internally. A community manager who filtered this process to further any personal agenda would not, by definition, be a community manager! :) and the fact that they were doing so would be immediately obvious to the team, who is plugged into the community in more ways than one.

When it comes to feedback, a Community Manager needs to be detached and impartial, and rest assured, Dina is and will be (in fact, one of the first bits of feedback she passed along were the concerns some had about how she would work in her new role, which is why I'm posting this here, today. :)

As far as affecting the game in other ways, rest assured all direction and decisions are still in the hands of all the same people they have been from the start. Everyone should know that choosing a community manager is not something the team took lightly -- all the key players at Comcept were involved in the selection and hiring process, all the way up to and including Inafune himself. We are supremely confident we made a great choice, as we think you will all agree as you get to know Dina and see her work.

Of course, the proof will be in the doing -- we look forward to hearing what you all think as we start to roll out different aspects of our community involvement over the next few months, starting next week with the second round of the Call vote! (And maybe some smaller tidbits sprinkled here and there we have planned semi-regularly to get you glimpses behind the action, posted here to the forums from time to time). In the meantime, you can learn more about Dina and see her in action (or ask a question yourself!) in her Ask Me Anything thread in Off-Topic.

Speaking of which, as a point of order we will be moving all threads having to do with Dina and the community manager role in general (except this one! Feel free to sound off here) into the Off Topic section, since, at this point, they are largely about personnel, personal views or politics. We also know there are many redundant and overlapping threads on this and others topics, but without a lock feature (where we could post a link to the one thread to use for any similar topic), we will just let them keep going for now, to err on the side of transparency. Hopefully the web team can get the lock feature soon so we can consolidate threads on the same topic – BIG apologies to the vast majority of folks who are just here to actually talk about the game! :)

EDIT: Update -- while I was working on this today, the team figured out how to lock threads!! Huzzah! Look for similar threads to be locked and redirected so that we have less duplicate threads about the same stuff! Yay! ;D

Finally, and importantly, I wanted to give HUGE thanks once again to all the Beckers who have been helping point others to info on this topic, clarify misunderstandings, and generally been helpful to their fellow Beckers. You impress us every day with your generosity and positive energy – thank you thank you thank you! :D

Mark (Mighty No. 84)

p.s. – sorry in advance if I can't respond to your reply here; it doesn't mean I don't care or don't see your message! :)

So, instead of processing my refund request like I asked, they really just copy and pasted forum posts. Great. I've been polite throughout this ordeal but honestly it feels like they are dragging their heels on purpose.



That's a laugh. Just because you deleted your twitter and tried to rally up an army who will defend you on the grounds that they hate you because of your gender doesn't mean you never said what you said.

Again. The problem isn't that she's a woman. The problem is that backers didn't pay for this, and the excuse that "SHE'S NOT GOING TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE GAME" is a lie, considering she's a designer as well and they're trying to hide that. If I had backed the game, I'd be mad simply because someone involved with it on a deep level isn't experienced.

And of course you've got the generic "neckbeard fedora MRA misogynists hate Dina because they're terrible people" response from people, which is warranted only to a point. Like you said, a vast majority people have no problem with experience on the team regardless of gender.

At a base level, I don't think she's fit for the job at this point simply because of the drama her being on the team has created. You don't want or need all of this negativity when you're trying to get a project like this made.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.



A big part of it for me is the lies. I mean, really, what does it say about a Community Manager that introduces herself to the community she is supposed to interact with daily with a blatant lie? A cheap lie that was told to better connect herself with the community. Many of us were pretty insulted.

To top it off, her first mark on the community was a backer comment. She wanted Beck to be a female robot instead because "it doesn't change gameplay, right?". If it doesn't change gameplay, then why does it matter that Beck is a boy robot? Why is she pledging to this game when she never touched Mega Man and doesn't seem to be fond of 2D games? Why does she give a poop?

All of these questions and more, and to my knowledge she has not properly answered many of them at all.  OF COURSE people were mad.


Don't need to make it a gendered issue why she shouldn't be on the team. She shouldn't be on the team because of nepotism, and that is pure and simple what it is. They can scream and kick and sugarcoat it all they want, but that's why she got the job.

The thing is that what's popular nowadays is making a political statement in your game before you make it, you know, fun. The sad thing is that it's having the opposite effect. People think random ideologies are forced into games for no reason and resent when characters have these flaws.

This whole thing? The whole thing Dina wanted to do with the game and the questions her and people like her ask? Probably one of the biggest reasons why the games industry will never be taken seriously. Taking the story of the game out of context and politicizing the intercourse  out of it.

Curious, since a few days ago you said the people were "pretty paranoid." What made you go from that to wanting a refund?

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


I saw a pretty good comment that I'm going to paraphrase here:

"YOU should have the right to decide what generic stereotype you want to be judged by, NOT anyone else! Imagine trying to identify with a character that isn't exactly like you in every way!"

Oh, and did Inafune design the main character as male? Case closed, the characters male. Stop intercourse ing with creative types.

What the intercourse  has happened to people that they can't identify with protagonists unless they're exactly like them? It's making games poop by making every character rely on contrived character traits. I'd ask other questions, but usually they just say something like "CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE" or something. Ugh.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


are you really requesting a refund becuase of that girl or do you just wnat a refund in general

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Custom on December 20, 2013, 02:46:36 AM
are you really requesting a refund becuase of that girl or do you just wnat a refund in general

I needed more money for xmas gifts for people and this whole poop was a great excuse to do it, yeah.

As much as I wanted my name in the credits, lets face it, none of this poop was handled well at all by Comcept and it still isn't.

If you had invested money into a project and poop like this happened, would you reaaaaally be okay with it?

Quote from: Tupin on December 19, 2013, 10:19:38 PM
Don't need to make it a gendered issue why she shouldn't be on the team. She shouldn't be on the team because of nepotism, and that is pure and simple what it is. They can scream and kick and sugarcoat it all they want, but that's why she got the job.

The thing is that what's popular nowadays is making a political statement in your game before you make it, you know, fun. The sad thing is that it's having the opposite effect. People think random ideologies are forced into games for no reason and resent when characters have these flaws.

This whole thing? The whole thing Dina wanted to do with the game and the questions her and people like her ask? Probably one of the biggest reasons why the games industry will never be taken seriously. Taking the story of the game out of context and politicizing the intercourse  out of it.

Curious, since a few days ago you said the people were "pretty paranoid." What made you go from that to wanting a refund?

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm aware that Inafune and the main team have final say in everything and I doubt that they'd let a foreigner influence things much. I gave my reasons why I wanted a refund. Her art is horrible. She is a horrible person for the job and I DO NOT want to be represented by her. I needed money for xmas. Bam. Refund. I've actually been in the refund process for about a week or so now, and I am still waiting.

For a game like this, where the community is part of development, the job of Community manager is actually very important. Comcept intercourse ed up. I want my money back. It's really that simple.