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Gaben wins again

Started by Tupin, November 04, 2013, 02:52:04 PM

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Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


i'm never playing tf2 again outside the xbox version

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


god I remember playing vanilla TF2

no hats, no special weapons or anything

before it became a hat simulator

but yeah this is hilarious and they knew exactly the kind of reaction they were going to get

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


tf2 was a game i htought that was great creative and a 10/10 but now i'm embarrassed to admit i even played
hats were always poopty and were for hte fedora crowd

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


yeaaah i quit playing TF2 when the hat thing started getting really big


god it's so funny to see /v/ freak out whenever a reference shows up

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


I love TF2.

Yeah there're some awful people there, and I'm sure the days of "purity" were great (I joined at FTP), but it's super fun. It's a great shooter, it's customizable, it's creative, there are PLENTY of good people to play with along with the bad, the events are terrific, it's hilarious, there's tons to do (half the time I just screw around on modded servers like Mario Kart), and it's free and crazy-optimized so even my 4-year-old laptop runs it perfectly.

Valve fanatics are annoying and there's a disturbingly large ellipse in the Venn Diagram that is TF2 Players and Internet Weirdos, but it's still great and the community might not be so bad if more people just tried to enjoy themselves instead of having to choose a side between BronyWhovianFedoras and elitist vanilla CounterStrike tourneyfags. That's the whole appeal of Valve games: they're fun for fun's sake and meant to be enjoyed as such. Just find some decent servers (it's not really that hard at all), stay off forums (we all know how bad those can be), and stop crying every time a new weapon or hat comes out when you'll never have to use it anyway and you can shoot anyone else using it.


Valve fanatics make up a majority of sites that have massive amounts of pull within communities. Their whining is legendary, and it only wants to make Valve piss them off more.

You expect them not to be black and white? Please.

I just tried getting back into it recently and was completely lost. I shouldn't feel so lost in a multiplayer FPS.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Lost? What's to feel lost about? Pick a class, pick a weapon (all of which have descriptions), and start shooting people.


TF2 was better before F2P, yes.

If you look at Valve's game history, with the exception of Portal, you see that  practically every game Valve has made is either:

A) Half-Life, or Half-Life related(Mods to their own game, xpacs, sequels["chapters"]. This inclues Counter Strike, TF2, Source, Richochet, you name it.)
B) A remake or sequel to a mod that isn't even their original creation despite grabbing the original teams in certain cases(DOTA 2, Alien Swarm)
C) Left 4 Dead and its sequel

...and in Portal's case they just took the devs of ND and absorbed them into the Valve Corporation. The original Valve hasn't really even done anything worthwhile at all recently.

They are unbelievably overrated by the masses. Sure, Half-Life was fun and successful, but they have coasted on its success for a long ass time and now thanks to Steam they don't have to develop original poop anymore. When all of this is pointed out to a Valve fanboy, they experience butthurt on a level not fully understood by science.


Um... who cares?

The games are good; I don't care if the company does most of their work through mods and other teams they pay. Joining the Valve-hate circlejerk doesn't make the games less fun any more than joining the Valve-love circlejerk makes them more fun. I just play the games because I want to play, and they're great.


Quote from: Neerb on November 05, 2013, 08:47:12 AM
Um... who cares?

The games are good; I don't care if the company does most of their work through mods and other teams they pay. Joining the Valve-hate circlejerk doesn't make the games less fun any more than joining the Valve-love circlejerk makes them more fun. I just play the games because I want to play, and they're great.

I do not hate Valve. I do not love Valve. I guess my feelings towards them are neutral. I like them, but I just simply do not understand the mentality of those that champion them as a premier, if not the best, developer/publisher in the industry. They're okay. To reiterate, they have a very small gameography so to speak, and as influential as Half-Life and Counter-Strike in particular are, the bottom line is that if anything, they're a great publisher, not a great developer. To each his own and what not, but seriously, we were talking about how annoying Valve drones are. We weren't talking about the QUALITY of the games.

And I care because it is high time they produce something original and you can't blame a guy for wanting the company that put out a couple games he really really liked to make something original for once. Instead, they monetize one of their best releases and invest resources in a risky "pc for console gamers" project. I'll likely be married before they put out anything new.


Quote from: Neerb on November 05, 2013, 08:47:12 AM
Um... who cares?

The games are good; I don't care if the company does most of their work through mods and other teams they pay. Joining the Valve-hate circlejerk doesn't make the games less fun any more than joining the Valve-love circlejerk makes them more fun. I just play the games because I want to play, and they're great.

yo, i love valve
but they intercourse ed tf2 up hard, i can't call that a good game anymore
it became less about teamwork and strategy and more about showing off your epic drops and using your demoman sword maymays to get epic kills instead of doing things to help progress the game like destroying sentries
they also added too many weapons to accommodate for poor playing like the force of nature and backburner (and the 2894124 epic rare drops out now) so the game became less about learning how to play/using strategy and just ended up having no learning curve

it's not fun anymore
why should i spend time on something that doesn't reward you for putting time into it
ever server i join has huge dickholes tlaking about "HEY LOOK AT MY HAT" or "DO YOU WANT TO TRADE HATS"
the game sucks my dick

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Zero on November 05, 2013, 10:17:38 AM
I do not hate Valve. I do not love Valve. I guess my feelings towards them are neutral. I like them, but I just simply do not understand the mentality of those that champion them as a premier, if not the best, developer/publisher in the industry. They're okay. To reiterate, they have a very small gameography so to speak, and as influential as Half-Life and Counter-Strike in particular are, the bottom line is that if anything, they're a great publisher, not a great developer. To each his own and what not, but seriously, we were talking about how annoying Valve drones are. We weren't talking about the QUALITY of the games.

And I care because it is high time they produce something original and you can't blame a guy for wanting the company that put out a couple games he really really liked to make something original for once. Instead, they monetize one of their best releases and invest resources in a risky "pc for console gamers" project. I'll likely be married before they put out anything new.

Valve is so beloved because they essentially give poop away and pander to niche audiences, not for a wide variety of released content.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


And yet, I still want a Steam Box.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.