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~Official Fire Emblem Character Art Thread~ (Updated 5/11)

Started by Silverhawk79, October 11, 2007, 11:07:22 AM

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Since finding Fire Emblem art all in one place can sometimes be difficult, I made a helpful gallery to show them all off, so you can find them easily. :)
Click the thumbnails to see the full-size picture. And whatever you do, DON'T QUOTE ANY PICTURE POSTS!
If you want to know the name of the character, hold your mouse over the picture. If the alt text is something like AlvisOifeySigludAdean, it means that from left to right, the characters are Alvis, Oifey, Siglud, and Adean.
Note: May not work on Firefox. Instead, right click the pic, and click "Properties" to see the Alt text.
Another note: I do not have hardly any Fire Emblem 3 artwork because it is simply a remake of Fire Emblem 1.
Fire Emblem 1, 2, 3, and 4

Fire Emblem 4

VictorCigyunEthniaMananan AzelLexClaudTailto AlvisOifeySigludAdean

EltshanRackesisGrayneAlessAlvaEvaEve MariccleIraShanan YuriaLevin

BriggidDewHolynSylviaBeowolf CeliceOifey ShananAless

LeafFin AltennaAreone YuriusIshtar

AlvisManfroy SkasaherLakche DelmudNanna

PheeSety ArthurTeeny TristanJanne

Fire Emblem 1 / 3

BartsMajiSajiKashim Est Hardin

Katua MariaMatis Minerba

Misheil Paora Rena

RosheBirakuWolfZagaro AbelKain Elice

AlanCecil GohdanDohga JeiganAnri

Marth MorodofRifRoddy Oguma

Raian Sheeda Mediuth


Fire Emblem 2 (Fire Emblem Gaiden)

Arum Cellica JennyLeo



Fire Emblem 5 (Thracia 776)

Alva Amalda Asvel

August Brighton Carrion

Celice Conomoor Corpul

Cyas Dagdar Dalsin

Dean Delmud Dorias

Eda Eyrios Eyvel

Felgus Fin Fred

Galzus Glade Halvan

Hicks Homer Kain

Karin Kempf Lara

Leaf Leidrik Lifis

Linoan Machua Marita

Marty Miranda Misha

Nanna Olwen Othin

Pirn Ralph Reinhard

Robert Ronan Safy

Salem Sara Selfina

Sety Shanam Shiva

Sleuf Tanya Tina

Trewd Xavier YuriaAndLevin

Fire Emblem 6 (Sword of Seals)

Alen Barth Bartre

Brunnya Chad Dieck

Elphin Garret Roy

Sophia Sue Tate

Thany Treck Wendy Wolt

Yahn Zeiss Zephiel


Fire Emblem 7

Eliwood Lyndis

Hector Oswin Wallace

Rebecca Serra Guy

Sain Florina Dorcas

Bartre Lucius

Matthew Fiora Canas

Hawkeye Karel Harken

Priscilla Rath Nino

Jaffar Heath Louise

Pent Dart Erk

Geitz Isadora Karla

Farina Marcus Ninian

Wil Renault Athos

Merlinus Leila ZephielAndGuinevere

Lloyd Linus Ephidel

Limstella Sonia Nergal

NinianDragon Dragon

 Guinevere Fae

Legault Kent Vaida


Fire Emblem 8 (Sacred Stones)

Eirika Ephraim Seth

Joshua Tethys Valter

Ewan Myrrh Amelia


Ross LArachel


Fire Emblem 9 (Path of Radiance)

Titania Soren

Greil Mist Lethe

LaguzLethe Mordecai LaguzMordecai

Oscar Shinon

Gatrie Nephenee Ike

Ashnard TheBlackKnight Boyd

Caineghis Elincia Ilyana

Nasir Naesala Muarim

Zihark Stefan Ulki

Jill Janaff Haar


Bastian astrid Devdan

Largo Ena Makalov

Mia Petrine Ranulf

Reyson Rhys Rolf

Sothe Volke Tibarn

Note: Some are not labeled because I can't think of a proper label for them. Sorry.


Fire Emblem 10 (The Goddess of Dawn)

Micaiah Sothe Zelgius

Noyce Edward Leonardo

Laura Nike Rafiel

Skrimir Pelleas Jill

Amrita Elincia Ike

Caineghis Deghinsea Izuka

Leanne Naesala Nealuchi

Sanaki Tauroneo Tibarn

Ashera Black_Knight Geoffrey

Soren Titania Tormod

Sephiran Sanaki Reyson

Ranulf Rafiel Leanne

Orugh Oliver Nadved

Mordecai Mist Mia

Marcia Kurthnaga Heather



Fire Emblem 11 (Shadow Dragon)




QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


I feel sorry for dialup users who view this thread. 390 images is not very dialup friendly. :D

Gwen Khan

I remember this from the old nsider, glad to see it come back


