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Nintendo Switch

Started by Super, October 20, 2016, 07:22:50 AM

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I think this is Nintendo learning from their mistake.
"Maybe we should call this... the Wii! and the DS!"
*Next system time*
"Well, Wii & DS worked so well, let's try to build off of their success, Wii U! And the 3DS!
The next one will be Wii U Too, probably after we bathe in money."
*Maybe a month later*
"Well poop, let's Switch our strategy."
Dude .


Quote from: Doodle on October 23, 2016, 01:22:12 AM
>We will be officially launching these forums August 24th!
Silver's replacing us.
And he's late.
yeah the forums fell apart because of reasons


Just merge everything and we'll be OrbytlNSFCD


Quote from: Doodle on October 31, 2016, 11:18:08 AM
Just merge everything and we'll be OrbytlNSFCD

Oh my god, that's the greatest idea ever. Merging into another forum? That would up the traffic here immensely. I don't know why anyone hasn't ever thought of that before. You sir, you are going places.

But yeah, Nintendo Switch. It's been ages since Nintendo has done anything to really grab my attention, but I am totally hyped up for the Switch. I haven't owned a DS or Wii in years. I don't even have a Nintendo ID, but yeah, Switch looks really nifty. It'll come in handy on the hour and a half drives to play golf in Corona, CA.


Quote from: Matt on November 04, 2016, 07:57:56 PM
It'll come in handy on the hour and a half drives to play golf in Corona, CA.
Matt sounds fancy


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Custom on November 08, 2016, 02:22:53 PM
only 6 hours away from me
You guys can meet up and go to the golf club together in your fancy golfing clothes and chuckle


maybe this is me being a cynical poop hole but I don't understand why anyone is excited for this thing when we:

1) Have not seen any games for it outside of blurry candid scenes in the initial trailer. Barely counts.
2) Have all but confirmed information that the Switch will be a weak contender power-wise. 3rd time in a row Nintendo has done this, and just because it worked once doesn't mean it'll work again. We'll see.
3) Have no idea if our Eshop purchases carry over. I don't know about you guys, but I am going to be mad off if I can't transfer poop FOR FREE to the new console
4) Know that the screen is not a touch screen, so it isn't even really a true tablet(this part doesn't bother me, but its worth noting considering how much normies seem to be interested in the Switch and we all know they want a touch screen)
5) We don't know what controllers work on it

All things said and done, I just want good games. Games like Paper Mario Color Splash, Mario 3D Land, and two HD remasters of Zelda rubbed salt in the wound that was the Wii U for me. There were tons of great games and I like my Wii U and all, but I can't deny the problems like others can. StarFox Zero being a solid game with poop controls is another big issue I have.

Though, I think the biggest problem I have with the Wii U is that it got a sequel to a handheld Mario game for its "main" Mario game. Where the intercourse  is my Mario 64 sequel? Where is F-Zero? Bar Splatoon and Nintendoland, where were the new ideas? There was a lot of potential for the machine but no one wanted to use it when its just plain easier to make money on PS4, Xbox, and mobile through microtransactions and DLC, etc.

tl;dr it is pointless to get worked up over the switch when its release is 4 months away and we still know nothing. No games.


Call me crazy but I actually loved Mario 3D World, but hated 3D Land.


3D World was intercourse ing great. Awesome translation of 2D Mario.


i really really really like mario 3d world, but i agree with zero that it's a different kind of experience from a mario 64/mario sunshine

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Sure the game is solid, but its hardly what anyone asked for and now that its been done we really need to move on. We've had like 7 years of New Super Mario Bros. or equivalent Mario games. Enough is enough.

Take the Mario 64/Sunshine style and bring it into the modern age or else I'm pretty much intercourse ing done. I'm too old for this bullpoop and if we're being honest here the NSMB/3DWL style has stages designed with multiplayer in mind and unintentionally hampers single player play.

It's ridiculous how a modern Mario game gives Mario less movement and offensive options than a game from 1996. JUST SAYING.

I could go on and on but yeah, 3D World and Land can suck my nuts. Good games. Not great. And certainly nothing anyone asked for.

As a small aside: If I can say anything that I really loved about them, its all the SMB3 dicksucking those games do. SMB3 is GOAT.


Quote from: Zero on December 15, 2016, 07:11:30 AM
Sure the game is solid, but its hardly what anyone asked for and now that its been done we really need to move on. We've had like 7 years of New Super Mario Bros. or equivalent Mario games. Enough is enough.

Take the Mario 64/Sunshine style and bring it into the modern age or else I'm pretty much intercourse ing done. I'm too old for this bullpoop and if we're being honest here the NSMB/3DWL style has stages designed with multiplayer in mind and unintentionally hampers single player play.

It's ridiculous how a modern Mario game gives Mario less movement and offensive options than a game from 1996. JUST SAYING.

I could go on and on but yeah, 3D World and Land can suck my nuts. Good games. Not great. And certainly nothing anyone asked for.

As a small aside: If I can say anything that I really loved about them, its all the SMB3 dicksucking those games do. SMB3 is GOAT.
I get you. Mario 64 and Sunshine did have a lot more depth in terms of what you could do.


New reports say it'll be more like PS3 level graphics, maybe a little better. For a handheld though, that's pretty good.


I was fairly impressed by the presentation last night and there's no region locking so I went ahead and preordered it today.