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Trump won.

Started by Super, November 09, 2016, 01:42:54 AM

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NSFCD is permanently closed because Silver has to pay for his insurance now.

RIP in peace and don't leave your undies here Doodle


Aren't you happy though?  People gave power to a racist, misogynistic intercourse wit after refusing to kick him the intercourse  out.  The people here should be ecstatic!
Quote from: Flying Chickens on February 27, 2013, 06:31:42 PM
Very clever of him, but hacker forgot the key difference.



Quote from: viewtifulboy on November 09, 2016, 10:20:51 AM
Aren't you happy though?  People gave power to a racist, misogynistic intercourse wit after refusing to kick him the intercourse  out.  The people here should be ecstatic!
I wanted the Kool-Aid man for president.


I voted for Trump, I'm pretty happy about it.



Hilary got TRUMPed.
Also we're all going to die.
Dude .


Tbh if I have to pay full price for health insurance, I'll probably just drop it all together.


Quote from: MoS on November 10, 2016, 08:48:09 AM
I voted for Trump, I'm pretty happy about it.

Same. *gets mobbed by a bunch of thugs*

Quote from: Silverhawk79 on November 11, 2016, 05:18:17 AM
Tbh if I have to pay full price for health insurance, I'll probably just drop it all together.

If his tax plan goes through, the savings that you'll accrue from being in a lower bracket should be more than enough to offset the cost of insurance. Also, more incentive to save in HSAs. They're fantastic and one of the few things Bush 43 did right; I love mine.

The key word here is "save;" I make under 50k, but almost a quarter of my paycheck goes into retirement and investment, and that number will be even higher next year. Remember that real cost of buying anything (unless it's deductible) = "final" cost that you pay after sales tax plus your real income tax rate. A 15-dollar pizza actually costs $15(1.15) if you're in the 15% bracket (roughly speaking; marginal rates mean you pay a little less than that, but you get the idea.)


Of course, Trump intercourse ing lies his ass off more than any other "politician" before him and he's been breaking promises left and right as usual.  He makes poop up and fully enables hate crimes against minorities in his name, uses abuse tactics and now he has literal white supremecists backing him, lawsuits in racketeering, the child rape case that was only dropped due to death threats, confirmed ties to Russia with a potential case for treason if anything can be confirmed, a VP that believes in gay conversion therapy, the fact that they're already trying to strip as many rights from marginalized people as they can and strongarming media into lining up with them...
Quote from: Flying Chickens on February 27, 2013, 06:31:42 PM
Very clever of him, but hacker forgot the key difference.



Quote from: viewtifulboy on November 13, 2016, 04:42:32 PM
Of course, Trump intercourse ing lies his ass off more than any other "politician" before him and he's been breaking promises left and right as usual.  He makes poop up and fully enables hate crimes against minorities in his name, uses abuse tactics and now he has literal white supremecists backing him, lawsuits in racketeering, the child rape case that was only dropped due to death threats, confirmed ties to Russia with a potential case for treason if anything can be confirmed, a VP that believes in gay conversion therapy, the fact that they're already trying to strip as many rights from marginalized people as they can and strongarming media into lining up with them...
Go on.


Quote from: viewtifulboy on November 13, 2016, 04:42:32 PM
Of course, Trump intercourse ing lies his ass off more than any other "politician" before him and he's been breaking promises left and right as usual.  He makes poop up and fully enables hate crimes against minorities in his name, uses abuse tactics and now he has literal white supremecists backing him, lawsuits in racketeering, the child rape case that was only dropped due to death threats, confirmed ties to Russia with a potential case for treason if anything can be confirmed, a VP that believes in gay conversion therapy, the fact that they're already trying to strip as many rights from marginalized people as they can and strongarming media into lining up with them...


Good thing too.

Hillary represented the status quo on steroids. Bernie Sanders and Trump represented the American people being tired of career politics and the establishment as a whole. I'm no republican but it amazes me to see just how many democrats were PERFECTLY OKAY WITH THE DNC CHEATING during their primary. They were voting to for all the wrong reasons. Let's go over why Democrats voted the way they did.

1. They wanted to make history. First woman president is all that was on some people's minds. I should not even have to go over why this is idiotic. Vote for better reasons, America.
2. They felt Trump was going to put gays and minorities in concentration camps when he never said anything of the sort. He attacked illegal immigration because it is A REAL PROBLEM in every single developed nation in the world, but particularly bad in the US partly because of people that feel too much sympathy for the illegals. Fuck off, we're FULL.
3. I realize this sort of falls under the last one, but they were fearful of Trump because the Bank Executives and Oil executives OWN the media in this country and it is clear that a liberal bias is the street they drive down. It is their weapon. And they used it to fear monger.

Democrats ignored every mother intercourse ing scandal she had and then had the gall to cry when she lost. They STILL have no idea how she lost. They all blame it on sexism, racism, and other such bullpoop. All that shows is that they have been successfully brainwashed by CNN and the like.

Being a moderate is suffering but I hope Trump follows through with what he says he was going to do. Get rid of the corruption. Bring America back to his heyday. I'm white, straight, and male but I don't see these opportunities Social Justice Warriors and Democrats insist I have. I make 12 dollars an hour in the shipping business because its what I could do to survive. I have no family so its just me man. yeah that sure is a free lunch!

P.S. For those of you that are unaware she took money from Saudi Arabian princes and then had the balls to cast herself as some sort of Champion for women and brown people everywhere. How is this not hypocritical? George Soros funded her campaign too. Literally all of the big banks wanted her to win...yet we're supposed to believe that this was in our best interest? Her Hispanic and Black supporters got intercourse ing played and they STILL defend her. Still. It is absolutely AMAZING to see them defend who is possibly the most scandal ridden candidate in the American history.

Tl;dr I intercourse ing love all the liberal salt and want them to follow up on their pledges to leave the country: but they won't because they're little ninnyes and can't own up to ANYTHING. They are babies. Every single mother intercourse ing liberal out there whining in the streets on mommy and daddy's payroll. Get a job you derelicts!


It's interesting seeing the discussions in here, it really is.


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on November 21, 2016, 05:46:54 PM
It's interesting seeing the discussions in here, it really is.

sure is bud
