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The Arceus Dimension- GRAND RENEWAL! 6 New chapters added!

Started by WiinolikePS3, September 24, 2007, 02:47:44 PM

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I'm from Nsider too. My name is the sma e as my current screenname,I really like this fanfic! Keep up the good work!


Oh my god, I love this fan fic.! This is the best thing I've read in ages! Please, keep it up!
P.S: I am an avid writer too, and I have written 2 stories based on games. My source for inspiration is

1. Playing the game
2. Obsession with the game
3. Imagining the game in real life


Quote from: SkyPioneer on October 21, 2007, 05:00:13 AM
Oh my god, I love this fan fic.! This is the best thing I've read in ages! Please, keep it up!
P.S: I am an avid writer too, and I have written 2 stories based on games. My source for inspiration is

1. Playing the game
2. Obsession with the game
3. Imagining the game in real life
Kk, and ty!

Nice to know I've got die hard fans again... I sure wish I could find the older fans tho...

Don't worry, I post new chappies whenever I get them edited.

When the day comes that I'm caught up, I'll write the final 10 chapters that never got posted on Nsider... :(


So many Lati fics that I never knew about! I'm writing one (just started chapter 19), Pokemon_Master_0 is writing one (on IGN since The Crash, may invite him here), and you're writing one.

Haven't taken the time to look it over yet, but you did start pretty fast.


Quote from: txteclipse on October 22, 2007, 05:59:53 PM
So many Lati fics that I never knew about! I'm writing one (just started chapter 19), Pokemon_Master_0 is writing one (on IGN since The Crash, may invite him here), and you're writing one.

Haven't taken the time to look it over yet, but you did start pretty fast.
Once again, I just have to edit it, there are 40 chapters from the old Nsider, and I'll write several more to finish it.

The only reason I don't just post all 40 now is becase I need to edit and revise them.


No, I mean the first chapter felt a tad rushed.


I've COMPLETELY finished revising the first four chapters.

Now, on to 5 and 6...

Who's still reading these? ???



Yea I remember that from the original NSIder it was cool



...almost as much as i liek this fanfic :P
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Chapter 5- New Powers

A million thoughts were running around in my head; none of them good. I had no training, didn?t even know what powers I had, and to top it all off, I could easily be killed or captured!

   ?He can?t fight with us.? Crys said. ?He has had no training, has no idea of the extent of his powers, and he will probably be killed or captured.? Well, I couldn?t have said that any better.

   ?You?ll be safe in here, as long as you stay away from the windows. I don?t have powers anymore, so I will stay in here with you, and try to help you with your new abilities, as a last resort.? Crys decided. Last resort? I really don?t like the sound of that?

   ?Alex? whatever you do, don?t come out and try to help? we will be doomed if anything happens to you?? Amber sighed.
   Everyone but Crys and I left the room quickly, preparing for the fight that arrived far sooner than they expected. Crys looked at me sadly and said, ?Wow? when I found out about my powers, it was in a time of peace, so I had plenty of practice? but you? discovering your powers during a war?? Crys trailed off, then started speaking more loudly and decisively, ?All the more reason for us to work hard immediately!?
   Crys started by asking, ?What has Amber already taught you??

   Trying to remember everything Amber had told me, I answered, ?She taught me how to speak telepathically and how to fly? I guess that?s it.? Crys smiled. ?She knew what you needed most. Those are two of the most important things you will ever learn- however, there are three other things that were equally important. The first- teleportation.? Teleportation? This whole becoming Latios thing was really paying off!

   ?To teleport, simply envision where you want to go in your mind, focus on materializing, and you will teleport there in an instant! It?s that simple- but be careful. You can?t teleport to places that are too far away, or are back on Earth. If you try, nothing will happen, and if you are in danger, you will be open to attack.?

   With that warning, Crys then prompted me to try it out. Focusing hard on the other end of the table, I imagined myself dissolving into the air. I felt a strange sensation of having nothing in my stomach, and the next thing I knew, I was on the other side of the table!

   Crys smiled. ?The next thing you need to know is how to heal others. There will be many times when this will come in handy. The energy is your body needs to be slowly concentrated to your hands, very gently. It is actually harder than it seems, because if you don?t transfer the energy to someone else, the energy will turn into a blast that is fairly painful. You can?t try healing here, because there is nobody hurt, and don?t even think about blasting anything, of course.? I wondered, If I can heal people, then why can?t I just serve as a nurse to heal the war-wounded? I mean, there could be people, or Dragonites, dying out there, and I?m not doing anything about it!

   Crys explained this last power with a much more serious tone. ?You also have the ability to create a round wall of energy around you, basically, a shield. However, if it gets broken, you will feel weakened, as you are still inexperienced. Over time, this will become easier for you, but you probably shouldn?t try it yet. To do it, you must focus the energy to your hands, and then use your mind to pull the energy around your body. If you do not form a complete circle, it will dissipate, and your energy will have been drained. You can use it for many things, such as surviving under lava, water, extreme cold and heat, and even to carry people underwater in your own private air bubble.?

   She seemed to be done, so I headed for the door. Regardless of what she said, I knew what I had to do, and obviously, she knew what I was about to do as well, because she started to shout, ?DON?T YOU GO OUT TO TH-?

   I never heard what she was going to say, because I was long gone.

   I frantically rushed back down the mountain, hoping that I wasn?t too late. This time, it seemed that the floors were endless. I was filled with a feeling of dread that I was too late, and the whole mountain would crumble beneath me. Putting this thought behind me, I rushed out the large entrance, praying that we still had a chance.
   Good news- I wasn?t too late. Bad news- We were losing. Badly. There were many, many bodies of dead Dragonites littered everywhere, but that was only one of the problems. There were countless Sneasel, Gengar, Misdreaveus, Mismagius, Houndoom, Murkrow- I don?t know how many there were, but there seemed to be almost none of them dead. Everyone was fighting with everything they had, and I could only hope that they weren?t depending on me. I turned to see Amber, fiercely fighting with- Darkrai and Giratina?!?

   She was losing, and badly. Blood was dripping from her chest and hands, and she was hovering lower to the ground than usual. I rushed over to them, focusing my energy in my hands, then I slammed my claws into Giratina?s head. Instead of crumbling over the way I had hoped, Giratina slammed his head into me. I crashed down to the ground, winded.

   Darkrai hovered over me, opening his hand. I could see blackness around me, and I could feel myself sinking into the ground. I tried to pull up, but some invisible force was holding me back. I looked down, only to see an endless dark void underneath me.

   I sank farther and farther away, slowly losing sight of the surface. I blacked out, or quite possibly died, hearing Amber?s despaired cries.

Chapter 6: Casualties (Amber?s Perspective)

I watched helplessly as Alex sunk lower and lower into the void. The void closed off, and he vanished with it. Overcome with rage, I focused all of my energy and blasted Darkrai with a blast so powerful it sent him flying.

   Unfortunately, Giratina was still there, and he slashed at me with his razor sharp claws, cutting deep into my chest. I cried in agony, the claws driving deeper and deeper into me. Giratina finally released, and I fell backwards, hard. My vision was getting cloudy, and I felt myself slowly drifting away?

   Right before I went unconscious, I saw a glowing, large blue Latios not far away from me. ?Dad?? I whispered, and then I was unconscious.

   I slowly opened my eyes, being sure not to move too much. I immediately felt a sharp, agonizing pain coming from my chest. I looked at my wound to find that it was bandaged, and hopefully, healing.

   ?Amber, I?m so glad you?re alive! I was so worried!? Mom exclaimed before gently embracing me.

   I sat there for a second, but then the realization of what happened hit me like a bullet. ?Alex? Darkrai?s void? he? he? if I had just?? I cried, getting choked up.
   ?I heard from Zeke? he said that you couldn?t have done anything in your position. He froze Giratina after you were slashed in the chest. If he hadn?t been there?? Mom said, getting teary eyed. ?Zeke? how can I ever thank you?? She said, looking at the muscular, tall Dragonite across the room.

   ?No problem. It is my duty and my life? It?s just terrible that I couldn?t have been there for Alex ? We can?t just leave him. We have to try to get him back? assuming he isn?t gone forever?? Zeke sighed. Mom silently nodded and turned back to me.

   ?I partially feel guilty for what happened? He was my responsibility, but that Alex is just too headstrong! I couldn?t have done anything to stop him? He was far too risky. I had only just told him how to use some of his powers, and he just rushed right out?? Mom sighed. We waited in silence for a little while. Zeke quietly left, and Mom stayed by my side, watching him leave.

   It still baffled me how they treated me in my own personal room! Because I was the current Latias, I got the traditional room- fancy white marble on the floor, about the size of an average living room, a door to a restroom, complete with a strange kind of shower, and even a Jacuzzi right in an adjacent room. And it?s my private room! They brought the stretcher into it, with the same leather padding that was everywhere else. Mom always reminisced about her days when she was just a girl, the good times and bad that she had in the room.

   The nurse Dragonite came in to change my bandages. I winced as she pulled the white (currently red), absorbing material out of the cut. It was much deeper than I expected. There was a strange feel to the cut, as if there was a fire on the inside of it. I shrugged off the feeling and accepted the new bandages.

   After the nurse had left, Mom quietly explained, ?After you blacked out, like I said, Zeke froze Giratina, and all of them just? retreated. It was as if they were afraid that they were going to lose if Giratina was out of the action, even if he was going to be alright. Good thing, too, because we were losing pretty badly??

   Despite everything that just happened, I was glad to know that the battle was over, and the mountain wasn?t going to be overtaken right now. Mom left the room, and I willingly fell to sleep immediately.

   I?m in a lush forest, with many Bidoofs and Cherrim happily frolicking among the trees. I travel farther into the woods, following a faint voice that was calling out to me. Amber? Amber? Amber? AMBER? It was growing more urgent, and I hurried up, afraid that it would go away. The forest gradually grew darker- there were no more Bidoofs, and there was a faint moaning sound echoing through the trees.

   I entered a clearing, about the size of my room. This seemed to be where the voice was coming from? As I went towards the center, Darkrai materialized in front of me! I jolted back, startled, when Alex came out of nowhere and slammed into Darkrai. Darkrai whipped around grabbed Alex?s chest, squeezing tightly. With his free hand, he grabbed Alex?s face, squeezing just as hard. Alex screamed in pain, and the life slowly drained from his eyes. Darkrai released him, and he crumpled to the ground. Angry, I attempted to attack Darkrai myself, but I was held back by some invisible force.

   Darkrai turned to me and said in a menacing voice, ?If you ever want to see him again? give me the plate of the Shadows?? Cold with fear, I could only stare. Suddenly, Alex sharply rose his head and shot his eyes open, blood red and vicious.

   I jolted my head up, terrified and sweating, still unsure of whether it was just a nightmare.


now i'm scared... :-\

and thats a good thing :)
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: WiinolikePS3 on October 27, 2007, 10:27:54 AM
Chapter 5- New Powers

A million thoughts were running around in my head; none of them good. I had no training, didn’t even know what powers I had, and to top it all off, I could easily be killed or captured!

   “He can’t fight with us.” Crys said. “He has had no training, has no idea of the extent of his powers, and he will probably be killed or captured.” Well, I couldn’t have said that any better.

   “You’ll be safe in here, as long as you stay away from the windows. I don’t have powers anymore, so I will stay in here with you, and try to help you with your new abilities, as a last resort.” Crys decided. Last resort? I really don’t like the sound of that…

   “Alex… whatever you do, don’t come out and try to help… we will be doomed if anything happens to you…” Amber sighed.
   Everyone but Crys and I left the room quickly, preparing for the fight that arrived far sooner than they expected. Crys looked at me sadly and said, “Wow… when I found out about my powers, it was in a time of peace, so I had plenty of practice… but you… discovering your powers during a war…” Crys trailed off, then started speaking more loudly and decisively, “All the more reason for us to work hard immediately!”
   Crys started by asking, “What has Amber already taught you?”

   Trying to remember everything Amber had told me, I answered, “She taught me how to speak telepathically and how to fly… I guess that’s it.” Crys smiled. “She knew what you needed most. Those are two of the most important things you will ever learn- however, there are three other things that were equally important. The first- teleportation.” Teleportation? This whole becoming Latios thing was really paying off!

   “To teleport, simply envision where you want to go in your mind, focus on materializing, and you will teleport there in an instant! It’s that simple- but be careful. You can’t teleport to places that are too far away, or are back on Earth. If you try, nothing will happen, and if you are in danger, you will be open to attack.”

   With that warning, Crys then prompted me to try it out. Focusing hard on the other end of the table, I imagined myself dissolving into the air. I felt a strange sensation of having nothing in my stomach, and the next thing I knew, I was on the other side of the table!

   Crys smiled. “The next thing you need to know is how to heal others. There will be many times when this will come in handy. The energy is your body needs to be slowly concentrated to your hands, very gently. It is actually harder than it seems, because if you don’t transfer the energy to someone else, the energy will turn into a blast that is fairly painful. You can’t try healing here, because there is nobody hurt, and don’t even think about blasting anything, of course.” I wondered, If I can heal people, then why can’t I just serve as a nurse to heal the war-wounded? I mean, there could be people, or Dragonites, dying out there, and I’m not doing anything about it!

   Crys explained this last power with a much more serious tone. “You also have the ability to create a round wall of energy around you, basically, a shield. However, if it gets broken, you will feel weakened, as you are still inexperienced. Over time, this will become easier for you, but you probably shouldn’t try it yet. To do it, you must focus the energy to your hands, and then use your mind to pull the energy around your body. If you do not form a complete circle, it will dissipate, and your energy will have been drained. You can use it for many things, such as surviving under lava, water, extreme cold and heat, and even to carry people underwater in your own private air bubble.”

   She seemed to be done, so I headed for the door. Regardless of what she said, I knew what I had to do, and obviously, she knew what I was about to do as well, because she started to shout, “DON’T YOU GO OUT TO TH-“

   I never heard what she was going to say, because I was long gone.

   I frantically rushed back down the mountain, hoping that I wasn’t too late. This time, it seemed that the floors were endless. I was filled with a feeling of dread that I was too late, and the whole mountain would crumble beneath me. Putting this thought behind me, I rushed out the large entrance, praying that we still had a chance.
   Good news- I wasn’t too late. Bad news- We were losing. Badly. There were many, many bodies of dead Dragonites littered everywhere, but that was only one of the problems. There were countless Sneasel, Gengar, Misdreaveus, Mismagius, Houndoom, Murkrow- I don’t know how many there were, but there seemed to be almost none of them dead. Everyone was fighting with everything they had, and I could only hope that they weren’t depending on me. I turned to see Amber, fiercely fighting with- Darkrai and Giratina?!?

   She was losing, and badly. Blood was dripping from her chest and hands, and she was hovering lower to the ground than usual. I rushed over to them, focusing my energy in my hands, then I slammed my claws into Giratina’s head. Instead of crumbling over the way I had hoped, Giratina slammed his head into me. I crashed down to the ground, winded.

   Darkrai hovered over me, opening his hand. I could see blackness around me, and I could feel myself sinking into the ground. I tried to pull up, but some invisible force was holding me back. I looked down, only to see an endless dark void underneath me.

   I sank farther and farther away, slowly losing sight of the surface. I blacked out, or quite possibly died, hearing Amber’s despaired cries.

Chapter 6: Casualties (Amber’s Perspective)

I watched helplessly as Alex sunk lower and lower into the void. The void closed off, and he vanished with it. Overcome with rage, I focused all of my energy and blasted Darkrai with a blast so powerful it sent him flying.

   Unfortunately, Giratina was still there, and he slashed at me with his razor sharp claws, cutting deep into my chest. I cried in agony, the claws driving deeper and deeper into me. Giratina finally released, and I fell backwards, hard. My vision was getting cloudy, and I felt myself slowly drifting away…

   Right before I went unconscious, I saw a glowing, large blue Latios not far away from me. “Dad…” I whispered, and then I was unconscious.

   I slowly opened my eyes, being sure not to move too much. I immediately felt a sharp, agonizing pain coming from my chest. I looked at my wound to find that it was bandaged, and hopefully, healing.

   “Amber, I’m so glad you’re alive! I was so worried!” Mom exclaimed before gently embracing me.

   I sat there for a second, but then the realization of what happened hit me like a bullet. “Alex… Darkrai’s void… he… he… if I had just…” I cried, getting choked up.
   “I heard from Zeke… he said that you couldn’t have done anything in your position. He froze Giratina after you were slashed in the chest. If he hadn’t been there…” Mom said, getting teary eyed. “Zeke… how can I ever thank you…” She said, looking at the muscular, tall Dragonite across the room.

   “No problem. It is my duty and my life… It’s just terrible that I couldn’t have been there for Alex … We can’t just leave him. We have to try to get him back… assuming he isn’t gone forever…” Zeke sighed. Mom silently nodded and turned back to me.

   “I partially feel guilty for what happened… He was my responsibility, but that Alex is just too headstrong! I couldn’t have done anything to stop him… He was far too risky. I had only just told him how to use some of his powers, and he just rushed right out…” Mom sighed. We waited in silence for a little while. Zeke quietly left, and Mom stayed by my side, watching him leave.

   It still baffled me how they treated me in my own personal room! Because I was the current Latias, I got the traditional room- fancy white marble on the floor, about the size of an average living room, a door to a restroom, complete with a strange kind of shower, and even a Jacuzzi right in an adjacent room. And it’s my private room! They brought the stretcher into it, with the same leather padding that was everywhere else. Mom always reminisced about her days when she was just a girl, the good times and bad that she had in the room.

   The nurse Dragonite came in to change my bandages. I winced as she pulled the white (currently red), absorbing material out of the cut. It was much deeper than I expected. There was a strange feel to the cut, as if there was a fire on the inside of it. I shrugged off the feeling and accepted the new bandages.

   After the nurse had left, Mom quietly explained, “After you blacked out, like I said, Zeke froze Giratina, and all of them just… retreated. It was as if they were afraid that they were going to lose if Giratina was out of the action, even if he was going to be alright. Good thing, too, because we were losing pretty badly…”

   Despite everything that just happened, I was glad to know that the battle was over, and the mountain wasn’t going to be overtaken right now. Mom left the room, and I willingly fell to sleep immediately.

   I’m in a lush forest, with many Bidoofs and Cherrim happily frolicking among the trees. I travel farther into the woods, following a faint voice that was calling out to me. Amber… Amber… Amber… AMBER… It was growing more urgent, and I hurried up, afraid that it would go away. The forest gradually grew darker- there were no more Bidoofs, and there was a faint moaning sound echoing through the trees.

   I entered a clearing, about the size of my room. This seemed to be where the voice was coming from… As I went towards the center, Darkrai materialized in front of me! I jolted back, startled, when Alex came out of nowhere and slammed into Darkrai. Darkrai whipped around grabbed Alex’s chest, squeezing tightly. With his free hand, he grabbed Alex’s face, squeezing just as hard. Alex screamed in pain, and the life slowly drained from his eyes. Darkrai released him, and he crumpled to the ground. Angry, I attempted to attack Darkrai myself, but I was held back by some invisible force.

   Darkrai turned to me and said in a menacing voice, “If you ever want to see him again… give me the plate of the Shadows…” Cold with fear, I could only stare. Suddenly, Alex sharply rose his head and shot his eyes open, blood red and vicious.

   I jolted my head up, terrified and sweating, still unsure of whether it was just a nightmare.

That scared me quite a bit.


Chapter 7: The Shadow Plate

I simply laid there, not knowing what to do. Darkrai has the power to torment people in their dreams, so I should probably do something about it, but what if he had nothing to do with it? I don?t even know where to find him, or what the Shadow Plate even is! Feeling much better now, (physically) I got up and started looking for Zeke.

   Zeke is the son of the Dragonite Commander, Otto. Zeke is the next heir to the throne, along with his Flygon wife Sarah, and he also has been traveling around, liberating many innocent towns from the threat of the Shadows. He is very kind, wise, and keeps his cool in every situation, and is about eight years older than Mom. Their son, even though he is only seven, is starting to be much like his father. Too bad he had to have been born in these times like me?
   I finally found his in the conference room, with Mom. They turned to me, surprised that I was up.

   ?Amber? What is it? You look worried?? Mom said, her voice full of apprehension.

   ?I? had a nightmare. In it, I was in a forest that gradually got darker and darker, and in the middle of it? Darkrai? was there.? I started, feeling a chill run down my spine just from recollecting the dream. ?He had Alex, and said that if I ever wanted to see him again, I had to give him? the Shadow Plate. What is that? and how do we even find it?? I asked. Mom and Zeke looked at each other, their eyes wide with fear.

   ?The Shadow Plate? Are you sure he didn?t say something else? We can?t afford to give it to him?? Zeke said grimly. So, Zeke did know something about it?
   ?What is it, and why does Darkrai even want with it?? I asked.

   Mom answered this time. ?I told you that when your Dad defeated the Dark Latios for good, it unleashed Darkrai, Giratina and Arceus. When that happened, before Arceus had his bearings together, Darkrai and Giratina possessed Arceus. Their hold, however, is only temporary. In another year, it will be gone for good, and Arceus will likely destroy them. However, if they can get the Shadow Plate, Arceus will be under their hold forever?? Well, that made sense. If they have Arceus, then we will be doomed. I can?t just give them the Shadow Plate though?

   ?So? where is the plate?? I asked. Mom gestured for me to follow her. We walked into her room, which was very much like mine, but it looked much more like a room on Earth. It had a normal Earth bed, and a refrigerator. Mom opened up the refrigerator and pulled out a dark, steaming slab. A dark chill seemed to fall over the room.

   ?I kept it in the refrigerator because if it isn?t cold, it emits Shadow energy, which is poisonous and can take hold of you if you aren?t careful. Also, nobody would ever think to look there.? Mom explained. I can?t help but wonder what we are going to do. We can?t just leave Alex?

   Mom noticed my worried look and hugged me tightly, and whispered in my ear, ?We?ll get him back? don?t worry.? Despite her comforting words, I seriously doubted that she was right.

The rest of the day, I spent time in the mountain?s library, which was nothing like our libraries. Everything was written on yellow, shed Dragonite skin, which was awkward to touch, but was sturdy enough to write on nonetheless. They were all put in stone boxes, and piled in stacks according to topic. I needed to know everything about the Shadow Plate, and try to find a possible way to replicate it. If I could just make a fake one that was convincing, I could possibly trade it to Darkrai for Alex? hopefully.

   So far, all I learned was that the Shadow Plate was the original source of the shadows, and it was Arceus?s private energy source. However, it became tainted when the Dark Latios added some of his own shadows into it, and it became overpowering. It was hidden in the Shadow Tunnels, a winding passage that supposedly lead to Oblivion. How Mom got it, I probably won?t ever know?

   Suddenly, an idea struck. I ran into my room and got out an Orb that had some of the shadows inside it that I extracted from the Tyranitar?s mist. Orbs can hold any type of energy, so long as there is enough to fill the entire Orb. I had only three at the time, as they are very hard to come by. One is empty, one has the Tyranitar?s essence, and one? has Dad?s power in it. Before he went to fight the Dark Latios one last time, he put some of his power in it, for the next Latios. If only Alex had had this before? he may have been able to save himself?

   I began carving a stone plate I found in the library archives, and I was in the process of making it look just like the Shadow Plate. It doesn?t seem convincing yet? I started carving the strange symbol into the plate, and it started to vibrate. This is it? I placed the orb right in the middle of the symbol, and the Orb started to dissolve. The plate grew darker, and began to smoke a dark vapor. I had another Shadow Plate.

   I hid the ?Shadow Plate? in Mom?s refrigerator, and quietly let the rest of the day pass. Tonight, Darkrai is coming to get his Plate.

   I slowly raised my head and got the ?Shadow Plate? out of the refrigerator, being careful not to wake Mom up. I brought it down the endless flights of stairs, eventually reaching the bottom. I went through the large stone door, and stepped out into the night. Wait? isn?t Darkrai supposed to be here? I went forward a little more when I saw something in the distance. As it got closer and closer, I saw it for what it was. Darkrai and Alex are here.

Chapter 8: Shadow Victims

Alex and Darkrai halted to a stop, right in front of Amber. Alex looked very dark, and was gray, black, and dark purple all over. He was emitting a strange mist? Shadows. He was possessed. Something tells me that Darkrai never intended on trading?

   ?I want the Shadow Plate?? Darkrai said maliciously.

   ?Onl? Only if I get Alex back.? I tried to sound defiant, but? I don?t want to die!

   ?Is this some kind of joke? Are you trying to defy me? Alex? go back to her?? I had to say, I am truly shocked that Darkrai just let me have Alex back. I handed him the Plate, and he started chuckling.

   ?Amber, Amber, Amber? is this some kind of joke? This is the most pathetic thing you have tried yet! Alex? we have no need for her.? Oh no? I whipped around, and blasted Alex with an Ice Beam, attempting to freeze him. He created a small, dark aura around his hands and it deflected back and froze my left hand to my body. Alex teleported behind me, and drove his claws deep into my back. I screamed in pain, crumpling to the ground. I felt a strange force flowing through my wound, and I slowly slid into unconsciousness.

   The last thing I saw was Zeke coming out of the sky and slamming Alex into the ground.

   I woke up in the same place that I was knocked out. I tried to get up, but couldn?t. Involuntarily, I got up and started flying north, towards the Shadowlands. The more I tried to stop myself, the more I kept on going forward. ?Don?t try to fight it Amber??A strange voice told me. ?You will be powerful? it will help you?? I slowly felt myself losing control of my thoughts, and the next thing I remember is slowly coming in sight of the hazy mountains that bordered the Shadowlands.

   There is a bright, whitish haze all around me. I?m not Latias anymore; just Amber. I started walking around, wondering where I was. There was nothing but whiteness all around me. In the distance, I could barely see a large Dragonite. Zeke! I ran over to him, excited to see a familiar face. He looked at me, and the expression on his face was extremely grim.

   ?No? not you too?? He whispered wistfully.

   ?What? Where are we?? I asked.

Zeke held his head down, and shakily said, ?Amber? this? this is what happens to people that are possessed by the Shadows. Their souls go here, and a Shadow Spirit takes your place in your body. Right now? we are as good as? dead.?

   That hit me, hard. Then, a sudden realization came. ?Wait? Alex was possessed! He must be here too!? I yelled excitedly.

   Zeke shook his head and smiled. ?Your father took care of him. He is elsewhere, with Alex, teaching him all he knew? That was meant to happen. There needed to be a way for Alex to truly learn, but we weren?t meant to come here? we are the most capable fighters that are revolting against the Shadows, and you know that. But? now Darkrai has control over us, and everyone else is in grave danger.? Zeke ended, much more seriously.

   If Dad is here? that means that we really are as good as dead. If only I could see him, one last time? But for now? ?So? what do we do?? I asked Zeke.

   He replied with the answer I was afraid that I would hear. ?All we can do is wait? and hope for the best.?


I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.