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The Arceus Dimension- GRAND RENEWAL! 6 New chapters added!

Started by WiinolikePS3, September 24, 2007, 02:47:44 PM

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It's a fanfic that I wrote on Nsider. At the time, I had about 6 loyal readers, and many more people who read a chappie or few every once in awhile. I'm not stopping until it's done, and it has 40 chapters so far. I'm going to continue it on here, but I may not be able to post much today.


Dedicated Fans:



Lost Readers:

(These readers are those who I had on Nsider, but sadly, I cannot find them... I hope one day, they can read the rest of the fic. My main hope is that this list will grow smaller, as I find more and more of them.)








A note on the first few chapters- Because I used MS Word to type it, there's a bit of indenting troubles in the first couple chapters. I tried to fix it, but this is the best I can do. Hey, it could be worse- at least it's legible :D

Also, the paragraphs will grow smaller and easier on the eyes as well. Once again, I tried to break them up here, but they're still a bit big.


Chapter 1: Strange Awakening

?What?  What happened?  Where am I?
   I groggily raised my head, which was throbbing terribly.

   ?So, you finally came together?? A feminine voice said. Delicately turning my head, I was startled to see a Latias hovering right next to me.

   ?What?s going on??? You?re a? you?re a?? I attempted to exclaim, but was cut short by a burst of pain from my head.

   ?Hey, don?t freak out about this, okay? I?m only here to help? you need to get more rest before I will explain things to you?? She reassured. I was about to protest, when I felt very drowsy, so I laid my head down and slowly drifted away?

   I woke up again, much less drowsy, with only a slight throb in my head now. I quickly remembered the Latias and shot my head from side to side, looking for her. Big mistake- the pain that I thought was long gone returned in an instant. I cradled my head and slowly laid back down.

   ?For someone who fell and crashed on their head, you seem to have a lot of energy.? The familiar voice said.

   Regaining my composure, I ventured to ask, ?What are you??

   Coming in front of me so I could see her better, she simply replied, ?What do I look like?? This time, I was a little more? calm. I carefully looked at her up and down, trying to convince myself that she really was a Latias.

   ?How can this be? You?re a? pok?mon. They aren?t really? real, right? And, where the heck am I?? I said as I looked around at the large round cavern that I was in.

   The Latias replied, ?You seem to be almost fine now, so I suppose I should explain to you the whole story of why you are here now.? This sounded good, because even though I looked calm on the outside, on the inside, I was totally freaking out.

   ?You were taking the tour of your school, right? I could tell you were enjoying yourself in the school?s underground tunnels. They are very interesting? but you made a mistake. You thought it would be a good idea to wonder off on your own, so you decided to enter that dark, dank room when nobody was looking. For future reference, never start running in a room that you can?t see in, okay? You just sprinted in, and BAM! You hit your head on a pipe, crumpled to the ground, and slid down the stone ramp. Even worse for you, there was a large hole at the end, which you slid into head-first. You crashed pretty badly there. If I hadn?t followed you in there, you could have very easily died.?

   Even though I could tell she wasn?t done, I quickly interrupted, ?Why the heck did you even follow me in the first place, and how were you in my school? I didn?t see a pok?mon stalking me in the middle of the tour!?

   Well, that said it. ?I wish I didn?t have to show you this early, but you need to know eventually?? The Latias floated closer to the ground, closed her eyes, and started to glow all over her body. Her entire body became a glowing mass, which slowly changed shape to resemble a girl, possibly a young teenager, and then stopped glowing. I couldn?t help myself, what little sanity I had left in me was gone. For the third time today (or has it been longer than that?) I fainted.

   I woke up in the same cave, which seemed strangely empty. I carefully raised my head and looked around for the girl, aka. Latias. She was nowhere to be found. I got up, and started to walk around, heading towards the lighter side of the tunnel.

   I emerged in a wide, open plain, as normal as can be, except for the Rattata running around in the grass a few yards away from me. After what I had seen earlier, I actually took that very well. I looked up at the sky, wondering why it wasn?t raining anymore like it had been at school. I was half expecting to see the sun blinding my eyes, but there was no sun there. My heart skipped a beat. Where was I? How could there not be a sun?

   I didn?t have long to think about it, because I was interrupted by a loud roar that echoed across the plain. Despite what my common sense told me, I followed the noise, walking slowly and carefully. I had only gone a few yards when I spotted it and stopped dead in my tracks.

   A large, probably fully grown, spiky, intimidating Tyranitar was not too far away from me. I didn?t know what was scarier; being that close to a Tyranitar, or that it had Latias pinned to the ground and was preparing to crush her skull with its full body weight. The fear was quickly replaced by anger.  Even though I didn?t know much about that Latias, she saved my life, or at least said she did, and I felt that I needed to help her back. I felt anger coursing through my body, and felt a strange sensation all through my body.

   I looked at my hands to see that they were glowing; exactly the way Latias?s hands did before she changed into that girl. I felt my body molding, much faster than hers had. It was over very soon. Looking at my hands again, I realized they were gray and blue, and had small claws. I also noticed that I wasn?t standing anymore, but hovering. I was a Latios.

   Unfortunately, I wasn?t the only one who noticed the transformation. The Tyranitar stopped looking at its victim and turned towards me. I stared right back at it, unsure of what to do next.

   Luckily, I didn?t have to. The Tyranitar made a mistake; by looking at me, it loosened its hold on Latias, and that was all she needed. She shot out and above him, quickly releasing an icy cold breath, encasing the tyranitar in ice. She blasted him next with a shining ray of pure energy, driving straight into its heart (or where it should be), killing it on the spot. However, instead of crumpling over dead, it dissolved into a dark, shadowy mist, drifting off into the haze.

   Latias turned to look at me, and quite simply, smiled.

Chapter 2: The Creation

Still slightly shaken, I couldn?t help but ask, ?What? happened? How am I? a? I?m a? Latios now?? I had too continuously staring down at myself to reassure myself that I was still in my new body.

   ?I knew you were the one? I was afraid for a moment that I had the wrong person? But this isn?t the place for this. We need a better place to talk. We should head back into the cave?? Latias wistfully commented as she started heading towards the cave.

   Following her in, we went farther into the cave this time, past the place that I was resting earlier. I had a million questions to ask; how? why... where? but I could wait, if only for a little longer. The cave came to an abrupt halt. It was fairly dark now, I could hardly see myself. Just when I was afraid I would get hit in the head by a stalactite, I saw a faint, purple glow emitting from farther down. ?We?re almost there?? Latias quietly said.

   A smallish, round metal object was standing alone in the end of the cave. It had a slowly swirling purple center that occasionally emitted sparks. It emitted a soft hum that barely echoed in the large cavern. ?What? is that?? I asked, even though I was not ready at all for the answer I got.

   ?Oh, it?s just a portal to the Earth? there are more than you would think around here.? Latias carefully replied. I could tell she was trying not to freak me out again, because I was going to faint for sure if she didn?t calm me down a little.

   ?There was more to the story where I left off? when you turned into the dark room, I quietly followed behind you, and when I heard the thump, I rushed in to see if you were okay. I had to heal the wound in your head, but it was too dangerous to do it there. I had to take you to a nearby portal that was hidden deeper into the passage that you stupidly sprinted into. I carried you through it, headed a little farther into the cave so you wouldn?t see the portal as soon as you woke up, and healed you there. I don?t know what would have happened if you saw it earlier?? Latias drifted off, obviously sickened by the thought.

   Once again, the same question came back. ?So, who are you, and where are we?? Latias smiled, and once again, changed back into that girl. When she stopped glowing, she was still smiling, waiting for me to realize. If she keeps on doing this, I am going to have a heart attack!

   ?You?re? the new girl? Amber, right?? I whispered, scarcely able to breathe.

   ?I am? I came here searching for the person that could change into Latios. When I saw you, I figured that you were the one my mom said was the one? I guess she was right?? Amber wistfully said. For the first time, I took a better look at the person I used to think of as ?just the new kid?. She had long, flowing blonde hair, extremely light cyan eyes that seemed as though they were colored just like a diamond. She was about twelve and a little over five feet, just a little shorter than me.

   ?We are in a world that was created by Arceus? you have heard of him from the games, right? My mom said that Dad used to research the creation all the time. Nobody knows how Arceus was created in the first place, but many like to believe that there was a scientist that had recently discovered strange DNA found on rocks that came from space. He researched the DNA extensively, and was able to recreate the being that the DNA came from, which was Arceus. Arceus then created this world, and with it, created many other beings to share his new world with him.?

   ?The next thing he did is he created many portals back to his home dimension, Earth, and scattered them all over his world. He allowed two humans, the one who created him, and the man?s wife, to come and live with him in his dimension. The people enjoyed life there very much, and yet, something was wrong. The Latios he created found and released a secret force that Arceus had sealed away for a dire time. That force was the Shadow Force. That Tyranitar that I destroyed a little bit ago? It was created from the shadows.?

   ?Latios used the shadow powers to form new beings with it for himself: Darkrai and Giratina. At first, he wanted them to be his servants, but they had other ideas, and they became his partners with him instead. They desired conquest over the new dimension, but even with all of its power, Arceus could not do it alone. To solve this, he gave the man who created him the power to change into a purer, honest Latios. However, his wife was jealous, so gave her the ability to change into something else new- Latias. The two mighty groups of three fought, and after a long time, Arceus, Darkrai, and Giratina were put into dormancy and were sealed off from the world.?

   ?However, the fight continued between the Latis. Eventually, the dark Latios was killed, but somehow, he was reborn, and fought again. The pure Latis killed him time and time again, but he kept coming back.  Eventually, the fight was called off, but the dark Latios?s desire for conquest still remained. He created an entire society of shadow, then created and underground world and hid there.?

   ?Although the pure Latis didn?t forget about the dark Latios, they lived a peaceful life in the new dimension. They had a daughter, and soon discovered that Arceus?s creator?s wife couldn?t become Latias anymore. It had appeared that the power was passed down to their daughter. They lived that life, but eventually, Arceus?s creator died. His family wondered what the dimension would fall to without a second guardian, as the dark Latios vowed to return again.?

   ?One day, a young boy ventured into a large, grassy plain, when he tripped on a rock. Angry at the rock, he threw it across the plains, only to discover a small hole in the ground. He left for home and returned for a shovel, and dug into the whole. After awhile, he discovered a small cavern with a portal inside. He stepped into it, and was sucked into this dimension. Arceus?s creator?s family found him, and discovered that he could now become Latios.?

   ?Ever since, the Lati line has come down the same way. When the Latias has a daughter, the mother loses the ability to be Latias, and the daughter obtains it. When the old Latios dies,  there may not be a Latios for awhile. The next one does not come until it is needed. When it is time, a random, capable boy is fated to discover the dimension and become Latios. This time, that boy was you: you are the next Latios.?


Chapter 3: The Next Latios

?? So how did you know?? I had to ask. I mean come on, me? If I wasn?t blue right now, I wouldn?t have believed her.

   ?I don?t know? there is still a lot of stuff I don?t know. I?m only twelve?? She sighed.

   Despite her being only twelve, I was still amazed at how she handled the Tyranitar. I mean, that thing would have ripped me to shreds! ?Oh, great.? I thought to myself. ?If the Tyranitar tried to kill her, what about me? She seems to be used to this, but me? The toughest fight I have ever been in is a tiny fistfight at school??

    Amber could tell that I was worried, and her face softened a little. ?We are in great danger and hold a great responsibility. Don?t worry? my mom said she wasn?t exactly a fighter when she was in our position? speaking of which, you should probably meet her.? Amber gently said. I felt comforted to know that I had at least one friend in this strange, new world.

   We exited the cave, back into the wide, totally open plain. There was nothing but grass as far as I could see, which happened to be a little bit farther now. I turned back to look at the cave that we came from, which looked like nothing more than a large rock with a hole in it.

   ?You will have to practice flying, which is pretty easy here. Basically, just lean in the direction that you want to go, and focus yourself being propelled from the opposite direction. This is a great place to learn!? Amber said excitedly. I was much happier now.

   I focused on being propelled from behind, leaned forward, and POW! I shot off! I felt like I could fly around the whole world in an instant! I was flying! (In more ways than one!) Amber caught up to me, and started heading off another direction. I followed- or tried to, but instead I turned 180? I guess it?ll take some more practice?

   The terrain gradually got dry. The dirt started to show, and looked cracked and there was little grass. I could see a faint silhouette of a large object in the distance. ?We are getting closer?  that thing up in the distance is called Wyvern Mountain by legend, but is more commonly referred to as the Dragonite?s mountain. Obviously, it is called that for a reason. The people? or should I say, Dragonites, will be very happy to see the new Latios, so just be friendly and say hi to everyone. They are just like people- treat them like them.? Amber instructed. A mountain filled with Dragonites? What next?

   Wow? I thought it looked big at a distance, but in person, it was HUGE! The mountain stuck straight up into the air, and had to be at least 500 feet tall! It was about as wide as a football field, and was made of a dark brown rock. There were several small windows, and they went all the way up to the top. I could see a very faint projection near the top, which I would probably see later. Amber let me stare for awhile, but eventually gestured for me to enter the entryway.

   Despite the primitive rocky appearance that I saw on the outside, the inside was pretty nice, with nicely colored floor that looked like a dark marble. The ceiling was about 15 feet high, and there were stairs on the other side of the room. There were seats that were apparently supposed to be couches, and were made of a strange, dark brown, leathery fabric. Then the Dragonites. They were EVERYWHERE! There had to be at least 50 of them, just on this one floor. They were all talking animatedly, all in English, surprisingly.

   As soon as they saw me, they all stopped talking, and turned over to look at me. Immediately, I was very, very, nervous. Just say hi. A voice echoed in my head. It sounded sort of like Amber, so I just spoke what I thought I should say. ?Hi? I am the new Latios. I don?t exactly know how I why it was me, but I?m here now, so, I will try to understand this world and everyone who lives in it.?

   Well, I guess I couldn?t have been more honest, but maybe I should have acted like I had some sort of an idea of what was going on. I was half expecting them to laugh, but instead I was greeted with a million warm welcomes. Many of them bowed to me, so I just bowed back awkwardly.

   I also heard many of them exchanging a few comments about me, mostly just ?he finally came? and ?It?s about time? ? What do they mean? I couldn?t have come any sooner? I was Amber motioned for me to go upstairs, so I hurriedly rushed up, eager to be away from the excited Dragonites.

   Instead of stopping on the second floor, we rushed up even higher. Each floor was practically identical- there was a long hallway, which had several rooms bridges off to the sides. I counted two, four, six, nine, eleven floors; then I lost count.

   On one of the higher floors, we finally stopped. Still, I wanted to know where that voice came from that put me out of shock came from. ?Was that you talking to me, in my head??

   Amber smiled at me and replied, ?Yes, it is one of the cool things that we have the ability to do, like flying. To do it, focus on me, and then think what you are going to say.? Like this. Whoa! I HAD to try this!

   Amber started down the hall, so I figured I should follow. She turned into one of the rooms, near to the end of the hall. I slowly turned into the room, wondering what could be next.

   Inside, there was a long table that stretched across the room. It reminded me of those tables that office executives sat at when they were having an important meeting. At the far end of the table, and exceptionally large Dragonite sat. Nearby, a few other Dragonites sat as well, but they seemed to mostly be listening to the largest, who I assume is their leader.  There was one other that caught my attention- a tall, blonde woman that looked much like Amber sat at the table as well. ?This is him!? Amber excitedly proclaimed.

   ?Welcome!? The large Dragonite said. ?I know you are probably very confused right now, but all will be explained in due time. There was an important reason for you to be chosen at this time. You see, we have a very dire emergency right now- we are at war.?

Chapter 4- Explanations

?A? WAR??? I?m just a kid? how can I help with something like war! Maybe Amber can, but I haven?t even been here for a day! Who are we fighting against, anyways?? I cried.

   ?I can answer that?? The blonde woman said. ?First, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Crystal Corbel, but please, just call me Crys. I am Amber?s mom? and? sadly, her only parent. My husband died a year ago?? She sadly said.

   ?I?m so sorry?? is all I could say, still in shock (which was happening very frequently) that I was expected to help in a war.

   ?He died fighting, the way he always knew he would. He did many great things in his life? including doing the impossible- he destroyed the Dark Latios.? This last thing she said totally threw me off. Wasn?t he invincible?

   ?I see you are a little confused. You see, we found a way to kill him forever, but it was at a huge price. In order to kill him permanently, while the Dark Latios was still being reborn after being ?killed?, we found out that the current Latios must commit suicide? so he gave his life up for the good of us all? if only he had known?? Crys trailed off.

   I didn?t want to be annoying, but I couldn?t help asking, ?What did he not know??

   The large Dragonite spoke up. ?That brings us back to the war. When he destroyed the Dark Latios, the seal on Arceus, Darkrai and Giratina was broken. Unfortunately, we had no knowledge of this until it was too late. Darkrai and Giratina found Arceus first, and possessed him with the Shadow Force.?

   ?They have assembled an army of possessed, powerful beings to overtake this entire world and control it with the might of the Shadows. We are one of the largest threats to them- they can very possibly attack us at any given moment. We are working on evacuating the defenseless, and assembling our own attack force to strike back at them. You are one of our last hopes; their forces outnumber ours by about 50 to 1. However, we are more skilled than possessed weaklings, and with good strategy, we may stand a chance.?
   One of the other Dragonites said, ?Crys will train you in the arts of fighting with your powers, so that you won?t be severely harmed, killed, or even worse- captured.? Captured? I never even thought about that. That would be terrible? if I am as important as everyone says, that means that I will definitely have to watch my back.

   Suddenly, a terrifying thought occurred to me. ?Uhh? I have been gone from Earth for about eight hours now! Everyone will wonder where I went, and then they may discover the portal, and then??

   ?Don?t worry about it!? Crys reassured me. ?Dialga makes it so that time in this dimension and time on Earth are irrelevant. Nothing will have changed when you go back; nothing on Earth has happened yet.?

   Oh. Now it probably seems like I tried to get out of training. ?You should probably start training with Crys as soon as possible, since we don?t know when they will strike next. Is it okay with you if you start-?

   The large Dragonite was cut off mid-sentence, because a Dragonite ran into the room. He looked totally terrified, as though he had seen a ghost. He only uttered two words before he fainted- ?They?re here!?


Ok first off: it's in first person yay! I see so many 3rd person these days it almost makes me dry. Good to see you're trying something differnt, (All like me can only do 1st person :D :()

Now first if someone new speaks ease the paragraphs.

"There is a bug kill it," The tall women said jumping up and down like a Kangaroo. I sighed and replied, "OMG it has a gun!"

When it should be:

"There is a bug kill it," the women said jumping up and down like a Kangaroo.

I sighed and replied, "OMG it has a gun!"

You didn't do that in the later chapters good job. Maybe more descrition, less talking. I have no idea who all these Pokemon are. You can even say they have blood dripping down there tail, a cute hair style, or holding a teddy bear, that shoots guns.

Alos explain the surroudings. People. And the guns they weild.

Now you are doing good but it's confusing. I'll be here to see how this turns out. Will it be a distaer will it be a happy ending.

Oh it's good to know that you will finish it no matter what, thats the spirt. I hate not knowing what happens. Well i'll be here to explain pointers along the way.

Also don't put up all chapters at once, maybe one a day. Then you can write more when you wait for the next day to come. Reading 4 chapters takes awhile.

Well adious


Quote from: Retronerd on September 25, 2007, 06:04:28 PM
Ok first off: it's in first person yay! I see so many 3rd person these days it almost makes me dry. Good to see you're trying something differnt, (All like me can only do 1st person :D :()

Now first if someone new speaks ease the paragraphs.

"There is a bug kill it," The tall women said jumping up and down like a Kangaroo. I sighed and replied, "OMG it has a gun!"

When it should be:

"There is a bug kill it," the women said jumping up and down like a Kangaroo.

I sighed and replied, "OMG it has a gun!"

You didn't do that in the later chapters good job. Maybe more descrition, less talking. I have no idea who all these Pokemon are. You can even say they have blood dripping down there tail, a cute hair style, or holding a teddy bear, that shoots guns.

Alos explain the surroudings. People. And the guns they weild.

Now you are doing good but it's confusing. I'll be here to see how this turns out. Will it be a distaer will it be a happy ending.

Oh it's good to know that you will finish it no matter what, thats the spirt. I hate not knowing what happens. Well i'll be here to explain pointers along the way.

Also don't put up all chapters at once, maybe one a day. Then you can write more when you wait for the next day to come. Reading 4 chapters takes awhile.

Well adious

I got a lot of the "start a new paragraph when a new person is talking" Thing on Nsider, and I corrected it around chapter 5, and never made the mistake again in later chapters. I've tried to add more description in later chapters, but I think that I might need a LITTLE bit more...

Also, it's nice to have a fan again :D

I sure wish I could find all of my old readers...

They left off at a MAJOR cliffhanger. It's near the end XD :(

Well, I'll post more chapters gradually, however, if one of my old readers back, I'll probably do a mass-posting...

If one of them comes back TOO soon, I'll just PM it to them. The goal of posting this here is to not only get new readers, but also to TRY to get this onto a forumtracker, so it'll get on google, and hopefully, I'll get some readers back.

One last thing- do you want to be on the reader list? If so, reader, or Fan?


i wanna be on the reader list!!
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Sure I'll be on the readers list


May I be on the reader list? This seems like a very good fan-fic and I don't really like the first-person either! Kudos!


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 28, 2007, 08:36:20 PM
May I be on the reader list? This seems like a very good fan-fic and I don't really like the first-person either! Kudos!
Ty, but the First-Person won't change, sorry.

It WILL, however, switch between characters.

As I've said before, I've already written 40 chapters, and I don't plan on majorly changing them.


bump. I'll edit a chappie into this, hopefully tomorrow.

Sorry about not adding, yeserday was my B-day, and Sundays and weekdays are usually very busy...


I cant try to read this, no promises though.
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Quote from: DARKLINK165 on October 14, 2007, 05:54:25 PM
I cant try to read this, no promises though.
I've edited it a little bit, lemme see if the new one's any easier on the eyes...


I edited the first two already, I'll get to revising the rest of the fic... eventually.

Whenever I finish revising, I'll post new chappies. currently, I need to revise 3-4, so if they're slightly off, srry.

One day, I'll probably revise like 30 chappies, and be caught up, but until I have time... srry.