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The Arceus Dimension- GRAND RENEWAL! 6 New chapters added!

Started by WiinolikePS3, September 24, 2007, 02:47:44 PM

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I was a member of the original Nsider and saw your fan fiction.  I retain the same name that I did on Nsider.  I may have even dropped a comment, but I can't really remember.  I glanced at your fan fiction and even tried reading some of it.  However, I couldn't, really.  I was too busy with my own fan fiction.

Awhile back, one of my friends, txteclipse recommended this fan fiction to me.  I decided to really make an effort to read it.  I found that I like it.  Maybe the fact that a Latias is in it made me biased.  But I like to think that the general plot of the story led me more into it.

To be honest with you, I've only read the first five chapters.  I just thought that I should leave a comment before I become too engrossed in the story.  You have to understand that when I really get into a story, I shut everything else out.  I become kind of lazy.

As for criticism, I can't really think of much at the present.  The only real problem that I have is that the story seems to be progressing a bit too quickly.  Maybe it's just me.  I don't know.

I like how the characters seem to be developing nicely.  I see all too often instances where the main character is seemly perfect.  He is untouchable and infallible.  This is not the case in your fan fiction.  I've seen him make a variety of mistakes (like running off into battle).  That's not to say that all he's done is make mistakes.  It's just a relief that he isn't perfect like many of the characters in fan fictions are now.

Now that I look at this further, we seem to be in the same boat.  Or maybe "seemed" is the more appropriate term.  We were both fan fiction writers on Nsider.  Then, the Crash hit, losing us almost all support and fanbase.  We had find other places to post our writings.  After that happened life seemed to go on, but it was still different.

For one thing, we both lost many loyal readers.  And I, myself feel that my fan fiction has been loosing ground.  It's not like it's dead, it has readers.  There just aren't as many as their used to be.  I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing has happened to your fan fiction.

Ah, sorry about that.  I tend to like to write a lot.

The bottom line is, I like your fan fiction, and I'll continue reading it.  I've also seen some similarities between your fan fiction and mine.  Maybe it would benefit you to take a look if you have some spare time.  Just search for "One Latias" on Google.  The first result will be my fan fiction.

And I'll probably comment again.  I have to get through all of the chapters that you've posted first.  Please, keep up the good work!


Aw man.  I wonder what will become of Alex.  He can't be laid to waste this early, could he?  And Amber...

You've made me depressed, anxious, even a little bit angry.  And that's a good thing.  I like a story that makes me emotional.  And if my emotions kick in, that means that I can identify with the characters, which indicates that the characters are well-built.

I'm dieing to see what will happen next.  I'll be waiting anxiously for the next chapter...


Chapter 9: Death? (Alex?s Perspective)

Okay, what?s going on here?

   There?s this white haze everywhere? what happened?

   Oh yeah? I got sucked into Darkrai?s void?


   How did I end up here?

   Am I dead?

   I really, really don?t want to be dead.

   I started walking around, and? wait. ?I?m walking? Why aren?t I Latios anymore? Oh well? it?s not like that would help me here or anything?? I thought.

   ?Oh, great, now I?m seeing things. A faint blue light is shining in the distance. I?m already dead, aren?t I, so why should it matter??

   I ventured closer to the light, thinking, ?Okay, it?s not just me, or? it is me. I thought I was the only Latios! Then who could this be? I must be seeing things!?

   ?It?s a Latios for sure. Oh great, now he?s turning towards me. Is he going to talk to me or something??

   ?Ahh, I had a feeling I would meet you eventually.? A voice said.

Chapter 10: Prisoners Freed

?You finally came...? He said. Or, rather he used telepathy to say it to me, only I wasn?t too sure about being able to talk back to him the same way.

   ?You were waiting for me to come here? Aren?t I dead??
Hey, it was a decent question. I mean, why would he be happy that I was dead? He didn?t seem evil or anything.

   ?You are far from dead. When you were sucked into Darkrai?s void, your body was possessed by the spirit of the Dark Latios. When I killed him, he lost the ability to have a body of his own, but now, when someone is possessed by the shadows, he can take control of them. Your spirit comes here when you have no control over your body.? The voice answered.

   This explained a lot. At least I?m not dead? ?You?re Amber?s father, aren?t you??

   His answer really didn?t surprise me. ?I am. My name is Erik. I can get you control over your body again, but after that, you?re on your own.?

   Well, that would be nice. I was starting to hate this place. The mist gave me the feeling that something would jump at me, and I wouldn?t be ready for it.

   Erik ripped open a hole in the air (how he did it, I probably will never know) and then gestured for me to enter it. I walked over to it, and left as he said a few parting words. ?Say hi to Crystal and Amber for me, and good luck.?

   As I awoke, I was a Latios again. It really worked! Unfortunately, the Dark Latios did some serious damage to Crystal?s room before I got control again. Her bed was in shreds, the door was caved in, and the refrigerator was totally gone. I turned to see Crys bravely holding a metal bar, ready to attack me with it. Seeing that the darkness had left my eyes, she relaxed.

   ?Alex? you?re back?? She said wistfully. She looked stressed. ?He also possesse-? she was cut short by a loud noise. It sounded as if someone was trying to break into the room. The rocks that were blocking the entrance were gone, and waiting outside of the room was Amber.

   ?Amber! Man, am I glad to see y-? This time, I was cut short by Crystal.

   ?A-Alex, that isn?t Amber?? Crys said shakily. I looked back at Amber to see that she had a strange smile curling around her face.

   In a strange, menacing voice, she said, ?Alex? I finally get to meet you. For the next Latios, you seem a little inexperienced. Prove me wrong. I want to see what you?ve got.? Before I could react, Amber blasted me with a dark beam from her mouth. I was thrown back against the wall.

   ?Come on Alex, you can?t be that weak?? She said.

   ?Who are you?? I asked, trying to catch my breath. This definitely wasn?t how Amber acted.

   ?Isn?t it obvious? I am the Dark Latios that you have been hearing about! Your little friend Amber is under my control! Now, fight me, and actually try!? Dark Latios said, rushing me. He slashed me with his claws, throwing me across the room. It was hopeless. Even from that first strike, I knew I had lost.

   Just then, I felt a surge of rage flow through my body. This guy was possessing Amber, and pushing me around too much. I wasn?t going to be talked to like that! I gathered all of my body?s energy and emitted a huge blast from my mouth, this time, slamming him into the wall.

   He laughed, saying, ?I?m glad that you now know how to tap into the powers of the previous Latioses. Maybe next time you can give me a decent fight! Take your pathetic friend back!? He said as Amber fell to the ground, the darkness leaving her eyes.

   Crys and I rushed over to her, making sure she was alright. Looking up she said, ?Wha? What happened??

   Crys answered, ?You were possessed, but Alex freed you.? Amber looked at me, thankful. She turned back to normal, and got up. She turned to Crys, worried.

   ?Why did they possess us? What did they achieve?? She asked.

Crys, looking very grim, replied, ?They stole the Shadow Plate.?


Hm.  It's good that Amber and Alex were pulled back from the edge.  But that seemed to have came at a heavy price.  I wonder what will happen now.  I can guess that some fighting will happen, but that's all.  Maybe there will be another battle.


Sorry about taking so long on a couple chapters... I've been busy with school and all, but...


That was good... I like what happened in Chapter 10...


well, i'm glad they're freed. but what will happen next? the fact that chapter 10 doesn't end with much suspense makes it even more suspenseful! now i have absolutely NO idea what will happen next! :O

in other words, you did a good jod with those chapters, and i cant wait until the next one. i mean REALLY cant wait! :O :O :O :)
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Agh... It's all ruined...

All of the quotes turned into that glitchy thing for some reason... that... REALLY sucks.

Sorry for all of those who actually liked it... *sigh*


... no. I won't let it end like this. When I started it, I told myself I'd finish it no matter what.

I'm going to fix it, repost all of those ruined chapters, and I'm going to post several new ones.


Chapter 11: Illusions

I didn?t know what to think. I guess I felt like I had failed. These people, or Dragonites, depended on me-heck, they thought I was some ultimate hero, and I let them down. I don?t even want to think about what is going to happen because of this? Too bad that?s my role here.

   Amber said, ?Well, there is no use just waiting here. We have to do something?? No duh. But what should we do? Find Darkrai and ask nicely for him to give it back?

   Crys was still looking very grim, and was staring into the distance. She quietly whispered to herself, ?Erik? no? Erik? DON?T!? She ended in a scream before sprinting forward into nothing.

   ?Mom! What are you doing? Dad died a year ago! He-? Amber stopped as Crys collapsed to the floor. ?MOM!? Amber screamed, rushing to Crys?s side. Crys looked pale, and was breathing heavily.

   This was getting scary. ?What is happening to her?? I asked. Amber replied with a quiet ?I don?t know?? Just then, I heard a dim sound that sounded like chanting. I rushed out of Crys?s room, and followed the sound down the hall. I entered the room where it seemed to be coming from.

   The room looked much like Crys?s room, in that it was modern, but it had a more basic feel. It had a few rooms branching off of it, but I didn?t have time to look into them. Hovering in the middle of the room was a Mismagius.

   It continued chanting as it turned its head to look at me. Amber rushed into the room, stopping dead in her tracks. Her face quickly grew as pale as Crys?s was. ?Logan? LOGAN! NO!? She screamed, rushing at the Mismagius. It threw her against the wall, with her still in a tremor.

   Without thinking, I suddenly felt anger coursing through my body, much like when the Dark Latios had possessed Amber only a minute ago. On instinct, I rushed at the Mismagius, breathing a harsh stream of blue flames. The Mismagius screeched in pain, and teleported across the room. I then slammed my claws together, and a blast of light filled the entire room. The Mismagius screeched in pain, this time, it was much more harsh.

   The Mismagius began to dissipate, and faded away, disappearing into a black mist like the Tyranitar Amber killed. Amber regained color in her face, and I rushed to her side.

   ?What happened?? I asked softly.

   ?It? was Logan. Logan? I saw him dying. Darkrai was raising him into the air? draining the life out of him?? She shakily cried.

   It killed me to ask her this, but I had to. ?Who is? or was, Logan??

   Amber answered, ?Logan? is my dead twin brother?? She said before cracking. She burst into a stream of tears, crying uncontrollably, and rested her head into my lap.

Chapter 12: Amber?s Revenge

We just sat there for a few minutes, with Amber slowly calming down. I almost wished I hadn?t asked her who Logan was. It pained me to see her so sad.

   Crys walked into the room, and saw Amber with me, still crying. She walked over to us, comforting her. Amber explained to Crys what she saw, and then Crys started crying too.

   Their crying was cut short by a rapid scuttling sound from outside of the room. A large Drapion crashed through the doorway, enlarging it. It let out a piercing shriek as it saw us. Amber stopped crying and her eyes darkened. She turned back into Latias and rose. I had to admit, I was afraid of her. She looked like she wanted to rip that thing apart.

   Using some invisible force, she slammed the Drapion into the wall so hard that part of the ceiling caved in. She let the Drapion crumble to the floor, but not for long. She madly slashed across its chest with her claws, utterly destroying it. The Drapion dissolved into a black mist, and drifted away.

   Crys regained her composure and said, ?This is no time to grieve for Logan. We aren?t safe yet??

   ?Good! I want to tear one of those Shadow dorks apart for what Darkrai did to Logan? He has to pay for that!? Amber said fiercely. As much as I want her to calm down, if she can fight like that when she?s angry, then we may be able to hold off all of the invaders.

   We continued down the hall, and hit the staircase. We waited quietly, listening for a clue as to where one of the invaders may be. A roar from upstairs sent Amber blasting up the stairwell.

   It turned out that the roar came from the peak. I noticed a sky patio that extended outward from one of the highest points of the mountain, but we went higher. The roar had come from the absolute highest point on the mountain, which was flat, and only about 20 square feet in distance and length.

   A Dragonite was struggling with a large Garchomp, and the Dragonite was losing badly. The Garchomp had apparently taken a chunk of skin out of the Dragonite?s side, and was preparing to strike the finishing blow when Amber threw herself at the Garchomp. The Garchomp was sent helplessly sprawling down the mountain, hitting rocks on its long fall to its doom.

   Crys went over to help the wounded Dragonite, and instructed us, ?I?ll help him. Go find the other invaders!? I quickly changed back into Latios, and Amber and I bolted back down the mountain.

   We didn?t find anything until we hit the ground floor, where we found a strange sight- a Dragonite was attacking another Dragonite. There were a few Dragonites sprawled on the ground, apparently dead. There was only one left to stand against the attacker, and it didn?t look like she was so hot either. In fact, as soon as we got down there, she crumpled on the ground, leaving the rouge Dragonite free leave.

   The Dragonite turned around, and Amber seemed surprised. Her surprise quickly grew to anger, and she growled, ?Zeke?? I could wait to find out who Zeke was. All that mattered was that the Dragonite, Zeke, was holding a dark slab. This had to be the Shadow Plate.

   ?Amber, Alex? I?m surprised to find you two here. I thought I had possessed you? but my masters must have had something else in mind for you two.? Zeke said. Okay, this was confusing. How could a Dragonite possess us? Darkrai had possessed us! The realization hit me. Zeke was possessed by Darkrai!

   ?Who are your masters?? Amber demanded. Zeke, or Darkrai, chuckled. I hated that.

   ?You?ll find out in due time? but for now, I must take my leave.? Zeke-Darkrai said before teleporting away.


Chapter 13: Not Safe Yet! (Amber?s Perspective)

So, Alex wasn?t able to save Zeke. Because of that, Darkrai now has the Shadow Plate. Great.

   ?Amber? who is Zeke?? Alex asked. I have to calm down from my rage before replying to him. If I don?t? I may say something that I may regret. After all, Alex is a nice guy. A little clueless sometimes, and headstrong, but nice.

   Calming down a little, I replied, ?He is one of the greatest Dragonites that live here. He is a great person (or Dragonite) and we really need him back. Besides, if Darkrai had used Zeke to fight us right there, we would probably be dead. That?s how powerful Zeke is.? Alex nodded in understanding.

   ?So, what should we do now?? He asked. To be honest, I wasn?t sure of what we should do either. I mean, we can?t just walk right up to Darkrai and ask nicely. We have to have a good plan to get it back.

   I honestly replied, ?Alex? I don?t know what we should do. But for now, the best thing we can do is wait. We need to be ready for another atta-? I was cut short by a Dragonite that came tumbling down the stairs. He was grappling with a small Houndour, which was trying to bite at his neck. The Dragonite grabbed at its neck and held it in the air, with it flailing helplessly.

   ?We are going to take you down, losers! I?ll be one of the commanders that did it, too! You?ll all see! I?m the Wraith!? The tiny Houndour announced. Alex chuckled.

   ?You do realize that all of your buddies are dead, or gone?? The Dragonite answered. That shut the ?Wraith? up. He looked worried for a moment, but quickly grinned evilly. He raised his head and let out a surprisingly loud howl.

   ?Oh, is the widdle baby sad?? Alex said in a mocking tone. I was about to say something as well, but then I realized what ?Wraith? was doing.

   I desperately shouted, ?SHUT THAT THING UP!!!? The Dragonite slammed his fist into the ?Wraith?s? head and the miniscule Houndour shut up, but only for a moment.

   ?I told you you?re going to pay for this?? It dizzily mumbled before fainting.

   Alex asked, ?What was it doing?? How could I break it to him that the fight wasn?t over? He looked beat already.

   ?It was calling for help. Fairly soon, we will have another wave of those stupid Shadow goons to worry about. This time, there will be much more. Get all of those who are still able to fight, and have them head to the defenses on the 18th floor!? I commanded the Dragonite. ?Oh, and? leave the ?Wraith? here.? I added.

   He nodded quickly before rushing back upstairs, dropping the Houndour.

   Alex asked, ?What did you want the Houndour for??

   I smiled and answered, ?Because now? we have a hostage.?

Chapter 14: A Hard Bargain

Alex and I left the mountain and waited patiently in front of it. In the past, Darkrai had always been quick to respond to a call for help, so I was sure that we wouldn?t have to wait too long for some action.

   I flew up the side of the mountain, all the way up to the small open windows in the 18th floor. Sure enough, all of the able Dragonites were already there, preparing for a fight. They know when they need to be fast.

   I could tell Alex was nervous. He hadn?t seen this many enemies since the battle where he got taken by Darkrai, and he wasn?t afraid then because he was taken by rage. This time, there was nothing to hide his fears.

   I attempted a few comforting words. ?Don?t worry, Alex. They will probably just trade off for their ?Wraith? and leave.? He didn?t seem to confident, but it was worth a shot.

   It didn?t take very long at all until we started to see the reinforcements coming. In fact, we only had to wait a few minutes! Hopefully this deal will take about that long?

   Zeke was in front, and still possessed by Darkrai.  Behind him was an army of Houndours, Misdreavus, Houndooms, Gengar, and Absol, arranged in groups of about 500 each.

   I immediately spoke up, and Darkrai stopped to listen. ?We are holding your Wraith hostage!? I shouted, holding Wraith up. ?If you ever want him back alive, we demand Zeke?s freedom, as well as the Shadow Plate!? As I ended, Darkrai just laughed.

   ?What a joke! You seriously think that I would trade away this victory for that pathetic excuse for a commander? I promoted him, thinking he would be as powerful as his father, but of course, he is more useless that Alex is right now!? Now Darkrai was ticking me off. I could tell Alex wanted to rip his throat out, but all that would do is destroy any chance we have of saving Zeke.

   ?I will leave with a warning to you, Wraith. If you ever, I mean ever, waste my time like this again, I will personally kill you myself!? Darkrai threatened.

   Wraith started to cry. ?No! Master, you have to save me! I beg your forgiveness! Please! HELP ME!? Wraith pathetically begged. Darkrai turned and left, with us simply standing there, shocked. Now was the time.

   ?Attack!? I telepathically commanded the Dragonites. An array of over 100 beams blasted from high up in the mountain, destroying many of the Houndours and Houndooms below, causing a massive dark haze. Immediately, all of the Shadow minions fled. Some army.

   It didn?t take a long time for the army to vanish. Not that it mattered, because Darkrai was still boldly standing us down. ?You DARE turn on me? Just because I won?t take your pathetic deal, you attack me?? Darkrai screamed with malice. ?If you want a fight, I?ll give you one!? He shouted before splitting from Zeke.

   Darkrai regained his normal form, while Zeke was immediately possessed again, this time, by the soul of the Dark Latios. Darkrai started creating a void underneath Alex, but this time, Alex was ready. He teleported behind Darkrai and quickly thrust his claws into Darkrai?s back. Alex suddenly had a pained expression on his face as Darkrai whipped around and grabbed hold of Alex, and began draining the life out of him.

   I wasn?t going to let this happen again. I threw Wraith at Zeke, to occupy both of them, even if only for a second. I rushed over to Darkrai, and began breathing intensely hot blue flames on him. He screamed in pain and released hold of Alex.

   My ploy to occupy Zeke was at an end, and he slammed his foot on the ground, causing the ground to crumble beneath us. Darkrai saw his opportunity and created another void, this time, much larger, in the new hole. I felt myself being sucked into the void, and I couldn?t do anything about it.

   As soon as he got his wits back together, Alex rushed into the void and slammed me square in the chest, knocking me out, but leaving him in there instead. That gave me all the momentum I needed. I immediately flew back into the void and repeated his stunt, slamming him out this time. I had enough momentum to escape with him.

   Our escape was cut short by Darkrai grabbing each of us with one hand each, and began draining the life out of us, with renewed vigor. I slowly felt myself growing faint, and I felt like I was going to faint.

   Luckily, the Dragonites are ready to attack again. They blasted all around Darkrai, causing a slope at a steep angle. They also blasted Zeke to oblivion, immediately removing all form of possession on him. Darkrai, however, kept his grip on us, sending all three of us into the void.

   Zeke leapt into action, throwing us away from Darkrai, but causing himself to be sucked down, into the void.


Chapter 15: Rest

I rested my head on the ground, exhausted. I would have been afraid for Zeke, but he had been through much worse before, and besides, there was nothing we could do to help him. I closed my eyes, and just sat there peacefully.

   I heard a soft patter of feet, and with my eyes still closed, said, ?You don?t want to be doing that.?

   The feet stopped and Wraith replied, ?Why not? I?m going to get as far away from you killers as possible!?

   In a matter-of-fact tone, I answered, ?From that high up in the mountain, all of those Dragonites have a range of two miles. If you try running away, you won?t get very far. If you stay here, we won?t treat you badly, and you can live in peace. It?s your choice.?

   I opened my eyes to see Wraith running towards the mountain. Even he wasn?t stupid enough to try to get away.

   Alex looked at me and asked, ?How come you are extremely tired, and yet, I?m perfectly fine? I?m obviously weaker and less experienced than you are.?

   I stood up and answered, ?Alex, whenever you feel some sort of strong emotion, such as extreme hate, anger, or desperation, the spirits of all of the previous Latioses aid you, and you gain more power and knowledge than normal. Don?t get used to it, though, because soon, you will lose the power that they just gave you, and you will be left extremely tired.?

   He nodded, and asked another question. ?How come I haven?t seen any other? Pok?mon for a long time? I mean, other than Dragonites, and the ones that are trying to kill us.?

   This question was even easier to answer. ?This is a very dry, and dead plain. There are no Pok?mon that want to live here, so that?s why you haven?t seen many. The Dragonite mountain is a refuge for all lost travelers, or simply whoever needs a little rest.?

   Alex sat down, almost stumbling, and turned back into a human. He was breathing heavily, and between breaths, asked ?Is? this? what happens? after? I lose? what the other? Latioses? gave? me?? I simply nodded, and bent down to help him. I helped him get up, and we started walking back to the mountain, slow enough so that Alex could follow.

   Once we were inside, I flew Alex up the stairs, and dropped him off into his room, which until now, he didn?t even know he had. His jaw dropped. ?This? is my room?? He asked in awe.
   ?Sure is,? I answered. Hey, I was amazed too when I first came to the mountain. The Latis get special rooms that nobody else gets. We have an extremely comfortable bed, fancy marble floor, an adjacent room with a small waterfall that runs into a small pool that we can swim in. Near the pool, there is a hot spring, where we can simply relax.

   Alex ambled over to his bed, and plopped on it. I figured he was going to rest; after all, he hadn?t had any sleep since he got here. I left for my room, and quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 16: The Beginning of the End (Alex?s Perspective)

I woke up, extremely startled. I looked around to make sure I was still alive. Sure enough, I was in my new room, perfectly fine.

   It all seemed so real? Darkrai had come back to the mountain. He killed Amber, Crys, and countless Dragonites, and then Arceus came? and possessed me again.

   But it was just a dream- no, a nightmare, and none of it really happened. I got up and left the room, and was very startled at what I saw.

   The hallway was in ruins. There were chunks missing from the ceiling, holes in the floor, and a few Dragonite corpses littered across the floor. I wanted to turn back and fall back asleep, but I carefully made my down the hall.

   I checked every room I found, and I quickly found Amber, quietly sleeping in her room. I rushed in and shook her awake. ?Amber! There are dead Dragonites in the hall! The hall is completely torn up! What happened?? I desperately pleaded. Amber groggily stood up, and once I was finished freaking out, she suddenly shot wide awake.

   ?Alex, we have to see if the entire mountain is like this!? She yelled, turning quickly into Latias. I turned into Latios, and we started heading up to the other floors.

   We didn?t have to use the stairs, due to the holes in the ceiling. Not stopping at any one floor, we kept going up. All of the floors were just as bad- there were many dead Dragonites on the floor, and there didn?t seem to be any survivors, other than us.

   We kept going up, until we reached the second to top floor. Amber rushed into a room. I followed her, noticing the room was quite nice, and was almost as fancy as ours, minus the pools. Amber bolted to a pile of debris, moaning, ?no? please no??

   I helped her clear away the rubble, and once it was all gone, we found something that made me wish I hadn?t woken her up. She burst into tears. ?No! Mom! They can?t? you can?t? NO!!!? She screamed, clinging onto the dead body of the person who once was Crys. I noticed myself getting choked up too, and I started to get teary eyed as well.

   Amber asked for me to leave for a few minutes, and I thought it would be best to follow her wishes. I went up to the top floor, and went onto the large platform that overlooked the entire mountain, and was only slightly damaged. It was still dark, so all of this happened recently. But how recently? Were the attackers still here?

   Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something that made me flare up on the inside. I turned to see Darkrai and Arceus, staring at the mountain from below. Darkrai was laughing, and saying something to Arceus that I couldn?t hear. I wanted so badly to rush down there and kill them, but there was no way I could stand up to Arceus alone.

   I went back into Crys?s room, to see Amber slightly less distressed. She noticed me, and moaned, ?What are we going to do? I think we are the only survivors here? but why? If they were going to destroy the mountain? why not us??

   I put my head down and answered, ?I don?t know, but they made a big mistake. We are going to find a way to destroy them for good! I know it! They are going to pay for this??

   ?Alex? we?d better leave. There is no reason for us to stay here? let?s go.? Amber said with confidence.

   With that, we flew from the mountain, into the night.