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Started by gamemasterdevil, October 14, 2007, 02:44:55 PM

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Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 14, 2007, 07:08:42 PM
Quote from: Joeofmars on October 14, 2007, 07:06:22 PM
Alexander had read it also.

"Malum.You have to be fu-"He stoped and stared at the army of people coming.

"If I die,it's you twos god-darned faults."He said as he ran into the battle with Mr.Jangles on his shoulder.

OoC//I gotta go for tonight.Sorry,we can continure this tommorow.

((Who's Mr. Jangles?))
"Technically, it's your fault for agreeing to come."

OoC//Mr.Jangles is his monkey.

"My fault for agreeing to-"He walked past over his door and set it back up."Fine then,I'm not fighting.He shut the door.


"Wait!" Ryan ripped the door open. "We really need your help! Would you rather just sit here and die?"
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


At that statement,Alecander thought of his once great life.

"Yeah,I think I rather would."He said,"Why do you need MY help anyway?"


"I really should shut up... But he is right. Would you rather sit here and wait to die or go out and die fighting?"


"Because you know how to fight," Ryan stated. "I've only dreamed of going out and adventuring: fighting bad guys, locating treasures, commanding..that kinda stuff - but I never have. You..ugh, forget it. If you wanna sit here like a coward and die, fine!"

Slamming the door, Ryan looked at Lux. "I'm going. I'm not going down without a fight, and neither is Burk!"

Dashing away towards the blanket that had grown larger, he soon disappeared from sight.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Alexander opened the door that was just slamed on him.

"Hey!"He yelled after Ryan."Just so you know,I'm no hero,fighting bad guys and what not.I am one.And second,no one calls me a coward."He pulled out his axe and ran with Ryan.


Lux thouggt for a moment, weighing the risks. Either way he was going to die. With that he ran after Ryan.


"Well, if you were still a bad guy, you would've killed me by now," Ryan yelled back, smiling to himself as he saw both Alexander and Lux following. The earth began to shake again, and Ryan knew why now - mages were casting powerful thunder magic into the ground, causing it to shake violently.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Luw saw the enemy mages as well. He created a fireball, something he had failed to do before, and hurled at them. A brief smile flashed across his face.


"I'll kill you when I want too."Alexander said,not jokingly,but it couldn't help but sound like it was.

He dodged some thunder magic and threw his axe into the army.


Two soldiers fell to the fireball, alerting the entire army of the small groups' presence. "So, some people here can actually fight, eh? Get them!" Roared a voice.

The army charged, three falling as the axe sliced through one, and caused the two on either side to fall. This caused more to fall, and the domino effect took place..the front end of the army fell, a good chunk dying from being overrun by the back. However, their numbers were still far too much...

Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Lux swiped his hand, creating a powerful blast of wind that headed for the soldiers.


Alexander jumped into the air.Swinging his fist down onto an enemy and grabing his axe out of the one he already killed.He was swinging so fast,killing anything wearing black and red.It was the rush.The rush he was looking for for so long.It was coming back.He didn't realize anything else,but the black and red army that he was facing.


Lux was having fun now. He was throwing thunder everywhere now.


Soldiers fell to the two attackers, the numbers slowly decreasing. Ryan, in his excitement, rushed forward. Unfortunately, it was a mistake..he was smacked right in the face with the butt of a spear, and was instantly knocked out, flying sideways and hitting a stray tree. Slumping down, he laid there, the soldiers forgetting his existence, and focusing their attacks now on Alexander and Lux.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...