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Azula's Reign - An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

Started by FearItself, October 15, 2007, 02:47:48 PM

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Okay, I'll join. =)

Name: Turaga

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Personality: Generally friendly, and likes to have fun.


Parents: Aang and Katara.

Element: Water

Weapons: He likes to use a small rapier. But carries a katana across his back. He is also said to be skilled with a slingshot.

Other: A book he carries with him. possibly a journal. He also has befriended a small squirrel-like creature, that can glide.


Where do I start?

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Ooc// I guess I'll start the RP

Ic// Monlithos was busy helping rebuild the Ba Sing Se wall by earth-bending boulders to more experienced benders who then put it in place. Man, this is so boring. I should be training now so I can join the Earth Kingdom Army and defeat the fire nation. Oh well, maybe later.

Transient Link

ooc/ Fear am i supposed to hide that fact im a fire bender? or is it supposed to be known? just wondering so I can start it off right though I dont think ill get to start it tonight.


Ooc// You character can keep it hidden from the people he lives around, because, him being in the Earth Kingdom, it would put him at risk. But once he's with the "group", which will be formed sooner or later, he won't have to hide it.


I will join.                                          Name:Xanthos                                Age:13                                             Parents:Aang/Katara                                                  Element:Water                                 Bio:Rather sarcastic with a morbid point of view. He tries to act happy and invariably fails. His mother and father are teaching him to waterbend, but so far, he is a novice at best.                                 Appearance:Black hair, brown eyes. Scrawny and a little on the short side. Blue shirt and pants with black shoes.                                     Weapons:he carries a bow and water bends to make arrows


((Watched a couple episodes of Avatar, but I never had the time to watch the seasons..but I'd like t'join this!))

Name: Farnor
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Generally quiet, but is talkative once you get to know him
Appearance: About 5'7". Has emerald red hair, and a nicely toned body. He's slightly tan, and wears a white shirt with brown pants. His eyes are a fiery orange.
Parents: Mai/Zuko
Element: Fire
Weapons: Sword, bow, and his body.
Other: Nothing
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Ooc// I've added the most recent profiles to the front page, you are all accepted, and feel free to start. =)


With woven Water-tribe-style clothing, Nerina made her way out of the ice-like fortification that she knew as home. The smell of burning seal blubber had caught her attention beforehand, and had drawn her inside, but she realized it wouldn't be ready for a while. Her mother was cooking the meal, of course, and her father was out doing what he could of his Avatar duty. He used to be around when Nerina was younger, but now she hardly ever saw him, and as of late, she could care less of him whenever he visited. Her siblings weren't a big concern of hers either.

Now, what to do before dinner is ready?... Nerina contemplated to herself, beginning to walk through the central marketplace of the rather chilled Northern Water Tribe village. She never took a liking to the cold, but then again, temperature didn't really affect her. Secretly, she longed to travel elsewhere where the weather was less predictable. Adventure seemed like an intruiging and promising for Nerina and her newly-discovered waterbending powers. She hadn't practiced with her powers yet, except for one time when her mother showed her how to use the healing power, but that was only once. Otherwise, she had yet to explore what her power was, or how to use it. She couldn't really waterbend in the North Pole, because it would turn into ice just as she would use it. Nerina was beginning to think that maybe exploring some other regions or nations would be worthwhile for her training.

I know mother wouldn't want me wandering off, but... She knows how bored I am of this place, so it's not like she'd be surprised with me leaving. Nerina thought to herself. Then again, my mother needs my help around the house... But she did all that stuff before I was born, so she can do it again.

After a little while of contemplating and, meanwhile, as she thought, traveling towards the water border of her village, Nerina came up with a decision. I'm sure mother wouldn't mind if I took a little journey. She did it before, why can't I?


Ooc// Here goes nothing.

Ic// Turaga was wandering around the village. He was coming back from practicing his sword skills. He knew lunch was going to be ready soon, so he decided to come back.

Turaga was eager for new things to do. He knew that if he spent his life here, he wouldn't get to do much. He didn't particulaly think it was boring, but he didn't really feel like staying any much longer. He had also obtained water bending powers. But he was very unfamiliar with them. His dad showed him how to use it when he young. But he didn't really remember how to use them.

He noticed his sister, Nerina, walking around. She seemed deep in thought. "Whatchya doing?" He asked. He liked annoying his sister. It gave him something to do.

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Transient Link

ooc/ I am pretty much drawing blanks but I guess ill start with this..

ic// ken was sweating after his hard morning sword workout with is master yoshi
yoshi: you are improving greatly ken you are starting to give me a challenge

ken bowed
"thank you master"

yoshi: now go rest up ill see you tommarow

ken bowed once more
"yes master"

ken walked out onto the streets
this is SO boreing I really want to learn more about  my fire bending

he thought as he started to walk home.


"Okay, your shift is over Monlitos." Said a worker.

"Oh thank you." Monlithos said excitedly as he ran off home where, in his back yard, was his own private training area. It's about time I get home. Once he was home, he grabbed what seemed to be just the hilt of what was a large sword and went out into his backyard. He then placed the hilt where the sword would be on the ground. I just need to focus enough. He pulled up on the hilt and as he did, a rock sword appeared on the hilt and a large sword at that. "Yes! I got it on the first try today." He said happily. "Now it's time to start practicing my swings."


"Thinking." Nerina blatantly replied, giving her brother a sort of emotionless stare before turning her head away again. She put her mittened gloves in the pockets of her woven, blue Water tribe hoodie, her fingers feeling a bit chilly. She blew warm carbon dioxide into the air, watching as the freezing atmosphere around her condensed the vapor into a white mist. That was normal around these parts. "Why are you following me, anyways?"


"Nothing.....Just bored is all..........What are you thinking about?" He asked in an innocent way.

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"I'm thinking about getting out of this place." Nerina said, again, in a blatant tone. She didn't bother keeping anything from her siblings, because they would find out anyways. It didn't worry her that her parents would figure out either, she could deal with anything they threw at her, sometimes literally. "I don't want to feel like I'm an icicle every night, I want to travel to places with warm air, warm water, rain, and sun. I don't even remember ever seeing the sun here."


"Yeah....I guess....." Turaga stared into space for a minute. Then he shook his head as he came back, and said "When's lunch?"

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