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Azula's Reign - An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

Started by FearItself, October 15, 2007, 02:47:48 PM

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ic/ ken finally reached the top

he grinned
"one more thing nerina. I jumped into the water to get ridof my anger. The water didnt cause it. Also you must understand certain cercumstances me and my brother go through. Id rather not go into it but....let me put it this way. This was one of the worst fights we had. Yet still its just....part of our life I supposed"

he looked at his wounds grimacing at the pain the grinning again


Ooc// Two.
There, ya happy? xP


Quote from: FearItself on October 25, 2007, 02:24:23 PM
Ooc// Two.
There, ya happy? xP

OOC/// Yes I am, now tell everyone else to do that or else! :)

Transient Link

ooc/ no not without a decent reason why I should :|


Quote from: MARLUXIA on October 25, 2007, 02:25:55 PM
ooc/ no not without a decent reason why I should :|

OOC/// You already gave me a number :|

Transient Link


Quote from: MARLUXIA on October 25, 2007, 02:27:42 PM
ooc/ why do you need it! confused :|
Ooc// I think it's for choosing what kind of bender his character will be.

Oh, and I edited IC into my previous post, Marluxia.


Quote from: FearItself on October 25, 2007, 02:28:22 PM
Quote from: MARLUXIA on October 25, 2007, 02:27:42 PM
ooc/ why do you need it! confused :|
Ooc// I think it's for choosing what kind of bender his character will be.

Oh, and I edited IC into my previous post, Marluxia.

OOC/// Yup that is why but I am doing a few things with the numbers so if you want me to be an Air bender, or a fire, or a water, or an earth; you have no way of altering the outcome. That is why I said random


Ooc// I'm just posting this so you can see it, Marluxia.

IC// I don't know how he thought he would rid himself of his anger by jumping into the tainted water. According to Aeleus, the water caused his anger. Maybe it has an opposite effect on the ones that are actually generally angry most of the time. Nerina thought to herself.

"I'd imagine so." she replied to his comment on their recent fight being one of the worst fights him and his brother had. "Yes, it is a part of life. I haven't had fights with my brothers though, because I feel that fighting for no logical reason won't solve anything. My brothers fight all the time. Maybe it's just you men and your impulses." sher remarked, giving a slight laugh to Ken.

Transient Link


ken laughed as well

"yes yes. I must say letting out all that fire let me feel SO good"

he streached

"honestly I havent felt this relaxed in awhile"

he grinned "sorry if I worried you nerina"


Ooc// Ken is still on the rock, right? How far is he from Nerina?

IC// Nerina chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of her neck in emabrassment. Had she gotten all worked up for nothing? She looked up to him, smiling lightly to ensure that she was all right with the situation. "It's okay... I guess I get worried a bit too easily." she remarked, looking to him. "But, there are more positive ways to release your anger, you know." Nerina added.

Transient Link

ooc/ no..looks to post of cliff climbing

ic/ he laughed
"doubt it I never get angry much anyways"

Flying Chickens

Quote from: MARLUXIA on October 25, 2007, 01:54:31 PM
ic/ ken heard nerinas call but he had no time to answer or look back he was going to explode any 2nd his body on fire from anger. He finally reach the island and stood upon it. Then he let it all out....

ooc/ (insert dbz music)

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Fire engulfed his body in waves of energy growing stronger and stronger, larger and larger. His body pulsing at his rage and howls. The fire around him continued to grow. He was unleashing all of his anger at once in a mass so large it could make a king quake in his boots. The water around the island started pushing away from ken as the flames grew larger. Though the flames did not burn him he could feel the scorching heat the flame was creating. No doubt that everyone on the pass was begining to feel it. His wrists were on fire in pain. But it felt so good to unleash his angeryes! yes! yes! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooc// Look! Marluxia turned a great thing in the story and ruined it, how thoughtful!

Ic// Aeleus had sat dumbfounded, thinking of what he had touched. He could not remember in the slightest. He stood up, and turned beet red. Nerina had been holding him. He was furious at himself for not paying attention. Daybreak had come over by now, causing a pretty sparkle over the still water. Aeleus stood up and walked to the Serpents Pass. He kept walking. He would kill that thing himself. Hopefully they wouldn't noticed. He could've sworn Nerina had looked at him, but it seemed as though she hadn't realized what he was doing.


Nerina smiled slightly. "Well, I guess that's a good thing then." she replied, looking over to him. She made her way over to where Ken was and sat next to him, a bit tired of having to move around so much at night, but not minding it much. A sigh passed her lips as she rested her chin on her palm, her elbow resting on her knee. Despite the fact that she usually stayed up late, she was fairly exhausted now.

"So, you're fine for now, right?" she asked. Truthfully, she wanted to keep her distance, just in case he were to have an outburst from the tainting water.


OOC/// Mr. Mod, is there a nickname you ahev that I can call you? You name is to hard to remember (spelling wise), also did you pick a number?