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Azula's Reign - An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

Started by FearItself, October 15, 2007, 02:47:48 PM

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OOC/// The Results are in!

1= Air Bender
2= Earth Bender
3= Fire Bender
4= Water Bender



2 =Earth Bender
Last Night's Drawing = Fire

Water, and Air are now out, and Earth, and Fire are both fighting to take my bending ability! Let the next round BEGIN!

Flying Chickens

Quote from: MARLUXIA on October 25, 2007, 03:30:19 PM
Quote from: Orgizirtee on October 25, 2007, 03:28:34 PM
Ooc// Be back soon. Don't do anything to do with the serpent until I'm back.
ooc/fine but your not the ONLY one killing the serpant its only fair we all work together to beat it :|
Ooc// I do the most, as well as deliver the final blow. You're the one that ruined my tainted water idea. I'm greedy like that. I have such a head-ache right now...

Ic// Aeleus stood on what little ground there was, his heels shaking and his eyes closed. He was ready for it.


Ooc// Did I choose already? I choose 3.

Ic// Turaga saw what Aeleus was doing. Is he nuts?!

Spongebob does not approve


"Let him be," said Xanthos. "Hes probably mad from before."


Nerina quickly took out half of what was left from the Spirit Oasis water, the water she had already taken half from when Aeleus went mad. She gently but firmly pushed Ken to the ground, being sure not to hurt him as she put her hand, surrounded by the healing water, on his heart, allowing the water to absorb itself momentarily. After a few moments, she took her hand away, beginning to see the tainted water come out with it.

That's it. No one else is going into this water. Nerina thought, slightly annoyed and slightly exhausted at the same time. It was starting to get light out, and she hadn't slept a wink.

Flying Chickens

The serpent leaped out of the water and screeched. Aeleus, desperate to prove himself, sent a serpent of fire at it. It vanished harmlessly as soon as it hit the scaly hide.


Seeing the beast, Xanthos readied his bow and fired. The shot bounced harmlessly off of the monster. He started firing a barrage of arrows made from the water of the lake. He also made sure to fill his pouch with new water.


OOC/// I guess I will go with Rock, but I don't know, guessing rock. YOu would also think rock would be more common saying how there are so many of them...and so little water benders

Flying Chickens

An arrow flew by mere centimetres from Aeleus's face. He looked to the side and saw that Xanthos had begun to help. He smiled sadly. They had been such good friends, and all he had done was take out his anger on them... He looked at the beast, looming across the sky. Flames began to ignite in his hands. He glared up at the beast. Without second thought he launched off the cliff, ready to strike the serpent. It looked down at him, and opened its jaws wide. It came down on him, closing it in its mouth. Aeleus could feel his death crushing him as the water began to flood the mouth cavity.


"Aeleus! No!" cried Xanthos. He couldn't be gone. Not now. He felt tears come into his eyes. He had tried to help, but in the end, he had been useless. Tears flowed freely at this thought.


OOC/// MARLUXIA, or O XIII the thing with water substitute with rocks ;)

IC/// I turned around and then saw this horrific event. I ran over and asked Xanthos this, "You want my help?"


"Aeleus!" Nerina cried out as she saw the serpent clasp its jaws around him. She held back the tears that came to her eyes, reaching her arms out and beginning to make circular motions towards the water where the serpent had disappeared. A weak whirlpool began to form around the area, and Nerina's eyes immediately directed themselves to where Turaga and Xanthos were. "A little help would be nice!" she called out to them, hoping they could help in creating a whirlpool that could eventually toss the serpent into the nearby rock all of the pass, which may give them a chance to free Aeleus.


Quote from: FearItself on October 25, 2007, 06:04:25 PM
"Aeleus!" Nerina cried out as she saw the serpent clasp its jaws around him. She held back the tears that came to her eyes, reaching her arms out and beginning to make circular motions towards the water where the serpent had disappeared. A weak whirlpool began to form around the area, and Nerina's eyes immediately directed themselves to where Turaga and Xanthos were. "A little help would be nice!" she called out to them, hoping they could help in creating a whirlpool that could eventually toss the serpent into the nearby rock all of the pass, which may give them a chance to free Aeleus.

"So apparently you don't want my help if your calling for them." I said in a snobby voice to Nerina.


Xanthos ran to Nerina. He was pale as ice. He started helping her, tears blurring his vision. "I- I'm sorry Nerina..."


"It's okay. Just help!" she said in a slightly frantic tone. Now that someone's life was in danger, of course she would be much more stressed. Nerina began moving her hands faster, accelerating the whirlpool more with the help of Xanthos, nearly completely forgetting about the comment from the other bender.