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Azula's Reign - An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

Started by FearItself, October 15, 2007, 02:47:48 PM

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Flying Chickens

Aeleus's face flushed of colour. He lifted his head off his shoulder, and looked her straight in the spot he thought her eyes were. "Umm... I think we need to kiss then."

Ooc\\ OMFG! You do not kill the clown, THE CLOWN KILLS YOU!


Ooc// O_O Hosnap!

Ic// "I agree." Nerina replied to Aeleus, looking up at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as was now a habit of hers, and pressed her lips against his. Even with her eyes open, she saw nothing, and broke the kiss maybe two or three seconds later.

"Hmm... Maybe this is the wrong path." she said. "I saw one with some writing near the entrance. Want to try that one?"

Flying Chickens

"I would like to, but I have no idea where the entrance is." Aeleus said, looking around hopelessly in the darkness.


"Oh.. Shoot." Nerina said, ashamed at her own foolishness. They had walked fairly far into the tunnel they were in, only to be lost in its depths in the dark.

"Wait a minute.. My mom told me a story about when her and my father were in this cave. They had to do the same thing, but it was a journey within themselves, not just an expression of love, something more than that. It didn't matter what tunnel they went in, love guided their way out." she explained. "Maybe we need to go beyond a kiss. Not something inappropriate of course, but something more meaningful. But I'm not sure what that could be."

Flying Chickens

"Well..." Aeleus sighed. "I have no idea what it could be either. I came here because I trust your decisions..." He put his arm across her shoulders, behind her neck. "And if the way to get out is what you say it is, I'm glad we came here."

Ooc\\ Frightening. I think my mind made a sub-division of my brain devoted to my RP characters. I wonder if this is worthy of a psychologist...


"I'm glad too, Aeleus." Nerina said truthfully, moving closer and bringing her body up against his. She pressed herself up on her toes for leverage as she engaged Aeleus in a long, open mouthed kiss. But just as their lips made contact, an array of blue, crystal-shaped lights lit the roof of the tunnel above them. The way they came in was now visible, so as soon as she broke the kiss, she tugged Aeleus in the direction opposite of the way they came in. "Lesson learned: learn lessons from love." she remarked. "Try saying that five times fast." Nerina added with a giggle, starting to run playfully down the cave-like corridor, waiting to see if Aeleus would partake in the cat and mouse game.

Flying Chickens

Aeleus began to chase after her, repeating the words. "Learn lessons from love, learn lesson from erm... Can't." He said, a wide grin across his face. "Can you?" He laughed.


"Of course not silly. That's why I only said it once." Nerina called out in remark back to Aeleus, laughing slightly afterwards. He was gaining on her, so she sped up, only to see a blinding light appear before her. She stopped just outside of the exit, looking at the edge of a cliff she could very well have run right off of, and turned around, waiting for Aeleus to appear.

Flying Chickens

Aeleus sprinted forwards. The light at the tunnel began to become brighter. He came up next to Nerina, stopping but skidding right up to the edge of the cliff. He wobbled, looking down then backing up a few feet. "Wow... Steep cliff."


"Oh really?" she mused, taking Aeleus's arm so that he wouldn't lose his balance on the cliff. Nerina looked around for a brief moment, before her eyes caught sight of their goal destination. New Ozai was clearly in their view.

"Well, that's where we're headed." she said. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Nerina added sarcastically, referring to the unattractive pillars of smoke from the factories the Fire Nation built, was well as the Fire Nation insignia on the entrance of the city.

Flying Chickens

Aeleus raised an eyebrow at it. "I have no idea how somewhere supposedly so beautiful as this Falcon's Perch can be there." He said, disgusted at what the Fire Nation had done.


"The Falcon's Perch shows its true charm at night, when the sun sets and the lights of the city take over. If you're into city scenery, you'll love it." Nerina explained, a slightly doubtful chuckle passing her lips. She was kind of bluffing, because she didn't know a whole lot about the Falcon's Perch itself, only that it was a famous dating spot. But if it were that famous, it would most likely live up to its name, so she had nothing to worry about.

Flying Chickens

"So..." Aeleus looked around. "How do we get to New Ozai?" He asked.


OOC/// Wow Fear :| Anyway I am back but I do needc to talk to you fear

EDIT: Then again, I don't feel like comming back...


"We need to find another firebender!" I said to the group. "We need firenation clothes." I warned them.