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Helaman Squadron: The Cornerian Human

Started by starfoxherosj, October 15, 2007, 04:33:01 PM

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Hey, at least I'm not on strike!

Chapter 5: Charging In

   Richard sped down to the hangar.  His Arwing was refueled, so he was all ready for take-off.  He hopped in and buckled down, joining himself with the fighter.  There was nothing stopping him now.
   The lift lock was released, and he was shot out of the ship into what looked like a beautiful sunset.  Richard trembled, knowing that the sunset was actually the flames rising from the burning city.  He tried to keep his mind off it.  He was sent out to save Tails and the Gunstars, and he couldn't waste a single second.
   He got a radio message from Blue.  "You're late, kid."  He smiled, "We could've died by now."
   "Good to see you too, Blue." Richard muttered.  He was getting ticked at this guy.  First, Blue mocked him for being a newbie, now he's complaining about Hero being tardy!  "Just what's your problem with me anyway?"  His voice was now shouting.
   "Calm down, you two!" Red shouted, "If you both keep arguing, we will all die!"
   "You're right."  Richard replied, "We have to get serious."  Richard thought for a moment before planning his next move.  He knew that if he made the wrong move, he would die.  "Well, I guess I will have to break through the group to try to get them off your tails."
   "Negative Hero!" Tails shouted, "These fighters are drones!  They aren't risking human life!  They will just ram you!"
   "What?" Richard gasped, "Drones?  Dang!"
   "We gotta take these drones out, guys!" Red shouted, "Who knows what will happen if we don't?"
   "Easier said than done..." Blue muttered, "Looks to me like the four of us are in big trouble."
   "Enough talk!" Tails shouted, "Let's move!"  At that point, Richard dove into the drones and started to spin his fighter.  Red and Blue broke off Tails' wing and watched in awe at the seemingly suicidal charge.
   When it was all done, many of the drones were taken out, and there was a big gap in the enemy formation.  Richard wasn't scratched.  "That is the barrel roll attack." Richard boasted, "I really like it, don't you?"
   "Showoff..." Blue muttered in return.  He went through himself and ripped another hole in the formation.  Even with the two devastating blows, the fighters kept flying in formation.
   Suddenly, it struck Fox what they were doing.  "All fighters fall back!" He shouted, "That's an order!"  There was tension in his voice.  Sweat was running down his forehead and his palms were soaked.
   "Why?" Richard asked, "What's wrong?"
   "They didn't send these drones to kill you guys without loss of life."  Fox replied, "All pilots have one last trick up their sleeve that no live pilot would dare ever use.  Drone however can pull this trick out of their hats.  They didn't come to kill you...they came here to ram the Great Fox."
   "No way!" Richard gasped.
   "Hero, take out these drones at any cost, you hear me?"
   "Y-Yes Sir!"  Richard shouted as he chased the swarm of drones.

   Richard rushed for the drones.  The fate of home and friends was not something that was typically placed on the shoulders of an ordinary fourteen year old boy.  But then again, Richard was never an ordinary boy period.  He reminded himself that now was not the time to ponder the course his life had taken him.  If he made one mistake, just one tiny screw-up, the Great Fox was doomed.
   Then it hit him.  The conflict in Sega City had worn him out.  Fatigue was starting to set in.  His palms were sweating, and so was his forehead.  What were they thinking?  There was no way he could pull this off!
   Things just went worse from there.  The world started to go black around the edges of his eyes.  It was spreading inward.  It eventually got to where it was like he was looking through a straw, and it was still shrinking.  Richard knew what was happening.  He had heard about this from Fox many times.
   Richard was experiencing tunnel-vision.  The fatigue was now just moments away from doing him in.  Richard was about to go into a complete blackout.  No!  Not now!  If he blacked out, even for a couple of seconds, he was dead.
   But right now it didn't seem like there was much he could do about it.
   Red realized something was wrong.  She immediately radioed to Blue.  "Blue, Hero needs our help!" She shouted.
   "Forget it, Red." Blue replied, "We have our own things to worry about.  There's nothing we can do for him."  He sighed.  "If we try to help, we will just get in his way."
   "If we don't help him..."
   "Right now if we don't help ourselves, we'll die!"
   There was a silence over the radio.  Nothing happened.  It was as if time froze, waiting for Red to reply.  Red knew that, whichever choice she picked, chances were that someone would die.  For that one moment she was the hand of the Roman Emperor, Her position decided who lives and who dies.  If she chose to stay with Blue, Hero would certainly die, and if she chose to go help Hero, she would probably be killed.
   Red made up her mind.  "I'm sorry, Blue." She said, "I am going to go help Hero."
   "What?" Blue gasped.
   "The fact is Hero is not just doing this just to get a couple of kills under his belt, he is trying to save the Great Fox."  She replied, "More than that, Hero is in trouble, and as Gunstars, we should help him."
   "Red! Don't!"
Just then, a huge explosion came from the direction of the Great Fox.  It was a brilliant white explosion, like nothing either Gunstar had ever seen before.  No-one knew what had happened, and everyone expected the worst.
When the dust cleared, all the drones were destroyed.  Red, Blue and Tails saw a ship and a fighter unharmed among it all.
"Dang! That was pretty harsh! I am not sure I want to do that again."
It was Hero.  He was okay.
"Hero!" Red shouted in relief, "I thought you were killed!"
   "You worry about your boyfriend."  Hero said, "Me, I'll be perfectly okay."

Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Chapter 6: A Team Comes Together

Richard was relieved when he destroyed the enemy drones.  He leaned back in his seat and relaxed.  He could relax now and sure as heck, he deserved it.
Suddenly, some lasers and a blur flew by him so fast that it made him jump.  When he came to his senses, he had realized that his nose was pointing down.  He pulled up quickly, not knowing how close to the ground he was.  He looked up and he saw a Microsoft fighter moving in to engage him.
"Bandit spotted!" Richard shouted, "Do I have permission to engage?"
"Permission granted, Hero." Fox replied from the bridge of the Great Fox, "Show him what a Stryker is made of!"
"Gotcha Captain!" Richard cheered, "This one's mine!"  He turned around to engage the enemy fighter, and noticed the enemy fighter coming at him again!  Another burst of laser fire.  This one passing over his left wing.  When the fighter passed by, another burst came at him, this one came from beneath him.  Was this the same fighter?  No.  It couldn't have been.  The enemy had just passed behind him, not below him.
It had to be another fighter.
While the one fighter was attacking Richard head on, his wingman was at surface level, waiting for the right time to climb up and strike at him.  Richard couldn't believe it! He was being double-teamed!
Richard jinxed right.  Sure enough, another fighter passed him from below.  He put on the booster and shot up after the fighter.  The fighter's engine gave out after a single burst of his lasers.  Richard moved out of the way fast enough to get out of the way of the dropping fighter.  Then, he heard an explosion right behind him.
Apparently, when Richard charged up after the second fighter, the first fighter gave chase.  The pilot had no idea of the dropping fighter until it was too late, and the two fighters collided.  Richard figured that both pilots were killed in the collision.  He felt bad for them, though they were his enemy.
His pity was lost when another laser burst flew across his nose.  There was another fighter coming at him, he just knew it!  Dang!  Would these guys ever stop?  What threat could a fourteen-year-old boy possibly be?  Again he had to remind himself that this was not the time for pondering.  He had to think fast if he was to have any chance of surviving.  There was no way he was going to get overwhelmed.
Too late.  The enemy fighter had gotten behind him.  There was no chance that he could escape his fate now.
Tails, Red and Blue looked in shock as what appeared to be Hero's last moments.  Then three streaks of silver and blue zipped past them.  More enemies?  The trio trembled in fear at the thought of what might happen next.
Then the enemy fighter exploded.  At this point, no-one knew what had just happened.  Everyone wondered about Hero's safety.
Then the three fighters slowed down and formed up with Hero in a diamond formation.  Now the three fighters were identifiable.
They were Arwings. It was the rest of the Star Fox team.
"Falco! Slippy! Krystal!"  Richard cheered, "What took you so long?"
   "Sorry, buddy!" Falco replied, "We got jumped by some Microsoft fighters on our way back as well!"
   "Hey, don't sweat it!" Richard said, "I'm a Stryker, remember?"
   "Yeah, I know..." Falco sighed, "And you're cocky, just like your father."
   "We were worried about you, Richard." Krystal said, "You're just a kid!"
   "It's good to see you're okay though!" Slippy chimed in.
   Suddenly, a panicked message came over the radio.  "Guys! There's a bogey on my tail and I can't lose him! I need help!"  It was Red.  She was in trouble.
   "Don't worry Red!" Blue shouted, "I'm here to help!"
   Blue rushed to help his friend.  He went head–to-head with the fighters.  The fighters flew by him for what seemed like an eternity.  He saw the face of the pilot of the Microsoft fighter.  He immediately recognized the pilot's face.  His body froze up on him; he couldn't move a muscle.  This was something he never expected to see.
   He could hear Red's voice in the background:  "Blue! He's got a lock on me!  I can't hold him any longer!  Help me!"  And yet, Blue never did pull into the engagement.  There was one thing standing in his way.  Suddenly, a fighter passed from behind Blue and did a U-turn, giving chase to the bandit. 
To Blue's surprise, it was none other than Fox McCloud.

Fox pulled in behind the bogey and brought up his Lock-on.  He eventually got tone on the foe and stayed behind him for about a second.  The enemy pulled away from Red and headed the other way.  Not a shot had been fired.  "Textbook engagement." Fox said, "I wish I had been able to get out here earlier."  He grinned.  "Return to base team."
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Had a scare today, I thought that my fanfic had been deleted.
Thenh I realized I wasn't logged in.
oh well...

Chapter 7: Blockaded!

   The eight fighters landed on the Great Fox.  Richard jumped out of his Arwing and looked around to make sure everyone was okay.  He was ready to jump again at a moment's notice.  Microsoft fighters could be inbound as he stood there and they wouldn't even know it!
   Suddenly, a fighter was spotted heading for the Great Fox's hangar.  Richard hopped back in his fighter.  Was he ever going to get a break?  That was the last thing he worried about as he started up his engines for one last run that day.
   Then a radio transmission came through, there was a lot of static, so the radio message was hard to understand.  ""
   "This is Captain Fox McCloud of the Great Fox, Please repeat your message."
   "This is Gunstar Yellow!  Permission to land aboard Great Fox Sir!?!"
   Red screamed with joy.  "Captain!  You 'gotta let her in!"  She shouted.
   "Looks like my decision's been made up for me." Fox grinned, "Permission granted, Gunstar, Welcome aboard!"
   Hero shut down his Arwing.  He was extremely relieved that he didn't have to go out again.

   The friendly fighter landed on the Great Fox.  It docked and an attractive lady somewhere in her late teens-early twenties climbed out.  She looked way more mature than that though, as she appeared to be an experienced pilot.  There was something about her that kind of intrigued Richard; she looked like she was hiding a fact deep down inside her   
But he could tell that she wasn't thinking about it at the moment.  There was a look of desperation on her face, as if she was running from something.
Then she looked right at Fox.  "We have to get out of here!" She shouted, "Microsoft is gonna attack us!  There's no time!"
"How do you know?" Slippy replied, arms folded, "Our close-range scanners are not picking up anything!"
"I saw some Mad Cat 'Mechs out on the mountain top!  They could strike at any-"
Just then the Great Fox shook.  "ROB! What happened?"  Fox shouted.
"We have been struck by a volley of Long-Range Missiles."  ROB replied, "Minimal damage to the port side."
"Fire a missile now!" Fox shouted, "Show them we won't fall without a fight!"
Richard was ready to help.  "Fox, I am going to take off and give the Great Fox some cover."
"Negative!" Fox replied, "Everyone up to the bridge!  I don't want anyone down here with all the fuel!"

The group rushed to the bridge as fast as they could.  "ROB!  What's the situation?" Fox shouted.
"We are surrounded by a large group of Mad Cats." ROB replied, "Chance of Survival: seven percent"
"Then let's get outta here!" Richard shouted, "These guys are just gonna keep coming!"
"I dunno, I guess we have to try it." Fox said, "I have a bad feeling about this.  Something tells me that group of 'Mechs didn't just come from a nearby base..."

The Great Fox entered orbit around the planet.  Richard looked around at the violent scene in front of him.  He couldn't believe it!  They had been bushwhacked!  The planet had been blockaded by a Microsoft Armada!  The space around the planet was orange with flames from Sega warships trying to, if not weaken, break through the armada and escape.
"Darn it!"  Slippy shouted, "How could this have happened?"
"We should have expected it when our orbital scanners went down!" Tails replied.
"What?" Fox shouted, "You should tell us this stuff before you call us in Lieutenant!" He sneered at Tails.  "That is vital information!  If we would have known that, we would have come better prepared"
"Well, I am only eight years old!" Tails replied, "I'm not a grown up like the rest of you!"
"Eight years old?" Falco asked, "How are you even in the military?"
"Same way I got in Falco," Richard replied, "I pulled some strings!"
"Uh...Fox, you should see this." ROB said.
"What is it?"
"There is a signal in the orbital scanners that is rather disturbing."
"Go on."
"The signal is giving the order to fire on the planet.  The firepower of this fleet won't blow it up, but it will do a heavy amount of damage to the population."
ROB fired all of the missiles.  All of the missiles hit and destroyed their targets.  When they were about to warp out, one ship caught Richard's eye. 
It was called the Pillar of Autumn. 
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!



Quote from: wiiboychris on December 03, 2007, 11:24:59 PM
Thank you sir!  If you could please make a better comment, though, that would be great.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!



Quote from: wiiboychris on December 04, 2007, 07:59:50 PM
Quote from: starfoxherosj on December 04, 2007, 05:43:00 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on December 03, 2007, 11:24:59 PM
Thank you sir!  If you could please make a better comment, though, that would be great.
Please kind sir, post what you like about this story, I don't like one worders please
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Chapter 8: Inheritance

   Richard looked back on the planet one last time as he passed through the warp gate.  All of the memories stuck to him and the rest of the men and women on the Great Fox.  It drove Richard nuts that he couldn't do anything to stop the destruction, but it was too late.
   "We are now in orbit around Corneria." ROB said, "At least we are out of that mess."
   "Watch it, you tin can!" Blue shouted, "Many of my friends died today because you guys sent a kid who can't look after himself over to help us instead of sending the REAL Star Fox team!"
   "That is enough Gunstar Blue!" Tails shouted, "I lost my best friend today, and believe me, it wasn't their fault! We weren't prepared for this, so we got our butts handed to us!"
   "To tell the truth, Gunstar," Fox replied, "I actually wanted to go there and help you out myself."
   "Why didn't you then?" Blue sneered.
   "Because the 'real Star Fox team' was on a more important mission than helping you guys out, just in case I needed to help either group, I needed to stay on the Great Fox just in case."
   "So what the heck did you have them doing?"
   "They were escorting the civilians to safety."
   "And you trusted a kid to help us out?"
   "He is more than just a kid." Fox grinned, "Have you heard of Helaman Squadron?"
   "Wasn't that the secondary fighter group of Star Fox, led by Ricky 'Major Tom' Stryker? Yeah, I've heard of it."
   "Did Hero tell you his full name?"
   "He just introduced himself as Hero Stryker."  Red cut in, a little confused.
   "Hero, tell them your full name."
   "Gladly." Richard replied, "Hero is just my nickname.  My real name is Richard B. Stryker Jr."
   Blue was stunned. "No way!" He said, "This kid is the son of Ricky Stryker?  I thought it was just a coincidence!"
   "Ricky and I were good friends." Fox said, "I've known Junior for a long time."  He looked at Richard. "In fact, I have something to give you, Richard." Fox pulled out a little box and handed it to Richard.  Richard opened it and inside was a pair of blue pilot goggles.  He tried them on, and they fit perfectly.  Lights came on in the goggles; it was basically a heads-up display
   "What is this?" Richard asked.
   "These were your father's." Fox replied, "He wanted to give them to you when you joined the team, but unfortunately he couldn't.  Also, I have two other things to give you." He looked to the door exiting the bridge. "Okay, come on in."
   A little gold-colored, dome shaped robot with hover jets underneath flew into the room.  It had a communicator attached to it and a single silver eye in the middle "Greetings young Stryker!" It said.  It talked in a robotic British accent.
   "I know exactly who that is!" Richard shouted, "It's Dad's old helper robot, Moroni!"
   Moroni looked around the room and noticed the Gunstars and the Lieutenant. "Oh, good heavens!" It said, "Some new faces! Who are you four?"
   "I am Lieutenant Miles Prower." Tails replied, "These are the Gunstars, Red, Blue and Yellow"
   "Well, I can presume which one's which." Moroni stated, "I also remember hearing about a young Miss Yellow Shadow Light.  I presume this is her."
   "The one and only." Yellow smiled.
   "Moroni has access to even the most highly secure information in the Nintendo Republic." Slippy explained.  "This was the main reason that we held onto Moroni when Ricky and the rest of Helaman Squadron disappeared."  He looked at Fox.  "If I am not mistaken, you gave Junior a couple of books when his dad disappeared.  What were they?"
   "They were a couple of religious books." Fox replied, "If I am not mistaken, Ricky called them 'Scriptures.'  You and I both know that he was a very religious man."
   "My question Miss Shadow Light," Moroni said, "Whatever happened to your brother, Mister Green Shadow Light?"
   "He went missing about a month ago." Yellow sighed, "I presume he's dead, there's no other reason he would have been gone that long"
   "Oh," Moroni replied, "I am sorry to hear that."  It then looked at Red and Blue.  "I have never read anything about you two though."  He did not take into account Blue's pale face at this time.
   Tails smiled, "These two are buddies of mine." He snickered, "They do make a cute couple, don't you think?  I really-"
   "Don't you dare say anything else if you know what's good for you!" Blue shouted, blushing.
   "I think I am starting to like your attitude, Lieutenant" Richard laughed.
   "On to business." Fox cut in, "I am reforming Helaman Squadron." He looked at Hero.  "I want you to lead, Richard."
   "What?" Blue shouted, "He's just a rookie!  He can't already be commander of a squadron!  Tails should be the leader!"
   "Let him lead." Tails replied, "He is Ricky Junior after all!"
   "Hey, Fox, don't you think it is a little premature to give me the Squadron yet?" Richard replied, "I mean this was my first mission and I didn't do the best job-"
   Suddenly the Great Fox shook. Alarms blared everywhere. "ROB! What's going on?" Fox asked.
   "You won't believe this!" ROB replied, "Now we are getting attacked by Sony forces!"
   "Well Rick, looks like your question is about to be answered." Fox said, looking at Richard, "All fighters, scramble!"
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Why I'm thinking this is turning into a Star Wars fan fiction?


Quote from: wiiboychris on December 10, 2007, 06:08:51 PM
Why I'm thinking this is turning into a Star Wars fan fiction?
Though the story is EXTREMELY simillar to Star Wars, (Frankly, out of coincidence.) Luke Skywalker doesn't appear out of nowhere in his X-wing and blow up the Death Star.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Chapter 9: Old Friends

Richard's Squadron raced to their fighters.  "Moroni! What's the situation?" Richard asked, almost out of breath.  He was still a little tired from the battle earlier.
"It looks like about five Keyblade class ships in a harassment pattern." Moroni replied, "I recommend we use some caution.  No reason for us to go out and get ourselves killed don't you think?"
"Hey, kid!" Blue shouted, already in his fighter, "Are you just 'gonna get all your advice from a flying tin can or are we 'gonna get out there and fight?"
"Right with 'ya Blue!" Richard replied as he climbed up to his Arwing.  He sat down and buckled up.  "ROB! Release the lift locks!"
"Copy." ROB replied.
"Here we go!" Red shouted as they were shot out into space, "It looks like we are away!"
"Stryker, my fighter group will come out in a few minutes." Fox said, "Try your best to survive until then."
"Well Fox, I can't promise you anything, but I don't plan on dying soon." Richard replied, "Give me about another, oh, say, eighty or ninety years?"

Thirty minutes passed.  To Richard it seemed like three hundred.  "They just keep coming!" He shouted.  To him it seemed like every time he killed an enemy fighter, it just popped back out at him again.  He wasn't sure how much more he could last. He had to face the facts.  He wasn't his dad.  He couldn't stay out here forever.
"Shake your tail, Hero!" Tails shouted, "There's a bandit right behind you!"
"Shoot!  I've picked one up!" Richard shouted, "I'm heading to the Orbital Gate to try to lose him."
   He raced for the orbital gate with the enemy fighter right behind him.  He jinxed left and right to try to keep the foe from getting a clear shot.  He knew it wouldn't shake his enemy.  Unlike Microsoft fighters, which are built for firepower, Sony fighters are built to be fast and maneuverable. These fighters are dart shaped with a razor-thin wing jetting off the back in the shape of a boomerang.
   There are two weaknesses to this fighter, though.  The fighter itself had little armor.  A few well placed bullets would knock it out of commission.  The biggest weakness of the fighter is, in fact, the wing structure.  If it was hit just once, it would shatter, plus it was only held on by a couple of poles each placed about five feet from the center of the fuselage.  If those were hit, the entire wing structure could fall off, and if they were in a huge formation, (which they normally are) it could prove to be a disaster.
   Richard dipped into the tightest part of the Orbital Gate to try to lose his foe.  His Arwing could barely fit and his opponent was even wider.  The plan seemingly worked.  The enemy fighter was too large to fit into the tight space and did not follow him in.  Richard came out of the tight space in horror.  The enemy was above him waiting for him to come out.  This guy knew what he was doing.
   The enemy fighter was starting to play with Richard.  The pilot rode in right behind him and did not come off.  He also fired some shots across Richard's wings to try to scare him.  This pilot was way out of Richard's league.  He knew there was no chance of getting this guy off his tail.  He had run out of tricks.
   All of a sudden, the Sony fighter exploded. Richard looked back and saw the shattered remains of the fighter.  He then saw a fighter flying in formation with him.  He recognized the fighter immediately.  It was a Sky Claw, the same fighter type Falco flew.  This one was different, though.    It had a "sharkmouth" insignia on it.
   "I see you're still as headstrong as ever, Rick."  The pilot said, "I'm not 'gonna save your tail on a regular basis."
   "Jimmy!" Richard cheered, "Nice to see you again buddy!  What's up?"
   "Let's catch up later, Okay?"
   "Sure pal."
   Suddenly, a distress call came over the radio.  "This is Private Marion!" The voice said, "I have a bogey on my six!  Need assistance!" The voice was female.
   "This is Gunstar Red!" Red shouted, "I am on my way!"
   "Negative Red." Richard replied, smiling. "I've got a visual."
   Richard flew after the enemy fighter.  He could tell that the Private couldn't hold on much longer.  Quickly, he Yo-yoed behind the Sony fighter and opened fire on the target.  It was a direct hit on the wing structure.  The enemy fighter spun out of control into another unlucky Sony pilot.  Both planes exploded.
   "Good job team!" Fox said, "We have fought off the enemy!  They are retreating!  Get back to base and get some rest."
"Thank you, sir." Private Marion said, "I owe you my life."
   "You're welcome, Katlyn." Richard replied.
   "No, it can't be..."
   Richard flew inverted over the Private's fighter.  He looked down at the pilot and flashed an old "Peace out" sign (complete with a kiss on the side of the fist).  Private Marion looked up and screamed with joy.  "Richard!  I don't believe it!" She cheered, "It's been so long!  I've missed you!"
   "How are you doing Katlyn?" Richard replied, "You okay?"
   "Not too well." Katlyn said, "That guy hit my fuselage and I'm leaking fuel."  Her voice started to get desperate.  "Richard, get out of here!  Forget about me!"
   "Hey Fox, do we have any more room in the hangar?"  Richard asked, "I got two more pilots for us."
   "We have only one extra space."  Fox replied, "I'm sorry, Hero."
   "Richard, I know you are trying to help, but I'm done for!" Katlyn cried, "Get out of here now!"
   "Katlyn..." Richard smiled, "I want you to eject and deploy your solar sail."
   "But what good will that-"
   "I am not 'gonna leave you behind!  Do it!"
   "O-Okay, I'm ejecting!" Katlyn pulled a lever and the escape capsule came out.   "Deploying solar sail!"
   Richard spun his Arwing around and caught Katlyn's escape capsule in between the main body of the Arwing and the left laser sled. "Now, shall we go home?"
   "Let's go!" Katlyn said.
   "Alright!" Richard replied, "Jim, form up on my wing and land on the Great Fox.  The rest of my squadron, start heading home."
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Nice! I read the first chapter. I will read more!

It is very nice, grammar is good, spelling is good, story is excellent!

I will stay tuned!

Spongebob does not approve


For those that want to know, I am making a Soundtrack for Helaman Squadron.  When it is finished, I will post it on  my profile.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


I won't be here from the 25th untill the 2nd, so I am gonna post two chapters this week.
Chapter 10: Preparations for a Counter Attack

   Richard and Jim landed on the Great Fox and climbed out of their fighters.  Jim was about a year older then Richard and towered over him.  He was a little more scruffy-looking then the last time Richard saw him.  Jim's hair was a messy mop of blonde hair, just like he remembered, though.  He still had the same leather bomber jacket, and he still had the pilot shades.  Overall, Jim looked like a cross between a jet fighter jock and a cowboy.
   Katlyn climbed out of her escape capsule.  This was tricky business since the capsule dangled off Richard's Arwing.  Richard had just come down when Katlyn ran up and gave him a hug.
   "Richard, thank you so much!" Katlyn said, loud enough for everyone in the hangar to hear her.  Richard felt tears sliding down his combat suit, but all he could see of Katlyn right now was her brown hair, surprisingly long for someone in the military. "My whole flight group was wiped out, and if you hadn't shown up when you did, I'd be dead too."
   Richard was at a loss for words, "Katlyn, I..."
   "The man is speechless." Red smiled, "What do you think, Blue?"
   "Yeah, I think so, too." Blue replied.  They snickered to their own enjoyment, but were quickly shushed by Jim's cocky tone.
   "So, how are you, Gunstars?" Jim said, hands in his jacket pockets and looking out from above the sunglasses.
   "Little Jimmy!" Red cheered, "It's been a while hasn't it?"
   "Well, if it isn't Jimmy." Blue smirked, "You haven't changed much in two years."
   "Wait a sec..." Richard said, "You guys know Jim?"
   "He trained with us two years ago." Blue shrugged, "Actually, I consider him my rival, well, one of my rivals."  He looked at Richard for a second. "Come to think of it Jim, didn't you mention a kid as cocky and reckless as you?"
   "Yes!" Jim replied, "And that's him!"
   "Alright everyone," Fox said, "Let's get up to the bridge.  We have a couple of things we need to discuss."

   Richard entered the Great Fox's bridge, suspecting an ordinary debriefing, but he got more then he bargained for.  As soon as everyone entered the room, Fox turned around and started to speak.
   "Well, I guess everyone had a busy day today." Fox started, "First off I am glad you all made it through alive.  With everything that happened on Mobius, and now with the battle over here, it seems kind of like we just fought the whole stinking war."  He looked at Richard.  "I was surprised with you the most Richard, you were very brave at the conflict at Sega City, and now here you are in another struggle here.  Your parents would be very impressed."
   "Richard, what's all this talk about Sega City?" Katlyn asked, looking at Richard.
   "It's a long story." Richard replied, "Just put, it was a hard mission for a first timer like me."  This was an understatement.  He remembered nearly getting killed about four times.
   "Anyway, we have just gotten word that Sony is going to establish a full frontal assault tomorrow morning." Fox said, "We are ready for them though."
   "Now receiving a message from General Peppy Hare." ROB said in his usual monotone voice.
   The figure of General Peppy was short, yet really demanding, something very imminent even in his hologram.  "Hello there, Fox." Peppy greeted, "It's so good to see you again"
   "Hello, General." Fox replied, saluting.
   "You don't have to be formal, Fox." General Peppy replied.
   Richard decided to cut in. "Hey there, Uncle Peppy!" He shouted.
   Peppy turned to Richard and smiled.  "Ah, well, if it isn't Little Ricky!" He said, "I hear you are now leading Helaman Squadron."
   "Yes sir, I am!" Richard replied.
   "Well, good!" The General stated, "I'm glad it stayed in the Stryker family!"  He then looked at Katlyn, who was sitting next to Richard.  Richard knew what Peppy was about to say, and he didn't want him to say it.
   The rabbit chuckled, "Ah, so you're leaving the Cornerian army to be with your boyfriend, is that it?" He said (ignoring all the signs from Richard that were telling him to be quiet) "Fine by me!"
   "Uncle Peppy...uh...c-could you maybe get back to the mission?" Richard said, blushing.  He looked and saw Blue about to break out in laughter, almost being able to imagine his next sentence, something like: 'I thought you didn't like that mushy stuff, Stryker.'
   "Oh, yes, I almost forgot!" Peppy replied, "I guess Fox has already told you the situation?"
   "Yes I have." Fox answered.
   "Good," Peppy said with a grin on his face, "let us explain the strategy."
   "The enemy forces are right in between Corneria and Sector Y." Fox explained, "They plan on attacking Corneria and don't have any plans on falling back."
   "Unfortunately, they outnumber our forces greatly, and so when they attack, we will be decimated." Peppy frowned, "Our only hope is to attack them from behind while they are preparing to attack.  We are going to warp the Great Fox and a couple other ships over to Sector Y and start our attack.  Once they turn around to face you guys, we will attack from Corneria!"
   "That's brilliant!" Slippy shouted, "They won't know what hit them!"
   "Now you got your briefing for tomorrow." Fox said, "Now you guys are all dismissed.  Get some rest.  We have an early morning tomorrow.
   Richard was walking to his bedroom when he heard Blue's voice coming from behind him.  "You know, you and Katlyn do make a cute couple"
   "Stop it, Blue." Richard replied.
   "Why?" Blue smirked, "You two were made for each other!"
   "Because I am your commanding officer and I said so."
   Blue backed down, noticing Richard's point. 
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


It's been a while, but it's finally up!

Chapter 11: Reminiscing

   Richard laid in his bed, looking at a photo of Fox, his father and a man with a boy on his shoulder.  He sighed, wondering where that time went.  It seemed like a million years ago.  Everything was different now, for better or for worse, and he had to deal with it.
   He heard a knock on the door.  He put the picture down on his nightstand and sat up.  "Who is it?" He asked.
   "It's Katlyn."
   "Come on in."
   The lights were on in Richard's room.  His bed was on the left side of the room right alongside the wall, directly adjacent to a huge window which now had a beautiful view of Corneria.  His dresser was in the corner of the room farthest from the doorway and right beside his bed.  On top of it was a book on the technology behind the Arwing written by Slippy, a book on fighter techniques by Falco, a fantasy novel series written by Krystal, a Bible and a Book of Mormon (Both of which had belonged to his dad).  On his nightstand was the picture he had been looking at moments before and a model Arwing.  His walls were decorated with posters of famous F-Zero pilots like Captain Falcon and Dr. Stewart.
   Katlyn walked into the room and took a seat next to Richard on his bed.  "I see you can't sleep either, huh?"
   "No." Richard sighed, picking up the model Arwing off his nightstand and waving it around as if it was actually flying. "I don't think anyone can sleep after all that's happened today."  He looked at her and smiled.  "By the looks of things, it doesn't look like you've changed very much."
   "I have changed more then you think."
   "Not much." Richard replied, "You're still the girl I grew up with."
   "You still haven't changed much." Katlyn replied, smiling, "I still remember the day I met you at Church."
   "You mean when we were five?"
   "Yeah, you kind of stood out in our Sunday school class." Katlyn smiled, "I was so shocked when you introduced yourself."
   "I still don't see why everyone, even the teacher was so surprised when I told them I was from Corneria."
   "That's because you were the first human that wasn't born on any of the Earths or an Earth colony!" Katlyn said, "It would surprise anyone!"
   "The cool part was later when your dad told you that he had joined Helaman Squadron!"
   "Yeah, My mother died shortly after I was born, and He wanted to make sure I was looked after if something happened to him.
   Richard leaned back.  "And then...five years later...something...did..."
   "I still don't believe it!" Katlyn sighed, "How can a whole flight just go missing?"
   "Yep.  We were in school when it happened." Richard replied, "I still remember the Principal's face."
   "That was when they made the decision to separate us."
   "That was easier for you!  You hade your four sisters!" Richard said, "How are they anyway?"
   "They're dead..." Katlyn replied.
   "What happened?"
   "An enemy ace came in and attacked.  My sisters were wiped out before a minute was up." She said. "I was completely alone, worrying about your safety."
   "" Richard asked, "I was with Fox, I couldn't be safer!"
   "Still," Katlyn smiled, "You always manage to get yourself into trouble."
   "Yeah," Richard smiled, "Remember the time I took an Arwing for a spin?"
   "How could I forget?  You flew into the warp gate by accident, warped to Fortuna and ran into a battle between the Cornerian Army and The Venoman Rebellion Armada!" Katlyn laughed, "The Star Fox team and Helaman Squadron had to come bail you out! Fox was sooooooooo mad!"
   "Yep!" Richard laughed "'What the HECK were you thinking Rick! You could have killed yourself!' 'Yeah, but I didn't!'" They both laughed.
   "Well, Richard," Katlyn said.  Now she was standing up. "I came to thank you again for saving me."  She looked at him with big brown eyes that you would expect on a Labrador Retriever.
   "It...uh...really was nothing." Richard replied, rubbing his head.
   "Yeah, I understand." Katlyn said with a smile as she stood by the door, "Anyway, See you tomorrow, Richard!" She walked out and closed the door, turning off the lights as she exited.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!