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Rise of the Rebellion (Also known as RotR)

Started by Mega10, October 17, 2007, 01:10:18 PM

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The era of reploids is filled with devastating battles and epic destruction. Some argue that giving a robot a free-will is insanity. Who is right? The answer may never be known. Some have chosen the path of protecting humans...though there are always a few bad apples in the bunch and no matter how hard scientist try to perfect the chemistry of the reploid, a few seem to slip through. Some of the reploids chose to rebel against mankind, both provoked and non-provoked...
  One of the greatest rebellions ever to occur nearly wiped out the entire reploid race, in fact it was eminent, but thanks to the brave sacrifice of one little reploid that was all changed.
  "True story." The reploid stated as he closed the book.
  "That's old news! Nothing like that could ever happen now days!" a younger reploid replied.
  Society had become very care-free, nothing had happened in a very long time. That was all about to change—though no one knew it, there was a lethal team of enemies amongst them. When they would emerge remained a mystery...but it all stemmed from planet Kolima.

And by the way, I'm always open for criticism, comments, suggestions, or just talking about it in general :)


Chapter One: New Paths

  It was a warm spring day on Kolima. The air seemed crisp and fresh the aroma of majestic pine trees lay heavily amongst it with a warm welcoming of spring. The flowers had begun to bloom, blanketing the grassy fields with color. The streams rushed along their routes with a soothing chime.
  Yes, all was peaceful on Kolima, even the massive Federation troops' training grounds were quiet. The only noise currently was the singing of birds and the croaking of frogs. The alarm would sound soon though and all peace would be gone.
The radio was becoming annoying; all he wanted to do was sleep for a few more minutes. The reploid covered his head with a pillow trying to drown out the sound. It sounded like a news station...going on and on and on about weather. The red and black reploid grumbled and held the pillow tighter.
  "Hey, wake up you lazy heaps of junk!" A voice called out.
A black armored reploid with red eyes and two red stripes on his legs, snapped to attention. He shut off the radio and leaped from his mattress, landing directly atop his brother who was lying below. 
  "Ouch! Dare!" the other shouted, "Get off my back!"
  Dare walked off his brother and grinned, "Rise and shine, Challenger."
Challenger buried his head under the pillow again. Even if he got only a few mere minutes of sleep, it'd be worth it.
    The horn sounded off loudly ringing through every inch of the Federation's training grounds. Those closer to the horn had their sleeping zones rocked and rumbled from the booming noise. Immediately silence was no longer existent. There was the clanking of metal feet running down the halls, and pounding of the near stampede of scrambling reploids trying to reach their destinations on time. The horns buzzing never seemed to go off long enough to reach their areas.
  Dare followed the daily rush grabbing his weapon of choice, a sniper rifle. He dashed out the door leaving his brother still sleeping, behind. It was nearly an entire half hour before anyone noticed he hadn't left with the others.
  "Challenger!" The same reploid screamed, "You're late! Get up!"
He kicked at Challenger and snatched the pillow from him.
  "Awww...but Naraku...I'm tired..."
Naraku grabbed Challenger by his head and pulled him to his feet.
  "Did you forget about the special delivery mission today?!"
Challenger rubbed his eyes and yawned. Naraku shoved him outside and shook his head.
  "You're gonna have to skip breakfast, sleepy-bot."
  Challenger frowned, "I do take offense..."
  "Move it!"
Challenger was about to voice his opposition on the matter when someone tapped his arm. He glanced in the direction and slightly tilted his head down. A blue and black armored reploid was tugging on his arm.
  "Challenger! You have to hurry up!" the reploid exclaimed, "Blyck's all mad and about ready to tear you apart!"
  "I doubt Blyck would do that, Shield."
Challenger gave a half wave and dashed off. He ran by building after building—it was a longer sprint than he liked, but he had no choice. He had to get to Blyck as soon as possible.
  Finally he came to a large, spacious, open garage, lined with jets and spacecrafts alike.
  A reploid wearing sunglasses met him at the entrance.
  "Challenger! You're already a half hour late!"
  "Heavy traffic." Challenger replied with a grin.
The other reploid slammed him against the nearest jet and glared at him.
  "Remember your place." He said calmly," You've got ten minutes to take the item to the center of Kolima."
  "But that's—"
  "I know." The other cut off, "Humans are the most impatient clients to. So don't be late!"
  Challenger grinned and waited for the other to release him. He freed Challenger at once and stepped back. Challenger strode over to one of the jets and paused for a moment.
  "Be careful." The other reploid warned gently, "You're a good pilot."
This was the first glimpse of a compliment the Federation had ever given him.
  "Hey Blyck, "Challenger called back, "Have I ever failed you?"
Blyck chuckled and shook his head, "Just don't get too close to anything that looks dangerous. Get out, and get back as soon as you can."
  "Gotcha!" Challenger exclaimed as he closed the door.
  He navigated the jet out with ease--All routine, easy flying for him, not a problem. But humans? That was another story.
  They seemed harmless enough by looks, they even SORT of looked like reploids! But there was one major difference--Human reigned superior over reploid. They ridiculed all reploids and treated them like equipment rather than living things. He had heard rumors that they were given absolutely no rights, and if the reploid were to openly oppose it, he could be terminated. He was hoping it was nothing more than a rumor, but he had a bad feeling it was true.
  The entire trip there, he spent trying to determine what he'd say to these human-things--Whatever they were.
  He touched down with a minute to spare and grabbed the item—or box as it turned out to be. It sure weighed a lot...He returned to the cockpit to check the surroundings first—a large landing pad...a few birds...a four legged monster...and three humans. Quite the concerning sight for a reploid. Nevertheless, he proceeded.
  I wonder where it goes... He thought, Guess I'll have to ask one of those human-things.
This brought up a new problem.
What do they address humans as??
  He cautiously approached one of these "humans" and studied the odd creature's behavior. It would scratch its head and talk to the other two of its species.
  Guess they are like reploids. He concluded.
  "Hey uh...human!" Challenger addressed one, "Do you know where I take this??"
Much to his surprise the human ignored him.
   Must be hard of hearing—poor human race.
  "Uh, hey human!" he called out louder.
  Still no reply.
  "HEY HUMAN!!!" He nearly screamed.
  One of the humans jerked his head up and his baseball cap fluttered to the ground. Challenger stumbled back a few steps, surprised by the sudden action, the man screamed, finally noticing the reploid and stumbled backwards over the beast. The beast yelped and hopped to attention; Challenger ran the other way. Not only had the human lost part of his head—or so Challenger thought the hat was, but also awakened a beast. He was pretty sure it ate reploids.
  The beast rushed towards Challenger and he threw the heavy package at it. The creature yelped and another human shouted, "Dasiy! Oh my poor Daisy!"
  Must be some human body part. He though, I should save them from the beast...
  The beast barked and wagged its tail...or whatever it had. It bounded towards Challenger again, this time he kicked it in its face, sending it running away yelping.
  "DASIY!!!" One man shouted, running after the animal.
  Challenger brushed his hands against each other. That had to have impressed the defenseless humans he figured. But he was wrong...VERY wrong.
  "Call the cops! Call the special forces! Call my Aunt Martha! That thing's beserk!"
  Oddly the human seemed to be pointing at him...he glanced all around himself to locate this berserk "thing". He saw nothing but a cement landing pad. The ground beneath his feet had begun to rumble and his transmitters were picking up a faint sound and a radio sequence. He couldn't make out most of it, just a few words. "Neutralize berserk reploid." He check all around himself once more for the berserk reploid and sighed.
  Suddenly an entire army of humans appeared, holding impressive machinery. And all were aiming at...him. He took a few steps back, right into the guns of soldiers on the other side. Before he had time to figure out what was going on, he had chains wrapped around his arms and legs, all being pulled tight in various directions by several soldiers.
  Challenger looked forward again, right into the barrel of a gun.
  "Oh boy, this can't be good..." He remarked.
The soldier backed up and allowed a more reploid looking human to walk in. On second glance, he realized it was the other way around. It was a human looking reploid—Long blond hair, human like helmet. The only notable reploid feature being she had transmitters and reploid feet.
  "You're a transporter pilot huh?" She asked as she approached him.
  "Pilot, yes. Transporter—not really—long story. Hey...they seem to like you...why not me?"
  "Because for one, you're armored like a battle reploid. Two: They've labeled you 'berserk.' It's my job to see if that's true."
  "Uh...isn't it obvious..?"
  She circled him once and stopped in front of him.
  "You're kind of cute. What's it worth to you?"
  Challenger looked away for a moment the turned back, "What do you mean?! I'm not berserk! Just tell them that so I can go home!"
  "So soon?"  She asked, running her finger along his helmet.
He shook his head and she pulled her hand away.
  "You're certainly one of the best catches of the week." She said as she stepped back.
  She walked over to the soldier who had had the barrel of his gun in Challenger's face.
  "You see the way his eyes glow red?" She asked the soldier.
  "Uh...yeah!" He replied dumbly.
  "...Sure sign of a major berserk case."
  Challenger couldn't believe it! Lied about and betrayed by another reploid!
  "Neutralize berserk reploid!" Another soldier cried out.
  The soldier with the large gun stepped forward again and aimed. Challenger tried squirming free unsuccessfully.
  "Don't worry." The soldier said as he slid his finger to the trigger, "It'll only hurt a lot."
  It fired with an odd zapping noise. The sounds around Challenger slowly seemed to fade out. Everything seemed slow motion as his vision grew blurry and finally, went blank.
  Four soldiers who still were holding on to the chains, dragged Challenger off the landing pad and back to where they had come from.

Blyck was a busy reploid, anyone could easily tell that. He ran two working shifts instead of one, helped out after class as well as scheduled the arrival and departures of orders coming from off planet locations. It was always important to guard against any possible threats.
  But even in his busy schedule, he had to make time for something he felt to be very important—getting the working term relationship worked out with a certain reploid who had so far rejected him. Thought to be dead by most everyone, the playful Zegenbor warrior had managed to fool everyone with his little "shut down" prank. Even with how horribly wounded he had been, he had managed to get the best of everyone.
  Blyck had a little bit of admiration for the reploid. Not just because he was one of the toughest types of reploid in the galaxies, but because of his bravery and endurance—withstanding torture, Blyck was pretty sure he wouldn't have done such a thing—for anyone. He hurried through the long, echoing, halls of the Federation hospital, trying to locate the proper reploid.
  He was hoping to work out an understanding before he fully recovered, or recovered enough to hurt him. Blyck was only a pilot instructor and even if the reploid was younger than him, he could certainly over-power him. So far he had learned that the spunky reploid was NOT a fan of the Federation, nor hospital.
  A few turns later and he was in the proper room. The Federation had so many injured reploids that they simply laid them on mats around the floors, except for the seriously injured.
  He inched his way in between the beds and finally made it to the door. The particular reploid he was looking for had been isolated once out of ICU for several reasons--Chiefly because he complained so much and so loudly if they ever had to do anything to him.
  Blyck quietly entered the cold room and closed the door behind himself gently. He approached the reploid slowly and smiled upon realizing that he was awake and obviously bored.
  "Hey there umm...what's your name again?"
  The point helmeted, mostly green-blue and black reploid gazed up at Blyck with his big black eyes.
  Blyck nodded, "Oh yes! That's right!"
  Blyck couldn't help but admire the sturdy structure of this reploid. He had gold trim around his chest protection, neck protection, leg plates, and thick gold plates above his hands used for protection and some seriously damaging punching.
  "So how's the back?" Blyck asked.
  "Take a wild guess." 
  Blyck frowned, "You're not very nice..."
  "But I'm not very mean either." Torrent retorted, "I could hurt you."
  "I know this." Blyck acknowledged, "But I SAVED you. So why would you do that?"
  "I wouldn't. I'm not that kind of reploid—not yet anyway."
  Blyck pulled back the blanket covering Torrent and grimaced. His shattered knees always made him make a face. It wasn't exactly a pretty sight--Especially since he was still covered in nails. The doctors had decided to wait awhile, as not to send him into shock. The two things they were focusing on were carefully scrubbing around the nails to reassure they had removed all the acid and also to fix his broken back. They weren't sure what to do for his knees yet, but they had his feet, hands and fingers under the same fixing procedure. The whip mark across his face had almost completely disappeared; he was mostly repaired from the beating he had endured. His breathing had system had been repaired and over all was healing relatively fast.
  Blyck laid the blanket back over Torrent and stepped back.
  "I know you're not happy about being unable to move." Blyck continued.
  "Would you be?!"
  "Probably not." Blyck concluded.
He pulled out a small beeping device.
  "Well, I gotta run." Blyck said, waving good-bye, "I hope you don't feel to bad, Torrent."