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So I'm preping for a SSBM tourney...

Started by TheDarkChief, October 17, 2007, 03:40:30 PM

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The only few techniques I know right now are, SHFFL(even though I can't do it), wavedashing(skill = 4), and practicing wavelanding.

Woops, my bad.

Anyways, my character is Samus. Any videos that can teach me good techniques? I already know Wak's.


Samus? Can you missile cancel? If not, just shoot a missile off before you hit the ground and the lag from shooting the missile is canceled out when you hit the ground, so you can chase after it to actually make the missile shot serve a purpose. There's other stuff you can do with missile cancelling, like using a platform and double jump cancelling so you just the exact height of the platform, shoot a missile, drop down and shoot another one... This is hard though, I don't suggest trying to learn it for your next tourney. xD (Pretty sure Phanna does it in here somewhere... Along with a lot of superwavedashes... Don't even bother learning the SWD really, it's pretty much just for fun unless you're one of the THREE people who can do it consistently -- Wes, Joker and Phanna are the ones I know of)

Learn how to edgeguard with your up tilt, it's pretty much godly. Samus' sex kick (neutral air) is also a ridiculous attack, but you probably already know that, use it a lot, if often out prioritizes other air attacks. Also, Samus' crouch cancel is one of the best in the game, just hold down at pretty much any percent under 70 and if you get hit by a mid to weak hit (strong if under about 30), you hardly move and can retaliate with a down smash (use the Cstick for that, lol). Samus' attrition game is really... Annoying...

With proper DI and good use of Samus' bomb recovery combined with the grapple and some good mindgames to get around edgegaurders, Samus is a real pain to kill on stages with high ceilings, DREAM LAND 64 IS YOUR FRIEND, ESPECIALLY AGAINST FOX.

Samus also has a somewhat decent tech chasing game with wavesmashes (smash attack out of wavedash, usually down smash or over smash for Samus) and her charge blast. If someone hits the ground and usually techs in place or away from you, shoot your charge shot, they'll tech right into it.

Loledit: Samus pretty much needs mindgames to do well, she can't live off technical skill like Fox and Falco can. And since mindgames come with experience and paying really good attention, it's kinda hard to really "work on mindgames"... Even so, there's some really good posts on Smashboards that go into what mindgames are, how they work, common misconceptions about them, habits of a pro smasher, and the four main components of skill in smash (spacing, technical skill, mindgames and tactics)...

Edit^2: LOL I keep forgetting things. xD. A much more practical version of the platform missile cancels it to just do a full jump with two super missiles. It's a lot easier too. HugS does it like throughout this ENTIRE MATCH.

And as far as mindgames are concerned, a good way to work on them other than just playing a lot (because that can get you nowhere if you don't analyze in game) is to either record yourself playing or watch random videos on YouTube, and at first just be able to see exactly everything that's going on. Then watch some different videos after you can follow everything that goes on in a fight, try to start predicting what the players are going to do. Yeah, it's really hard, but just try it. xD


I'd heavily suggest you use Marth.

I don't really have anything to say about Samus that hasn't already been said.


Well... Marth is a really good and somewhat easy to use character (spacing and and the mindgames that go into everything can really be hard to do, but the technical skill is easy enough), but Samus is still good. If anything, you might want to pick him up as a secondary character in case you run into some Falcos or something that Samus can't really deal with (good luck against a good CF on either of them, lol). Besides that, just use who you like, I'm not going to suggest a different character to you.