
<+Clu> Silverhawk79 is just wrong for me

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A message to you nine year olds.

Started by Kuro Tsuwamono, September 24, 2007, 04:19:31 PM

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>Ah, of course, the "WHOAOMG, u do betters" argument everyone and their mom falls back to.

Pffft. Mom hasn't used that one yet, he's basically just arguing Kuro's post. 


umm...okay...dont drag me into this :O but ya have fun and
bring some intelligent discussion




Quote from: mackormoses on September 24, 2007, 05:12:55 PM
>Ah, of course, the "WHOAOMG, u do betters" argument everyone and their mom falls back to.

Pffft. Mom hasn't used that one yet, he's basically just arguing Kuro's post. 


umm...okay...dont drag me into this :O but ya have fun and
bring some intelligent discussion



Wasn't trying to. Just had to get in the mom joke. =O

Kuro Tsuwamono

Quote from: mackormoses on September 24, 2007, 05:09:57 PM
ty for the intelligent discussion KURO...i just wanted my point across...let's just call it a draw :O and yes to some regards...just yes.

~once again ty for the intelligent discusion

*Kuro hand shake of awesomeness*


And I don't want this thread locked. I am pwning the hearts of small children, and that must not end.


Commander Awesome

Quote from: Zeldafan422 on September 24, 2007, 05:10:51 PM
>Ah, of course, the "WHOAOMG, u do betters" argument everyone and their mom falls back to.

Pffft. Mom hasn't used that one yet, he's basically just arguing Kuro's post.  :P

>What have I done about it? Lulz'd all the way.

Uh...congratulations on that. Way to be a team player! :D

>Be more specific about 'it', rather than just asking me what I have done about 'it'. There's several issues about these board.

Please. Stop being technical. I am of course, referring to the issues in dis topik.

>Just in case you guys have forgotten: Every forum you go to will have some complaining. The amount is differnt, yes, but it's still there. Learn to live with it. Every mod or admin eventually comes to terms with it.

Then what's your problem with this thread? Learn to live with it.

>I honestly haven't seen much whining here yet.

You obviously haven't been around too much then.

I did it for the lulz.
lurk moar in other forums.
You haven't seen anything yet. Whining here is actually surprisngly mellow.

The only issue I see cited in this thread, unless I'm terminally blind, is little kiddies disrespecting the mods and admins, and the TC making it into internet drama. And really, you're going to see that anywhere you go. Old Nsider was a prime example.

Now, I respect that the administration paid money for this. I know they aren't getting paid in the least. I'm actually fairly happy with this forum, although it has it's flaws, as any other forum does.

You know, I still don't get why you decided to call me out.


Quote from: Kuro Tsuwamono on September 24, 2007, 05:08:49 PM
Quote from: Totla on September 24, 2007, 04:22:54 PM
In other words: it's just like NSider was.
Except this one is smaller, easier to manage, costs less, etc. It also seems that the NOA's could take whining and criticizism better.
Also, it's funny because some of the same people who kept criticizing NSider are being criticized themselves, and they're not taking it so good.

Oh, I didn't see the edit. My bad

I think there is a difference. The NOA's on Nsider were being paid for their work. However, the admins on this forum are paying for it themselves. It shows that they care. I am certain that a majority of the staff may listen to the members. I know Phantom123 is. But a few, or many, or most, may not. We will see with time.
I know the NOA's were paid, but they could have just set up the forums, gotten some KoH, and then forgot about it. But they didn't, and they ran it better than most forums out there (despite what seems to be popular opinion).
And the admins shouldn't use the "we're paying for it, gtfo if you don't like it" thing, because if they didn't pay for it, I'm 100% sure there'd be other people who would. I mean, if needed, I would contribute what little I could to help pay for this place, because I want to see it stay alive.
Also, the NOA's did listen to us. It's just that with the legal department severely limiting what they coudl do, and them having to run anything they were going to do by the higher-ups, they couldn't do a lot of the things we were asking.
And a lot of the staff that listened to the members back at the other boards were demoted by M_F because they were speaking their opinions, and not blindly agreeing with him. It's sad that those people weren't made mods here.




I'm not a big fan of seeing my friend getting mocked for trying to fix stuff. So that would be why I "called you out". >_>

I have seen worse. I've seen a lot worse. But it's still annoying as hell. And Kuro just wants it stoped.


Truce? I don't see any more reason in arguing this. >_>

Commander Awesome

Quote from: Zeldafan422 on September 24, 2007, 05:22:45 PM

I'm not a big fan of seeing my friend getting mocked for trying to fix stuff. So that would be why I "called you out". >_>

I have seen worse. I've seen a lot worse. But it's still annoying as hell. And Kuro just wants it stoped.


Truce? I don't see any more reason in arguing this. >_>
Just to put it out there...

9/10, when I put something stupid such as that, I'm not being serious. :P
But sure.

Kuro Tsuwamono

>I know the NOA's were paid, but they could have just set up the forums, gotten some KoH, and then forgot about it. But they didn't, and they ran it better than most forums out there (despite what seems to be popular opinion).

They did, but they could have asked for the users opinions a bit more. And they picked a lot of bad sages. I once had a flame war with "THEWHOLE9YARDS" or whoever he was because of something really stupid. Most of them were suck ups, although a lot weren't.

I was also a victim of NOA Shaun. I criticized him as a joke for deleting a thread I liked. He went onto my account and posted pictures of...magical, rainbow ponies. That is power abuse.

They also didn't use the user mods to their full extent. They were way understaffed.

>And the admins shouldn't use the "we're paying for it, gtfo if you don't like it" thing, because if they didn't pay for it, I'm 100% sure there'd be other people who would.

I never said they should do that. What I said was that the users on this website should appreciate what the admins are doing, and give constructive criticism, just like yourself.

>Also, the NOA's did listen to us. It's just that with the legal department severely limiting what they coudl do, and them having to run anything they were going to do by the higher-ups, they couldn't do a lot of the things we were asking.

What legal department? I saw no implement of that.

>And a lot of the staff that listened to the members back at the other boards were demoted by M_F because they were speaking their opinions, and not blindly agreeing with him. It's sad that those people weren't made mods here.

...Wow. That's really sad. Can you tell me anything else that happened?

And for the record: If I am ever proven wrong, I'm not gonna pretend I am right.

Kuro Tsuwamono

I am now going to feast apun a hotdog prepared to me by child labor.



Those little poops...putting their grubby fingers on everything.


dude.. you definitely win the internet...


Quote from: Kuro Tsuwamono on September 24, 2007, 05:35:11 PM
>They did, but they could have asked for the users opinions a bit more. And they picked a lot of bad sages. I once had a flame war with "THEWHOLE9YARDS" or whoever he was because of something really stupid. Most of them were suck ups, although a lot weren't.

they didn't come out and directly ask for our opinions, but they sure did read any we posted. Yes, they did pick Sages badly sometimes. But it wasn't entirely their fault. Some people would be model Sage material, then act like they really do.

>I was also a victim of NOA Shaun. I criticized him as a joke for deleting a thread I liked. He went onto my account and posted pictures of...magical, rainbow ponies. That is power abuse.

And he did that as a joke to you. That's just how Shaun is. :P

>They also didn't use the user mods to their full extent. They were way understaffed.

Yeah. But they had to pic them very carefully. Could imaging the heat Nintendo would get if a rogue mod

>What legal department? I saw no implement of that.

That's where the whole "You can't share friend codes" thing came from. And if they made that, then they most likely had a lot of other boundaries too. Like no sharing e-mails, no personal info at all, etc.

>...Wow. That's really sad. Can you tell me anything else that happened?

Well, anyone who was his friend got admin/mod position. Actually, he didn't let anyone in the root admin group except him, because he didn't trust anyone. Then one day one of his friends shows up, and BAM, they're in the root admin group.
Banned anyone who disagreed with him, demodded and banned me and at least one other mod for disagreeing with him. Said he wouldn't listen to anyone that disagreed with him.
Stuff like that.

>And for the record: If I am ever proven wrong, I'm not gonna pretend I am right.


Kuro Tsuwamono

>they didn't come out and directly ask for our opinions, but they sure did read any we posted.

Actually, I disagree. If you ever tried PMing a NOA, they would not respond. Ever. Except on very rare occasions.

>Yes, they did pick Sages badly sometimes. But it wasn't entirely their fault. Some people would be model Sage material, then act like they really do.

And they didn't re-sage when they should have.

>And he did that as a joke to you. That's just how Shaun is.

What he was, was a suck up power abuser who had a fan club of n00blets just because he was an admin who carried on about his big pickle.

>Yeah. But they had to pic them very carefully. Could imaging the heat Nintendo would get if a rogue mod

You may have a point, but they weren't looking for mods often, were they?

>That's where the whole "You can't share friend codes" thing came from. And if they made that, then they most likely had a lot of other boundaries too. Like no sharing e-mails, no personal info at all, etc.

Well those counted for a minority of the problems, but there were others, which I adressd. I also disagreed with the locking of a lot of boards, and the butchering of the chat threads.

>Well, anyone who was his friend got admin/mod position. Actually, he didn't let anyone in the root admin group except him, because he didn't trust anyone. Then one day one of his friends shows up, and BAM, they're in the root admin group.
Banned anyone who disagreed with him, demodded and banned me and at least one other mod for disagreeing with him. Said he wouldn't listen to anyone that disagreed with him.
Stuff like that.

...Wow. Was any of this corrected?

*Is back from devouring small children*


Quote from: Kuro Tsuwamono on September 24, 2007, 06:31:31 PM
>Well, anyone who was his friend got admin/mod position. Actually, he didn't let anyone in the root admin group except him, because he didn't trust anyone. Then one day one of his friends shows up, and BAM, they're in the root admin group.
Banned anyone who disagreed with him, demodded and banned me and at least one other mod for disagreeing with him. Said he wouldn't listen to anyone that disagreed with him.
Stuff like that.

...Wow. Was any of this corrected?

*Is back from devouring small children*
I agree with everything I didn't quote, minus the Shaun thing.

And no, none of it was. Sadly. :'(