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The Subspace Emissary - An SSBB Roleplay.

Started by Joeofmars, October 20, 2007, 07:38:56 PM

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Suddenly, a strange, thin, pink creature that resembled a beach towel came down from the sky. It had black trowel-arms as well and flew down to meet Lucas' eye-level.  It lowered itself right next to  Lucas and looked at him with a facial expression that seemed to ask Lucas to sit on top of the strange creature.

Lucas was extremely bored so he decided to hop right on the creature.  The trowlon began zooming up and over the ocean at extremely high speeds.  Lucas began to worry, "Please, stop it! Where are you taking me?!"  But the creature did not slow down.  It flew and flew and Lucas could no longer see the island that he came from, "Stop it! Let me down! Stop it now!!!"  he begged.  Then all of a sudden, there was a blinding light.  Lucas shut his eyes, but when he re-opened them he was in a different world. 

The sky was a dark shard of violet; scarlet clouds shot down multitudes of piercing white lightning bolts.  "Where am I?"  Lucas quietly asked himself with a slight trace of fear in his voice.  The creature suddenly flipped itself over, dropping Lucas to tumble towards the ground.  He screamed for his life, but regained his composure and using his telekinesis, slowed himself landed on a busy street of a metropolitan area. 

Weird creatures were running every which way, trying to dodge the lightning that was pelting them.  Monstrous skyscrapers towered over the dark city.  The only light was that of the randomly dispersed street lights and of course the light from the bolts of lightning.  A bolt struck down in front of Lucas, waking him from his trance of amazement.  He had to find shelter, or a familiar face, or why he had been chosen to have been taken to this strange new world.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 21, 2007, 07:27:22 PM
Luigi ended up in a cell nearby. "What's going on?"
Dimentio almost jumped hearing the familiar voice. "That's what I'd like to know...Luigi." He said in a slightly chilling voice.


"Dimentio?!? I thought you were dead, you freak."


"Yes, but I am like that of a deciduous tree. You think I'm dead but at the break of spring I come back to life as lush as ever." Dimentio said. "And you might want to be a little bit more cautious of your words. You're big brother isn't here to protect you now."



Dimentio ignored Luigi's comment and turned his focus onto the Ancient Minister. "And now for some answers from you." Dimentio said. "First of all who are you guys and what are your plans?"

We are the Subspace Emissary and our plans will remain to only be known to us.


Daft Pink

Ooc: I didn't know this RP had started already. Where are we right now?

Daft Pink

Ooc: OK nvm, I get it now

Link had just finished killing a boss, when a strange thing happened. The ground started shaking, and a whole formed on the ground. Then, a strange thing got out the whole, and took Link down to the whole. He then appeared in a different world, and was gone from Hyrule. "WHO ARE YOU?!" asked Link.

I am the Ancient Minister

Link was then thrown in a cell, and he tried to find a way out. "Get me out of here!" yelled Link

No you are going to stay here

And with that, the Ancient Minister floated away, and left Link enraged. Link then turned around and saw that he wasn't alone. There was a plumber with green clothes and a blue overall. There was also a jester-looking like thing.


((Uh, WG24, I'm thinking the only reason Dimentio and Luigi got captured was their usefulness as potential allies for the Emissary. Since Link will most likely oppose them, I don't think you need to be there.

That, and I wanted you in Hyrule for an epic fight against Ganondorf.))


Quote from: Flitterbie on October 25, 2007, 01:56:24 PM
((Uh, WG24, I'm thinking the only reason Dimentio and Luigi got captured was their usefulness as potential allies for the Emissary. Since Link will most likely oppose them, I don't think you need to be there.

That, and I wanted you in Hyrule for an epic fight against Ganondorf.))

Red looked up in the sky, when he noticed a large blackish cloud coming over him. That's weird... Then a huge ship emmerged from the clouds, and loomed over the lans of Sinnoh. "What the-!?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: Flitterbie on October 25, 2007, 01:56:24 PM
((Uh, WG24, I'm thinking the only reason Dimentio and Luigi got captured was their usefulness as potential allies for the Emissary. Since Link will most likely oppose them, I don't think you need to be there.

That, and I wanted you in Hyrule for an epic fight against Ganondorf.))
Yeah, and Joe...Don't just leave us hanging like this. You should be a bit more dirrective of where we should go instead of just the "Meh...Do what you want." kind of thing.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 25, 2007, 03:18:07 PM
Quote from: Flitterbie on October 25, 2007, 01:56:24 PM
((Uh, WG24, I'm thinking the only reason Dimentio and Luigi got captured was their usefulness as potential allies for the Emissary. Since Link will most likely oppose them, I don't think you need to be there.

That, and I wanted you in Hyrule for an epic fight against Ganondorf.))
Yeah, and Joe...Don't just leave us hanging like this. You should be a bit more dirrective of where we should go instead of just the "Meh...Do what you want." kind of thing.
((Agreed. I haven't posted in a while [excluding my recently made post] because everyone is doing their own thing, and that's kind of boring. Take action!))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Yeah, I agree. I Was totally ready for like all these characters to come together and it's just kinda like...*cricket cricket cricket*.  Can someone get sent to where Lucas is?  I think it would be good if another good guy got sent there and the 2 of them get work together and some other characters could work together on like some other world.))


Quote from: MD_Slider on October 25, 2007, 03:34:34 PM
((Yeah, I agree. I Was totally ready for like all these characters to come together and it's just kinda like...*cricket cricket cricket*.  Can someone get sent to where Lucas is?  I think it would be good if another good guy got sent there and the 2 of them get work together and some other characters could work together on like some other world.))

((I can send Ganondorf there once I get something confirmed from Joe))


OoC//I'm so sorry...

Do you think we should restart this?With certain people in certain places?And more of a back story?

I thought people would kind of want to do their own thing...sorry.