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Super Mario Bros. 5: Rise of the Darkness ///6-20-08: Epilogue Posted!!!\\\

Started by shadowmarioguy, October 26, 2007, 02:58:54 PM

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Chapter 12: The Explosion

?Peach, I?m going to ask you again!  Hand over your kingdom to me, and the plumber will go free,? Velno snarled in an impatient tone.  ?I?ve given you more than enough time to choose!?

Luigi dangled lifelessly from Velno?s claw.  Slowly, Velno clutched Luigi?s neck and raised it high above his head.  Gradually, he began to squeeze harder.  ?ACK!!?  Luigi croaked, desperately trying to break free.  But Velno only tightened his grip.  He was willing to kill Luigi to get what he wanted.

?NO!  LUIGI!  Stop it!  Stop it, please!  If you let him go? I?ll give you the kingdom!!?  Peach cried in empathy.  ?Just stop!!?

Velno loosened his grip so that he was holding Luigi by his chin.  ?Hmm? It may even be too late!  Sign in writing that the kingdom is mine, and he?ll go free.?

?Fine, just-?


Luigi delivered a painful kick to Velno?s jaw.

?Oof!  Why you little??  Velno cursed, lying on the ground with a bruise on his face.  ?You?ll pay for that? with your life!?  Velno got up and charged at Luigi, his mouth wide open.

Luigi brushed himself off.  ?Not that old trick!?  With that, he tossed a Super Fireball at Velno, causing him to stumble backward.  ?There?s more where that came from!?  Luigi unleashed a barrage of Super Fireballs all aimed toward Velno.  ?Ngh!  Yeah!  Take this!  And that!?

After Luigi had used up almost all of his energy, he stopped to rest.  Smoke was billowing from the ground and completely blocked his vision.  ?It?s over?  Peach!  I did it!  Peach?!?

When the smoke cleared, Luigi saw that he had made a small crater in the ground.  ?Whoa? Guess I overdid it??

?You bet you overdid it!?

?Yikes!!?  Luigi shrieked as he whirled around.  ?Oh, Peach, don?t scare me like that!?

Peach sighed.  ?Serves you right!  You almost blasted me!  Be more careful next time you go all out!  Wait a minute?  Look at the base!?

Luigi glanced over and saw that three quarters of the entire Mushroom Base had toppled over.  ?It?s not done yet!  Mario can still make it!?

?Hmm?  Luigi has become much stronger,? Velno whispered, watching Peach and Luigi from behind a bush.  ?I?m too tired to fight him now.  And Mario is approaching?  Perhaps I should wait until then to strike.  Yes? They?ll never see it coming.  But for now, I should stay hidden.  I want them all to think I?m dead.  That way the scales will really be tipped in my favor when the time comes.  And then, I will have my day.?

* * * * * * * * * *

?Okay? If you?ll just let me go, that?d be great?? Mario coaxed the oversized bug as he began to creep toward the exit.  ?See, I have to go now??

Immediately the spider charged Mario, its eyes flaring a blood red color.  Mario quickly realized that reason would not win this battle, and that he would have to defeat his foe to escape.  He nimbly dashed under its feet and behind it, where he shot an Iceball at its back.  The ice merely chipped off seconds after its impact.

?Looks like that won?t work anymore!? Mario exclaimed as the robot spider nailed him with one of its eight metal legs, sending him flying into a wall.  Huge rocks began to rain down from the ceiling, setting the whole room ablaze.  ?Looks like I?m running out of time!?


Electric currents ran across the room.  Some of them had traveled up the spider?s legs and up to its head, where its critical circuits were hidden.  The robot unwillingly froze, stunned by the electricity.

?That?s it!  Its weakness must be inside of its head!?  Mario concluded.  ?I better end this now, before this whole place collapses!?  Quickly he began charging an Ultra Fireball in his hand.  ?There?s no way he?ll survive this one!?


?The ceiling?s caving in!  I?ve only got one shot!?  He dashed at full speed toward the recovering robo-spider, and when he was a mere four feet away, he leaped into the air and sent a fiery punch right through its head.  The spider fell onto the ground in a giant heap.  Its head flashed three times just before the whole arachnid exploded.

?What?s taking him so long?!? Luigi bawled in frustration.  ?Come on!  Hurry up!?

Meanwhile, Peach was sobbing profusely.  Her cheeks were red and soaked with tears.  ?He?s not going to make it??

* * * * * * * * * *

?Got him!? Mario bellowed triumphantly.  ?Now I?ve just got to get outta? here!?  He took off at full speed and exited the labyrinth.  Finally in the main corridor, he made a break for the exit.  ?Almost there!?



The base completely toppled over and burst into flames.


Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)


Chapter 13: Survival

?NOO!!? Peach cried out as she saw the entire building collapse and slowly dissolve within the flames of sorrow.  ?He?s gone!  Not again!?  Her soft cheeks were now damp and swelling with tears.  ?Mario!  No!?

Luigi fell to his knees.  ?No? Mario??  He shielded his face with his arms and began to cry.  ?Why??

Suddenly, Peach?s face lit up.  ?Why don?t we get the Toad Brigade to try and locate him?  Even if he?s just barely alive, we can get him back on his feet!?  She stood up and brushed herself off.  ?Come on!  It?s our only hope!  If Mario hasn?t already died, he will soon!?

* * * * * * * * * *

?This is the last time I?ll take directions from a living being.  Robots are the only mechanisms that can do things right!? Grodus snarled.  ?Honestly Wart, Mace is already back at the Starship!  Why did we have to try and cut through Forever Forest??

Wart groaned.  ?Shut up already!  You?ve been complaining ever since we started on our way back!?  He took out a small piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it.  ?It says we should go? uh? south??

Grodus snatched the paper from Wart?s hand.  ?Lemme? see that!  ?You idiot!  You?ve been holding the paper upside-down!  Imbecile!  We need to go north!  From this point on, I?ll be leading this little expedition.  Follow me!  We need to report back to Lord Shade.?

?Fine.  But it?s not like we have to bring back the Star Rod and Power Star.  It?s a good thing we left that job to Mace.  Now we just need to get our next assignment, which will probably be to go back to Mushroom Base Alpha and check on the prisoners.?

* * * * * * * * * *

?Master, Mace wished to see you.  Should I let him in?? an X Naut asked sheepishly.

?Yes.  Open the doors,? Shade replied eagerly.  ?What is it, Mace??

The double doors slid open, and Mace stepped in holding the Star Rod in one hand and the Power Star in the other.  ?My lord, I have brought you a gift.  Two gifts, actually.  I am confident that you will be pleased with my handiwork.

Shade moaned impatiently.  ?Well, don?t keep me waiting, what are they?!?

?My liege, I have successfully transported the Star Rod and Power Star to you.  Whenever you are ready, I shall bestow them upon you.?

?Just hand them over already!? Shade snapped.  ?And be quick about it!?

Mace placed the two powerful objects on Shade?s lap and stepped backward.  ?There are only two remaining oracles of power.  Once they are in your possession, you will become even stronger than you are currently.?

?Silence!  Don?t you think I already know that?!  If you have nothing else to tell me, leave at once!? Shade growled.

Beads of sweat were now dripping from the back of Mace?s head.  ?Actually, there?s one more thing?  It would be in your best interest to know that somehow, inexplicably-?

?Out with it!!? Shade howled, his face red with rage.

Mace gulped.  ?Mushroom Base Alpha has been destroyed.  I think it had to do with Arachnoid, the Labyrinth of Ages security guard that Grodus built.  Well, it was too big, and I guess it shook the whole place loose.?

?WHAT?!  Why would it even activate in the first place?!?

?I?m thinking that Mario and the others were able to escape their cell, but they ended up having to go through the labyrinth, where they were attacked by Arachnoid.  But if the base is gone, maybe it crushed them??

Shade bolted up from his chair.  Through clenched teeth, he hissed, ?You had better make sure to send someone to find out if they?re dead or not.?

Mace bowed.  ?Lord, I will see to it that Shadoo makes short work of any remaining pests in your way.  This world shall soon belong to the Shadow Shrowds!  That is all, master.?  With that, Mace exited the room.

?Mario?  Is he?  No?  He looks just like him, but I killed him years ago?  I must have him destroyed!?

* * * * * * * * * *

[End Music]

?Well, we?ve searched every nook and cranny of the place, and there are no signs of anyone left in there,? Captain T. of the Toad Brigade saluted.  ?But we will see to it that we get the whole squadron to clean up this mess by the end of the month.?

?T- Thanks.  You may go?? Peach stammered, unable to accept the fact that Mario just could not have survived.  Immediately, she burst into tears and dashed toward the Mario Bros.? House to tell Luigi the bad news.

Meanwhile, Grodus and Wart had come to the path in Forever Forest that led to Mushroom Fields.  ?Why don?t we get a breath of fresh air?? Wart sighed, breathing heavily.

?Fine.  I?ll never understand you living beings, robots are so much more practical,? Grodus grumbled.  The two stepped into Mushroom Fields, and saw their entire base in ruins.  ?How in the world did this happen?!? Grodus screamed.  ?We need to report this mishap to Lord Shade immediately!?

?What do you think happened?? Wart asked bewildered at the sight of the ruins.  ?We have other bases, but still?  Let?s just go!  We?ve taken long enough to get back as it is!?

With that, the two dashed back into Forever Forest and headed north.  But back in the ruins of the Mushroom Base, something was stirring.  A large boulder began to shake until it shattered into tiny pebbles.  From underneath, a beaten and bruised figure stood up and limped out of the ruins.  His legs were badly wounded, and he tumbled to the ground.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Grodus and Wart walking away.

?I? need? a Max Mushroom?  Must? get? into town??

Mario struggled to his feet and continued to limp until his legs ached uncontrollably.  He fell to the ground, unable to walk, and slowly crawled toward Toad Town.

?I can?t let them get away.  I? can?t let them? win??

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

Amazing... just... amazing...  I can't wait... to see what happens next!  ;)


There is only one word that can summarise this chapter........ EPIC

Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)


thanks, both of you.  I've been sick for about a week, which is why there haven't been any new chapters.  But I'm trying my best to get a new chapter before Friday, which is when I will be going away for the weekend.  Chapter 14 is 1/2 of the way done.


Hope you get better soon. ;) pm me when the new chapter is posted.

Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)


Chapter 14: Departure

?Alright, nobody move!? a tall Toad dressed in black exclaimed.  ?I don?t want to have to use this!  Just give me the money and no one will get hurt!?  The Toad pointed his pistol at the clerk to show that he meant business.

?I- I?m getting it.  H- Hold on??  The clerk opened the cash register and began to pull out handfuls of golden coins.  ?Is this enough??

?All of it!? the Toad barked.  He stepped closer to the clerk, glaring at him impatiently.  ?Put in the bag!?

The cashier dumped all of the coins into the bag that the robber held out for him.  ?T- There? Take it and go??

Mario slowly crawled in.  ?Need? a Mushroom??  He saw the criminal aiming his gun at the cashier and struggled to his feet.  He aimed his arm at the Toad and held it firmly with the other.  ?Can?t? miss??

?Ah well, I might as well eliminate the evidence.  Say your prayers, scum.?  The Toad suddenly dropped his gun and fell to the ground.  A hole was burnt into his back.  An Iceball whizzed across the room and froze him into an ice block.  The clerk traced the source of the attack to Mario, who was on the ground.

?Please? Help me?? Mario groaned.  ?Can?t live? much longer??

The clerk dashed over to him sympathetically.  ?Mario?  Is that you?  Let?s get you to a hospital, and fast!?  He picked Mario up, threw him over his shoulder, and started toward the exit.  But three Toads similar to the one frozen in ice stood in his way, each pointing a gun at the two.

?No? Mushroom?? Mario grumbled, struggling to maintain consciousness.

?I can?t?? The cashier whispered.  ?It is punishable by law to use Mushrooms to heal severe injuries such as yours.?

?If you don?t? we?ll both die??  Mario responded, practically begging him.  ?Hurry??

He placed Mario on the ground and stepped back toward the counter.  He casually took a Max Mushroom from a nearby shelf and crept back toward Mario.

?Freeze,? the stoic Toad commanded.  ?Drop the mushroom if you want to live.?

Mario used the remainder of his strength to roll up to the clerk?s feet.  ?Whatever you say,? he replied with a sly grin.  With that, he dropped the mushroom into Mario?s mouth.  Mario chewed for a few moments, and then swallowed.  Immediately, his bruises disappeared and Mario was on his feet.

?Now you?re gonna? get it!? the Toads cursed as they began firing at Mario.

Mario back-flipped into the air and behind the three criminals.  He knocked the middle one out with one blow to the head, causing the other two to dash toward him.  Just as they were about to double-team him, Mario spun around at speeds that seemed as fast as a tornado?s winds, sending them flying backward into unconsciousness.

?Well, that should take care of them,? Mario sighed, brushing himself off.  ?I call that one the 'Mario Tornado'.  Make sure to inform Mushroom Castle?s guards; I want them to be on high alert.  Crime doesn?t happen too often here.  But then again, ever since Metal Mario came around, Toad Town has become less safe.  Make sure that nothing happens to Peach.?

?Hey, Mario, I?m gonna? have to charge you for that Mushroom,? the clerk joked, holding back his laughter.

?Don?t worry; I?ll probably stop by to pay you back soon.  I just have to do something first.?  That being said, Mario exited the shop to head for home.

?I was kidding!? the cashier called after him.  ?What a guy!?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario gently opened the door to his house and peaked inside.  ?It would be best if Luigi didn?t know that I?m alive until I?m gone.?  He crept over to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil.


Mario looked over his shoulder.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Luigi step into the house.  Frantically, he began to write a note.  Just to let him know that I?m alive?  C?mon!

Luigi sniffled as he staggered into the living room and collapsed onto the couch.  ?How could he be gone??

Sorry, bro?  I have to do this.  It?s for the sake of the kingdom.  Mario taped the note to the refrigerator, opened the window, and leaped out.  When I come back, if I come back, we can live peacefully again.  I can take Baby Mario and Luigi out of the orphanage back to our home once it is finally safe.  Until then, I have work to do.

* * * * * * * * * *

?Hey, I?m back!? Mario exclaimed cheerfully as he took out a bag of coins.  ?There you go, Bob.?

Bob T. took the coins that Mario had placed on the counter.  ?But there are extra coins here.  You can pay me for the Max Mushroom I gave you, but I won?t let you pay me any more.?

?Actually, I included the extra coins for another Max Mushroom.  You don?t mind, do you??

?No; here you go!? Bob T. grabbed a Max Mushroom from the shelf and tossed it to Mario.  ?Why do you need this, anyway??

?Where I?m going, I?m sure going to need it,? Mario hinted as he left the store.  ?See ya? around!?

* * * * * * * * * *

?This is where I saw them last.  Where did they go??  Mario wondered aloud.

He stood in Forever Forest, perplexed at where Grodus and Wart had gone.  ?There aren?t any footprints, so they must have erased all signs of what direction they were going.  The only place I haven?t checked is Vista Hill, but I don?t see why they would go anywhere near Bowser.  I might as well check??

Mario searched every nook and cranny of the forest until he reached Forever Cliff, the very end of the forest that sloped down into the Lava Sea.  He looked over the edge and saw the boiling hot magma, daring anyone to try and withstand its heat.  ?Bowser thinks this little sea of fire can keep intruders out, and yet he leaves the key to getting in just outside.?

A Koopa was patrolling the area, pacing back and forth not too far from him.  Mario got down onto the ground and crawled through some shrubs until he was as close to the guard as possible without being detected.  He leapt out and stomped on the Koopa, forcing it into its shell.  ?It?s been a while since I?ve went Shell Surfing!?  He stepped and the shell and used it to surf over the ocean of boiling hot lava until he reached Vista Hill, a rocky hill that was a dark red color from the magma splashing against it.

?Okay, I might as well scout the hill before I check the castle,? Mario declared as he looked left and right, scanning for any signs of Wart or Grodus.  But there wasn?t a trace of a single soul on the hill.  Mario looked high and low.  Not a single area was left unchecked.  ?There?s no one here.  It?s completely empty?  Probably the Shadow Shrowds? doing.  Wait?  That rock is a completely different color from all of the other rocks here.?  Mario stepped toward a pink boulder.  He examined it for a moment, tapped it a few times, and then smashed it with his fists, revealing a blue warp pipe.

?I think I just found out where those two are hiding.?

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

I like it... No... I love it!  :P  That was pretty insane.  I love how Mario is so noble in this fanfic, not wanting any of his family members involved in the battle.  Only time will tell what will happen in the next chapter.  Can't wait!  ;)  Also, I'm glad you're feeling better.  :)


bad news, i'm sick again.  looks like the disease wasn't completely gone, and now its back with a vengeance.  i cant even stand up; i feel so useless.  i had to type this from my wii, so thats why its a little sloppy.  I'lL do my best to keep working on the new chapter.  :(


Chapter 15: Brawl of the Rivals

?Your highness, Luigi has requested a private conversation with you.  Permission granted?? one of the royal guards asked with a bow.

Peach?s crying immediately ceased.  ?Yes, of course.?

With a flourish, the sentry opened the double doors of the throne room and Luigi stepped in.  His face was pale, and in his trembling hand was a note.  Luigi staggered over to Peach, and without a word, handed her the paper.

Dear Luigi,
     I am writing you this letter to let you know that I am alive.  Thanks to a Max Mushroom from Bob (shh?), I am back on my feet and better than ever.  But that?s not all I have to say.  I have gone to look for the source of all this trouble and hopefully it will all be over soon.  Make sure you tell everyone how much I miss them if I don?t come back.  These Stupid Shrowds are going down!

Wish me luck!

* * * * * * * * * *

?Hey Wart!  Are you finished making those magic carpets for us yet?!? Grodus scowled.  ?You?re taking an awfully long time!?

Wart was standing at the edge of a steep cliff, creating magic carpets that they could use to get across the valley to the Shadow Starship.  ?I?m finished!  These three carpets are the same models as the ones Pidgits use.  They?re one of the many species of underlings that I have.?

?You oversized gas bag!  We only need two magic carpets!? Grodus snapped.

Mario emerged from the blue pipe behind them.  ?No, actually your math skills worked out perfectly for me!? Mario said with a grin.

?We?ll see about that!!? Wart shot back as he and Grodus each boarded their own carpet.  Moments later, Mario was on one of them as well.  The three of them flew at warp speed above the barren valley.

Grodus took out his staff and aimed it at Mario.  ?Let?s see you dodge these!?  He fired out a wave of electric bolts.  Mario shot several Iceballs at them, freezing them by the time they reached him.  As soon as the frozen balls came close, Mario deflected them toward Wart, who swallowed them all.  ?Good job Wart!  Keep it up!?

Mario zoomed in toward Grodus and delivered a powerful punch to his head, cracking it.  Grodus swung at Mario with his staff, but Mario back-flipped behind him and gave him a midair kick in the back of the head.  Meanwhile, Wart spit out the frozen balls as vegetables and tossed them at Mario.

?Agh!!?  Mario shouted as he shot into the air, hit by the vegetables.

?Gotcha?!? Grodus chuckled as he shot out an electric net from his staff, trapping Mario within it and severely shocking him.  He twirled Mario around using the long electric rope that was attached, knocking him into rock formations as they sped over the valley.  ?Huh??  His grappling net suddenly became encased in a sheet of ice.  ?What do you expect that to do??

Seconds later, the ice melted thanks to one of Mario?s Fireballs.  Water splashed onto the electric rope, sending an intense shock to Grodus and ultimately destroying the net.  Mario landed skillfully on his carpet.  ?How do ya? like that??  Mario taunted as he zoomed over to Wart and punched him in the gut.  He then jumped into the air and stomped on Wart?s head, using it to spring himself up and above Grodus.  He flung downward head first with his fist pointed down toward Grodus.  He nailed his head and completely shattered the glass on it.

Mario, now on Grodus?s carpet tried for one last punch to the head.  But Grodus was too quick, and caught Mario?s fist.  He sent a shock up his arm that electrified Mario, causing him to bolt backward into the air.  Mario landed on Wart?s carpet, but before he got an attack in, Wart punched in right on the cheek, launching him into Grodus.  Suddenly, Grodus and Mario crashed.  Wart, who wasn?t paying attention, also crashed into the tall rock formation.  They were all sent rocketing into the air.  Grodus and Wart landed back on their carpets, but Mario?s had gone too far astray to be caught.  Mario, thinking quickly, landed on Wart?s mat.

?What do you say we end this little scuffle right now?? Mario challenged.

?Gladly!!? Wart exclaimed as swung his tail at Mario, who caught it and began to swing Wart around in circles.  ?Do you do this to everyone with tails?!?

?Hyah!? Mario bellowed as he released Wart?s tail, sending him flying into Grodus?s head.

?GYAH!!? Grodus cried as he exploded into a thousand tiny pieces.

Wart, hanging onto the edge of Grodus?s carpet, slowly pulled himself up.  ?You?ll pay for that!?  Wart leaped into the air came crashing down toward Mario.  Thinking quickly, Mario fired an Iceball at Wart, freezing him in place.  Time seemed to stand still as Mario pulled off his greatest Long Jump toward the plummeting ice sculpture and smashed through it with his bare fists.  Wart, now in a thousand icy pieces, had been destroyed.

?Yeah!? Mario screamed in triumph.  But his celebration was cut short when Wart?s carpet vanished from under his feet.  ?Crud!!?

[End Music]

* * * * * * * * * *

Peach, utterly perplexed, pondered the situation.  ?I guess Mario knows what he?s doing?  But that?s what I thought when he was fighting Metal Mario for the first time, and then he died.?

Luigi, who had been lying down to recover from his shock, entered the room.  ?Peach, I just had the strangest dream!?

?What was it about??

?I dreamt that the world was cold and dark.  All you could hear were the occasional screams in the background.  It was a world where evil and wicked ruled, and that anyone who opposed them were killed.  Everyone had to hide, and if they were found, they would be brutally murdered on the spot.  But there was a blotch of light!  It was just one tiny spot in the darkness. And I swear on my life that that blob of light was Mario.  I was not afraid?  I hid in a beat up house, guarding you and the two babies.  Yet we were not afraid?  We knew that the light would somehow overcome the dark?  Strange, huh??

* * * * * * * * * *

?Just as I thought?  Mario killed them without showing any signs of effort?? Lord Shade whispered as he watched a replay of Mario?s battle with Grodus and Wart on a large screen.  ?His technique far surpasses most of my minions?  It is now clear to me that Grodus and Wart never even stood a chance.?

Two dark figures stepped in.  ?We will help you with your little ?plumber problem?.?

?Yes, get on it right away,? Shade replied.  With a bow, they both left.  ?The more I see Mario fight, the more he reminds me of him.  But he can?t be??

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

Hey SMG, it's been a while!  I loved the fight between Mario, Grodus, and Wart.  It was just too awesome!  ;)


For some reason, the chapters got a little screwed up through all of this moving.  I'll try to repost them and consider redoing the prologue.  Just hang tight, but until then, enjoy Chapter 16!

EDIT: I also see the chapter index got messed up to.  I'll try to get everything fixed up by Friday.  ;)


Chapter 16: Unwelcome Guests

?Well, well, well?  It seems that Mario has left his kingdom unguarded,? Velno chuckled.  ?It looks as though the time is right for me to strike.  No one, not even Luigi will be able to stop me once I start absorbing people.  As soon as I?m strong enough to fight Luigi, I?ll steal his energy as well.  But where should I go to find the strongest Toads in the kingdom?  Ah? I know??  A wide grin appeared on Velno?s ugly face.

* * * * * * * * * *

Peach shivered.  ?That dream- no? That nightmare sounded real, almost like a foreshadowing.  We should be careful now that Mario isn?t around.?

Peach and Luigi were discussing the matter in the library, the most private place in the castle.  ?I think it was all just a trap in the first place.  What if they lured Mario away so that they could get their hands on the Mushroom Kingdom?? Luigi inquired.  ?It?s a strong possibility??

?Hmph!  I doubt it!? Waluigi intervened as he sauntered into the room.  ?If these Shiny Shrowds of yours are so tough, then why would they do something as cowardly as that?  Not everyone is as much of a coward as you are!?

?How tough? but it?s Shadow Shrowds?? Luigi murmured.

?I see that you?ve recovered from your injuries, Waluigi,? Peach stated abruptly.  ?Good for you!  After all, without you and your brother, we?d still be locked up in that awful fortress.?

?YEAH!  WARIO TIME!? Wario bellowed as he ran into the library and struck a pose.

?Shh!? one of the librarians snapped.

?Oh? sorry? Wario time!? he repeated, this time in a whispering tone.  ?Anyway, we came to see Mario and ask him to come help us find the morons who tried to kill us.  Where is he??

Luigi handed him the note.

?Uhh? I don?t exactly know how to read? It?s been a while??  Wario stammered, his face turning red.

Waluigi snatched the note from his hands.  ?Dear Luigi, I am writing you this letter to let you know that I am alive.  Thanks to a Max Mushroom from Bob (shh?), I am back on my feet and better than ever.  But that?s not all I have to say.  I have gone to look for the source of all this trouble and hopefully it will all be over soon.  Make sure you tell everyone how much I miss them if I don?t come back.  These Stupid Shrowds are going down!  Wish me luck, Mario.?

?So he got ahead of us?!? Wario roared.  ?That glory-hogging no-good ball of red!  I?m going to beat those Shadow Shrowds before he can say another word!?  Wario made a dash for the door.

?We?ll pay you if you come back and get Luigi when you find something!? Peach shouted after them.

?What?!? Luigi asked, confused.  ?Why do you have to drag me into this??

?Will do!!? Wario called back.  ?Save up your cash for me!?

Waluigi groaned.  ?I better catch up with him.  We?ll be back soon!?  With that, Waluigi took off after his brother.

?I hope so,? Peach sighed.

* * * * * * * * * *

?Mace!  Status report!!? Lord Shade snapped impatiently.

?Your highness, Shadoo is currently stationed just outside of Mushroom Castle.  He will strike at midnight, when most of the residents are asleep.  He will start by capturing Peach; that will surly lure any remaining pests right to us.  Also, Cackletta and Princess Shroob are waiting patiently for Mario on the second floor.?

?Mace, tell me: Do you think they stand a chance against Mario?? Shade inquired.

Mace was carefully watching the replay of Mario?s battle with Grodus and Wart.  ?Hmm?  I?d say he?s either a master at fighting??  He paused as the replay showed Mario plummeting down into the valley, ?or a complete moron.  When the time comes, I will defend you if I must.?

Shade?s face expressed that he was pleased.  ?Excellent, Mace.  Station a squadron of your best Sol Warriors on the third floor just in case.?

Mace took a bow.  ?Yes, your highness.  Hail the Shadow Shrowds!?  With that, he left.  Is he the one?  Mario? Yes, perhaps?  But only time will tell?

* * * * * * * * * *

[End Music]

Peach yawned as she crept into the royal bedroom.  ?I want to go to bed, but I don?t feel safe anymore.?

?Don?t worry; you?re safe with the Mushroom Patrol on guard!? one of the armored sentries reassured her.  ?It?s my job to make sure you stay safe.?

?Thanks,? Peach replied as she began to climb into her bed.


The clock struck midnight.  ?Peach, do you know why you feel so uncomfortable?  Well??  The guard drew his sword.  ?While your mind may play tricks on you sometimes, this time your situation is very real.?  He began to creep toward Peach.

?One of my sentries would never call royalty by their first name!?!? she screamed, slowly backing away.


Peach had shut her eyes, hoping that it was all a bad dream.  But when she opened them, she saw that her problem just got worse.  ?It?s you!?

The guard was lying on the ground, and above him stood Velno.  The ?sentry? morphed into a shadow version of Mario.  ?Hey, where?d that ugly thing come from?? Shadoo asked, disgusted.

?I know you!  You?re that monster we fought at the bottom of Flopside?s Pit of One Hundred Trials!  And you?re Velno, the creature that eats people to steal their power!? Peach shrieked.  ?This is terrible!?

Velno began to chuckle.  ?Yes, I?ve been absorbing guards across the castle, but I noticed that this one was the strongest.  After I attacked him, I realized he was actually Shadoo, a dark shape shifter closely related to Lord Shade of the Shadow Shrowds.  But now that I know Shadoo is here, I?ll absorb both him and you, Peach.?

Shadoo stood up and brushed himself off.  ?Well, it looks like we?re both after the same thing.  What do you say we settle this now?  Whoever is still alive after this fight will get Peach!?

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

Well, it looks like I finally found this place again.  I enjoyed this chapter alot, especially since it involved two villains against each other instead of the classic "Hero vs. Villain".  Keep it up!  ;)