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Super Mario Bros. 5: Rise of the Darkness ///6-20-08: Epilogue Posted!!!\\\

Started by shadowmarioguy, October 26, 2007, 02:58:54 PM

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Chapter 17: Velno?s Revelations

?Man, this place gives me the creeps!? Mario whispered as he crept through the Shadow Starship.  ?Luckily I was able to find my way to this ship.  It?s my only way back to the Mushroom Kingdom.  Let?s just hope I can win without trashing the starship.?

?Hey!  Only authorized personnel are allowed in here!? a sentry plated in silver armor howled.  ?Say?  You look familiar!?

Mario noticed the guard?s disembodied face with two red eyes gleamed from within two hollow eye sockets.  ?So, you?re just another one of the Shadow Shrowd?s puppets, eh?  Well, if you really want to know who I am, allow me to jog your memory!  I?m the one who has defeated Chaos, Metal Mario, Grodus, and Wart.  That?s right; I?m public enemy number one here.?  The sentry drew his sword and stabbed at Mario, who leaped into the air and above the guard?s head.  With one quick blow, Mario stomped on his head, knocking him out cold.  ?I really need to be more careful,? he sighed.

As he continued to wander, he located an elevator that seemed to lead upward.  ?The boss here must be on the top floor!? Mario concluded as he stepped onto the elevator and rose to the second floor.

* * * * * * * * * *

[End Music]

Shadoo rushed at Velno and attempted to connect a right hook with Velno?s chin.  Velno, more agile than ever, sidestepped the attack and jumped up toward the ceiling.  ?Darn it!  I can?t see him!  It?s too dark!? Shadoo cursed. 

?Over here,? Velno taunted as he landed behind him and slashed his back.  Shadoo quickly recovered with a front handspring, but Velno vanished from sight by the time he turned around.

?How can he see me?  It?s pitch black in here!  Oh well; if I can?t see him, I?ll have to blast him out of hiding!?  Shadoo yelled in frustration.  He began to shoot random Fireballs all around the room.  ?Where are you?!  Come out you coward!!  I know you?re around here somewhere!?

Peach gasped.  ?No!  You?ll burn the whole castle down!?

Velno emerged from the shadows behind Shadoo and prepared to attack.  ?Yes; you?ll give me a lot of power!?

?Watch out!? Peach shrieked.

Shadoo turned around just as Velno opened his mouth to its full length and enclosed it around his body.  In one gulp, Velno swallowed him whole.  ?Ah!  That was delicious!? Velno cackled as he licked his lips.  ?You?re next.?

?Eeek!? Peach screamed.  ?Stay away from me!?

?I?m sorry, but I can?t pass up free energy.  I need it to defeat Mario!? Velno bawled, ready to attack his next victim.

Peach backed into a corner, desperate to escape.  ?Where did you come from?!  Why are you here?!? she cried.

[End Music]

Velno paused and thought for a moment.  ?Well, I suppose I could answer that for you as a last request.  Long ago, Lord Shade had traveled to the planet earth.  There, he planned to conquer it and become its king.  But, as you know, Shade is a very impatient man.  He?s not going to just go out himself and start killing everyone.  Everything has to be planned out for him.  Unfortunately, he didn?t have much of an army back then.  That?s where I came into the picture.

?While he didn?t have much of an army, he had some of the universe?s best scientists on his side.  Even then, Shade had already conquered many planets.  From these planets, he collected as many great scientists as he could.  If they failed to cooperate, Lord Shade would mercilessly annihilate them.  He forced his most intelligent workers to begin project V.E.L.N.O., or Vicious Energy Lacking Nasty Organism.

?By mutating a simple human, they were eventually able to create me.  I was designed to be naturally strong, but I could absorb the energy of others by eating them if necessary.  As soon as I could think for myself, I got out of there as fast as I could.  Shade ordered his men to search for me; it wouldn?t have been too hard to find me because they had inserted a special chip inside of me so that they would always know my location.  Luckily, their radar lost track of me when I escaped into the sewers.

?They searched for me, but I was also designed to be an expert at escaping from dangers that were beyond my strength to overcome.  No matter how hard they tried, they could not find me.  But after their next discovery, they no longer needed me.  While looking for me, Shade stumbled upon a pipe that led to the Mushroom Kingdom.  A quick scan of the area showed that there was a being of unimaginable power in the kingdom.  Lord Shade forgot all about me and immediately left to find this creature.?

Peach was exploding with questions.  ?But who was it?  What happened next?  Why wasn?t the Mushroom Kingdom destroyed by him then??

Velno smiled mysteriously.  ?Those are all questions only Shade can answer.  But think of it this way, this is like a mirrored version of earth.  The Mushroom Kingdom is like a parallel dimension.  The pipe in earth?s sewers led to this dimension, but there must be ways to get back.?

?Then we should look for them!? Peach exclaimed, trying to change the subject.

?There?s nothing worth looking for,? Velno replied grimly.  ?As a going away present, Lord Shade turned the rest of earth into a wasteland.  There?s no one left, and he intends to do the same with this kingdom.  Shade may have left me behind, but I?ll take energy from anyone I can find.  And one day, I will kill Shade with my bare hands.?

Peach?s eyes nearly popped out of her head after she had a stunning realization.  ?If the earth and the Mushroom Kingdom are dimensions parallel to each other, then Flipside and Flopside must be in between them!?

Velno nodded in agreement.  ?That?s why it was so easy to get Wart, Grodus, and Shadoo to join his army.  All he had to do was open a gateway to the Underwhere, or the realm of the dead, and pull them right into Flipside, where he took them back to the Mushroom Kingdom.  Anyway, I?m sure this is all pretty shocking to you.  It?s too bad you won?t live long enough to give your friends this information!?

?Actually, she doesn?t need to tell us!?  Luigi challenged as he, Wario, and Waluigi emerged from the shadows.

?You mean you heard the whole story?? Velno growled.

?Every little bit of it!? Waluigi retorted in a sarcastic tone.

?How did you find us here?!? Velno snapped, his anger rising.

?First of all, we could smell you a mile away!  Seriously, all of those years in the sewers must have really made you stink!? Wario taunted, joining in.

?You three shouldn?t have come here.  Now I?ll have to make sure you never leave!?


Chapter 18: Warriors of the Second Floor

Mario stepped off the elevator as it came to a stop on the starship?s second floor.  The room was pitch black, making Mario hesitant to walk into the darkness.  As he groped at the thin air, he heard a faint sound that resembled the sound of static electricity.  He immediately dove out of the way just as a thunder bolt struck the spot where Mario just stood.  ?Who?s there?!?

Seconds later, a pink energy ball flew out of nowhere and veered toward Mario.  ?Stop hiding, you coward!? Mario challenged before jumping up into the air as the blast hit the ground beneath him.

?Actually, there are two of us!? a female voice cackled wickedly.

?We'll make sure we extract our revenge on you for destroying Grodus and Wart!? another voice joined in.

Mario heard a click, and the room brightened.  In the center of the newly lit room were Princess Shroob and Cackletta.  ?Cackletta?!  Princess Shroob?!  I thought for sure that Luigi and I beat both of you!?

?You did, but Lord Shade kindly revived us.  Now we are back, and we don?t plan on showing any mercy,? Princess Shroob said with a scowl.

?Since when did you speak English?? Mario asked skeptically.  ?You used to talk in the Shroobs? language.?

?I spent a lot of time in the Underwhere, thanks to you!  There, I was forced to learn English so I could communicate with other villains there!? Princess Shroob snapped bitterly.

Mario started to chuckle to himself.  ?How was your stay down in Underwhere, by the way?  I ended up stuck down there for a little while too, and I know how bad their service is!  What about you, Cackletta?  Did you go around stealing people?s voices??

?Very funny,? Cackletta grumbled impatiently, ?but you can see for yourself when we send you there!?

Princess Shroob created a rainbow colored star in her hand and tossed it at Mario.  He ducked as the star passed above him and curved around to attack him a second time.  Mario crouched down and performed a back-flip that sent him flying above the rainbow star.  The star whirled around and homed in on him while he descended toward the ground.

?Let?s see you dodge both of our attacks!? Cackletta exclaimed as she raised her right arm.  Instantly, a thunder bolt rocketed down from above Mario and struck him, sending him tumbling toward the ground.  As he plummeted downward, the rainbow star collided with him and exploded.


Cackletta and Princess Shroob coughed and wheezed as a thin haze filled the room.  ?Did we- ack- win?? Princess Shroob asked in a choked voice.

?It looks like it,? Cackletta affirmed as she peered into the dust.

As she spoke, she horrified to see the silhouette of a lone figure in the midst of the haze.  ?If that?s all you can do? then you?re in big trouble,? Mario said stoically.  ?I don?t want to kill you two a second time.  You can still get out of here, and live the rest of your lives as good people.  I don?t understand why you two are so angry at the world!  Why join a group like the Shadow Shrowds??

?Power!? Cackletta spat with a disgusted expression on her face.  ?Before we were a part of the mighty Shadow Shrowds, we were mere individuals.  Our goal in life was to take over the world ourselves, but now we are seeing the bigger picture!  Lord Shade isn?t interested in one world.  He will stop at nothing to conquer the entire universe; and that will be accomplished by working as a team!  He has taken strong and ruthless warriors from across the galaxy and enlisted them in his army.  Together, our name will be feared by everyone in the entire universe!?

?Fine,? Mario replied firmly, ?but I won?t let it happen.  You all think that you?ve become so high and mighty now that you?re with these goons.  But the truth is that you?re not even worth my time.?

?Why you!? Princess Shroob cursed as she warped behind Mario and unleashed a barrage of pink energy spheres.  He launched a cluster of Fireballs into the fray as well, deflecting all of Princess Shroob?s blasts back at her.  She ducked as more than forty attacks slammed right into her.  When the heavy fire ceased, she was severely bruised and beaten.

?No!  Princess Shroob!? Cackletta shrieked.  ?You insolent pest!  You?ll die for that!? Her face grew red with rage, and she nearly tripled in size.  The entire room grew dark, and many dark holes began appearing on the floor in front of Mario.  ?Remember this attack?  I?m sure you?ll have a lot of time to think about it when it sends you straight to Underwhere!?

?Those holes lead to Underwhere?  I better be careful!? Mario shouted as the holes began rushing at him.  He leaped over every hole that came his way, gradually edging his way to Cackletta.  What?s going on?  It feels like some force is pushing me away from her!  If I can?t get close to her, I?ll have to think of some kind of deception.

?Getting tired yet?!? Cackletta roared as the production of the holes doubled.

I?ve got it!  Mario did his greatest long jump in an attempt to reach Cackletta, and to her delight, fell straight into one of the dark matter holes.

?Take that, loser!  And after all of that talk about how we should give up, too!? Cackletta snickered triumphantly.

Meanwhile, Mario was falling through subspace toward Underwhere.  He quickly fired a Super Fireball downward and converted it into a beam, propelling him upward and out of the hole that he had fallen into.  While he was still airborne, he shot an Iceball at Princess Shroob, who was already having enough trouble dodging the dark holes.  She was too distracted to notice, and was frozen into a statue.  Unable to move, she fell right into one of Cackletta?s holes and was sent straight into the Underwhere.

?NO!!? Cackletta cried out.  The shock of seeing her comrade fall to her doom weakened her attack, and the dark holes slowed down tremendously.  Whatever force that had been pushing Mario away from her had lessened too, allowing him to get as close as he wanted.

?That plan worked out all too well!? Mario chuckled as he jumped up and bounced on Cackletta?s head a few times, knocking her out cold.  Finally, Mario picked her up and tossed her into one of the remaining holes before they vanished altogether.  ?That was a little too close for comfort.  But I can?t stop now; Lord Shade is waiting for me at the top floor.  Hopefully I?ll make it there in one piece.?


Chapter 19: Mario?s Biggest Blunder

Lord Shade?s eyes reflected pure hatred as he watched Mario triumphantly approach the elevator to the next floor on a television screen.  ?He?s beaten every single challenge we?ve thrown at him!  At this rate he?ll finish off the Sol Warriors on the third floor!? Shade shouted in disgust.  ?I want him dead!?

Mace bowed hesitantly.  ?I?ll see what I can do??

?You seem? different today,? Shade replied suspiciously.  ?No, what am I thinking?  Mario?s intrusion must be making me a little too cautious today.  Mace, when is the starship set to orbit the planet??

?I assure you I am as genuine as a skyscraper is tall.  I am content with my new life serving you, and I will always be by your side.  The ship will lift off in one hour, and we hope to fire the ?Annihilator Beam? at the planet to ?persuade? everyone to start cooperating with us.  Also, if the beam cuts deep enough into the planet, we can drain some of the energy from its core to resurrect the Dark Castle.  Once we have the Dark Castle, you can live like a king and get out of this cramped starship.?

?That will be all, Mace.?

* * * * * * * * * *

[End Music]

As Mario was about to step on the elevator, he felt a hand clawing at his leg.  ?YIKES!? he screamed as he tumbled onto the ground.  One of Cackletta?s portals had opened up from the ground, and a familiar hand was reaching out of it.  At last, the hand got a firm grip on the ground and hoisted up the rest of the body.  It was Cackletta.

?No one beats me- ack- with my own- urk- technique!? Cackletta cursed, her haggard body now red with rage.  Slowly, she began to shrink until she became a purple mist of smoke.  The cloud charged straight at Mario, but instead of attacking, in went right down Mario?s throat!

?What?!  No? Not that!? Mario pleaded, but he soon lost control of his actions.  He began to inherit some of Cackletta?s traits.  His skin became a light green color, all of the white in his eyes became pink, and a cloak replaced his overalls. 

?Yes? I am? Cacklario!?

* * * * * * * * * *

[End Music]

Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi all stood dead still.  They were waiting for Velno to make the first move.  ?Are you guys going to attack me or just stand there like statues?  I know you must be terrified, but I have better things to do than stare at you all day!?  He paused, taking notice of anyone who might be about to attack.  ?If you won?t make the first move, then I will!?

Velno charged at Wario, his steel claws reflecting some of the moonlight that seeped in through the windowpane.  As he jerked his arm forward at the chunky plumber, Wario leaped as high as he could and slammed down on Velno?s head butt-first.  Seconds later, he recovered and grabbed Wario?s legs.  With a loud cry, Velno tossed him with all of his might, though he did not know what Wario would hit in the pitch black room.

?Wario!? Waluigi yelped as he flung himself at Velno, his arms flailing.  As he came to a mere two feet from his target, Velno performed a sweep kick that knocked Waluigi off his feet.

?You?ll be my first victim!? Velno declared with his mouth wide open.  Just before he engulfed Waluigi, a large green Fireball struck him from behind.

?Stay away from them!? Luigi commanded, though his entire body was trembling.  ?Don?t hurt them, or- or? I?ll blast you into- tiny pieces!  So? back off!  Please??

Velno stepped away from Waluigi.  ?Oh?  You want me to absorb your energy first?  I?ve never had anyone fight over me!  What an honor!  Since you?re so intent on dieing first, I?ll just have to comply with that offer!?

Just a little more?  C?mon, just a bit closer?  Luigi backed away each time Velno took a step forward.  ?Now!?  Luigi bellowed as he launched an Ultra Fireball directly at Velno.  Immediately, Wario and Waluigi emerged from seemingly nowhere and fired their own Ultra Fireballs.

?NO!  My system doesn?t comprehend that attack! I can?t block it!!? Velno screamed as the three Ultra Fireballs struck him in unison.  Under the pressure of the blasts, Velno slowly disintegrated into a mass of tiny little chips, circuit boards, and wires that cluttered the room.

Waluigi brushed himself off and groped around for a light switch.  A few minutes later, he finally located it.  For the first time that night, the room was bathed in a rich, golden light.  ?That was some plan!?

?You mean you had this all planned out?? Peach inquired, shocked.  ?It?s a miracle you three even got along through the duration of the battle!  How did you orchestrate a plan in such a short amount of time??

?When we heard Velno?s life story, we realized that he was one of Lord Shade?s older creations,? Luigi explained.  ?Back then, Shade had no data on the Ultra Fireball.  We all figured that if we each hit him with one, there would be no way he could stand up to it.  Considering the fact that Mario was able to kill Metal Mario with an Ultra Fireball, we knew three of them could easily handle Velno.?


?Who could that be??

?It?s me, E. Gadd!? an old voice croaked in a wheezy voice.  Peach answered the door, revealing a tiny, wrinkly old man.  On his back he wore a strange mechanical-looking backpack.  ?Hello, your highness.  What have you all been up to?  I heard some earsplitting bangs and thuds, which led me up to this room.  I was hoping Mario would be here, but I guess he?s missing again.?

Luigi jumped at the mention of his brother.  ?What do you want to see Mario for??

?You see, the other day I was fooling around with one of my inventions.  Since you guys are always fighting baddies and whatnot, I thought that it would help if I created a device that could help you get around.  So I invented the Gaddcraft 9000!  It?s the newest method of travel!? E. Gadd exclaimed with pride.  ?It can even travel faster than the speed of light if you have the DNA of a particular person to guide the craft.  It also detects high levels of dark matter, which I wanted to talk to Mario about.?

?So where is it?? Wario asked nonchalantly.

?Oh ho ho!? E. Gadd chuckled to himself. ?It?s right here!?  He removed his backpack and flipped a small switch on its side.  It immediately transformed into a circular, air-tube shaped craft that hovered about two feet above the ground.  ?It?s even portable!  Now, isn?t that something??

Waluigi carefully examined the Gaddcraft 9000.  ?So it?s a hovercraft that can travel faster than the speed of light?  I say we get some of Mario?s DNA from his house and use it to go after him.  That way, he won?t be the only one to get credit for saving the kingdom.?

?You just want to help Mario out,? Luigi snickered.  ?Well, whatever the reason, I say we all go now.  By the way, why did you want to talk about dark matter detecting thingamabob??

?I almost forgot!  I was searching for the highest readings of dark matter on the planet, and two of them came up in an area not too far off from Vista Hill.  The strange part was, a third one randomly popped out of nowhere in the same area as the other two.  But it?s different from the other two; only half of this person?s signal came up.  The other half must be either made of light matter, or the darn thing is busted!?


Chapter 20: Siege on the Starship

?That?s bizarre,? Luigi remarked in a soft, confused tone.

?Well, if I knew it was gonna? get all of ya? thinkin? so much, I wouldn?t have said anything,? E. Gadd murmured.  ?I was really hopin? we could go see what?s going on over there.  I mean, if there are all of these high levels of dark matter, Mario must be in some kind of trouble.?

Wario clenched his fists and punched at an imaginary foe.  ?Pow!  Yeah!  I wanna? show those Smelly Shrowds what I?m all about!?  Wario climbed into E. Gadd?s new machine.

?That?s the spirit!? E. Gadd exclaimed as he hopped into the Gaddcraft 9000.  ?Let?s take this baby for a test drive!?

Waluigi sighed.  ?Well, I guess I don?t have anything better to do.?  With that, he took a seat in the back row of the device.

Luigi joined them and began to dig through his pocket.  ?Peach, you better stay here.  It could get really dangerous, especially if we run into that Lord Shade guy.?  At last, he pulled out the note Mario had wrote to them earlier.

Peach shook her head defiantly.  ?There?s no way that I?ll let you go off on another adventure and leave me behind!  I?m coming too!?

?I won?t allow it,? E. Gadd persisted.  ?Do you have any idea what we might find there?  These people could destroy the world!  Just stay behind until we get back; it shouldn?t be long until we take care of the Shadow Shrowds and return safely.?

?Oh, alright,? the stubborn princess sighed.  ?I need some sleep anyway.?

Satisfied, Luigi turned to face E. Gadd and handed him the note.  ?Why don?t we use whatever DNA Mario left on the note he wrote us?  That way, we won?t have to go all the way back to our house.?

?Sure,? E. Gadd replied as he placed the note on top of a green scanning device.





Scan Results:

Subject Identified as Mario Mario.

Subject Identified as Luigi Mario.

Subject identified as Princess Toadstool.

Please choose the DNA source to track.

?Nifty, isn?t it?? E. Gadd boasted as he tapped the first option.  ?Strap yourselves in boys, because this is going to be one heck of a-? the Gaddcraft 9000 immediately rocketed out of the castle to find a matching DNA source.

Destination: UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)

* * * * * * * * * *

[End Music]

?Eee hee hee hee!? Cacklario cackled wickedly.  ?This new body is perfect!  I don?t know why I didn?t steal this one in the first place.  It?s a lot more efficient than that rotten Bowser?s body.

A faint clicking sound echoed throughout the room.  The intercom had been activated.  ?Cackletta, or as you now prefer to be called Cacklario, we have some unexpected guests, and you know how much I hate guests that come uninvited!? Lord Shade?s voice rang out.  ?Please handle them with great care.?

?Will do,? Cacklario affirmed with a sly grin.  I wonder who it could be?

* * * * * * * * * *

?Now,? E. Gadd began as they stepped out of the Gaddcraft 9000, ?I realize that from this point on the situation will become extremely dangerous.  With that in mind, I will tell you that this is as far as I?m willing to go? physically.?

?Physically?? the three plumbers retorted in unison.

?That?s why I?ve invented these!? E. Gadd yelped with pride as he pulled out two small, telephone-like gadgets.  ?I call them Gaddphones!  They allow two people to stay in constant contact!?

?So they?re basically poorly named walkie-talkies?? Waluigi asked sarcastically.

E. Gadd glanced back and forth nervously.  ?Err? no!  Hohohohohohohoho!  You, my friend, are wrong!  They are brilliantly named and fully functional!  They get perfect reception and also allow you to see what?s going on where the other Gaddphone is.  In other words, you can both talk to people and see them at the same time!?

?So, what exactly do they have to do with you being allowed to stay behind?? Luigi inquired in a confused tone.

?If I give you on of the Gaddphones, I can stay and watch over the Gaddcraft 9000 and make sure you are progressing through the castle safely,? E. Gadd explained.

Wario gave E. Gadd a dirty look.  ?You bum!  Why should I let you stay here while we do all the work?!  Huh?!  You expect us to just go and save the world, while you sit here and watch us like this is one big T.V. show?!  Well I ain?t buying it, old man!?

Luigi put his hand on Wario?s shoulder.  ?You know that?s not true.  E. Gadd is older than you, and he needs to watch his health.  He would have no way of defending himself during our battles.  It would be best if he stayed behind.?

?I always thought people were supposed to respect their elders,? E. Gadd grumbled.

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

I'm finally back!

My computer was having some "technical difficulties"  :P,  but I see this fanfic has stayed up and running while I was gone.  It was cool to have all these new chapters posted while I was gone, which I ended up reading all in one sitting.  Those cliffhangers were a doozy!  I couldn't stop reading them!  I can't wait for Chapter 21!  ;)


Chapter 21: Cacklario?s Challenge

Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi silently crept through the murky halls of the starship.  Luigi yelped in fear each time he saw one of the sentries lying on the ground, killed by whoever had been there before them.  ?What a battle!  I can?t believe Mario did all of this!?

?I don?t think he did,? Waluigi replied hesitantly. ?Mario isn?t like that; he wouldn?t just slaughter every living thing he found.  I?m sure he would try and sneak by everyone instead of picking fights with small fries like these guys.?

Large beads of sweat ran down Luigi?s face.  All color seemed to be drained from his skin.  ?You mean? someone else did this?  Someone else is in here??

?Could be,? Waluigi snickered, trying to make the situation scarier than it really was.  ?Eh, I don?t know.  I just think it?s hilarious when you start whining like a big baby!  Priceless!?

?Am I the only one being serious here?? Wario murmured to himself.  ?I?m just trying to imagine how famous I?ll be when this is over.  I can see it now!  Super Wario, the Mushroom Kingdom?s most famous superstar!  I?ll be loaded with cash!  Mario will have to kiss his fame goodbye!?

?Try and stay focused,? E. Gadd?s voice came from the Gaddphones.  ?I know you three don?t always get along, but try to stick together until this is all over.?

?Oh, all right,? they groaned in unison.

Just then, Luigi spotted some strange markings on the walls.  ?Look!  There are some hieroglyphics on the walls!  Can anyone make out what they say??

Waluigi squinted at the carvings.  ?It looks like they?re in some other language?  But there are pictures too!  Maybe we can tell what it says from the pictures!?

?It?s all a bunch of scribbles!? Wario shouted in frustration.

?Let me have a look,? E. Gadd requested through the Gaddphones.  Waluigi pointed the lens on the Gaddphones at the pictures to give him a good look.  ?I can?t seem to get a good look because of the hallway?s darkness.  Why don?t you take a picture of it?  The Gaddphones have a built in camera system that will allow me to get a better view on my laptop.  Not only that, but I can save the images onto my hard drive for later viewing.  We can take a look at them later when we are in full sunlight.  Just press the button on the side.?

Waluigi pressed a button a heard and faint click.  He took a few snapshots until he had gotten an image of each of the pictures.  ?Did you get the photos??

E. Gadd glared at his laptop until a few snapshots popped up:

?Hmm?  These pictures are very? intriguing??  E. Gadd mumbled to himself.  ?I think I?ve seen some of these drawings before.  I?d like to do some extra research on them, actually.  If you three get the chance, could you try and find some kind of ancient book?  Anyone will do, but it has to be a book written by the Shadow Shrowds.  These pictures mean something, and I want to find out what.?

?Oh great, more work,? Wario sighed.  ?Don?t you think we?ve already got enough on our plate??

?Yes, you have enough to handle as it is,? a voice rang out from the shadows.

?That voice?  Bro?? Luigi whispered, slowly backing away from the darkness.

?Hello Luigi,? the voice greeted him as Cacklario stepped into the light.  ?How?s it going?  What are you idio- err? What are you guys doing here??

?We?re here to take some of the credit for saving the kingdom!  So leave the rest to us!? Wario snapped.

?Bro?  Why are you dressed like a sorcerer?  And why is your skin green?? Luigi inquired.

?Mario? glanced back and forth suspiciously.  ?Well, I?m saving the world, not entering a fashion show!  You?ve got to make due with the clothes you can find when your own clothes get screwed up in battle!  As for the skin? You?d look green too if you?ve seen what I have!  I can?t begin to tell you all the work I?ve done for this stupid kingdom!?  Wow? Mario?s brain sure is quick witted; no wonder he?s such a good fighter!  That sounded totally convincing, and I made it all up on the spot!

?Just shut up!? Wario hissed angrily.  ?We?ve been through a lot too, so don?t hog all the glory!  I think it?s time I taught you who you?re dealing with!?  Wario charged at Cacklario and threw a punch right at his face.  Cacklario ducked under the right hook and hit Wario directly in the stomach with a powerful uppercut, sending him crashing into the ground next to Luigi and Waluigi.

?Hey!  The Mario I know would never strike Wario down at a time like this!  You may be rivals, but you always work together when the situation is bleak!? Luigi exclaimed.

?Alright, you got me.  I?m really Cackletta, and I?ve decided to merge with your brother just as I once did with Bowser!?  She gave them her trademark cackle to prove to them she was who she claimed to be.  ?You?ve seen what Mario has done to all sorts of foes, but you?ve never actually faced this power yourself!  If you pledge your allegiance to Lord Shade, however, I might consider recruiting you as Shadow Shrowds.?

?No way, Cackletta!  I beat you once, and I can beat you again!? Luigi challenged.

?I am no longer Cackletta? I am Cacklario, and will only be referred to as such!  Furthermore, do you really think you can beat me without your brother holding your hand throughout the battle?  Hah!  I?ll take on all three of you? and still win!?


Chapter 22: Cacklario vs. All


A bolt of lightning shot from Shade?s hand and struck one of his guards.  The sentry was violently shocked until he collapsed on the ground- dead.

?I beg your pardon,? Mace said with a bow, ?but how many guards have you killed already, my liege?  I think it would be wise to calm down and exert your frustration in a different manner.?

Lord Shade turned to face his right hand man.  ?Ah, I suppose I?m simply suffering from anxiety.  I just can?t wait until Cacklario destroys all of Mario?s friends!  What irony!  His own body is being used against his fellow companions!  But more to the point, why do you care about these feeble sentries?  They mean nothing to us; you and I are the strongest Shadow Shrowds.  We don?t really need them.  It seems all they?re good for now is helping me channel my rage.?

For a moment, Mace clenched and unclenched his fists.  No? Not yet? Mario may pull through this one?

?I just hope Cacklario really can take on Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi.  Otherwise, it?ll be all up to you and those Sol Warriors,? Shade continued.

Mace bowed once again.  ?You can rest assure that this will be a battle to remember, your majesty.?

Lord Shade gave Mace a puzzled look.  What is he thinking about?  Even though he is a Sol Warrior as well, he can?t possibly be thinking about his puny species?

* * * * * * * * * *

Cacklario charged forward at Luigi.  As he locked onto his prey, one of his claws emerged from his black cloak and sliced at the cowardly green plumber.  Luigi ducked just as Cacklario ran right over him and performed a back-flip, putting him right above Cacklario?s head.  Just as Luigi was about to land, Cacklario fired an Iceball at him.  Luigi literally froze in his tracks and plummeted down to the ground in a chunk of ice.

?Let?s double-team him!? Waluigi called out to his brother.  From both sides, Waluigi and Wario rushed at Cacklario, who leaped high into the air just before the rushing thieves got to him.

?You want some of this?!? Wario challenged as he shot sever Fireballs at his airborne foe.  Waluigi joined in too, but Cacklario was a skillful dodger and was able to evade their flaming projectiles.

?It?s time to cool you two idiots down!? Cacklario snickered as he sent a barrage of Iceballs into the fray.  Several times an Iceball and a Fireball collided, and their elements cancelled each other out.  This elemental conflict soon diminished the number of Fireballs and Iceballs that were whirling across the room.

?It?s no good!  You thaw out Luigi while I hold him off!? Waluigi commanded.

?Right!? Wario affirmed as he waddled toward the frozen mass of ice that contained Luigi.

?If you think you?re going anywhere, you?re sadly mistaken!? Cacklario chortled as he sent a bunch of Iceballs in Wario?s direction.

?I hate this guy!? Wario cursed as he failed to take cover from the blasts and was enclosed in a sheet of ice.

Satisfied, Cacklario turned his heavy Iceball assault toward Waluigi.  ?Two down, one to go? Where is he??

?Here I am!? Waluigi retorted from up in the air behind him.  He interlocked his hands and smashed Cacklario on the back of the head, sending him tumbling toward the ground.  While he was down, Waluigi made his way to Wario and Luigi.  ?Sorry it took so long.?  Carefully, he thawed the plumbers out with a couple of Fireballs.

?Thanks Waluigi,? Luigi breathed as he emerged from a melted puddle of ice.

?Show off,? Wario murmured to himself.

To everyone?s surprise, Cacklario stood up again.  ?I must say, I?m impressed.  You aren?t as weak as you seem.  But it?ll take a lot more to beat me.  And correct me if I?m wrong, but Luigi doesn?t seem like he?s willing to hurt his own brother.?

Luigi took a step backward.  ?No I?m not!?

?Oh, then I guess I was wrong about you!  I suppose you really can take me on!  Well?  Let?s see it!  One on one; just you and me!  I am, after all, your new brother.  Or are you too scared?? Cacklario taunted.

?Why? you!  I?ll show you!? Luigi cried as he sprinted right at Cacklario and delivered a punch right to his face.  Next he unleashed a powerful uppercut that sent Cacklario sky high.  As if his true strength had just been unleashed, Luigi vanished and reappeared above the soaring Cacklario and gave him a painful elbow blow in the jaw.  To finish this deadly combo, Luigi gathered his strength and launched an Ultra Fireball at Cacklario. 

?Are you seeing what I?m seeing?? Waluigi asked Wario, his entire body trembling in shock.

?Whoa? He?s beating the stuffing out of Cacklario?? Wario said in a whisper.  ?Eh, I could do that??

But Luigi wasn?t done yet!  He flung himself at the weakened Cacklario and began to throw an endless assault of punches and kicks.  After several minutes of pounding on him, Luigi grabbed Cacklario and tossed him to the ground.

[End Music]

Cacklario, beaten and bruised, struggled to his feet.  ?I- guess I can?t - can?t quite control M- Mario?s power just yet?  Luckily, I have a f- few tricks up my s- sleeve??  Cacklario took out a bomb from his pocket and whipped it at Luigi.  Just before it hit, it exploded in his face and released a purple gas that knocked him out cold.  ?That takes care of him!?  Cacklario then opened his mouth and sucked Luigi right in, just as he did against the Mario Bros. when he had possessed Bowser.

* * * * * * * * * *

?Where am I??  Luigi wondered aloud as he scanned his surroundings.  He was in a squishy, pink chamber that rested atop a lake of yellow acid.  Luigi grimaced as his feet sank into the soggy wet floor.  ?I must be inside Cacklario!  And that means I can save Mario!  I just have to beat Cackletta?s spirit!  Once it?s gone, Mario will return to normal.  Cackletta?s spirit should be busy trying to control Cacklario so that he can destroy Wario and Waluigi, so I should be able to sneak up on it and destroy it.?

Carefully, Luigi crept down the disgusting corridor that was Cacklario?s stomach.  As he turned a corner, he saw the menacing creature that was Cackletta?s spirit.  It was a large, purple, ghostlike creature with a head, body, and two arms.  At the center of its body was a heart, which Luigi knew from his past battle with her was her weakness.  Cackletta?s spirit didn?t seem to notice him yet, so Luigi attacked.

?What?!  You?!? Cackletta?s spirit roared.  But it was too late.  Luigi had already sent a vicious barrage of Fireballs at the heart.  Soon, the whole spirit caught on fire and began to fade away.  ?No? The Shadow Shrowds will? destroy you!?

* * * * * * * * * *

Cacklario began to resume his attack on the Wario Bros., when he stopped dead in his tracks.  ?What?!  That pesky plumber destroyed my soul!  NO!  Curse him!  Lord Shade?s wrath will kill you!  It will kill you all!? he shouted as his menacing traits as well as his bumps and bruises faded away until Mario looked just as he did before.

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

Man, Shade and Mace's conversations get deeper and more mysterious each time they speak to each other!  It looks like it's Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi all up against Shade, Mace, and an army of galactic warriors.  I'd say the odds are slightly tipped in the Shadow Shrowds' favor.  :P


Chapter 23: Approaching Showdown

Mario sat there, puzzled.  ?Hey guys, what are you doing here?  And what am I doing here??  Before anyone could answer his question, Mario began to cough and hack until he spit out a tiny green dot.  This little dot grew into a full sized Luigi, making Mario even more confused.  ?What happened here??

As soon as Luigi noticed his brother, he came running toward him with tears in his eyes.  ?Bro!  Where?ve you been?!  I?ve really missed you!?

?You know how it is, fighting all of these guys that are trying to kill you,? Mario replied nonchalantly.  When Luigi finally reached Mario, he gave him such a big hug that he nearly knocked Mario over.

?Why can?t we get along like that?? Waluigi whispered to Wario.

?Just shut up,? Wario hissed impatiently.

?Luigi!  Calm down!  I?m alright, okay!?? Mario shouted good-naturedly.  ?Would someone mind explaining what happened?

Luigi wiped his tears on his sleeve.  ?E. Gadd invented some kind of hovercraft and we used it to come looking for you.  When we got here you were possessed by Cackletta, so we decided to step in.?

?Thanks, bro.  I guess I owe you one.? Mario turned to face Wario and Waluigi.  ?I guess I have to give both of you some credit, too.?

?Yeah, whatever,? Wario muttered.  ?I don?t need your gratitude.  Just make sure you tell everyone that I did some of the work too.  I don?t want you getting all the fame for this battle!?

?It?s not over yet.  We still have a huge battle ahead of us.  But when this is all over, I?ll make sure I tell everyone how you helped me out.  For now, though, I?m going to need some help getting to Lord Shade.  Does anyone think they can get us past this door?? Mario requested, gesturing toward a steel door that was bolted shut and seemed to have rusted itself in place.

Wario pushed Mario aside.  ?Stand back!  This is a job for the Wario Brothers!?  With that, he grabbed Waluigi and used his head as a battering ram against the door.


Wario dropped the half-conscious Waluigi and scratched his head.  The door stood firmly in their path.  ?I don?t get it? That?s always worked before??

?So much for the great ?Wario Brothers?!?  Luigi remarked sarcastically.

?Take that back!? Wario snapped as he charged full force at the door and slammed into it.


The door fell to the ground as Wario stood above it triumphantly.  ?Yup; that?s what Wario brings to the party!?

Mario nodded and the three of them walked into the next room with the dizzy Waluigi staggering behind them.  This new room was remarkably small- it was no bigger than a closet.  Although it did have one distinctive feature: an elevator.

?I guess we?re going up,? Mario said as he stared up into the darkness, trying to spot was up there waiting for them.

?Are you sure this old piece of junk can support Wario?s weight?? Luigi asked with a grin.

?It?s because I have so much muscle! It weighs down my body down!? Wario barked in an aggravated tone.  Mario rolled his eyes and pulled a lever, causing the elevator to slowly move upward.

?Oh, I almost forgot!  E. Gadd looked at some of the starship?s artwork, and he said he wanted us to find a book that belonged to the Shadow Shrowd?s so he could find out what the pictures mean,? Luigi explained.

The elevator bolted to a stop, and they were stunned to see an entire army of warriors surrounding them.

Now what? Luigi thought to himself as he glanced back and forth nervously.  ?Hey bro; any bright ideas??

?Actually, I do have a plan of attack,? Mario responded quickly.  ?See that door over there??  He pointed to a door that stood right past a dark abyss, with the only way across being the drawbridge that was standing vertically and the lowering switch guarded by Sol Warriors.  ?I?ll bet there?s another elevator past that door.  It should lead me to Lord Shade.  If we attack head on and one of us battles our way to that switch, I can cross it and get to the top floor.  Are you guys okay with fighting all of these mercenaries without me??

Luigi nodded, and Wario forced himself to agree with them.  Waluigi had finally gained his senses back and was in on the plan too.

?Go!? Mario commanded as the four heroes spread out and began to attack.  Immediately, the Sol Warriors sprang forward to attack.  A few attacking Mario unsheathed their swords and sliced at him.  But Mario had already dodged them, and the two foolish fighters ended up cutting each other.  This victory was short lived as another cluster of sentries unleashed an assault upon him.

Luigi leaped high in the air and shot down Fireballs at his foes from above.  As he blasted away at Shade?s minions, one of them grabbed Luigi?s feet and pulled him to the ground.  He avoided the Sol Warrior?s blades and performed a sweep kick that caused them to stumble about and bump into each other.  Some of them even accidentally stabbed each other.

Two Sol Warriors approached Wario from both sides, but he rolled out of the way and smashed the two mercenaries? skulls together.  After they fell to the ground, he grabbed their swords and rushed into combat with a group of sentries.  As he sliced through the crowd, he noticed the switch Mario had mentioned earlier.

Waluigi elbowed one of them in the face, grabbed it, and tossed it at some other Sol Warriors.  While they tried to get back up, Waluigi threw some Fireballs at them, burning them to a crisp.  ?I think we?re doing it!  Mario!  Luigi!  Wario!  It?s time for Ultra Fireballs!?

At once the four of them began putting all of their focus on shooting Ultra Fireballs at their opponents.  Soon, the Sol Warriors began to dwindle in numbers.  Wario finally reached the switch to the drawbridge and pressed it in all of the confusion.  The bridge lowered to its crossing position, and Mario hastily crossed it.

?I owe you one!? Mario called out to Wario as the last Sol Warrior fell to the ground.  It struggled back to its feet and shot a red hot laser beam from its eyes.  The beam struck the drawbridge and lit it on fire.  In seconds the bridge was reduced to ashes.  Luckily, Mario was able to freeze the flames before they burnt the whole ship down.  The Sol Warrior then collapsed onto the ground again; this time, it was dead.

Just as they thought the situation couldn?t get any worse, an announcement rang throughout the starship.  ?Attention all Sol Warriors: The starship will be departing to orbit the planet in approximately five minutes.?

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

I'm dieing to see what happens next!  Mario just doesn't seem to have luck on his side  :P .  Now I just have to wait for a little while longer, and I'll be able to see how things turn out.  Darn it... I'll never be able to wait at least a week!  Well... Maybe I'm exaggerating...  :P


Chapter 24: Confrontation

?Now what?!? Wario bawled after the message ended.  ?I don?t wanna? get stuck in space!?

Luigi thought for a minute.  ?I?m completely fresh out of ideas.  Waluigi, do you have a plan??

Waluigi hesitated before speaking.  ?I can?t think of any sort of plan that involves getting Mario to safety.?

?I?ve got an idea,? Mario stated in a choked voice.  ?I hate to do this to you guys again, but I?m going to have to do this alone.  If I can get the Star Rod, I should be able to use it to get out of here.?

?No way!? Luigi shouted defiantly.  ?You?ve gone off on your own way too many times!  You can?t do this by yourself!?

?Yes I can,? Mario persisted in a confident tone.  ?I?ll get the book E. Gadd wanted, the Star Rod, the Power Star, and beat the Shadow Shrowds all in one shot.  I have to.?

?But how are you going to take on Lord Shade?  He beat you with ease the first time you fought him!  Let?s do this together!  If all four of us put our strength together he won?t know what hit him!? Luigi exclaimed.

Mario frowned.  ?I hate to admit it, but there isn?t strength in numbers.  I?ve been trained under Skulleon, the Ice God, and I?m- well??

?You?re stronger than all three of us put together!? Wario spat in a disgusted voice.  ?It?s painfully clear that you?re more powerful than any of us.  You defeated all kinds of adversaries we couldn?t dream of beating: Chaos, Nightmare, and Metal Mario all fell victim to your newfound abilities.  And as much as I despise you, I agree with you that you have to fight them alone.  Now get out of my face before I vomit!?

Luigi nodded.  ?It?s true?  I don?t have much of a choice, so I guess it?s up to you, bro.  We?ll be rooting for you!?

?That?s what I like to hear!? Mario cheered as he turned and sprinted into the darkness.

* * * * * * * * * *

?Mace, you?ve got to be kidding me!  Mario and his friends beat all of the Sol Warriors?!? Lord Shade roared in disbelief.  He paused.  He could faintly make out the sound of an elevator rising toward them.

?I assure you, the Sol Warriors you assigned to the floor were all defeated,? Mace affirmed.

?That must be him and his friends now!?

The elevator stopped, and Mario emerged from the shadows.  ?So, this is the control room?? Mario inquired sarcastically.  ?Its kind of spacious for a starship, don?t you think??

?Ah, so Mario has decided to come alone,? Shade confirmed in an amused tone.  ?So far you?ve been quite the troublemaker, wouldn?t you say??

?There wouldn?t be any trouble if you had left this kingdom as it was!? Mario shot back.

Lord Shade shook his head.  ?You?re missing the bigger picture.  I?m a bit of a collector, so to speak.  I have an extensive collection of planets and stars, and I own everything and everyone on them.  My orderly system has always worked before!  I send a Metal Mario to planets that lack strong warriors, and I send fighters such as Mace or the Sol Warriors to claim planets that are a little more resistant.  This was all fine and dandy, until you came along and messed things up!?

Mario stepped forward angrily.  ?You mean, it was you?!  You sent Metal Mario, Velno, and Chaos to kill me?!?

Lord Shade seemed surprised.  ?No, Velno and Chaos were inconvenient coincidences.  Metal Mario was the only one intended to destroy you.  When we learned it had failed, I came to settle the score.?

?You? You go around the universe enslaving any planet you desire!  You?re a freak!?

?Maybe so, but you are in no position to be criticizing me!? Shade replied.  ?I have the ship?s ?Annihilator Beam? set up to destroy a nice blue and green planet as soon as the starship takes off.  Once it breaks through the earth?s crust, I can gather energy from the earth?s core to help resurrect the Dark Castle, where I can truly rule like a king!?

?No way!  I?ll stop you!? Mario challenged.

?Mace, dispose of him, would you??

Mace bowed and stepped toward Mario.  Is it time?  No? Not yet?  I need to make this work?

[End Music]

* * * * * * * * * *

Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, and E. Gadd drove away from the starship at lightning speeds.  ?And that?s what happened,? Luigi finished explaining.

E. Gadd looked shocked.  ?What a story!  I sure hope Mario makes it out in time!  I?d hate to see anything bad happen to him.  Luckily, I was able to hack the starship?s mainframe, giving me access to all security cameras.  In other words, we should be able to watch Mario?s battle from my laptop.?

?Let?s see it!? Wario yelled impatiently.  ?It?s so boring on this stupid hover-thingy!  All I have to look at is that stupid ship flying in the sky!?

Luigi whirled around and looked at the sky.  ?That?s the starship Mario was on, you idiot!?

?Are you sure?? Wario questioned.

?I don?t know, it could be one of the other hundreds of dark ominous space ships that hover over the kingdom each day,? Waluigi responded with a wry grin.


Quote from: TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs on June 07, 2008, 02:04:44 PM
I'm dieing to see what happens next!  Mario just doesn't seem to have luck on his side  :P .  Now I just have to wait for a little while longer, and I'll be able to see how things turn out.  Darn it... I'll never be able to wait at least a week!  Well... Maybe I'm exaggerating...  :P
Lucky for you I had plenty of fresh ideas in my head to piece together the next chapter fairly quickly.  Enjoy  ;)

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

Suspense can be a deadly weapon...  Based on what has happened so far, I'm guessing the next chapter is going to be really amazing.  ;)  Keep up the good work!


Chapter 25: Lord Shade?s Right-Hand Man

Mace slowly stepped toward Mario.  ?Before we get started, I?d like to give you one last chance to live.  You don?t have to die here; you could leave in one of our escape pods and drift into the far corners of the galaxy.  It?s not the most pleasant thing to do, but would you rather stay and die??

Mario shook his head emphatically.  ?Sorry; I won?t do it.  I never back down from a challenge, no matter how tough it may seem.  If I put my mind to it, I should be able to make it out of here alive.?

Mace nodded.  ?That?s the right kind of attitude.  Don?t say I never did anything for you after you?ve been beat!?  Good.  Now I know he?s the one.  But is he strong enough?  Let?s find out!

?Alright, then.  No turning back,? Mario whispered to himself.

?You?re speaking as if you had a chance to leave anyway.  I would?ve killed you where you stood if you even tried to escape,? Lord Shade remarked.  ?And Mace, do try not to let this fool beat you.?

Mace bowed.  ?Of course.?

Mario clenched his fists and prepared to fight.  To start things off, he shot an Iceball in Mace?s direction.  Fast as lightning, Mace side stepped the Iceball and unsheathed a long, glowing blade.  After carefully examining its edges, Mace rushed toward Mario.  With a loud cry, he unleashed a combination of slices that would turn any other foe into cold-cuts.  But not Mario; Mario skillfully dodged and weaved around every single slash.

?Pretty good, but this battle has only just begun,? Mace hissed through clenched teeth.

?Bring it on!? Mario challenged eagerly.  Mace tossed his sword high into the air and threw Mario a few punches.  Mario ducked and knocked Mace over with a swift sweep kick.  As he began to pounce onto the fallen Shadow Shrowd, Mario remembered the plummeting blade and dove backward just as the sword soared right through the spot where Mario just stood and into Mace?s hand.  Mace sprang forward with his dagger raised and slashed at Mario, who quickly evaded with a back handspring.

Suddenly, the starship came to a stop.  Mario glanced out the glass window and saw a vast void of darkness, decorated with tiny bright speckles that gleamed in the distance.  ?It looks like you?re too late.  We?re already in space,? Lord Shade snickered.

Mace turned to face Shade. I need to get Mario alone.  ?My lord, may I make a request??

?What is it, Mace?? Shade inquired gruffly.

?It is a bit cramped in here.  I?d much rather fight Mario in an arena as vast as space itself.  Can you deploy the Artificial Atmosphere??  Mace requested.

Lord Shade heaved a great sigh and pressed a large red button on the colossal keyboard that rested beside a long row of computers.  There was a large rumbling, and a green barrier encased the ship along with an enormous chunk of the universe that surrounded them.  ?There.  As long as you remain in the Artificial Atmosphere bubble, there will be ample oxygen for you and Mario to breathe in.?

?Hear that?  We get to fight in space!? Mace exclaimed.  He unbolted a nearby window and climbed out.  Skeptically, Mario followed.

[End Music]

?So, you want to fight me out here, huh?? Mario asked curiously.

?Sure, but only if you feel up for the challenge,? Mace replied sarcastically.

?I?ll show you!? Mario snapped as he tossed a wall of Fireballs at Mace.

?Your puny Fireballs cannot hurt me!? Mace laughed as a force field surrounded him and deflected the projectiles.  He warped behind Mario and delivered a painful blow his back.  Before Mace could react, Mario performed a back-flip and kicked him in the head in mid-flip.

?Is that all you got?? Mario taunted.

Enraged, Mace drew his sword once again and sliced at the boasting Mario.  With almost no time to dodge, Mario lunged backward.  The sword barely cut his overalls, leaving a very faint vertical slice.  Mace slashed at him again, but Mario was ready this time.  He sidestepped the blade and kicked it right out of Mace?s hand.

?You?ll pay for that!? Mace cursed as he warped behind Mario again and kicked him into the distance.  Without hesitation, Mace dashed after the helplessly drifting Mario and prepared to continue his assault.  Mario impulsively gave Mace a right hook to the face, knocking him backward.  The two angrily charged at each other, viciously exchanging painful blows.

Back at Princess Peach?s Castle, E. Gadd, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, and Peach all watched in astonishment on E. Gadd?s laptop.  ?What a battle!  They?re both equally matched!? Luigi exclaimed.  ?How will Mario be able to beat Mace and Lord Shade??

Mace grabbed his sword, which had drifted toward them while they were fighting.  ?Dodge this!? he bellowed as he tossed the blade at Mario.

?Watch me!? Mario retorted as he flung himself to the side, just barely missing the blade.  Time seemed to stand still as Mario charged an Ultra Fireball and launched it at the vulnerable warrior.  It nailed Mace dead on, causing him to collapse in a heap.  For a minute, Mace just drifted silently around the area.  ?That was a tough battle.  I?m not sure I can beat Lord Shade, but I have to try.?

He turned to head back toward the starship, when he heard a faint moaning.  ?No?  D- Don?t go?  You can?t? b- beat Shade in your c- current state?? Mace murmured.

?What do you intend to do?  Gang up on me?!? Mario yelled with disgust.

?Please? Y- You caught me off g- guard?  I meant to offer my h- help??

?Help with what??  Mario questioned, softening up a bit.

?Help d- defeating S- Shade?? Mace pleaded.

Mario hesitated for a moment.  As he gave the matter some thought, his friends at Mushroom Castle were shouting at him.  ?Don?t trust him!? Luigi screamed.

?It?s probably a trap!? Wario thundered.  ?Trust me; I know a dirty trick when I see one!?

Mario pulled the Max Mushroom he had bought earlier from his pocket.  ?I can tell by your expression that you?re telling the truth.  Here; take this.?  He popped the Max Mushroom into Mace?s mouth.  Instantly, all traces of injury vanished from his body.

?I?m? healed??

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

Will Mace stab Mario in the back?  Will Mario and Mace take Shade down together in the ultimate final battle?  Will I be able to wait for the next chapter to come along?  Just do me a favor, and NEVER change the way you write this!  It's written in such a way that the cliffhangers will keep you waiting and waiting until the next chapter finally arrives.  ;)