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I hate children.

Started by Sword326, September 24, 2007, 05:52:05 PM

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Little poops. Putting their little grubby fingers one everything. Eating their own snot. Put their finger in places they shouldn't be.

They don't know anything about hard work! They're hardly even people. Why do you think children cost less to be taken to the movie theater? Because they're worth less. No, not worth less, just worthless.

I say we should make our children work in the coal mines once they become 6 years old.


Sword should remove the stick from his ass.


We did that in the 1800's.

Then Bill Clinton came along and ruined everything.


You should remove your head from YOUR ass.


I eat babies and kick puppies.

I rock hard, right?
[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)




Well, I like Kids. The kids around here aren't like that (Least in my neighborhood) so it's good. Though I do agree with the they don't know how to work part with kids. Not the coal mine part though. >_>


Well then...
I hope you don't have kids, Sword, they will be used for child labor. :o


Quote from: Riosan on September 24, 2007, 05:54:33 PM
I eat babies and kick puppies.

I rock hard, right?

That's the spirit!


You know, you were a child once too... :|



I like how you just insulted yourself :O

I, who stand in the full light of the heavens command thee, who opens the gates of Hell! Come forth...Divine Lightning! This ends now!
Omnigamer Productions


I agree with hating children. I dont hate them to this degree.

Oh, and I always hated kids, even as one. Never had one as a friend. Oh, and there irrational little punks who think they can argue with me.


Quote from: Tsu on September 24, 2007, 05:53:15 PM
Sword should remove the stick from his ass.
That made me lol like you wouldnt believe.

And I agree.


I liek the part where you people took me seriously.

But I still hate kids.