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Kat95`s Pokemon Lab(Sprite Gallery :p)

Started by Kat95, October 27, 2007, 08:37:53 PM

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    Hello welcome to my Pokemon Lab!
    Well actually its just a sprite gallery...I just like to be different  :P
    Anyways let me call up my assistant and she will give you a tour!

    Oh hello,I am Kirsty,Kat`s assistant. She told me to give you all a tour so thats what I shall do!

    Before we get started I think I should tell you the rules here.

    • No Flaming!
    • Do NOT poke the Pokemon

      • Please do NOT try and steal the Pokemon
      • Dont bother the Pokemon

    Mutation Kennels
    You enter a warm room lined with kennels.Each kennel has grass for the floor.Some pokemon are sleeping
    soundly in their beds and some are just daydreaming.All the insides of the kennels
    look very different and not all of them are occupied.

    "Watch your step. Down here are where all the mutated pokemon sleep.Trust me
    they are a lot more comfy than it looks.Out the door at the end theres the outside area.Where all the lab pokemon play and get their exercise. and in the room at your right in between those two kennels are where the larger pokemon sleep.We have each kennel specified to the Pokemon`s needs."

    You follow Kirsty out of the Mutations Kennels.
    "Well I hoped you liked them.Feel free to comment on these guys and girls if you like.To the Recolor Kennels!"



    Recolor Kennels

    You enter another warm room but this one is different.Theres a large kennel on the left and right side of this room.The bottom of the two kennels is just grass and all the pokemon seem to be getting along.You look the see theres a door at the end of the room. You see other recolored pokemon outside,the ones in the kennels arent the only ones.You hear singing of a Jinx and a Persian.You look inside the left kennel to see a recolored Persian and Jinx with mic stands.They are pretty good.

    "Well here are the recolored pokemon.These pokemon are in one cage on each side because recolored pokemon are just regular pokemon with different colors.Unlike mutations these pokemon get no added strengths or type.With mutations they have a new strength and you never know what would happen if you put them in the same kennel.Does that make sence to you? I hope so.Oh and those two,the Jinx and Persian,we dont know why they sing but I guess its just in their personalities."

    You see Kirsty exiting the room and quickly follow after her.

    "Well those were the recolored pokemon.Remember to comment if you wish now,on to the Scratch Kennel!"


    Scratch Kennel

    You walk into a completely different room. A huge fenced area is in the middle of the room.There are 10 chairs surrounding the area.Inside the fenced area are two pokemon playing with each other and enjoying the humid air.Theres grass and trees in the area too along with a small pond in the middle.
    You and Kirsty sit in two of the chairs and watch the two pokemon.

    "Yes these are our only two,sad really.Scratch pokemon are just regular pokemon except sometimes there will be a whole new pokemon made from one,two,or three pokemon`s DNA.Leafadon is such a pokemon.We dont know much about these new pokemon we accedentally make but right now as you and I speak,our scientists and Kat are studying downstairs.No,I cant take you down there employees only" She says with a wink.

    -Leafadon Grass/Flying
    -Chingling of course

    You and Kirsty are standing outside the room.

    "Yes those two seem to be getting along just fine.More will be added dont you worry.Anyways we should be moving on to the Revamp Kennels."


    Revamp Kennels

    You and Kirsty walk into a seperate building outside and you see Pokemon in their kennels getting pampered by some employees.They have a soft rug for their floors and beds that would resemble pet beds,They look comfy! Some food bowls were either full or half full.

    "Here we keep our revamped pokemon.These pokemon are actually older than they look.See they are old pokemon that were weakening down.We take these pokemon and pamper them,give them vital nutrition etc. These pokemon will end up living longer and being fit and healthy!"

    You are walking back to the main building behind Kirsty.

    "This is a program we just started and so there arent many yet.Anyways we should be moving on to the Data Form Kennels!"


    Data Form Kennels
    "Watch your step now,careful!"

    You and Kirsty are walking down a very dark hallway,its impossible to see any surrounding.There a light at the end of the hall and you enter a new room.
    The lights were comming from these pokemon!Interesting.

    "These are Data Form Pokemon.Data Form Pokemon were regular pokemon until we fused their DNA with certain particles. Huh? What are the particles? Sorry thats classified.These pokemon totally hate light,ya know kind of like a vampire except they wont burn just kind of pass out.Night shift employees watch these pokemon in the yard at night.Its really easy since they give off their own light."

    You carefully walk up the dark hallway to the lighter part of the building.

    Failed Experiment Kennels

    You and Kirsty enter a very hot room.Only one pokemon is in a kennel at the moment.Theres concrete for
    the bottom of the kennel but the pokemon is still very comfortable and content.

    "This is where we keep our failed experiments.These pokemon didnt meet our standards and so sleep here unless someone walks in and says you think its worthy enough to be in one of the regular kennels.You see we dont know why it came out this way but the mechanics are working on the machines."

    You are back in the main room of the Lab.

    "Well thats the tour.Oh! here comes Kat! This is where I must take my leave. Keep visiting so you can see some new pokemon!"

    And with that Kirsty walks away and I aproach you.

    "Well I hope you enjoyed your tour. Like Kirsty said keep comming back to see some new pokemon and check the bulliten board often. Leave a comment if you would like!"

    You exit the building and walk away.


    Bulletin Board
    All the kennels are up! Keep an eye out for updates!

    The kennels are updated and also if you see a failed experiment and think it shouldnt be a failed experiment leave a comment saying so.

    1 added to mutation kennels.


    Quote from: Lotos on October 27, 2007, 08:40:53 PM
    *resists to poke Aireon, but steals Riobii instead*

    I love your sprites :)  *hints at Our Own Way returning*

    (Riobii escapes from Lotos :p) Anyways thank you and yes one of these days I will bring Our Own Way back. (starts working on other kennels)


    I really like the Gardivior+Masquerain its coolio!



    Gardios' wings seem to be facing the wrong way, but other than that, these look pretty good.


    Quote from: txteclipse on October 28, 2007, 11:01:20 PM
    Gardios' wings seem to be facing the wrong way, but other than that, these look pretty good.

    Yeah I saw that I messed up a little on the wing.


    This is very original, if I were a thread rater this thread would get a 11/10! I mean it, and you also have nice sprites too, I can't wait to see more, and you enter the OPSC! :)


    Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on November 02, 2007, 04:08:39 PM
    This is very original, if I were a thread rater this thread would get a 11/10! I mean it, and you also have nice sprites too, I can't wait to see more, and you enter the OPSC! :)
    but don't use any premades! :)

    I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


    Quote from: ULTIMATEKAOS on November 03, 2007, 03:12:34 PM
    Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on November 02, 2007, 04:08:39 PM
    This is very original, if I were a thread rater this thread would get a 11/10! I mean it, and you also have nice sprites too, I can't wait to see more, and you enter the OPSC! :)
    but don't use any premades! :)

    Yeah I know.
