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Started by Judas, October 28, 2007, 05:12:23 PM

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Nintendo Forum Entertainment System.

It's fairly self-explanatory, so click here to launch it.

Special thanks to S1lver for spending many hours redoing 640-odd files when we accidentally put the wrong text in each one... and numerous other tasks.

Note that because IE is the worst internet browser ever, some thing will be very ugly, particularly images that should have transparency. Use FireFox or Safari (or Opera, or anything else) if it's bugging you.

Also, users of the two dark skins will get a funky menu bar when using NFES... sorry. I'll fix it soon.

If the games won't load, check that you have the latest version of Java installed.

Please use the Forum Help board for bug reports/help. Enjoy!
"With a heart of furious fancies, whereof I am commander, with a burning spear and a horse of air, to the wilderness I wander."


First, and awesome surprise, definitely worth the wait.


Even though my first post was deleted, it's fun.

Playing Blaster Master, something all of you should check out.
[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)

Yes, that's awesome. I like it.

omg Felix the Cat!1!!1!!!!!11`~~`~``~`11!11!


Transient Link

I love you

*bows* this makes up for EVERYTHING THANK YOU!!! :)


[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)

Transient Link

Wait my screen is grey it wont load the game WHATS UP!


Boyah Forums | Join Boyah


Nothing is loading for me :( *kicks slow computer*

Well this is something that is nice and another good way to waist my time LOL

I like the other arcade games a bit better.  I know they are poor quality and simple but sometimes that can be good.  XD

I would suggest that you have some in forum competitions or something to get the activity up on the forum itself.  Games are great, but if all you get are people coming here for the arcade that doesn't help keep the forum itself active.  Just my thoughts anyways.

Great job guys ^_^

Please come check out my forum for all your RPG gaming News and chat:


So you guys finally fixed everything? Awesome.  8)



La Pared

Nice, this looks like fun. i finally will get to play Kid Icuris :D



It's been so long, my love... <3