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The Purest Chaos

Started by Dr.Hobo2, October 29, 2007, 05:52:38 PM

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The Purest Chaos

(This story takes place after Super Paper Mario and involves a lot about it. If you haven't played the game but want to join then I suggest you go to and gather some general info about SPM Mainly that of Dimentio, Count Bleck, Tippi, the Pure Hearts, and the Chaos Heart...Oh...And I guess I should say spoilers for those who are playing the game and haven't beaten it.)

   "This world...This perfect world... So now I have destroyed the Universe and started all anew. I suppose that I have achieved my goal. But...there are still those two and their Pure Hearts. Bah! I shouldn't really worry about them for they are oblivious like that of an animal trapped in a dark box. Unaware of their surroundings...Unaware of my achievement. I laugh at them. HA!" Dimentio said sitting in his throne in his castle ruling over the world of Dementia. "Those foolish two think that they're safe from me using that excuse for power. I remember how it all happened..."

   This is the horrible tragedy of what has happened. Dimentio has succeeded in his evil plan to destroy the universe and create a new world and has now made everything to his liking. It all started back at Castle Bleck...Mario, Luigi, Bowser, and Peach was about to beat Dimentio but he had plans otherwise. "You think you can beat me you foolish mortals? Well then prepare yourself." He teleported away and when he teleported back, he had brought back the Chaos Heart. It started to pull everything in there, except for Dimentio, into the Dark Void. "Prepare to meet your game's end. Ciao!" He said that and disappeared to the safety of Dimension D, a place of his creation. Count Blumiere and Tippi watched in horror as the four heroes were sucked up into the vortex.

   "Oh no! We have to do something!" Tippi cried out.

   "I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do." Blumiere said holding onto Tippi. "There's just one thing I have to say before our games end."

   "What is it?" Tippi replied.

   "I...I love you." He said.

   "Why-...I love you too." She said.

   Just then, the Pure Hearts were restored of their power from the two's love and took Count Blumiere and Tippi away to a land where they could be together. That place was The Purest Land. A place that the Ancients created that the Chaos Heart couldn't touch. The Pure Hearts sensed the love that was that of Blumiere and Tippi (who has now resumed her human form there, Timpani.) and took them to a place where they'd be safe. However, Dimentio tried to get rid of them, the Pure Hearts prevented him from killing them so he had to leave them but he had plans for them later. He knew the items they both possessed within them that would bring them to him...However, that's for later.

   Dimentio took the Chaos Heart and formed it into a powerful orb, known as the Heart of All Chaos. He used his new source of power and created the world of Dementia. It was a mostly peaceful land. People would go about their usual day. Only Dimentio had full control and power. There were 4 major lands. Each of these four lands split off into two opposing kingdoms. The opposing kingdoms were Kingdom Hate represented by strength and Kingdom Love represented by healing, Kingdom Courage represented with fire and Kingdom Humble represented with lightning, Kingdom Light represented by light magic and Kingdom Dark represented by dark magic, and finally Kingdom Pure represented by purity and Kingdom Chaos represented by chaos.

This was the only place where any sort of fighting occurred. Between those opposing kingdom. And whenever there was fighting, Dimentio would watch the small wars that would happen for his own entertainment. The only place that was immune to all the fighting was Kingdom D. A place where people from all kingdoms lived and lived peacefully. However, it was not easy to get in to this paradise. Only by Dimentio's approval could you enter and all those who didn't abide to this and would sneak in were to be immediately trapped in Dimension D. to stay there and die.

Now, all hope has not been lost in bringing back the universe that Dimentio destroyed. There exists a magical orb in each kingdom. Each orb corresponding to that kingdom. The orbs were created by the spirits of Mario (Courage), Luigi (Humble), Peach (Love), Bowser (Hate), Timpani (Light), Blumiere (Dark), The Purest Heart [or Pure Hearts] (Pure), and Chaos [Remember, Dimentio already has this orb. The Heart of All Chaos] (Chaos Heart). When they are brought together, they bring forth a force ten fold (X10) more powerful than that of the Purest Heart's and the Chaos Heart's power combined! The power of this can undo the power of evil in the right hands but in the wrong hands, it becomes unstoppable. Are you up to save the universe?

Now here's where you come in. You are one of the few people from each kingdom to gain the power of that kingdom. (As in, you have the power of fire if you are from Kingdom Courage, Lightning if you are from Kingdom Humble, etc.)You are one of the lucky people who have gained access to Kingdom D. However, you feel that something isn't right about this world. You feel that this isn't right. There should be much more to all this. Now you are going to risk your safety along with 6 other chosen people to find out the truth about Dimentio's reign. With each Orb (other than the Purest Orb and the Heart of All Chaos) lies the history of those characters and their past and small parts of the old universe. The Purest orb and the Heart of All Chaos contain the information of how the Purest Heart and the Chaos heart were used and the truth about the world of Dementia. Are you ready for the adventure of your life?


Character Form
•   Name- just first name is okay but it can be longer
•   Age- somewhere between 12-20 please
•   Race- (you can be a human or a character from a Mario game.)
•   Kingdom you came from- (This will determine the powers you have) Courage, Humble, Love, Hate, Light, Dark, Pure, and Chaos (The kingdom you come from doesn't have to affect your personality but it will affect your powers. Also, please choose one of the kingdoms that someone hasn't already chosen. If someone took the kingdom that you want to be from...tough luck. Sorry, that's how it has to be for the story.)
•   Appearance- Please put in a description and/or picture
•   Personality- Remember, your personality doesn't have to be dependant on what kingdom you come from. Only your powers will be affected by that.
•   Other- If you feel like I left something out, put it here. :P

Note about the Light and Dark Kingdom people
Whoever chooses these two kingdoms will eventually become Timpani and Blumiere. (Mentally, not physically in appearance ;)) So that means there will probably be a bit of a love affair going on there :P

All the kind of stuff you'd normally find in the rules. Also, do not whine if you weren't online when we did something. Everybody's going to travel in a group so it's going to be hard for everybody to be on at the same time. ;)

Important Character list

Dimentio-- The main protagonist. He is the ruler of the world Dementia. He has control over the Heart of All Chaos making him the most powerful being to exist! That is why nobody opposes him. He loves being entertained by other magicians. However...To rule over an entire world can be tough especially to be in two places at once so he created the following three copies of him.

Dimentiono-- He is basically an exact copy of Dimentio except for one crucial factor. He does not wield the Heart of All Chaos so he only has magic as powerful as Dimentio used to be.

Dimentio's Shadow-- A less powerful clone of Dimentio. Although, since he is a shadow, he pertains to some extra abilities. For one, he completely blends in with shadows created by objects so he can hide where ever there is a shadow. This also lets him do the following two things. He is invulnerable hiding in the shadows but he can still attack. And he can take over the shadow of somebody's body and use it against him/her. (Much like Shadoo could.)

Anti-Dimentio-- As being the "Anti" of Dimentio, he replaces magic mostly with strength although his body does not show it. He is skilled in the martial arts of fighting instead of the dark arts of magic. The only magic he really uses is his ability to teleport and to switch anything to its opposite using his "Anti" powers. (Specifically things like good to evil or dead to alive.)

Anti-Dimentiono's Shadow-- When the time calls for it, the three Dimentio copies come together to form a powerful "Super Dimentio." As you may have guessed, this Dimentio has the power of all three of the clones put together into one being of death. This guy is not to be fooled around with. Only when the three Dimentio clones become very angry do they come together like this. Even though they have much more power than the three of them separated, Dimentio is still more powerful than this form.

RP Characters

Name – Mephistopheles (But he goes by the name Matt...Thankfully. >_>)
Age – 13
Race – Human
Kingdom – Chaos
Appearance - (No, this is NOT my drawing and all credit goes to the guy who drew it...DON'T SUE ME! ^.^; )
Personality – Playful and not quite that mature. He is a total fanatic for Dimentio and wants to be just like him...for now. >_> <_<

Name Lux
Age 13
Kingdom: Humble
Species: Boo
Personality:Cold and sarcastic, he hates Dimentio, but is careful not to show it.
Appearance: He has a bluish tint and wears a dark blue outfit.

Name: Kaizer
Age: 16
Race: Human
Kingdom: Courage
Appearance: White t-shirt and jeans. He has mesmerizing bright blue eyes, and is of a muscular build. He has messy, medium-length brown hair.
Personality: An actor at heart, he can put on any personality he needs to fit the situation. When he's laying back and relaxing, he's usually calm and collected. If faced with a scary situation, he usually will come off as fearless because even if he's scared, he'll fight.
Other: He's skilled in martial arts.

Name- Kleft
•   Age- 15
•   Race- Paratroopa
•   Kingdom you came from- Light
•   Appearance- Blue-shelled Paratroopa. A little shorter than average, but his slightly larger wingspan makes up for it, in his opinion. Wear a Koopa-shell-red T-shirt.
•   Personality- A little standoffish because he tended to be made fun when he was younger. Does not take offense well, but deals it out easily. Basically, not someone you'd expect to come from the land of purity.
•   Other- Due to rare genetic 'glitch', Kleft was a Paratroopa born to Koopa parents. Hence his name starting with a K instead of a P. He was raised in an exclusively Koopa Troopa city, when his wings made him something of an outcast.

Name:  Sabrina
Age: 17
Race: Toad
Kingdom:  Dark
Appearance:  A female toad.  Wears black pants and a black shirt with a black jacket over it.  Has straight blonde hair that has bangs that cover her left eye in a diagonal angle.  Her bangs have a black streak in them as does the rest of her hair.  The spots on top thing are red and black
Personality: Emo.  She's depressed, hates others and is very apathetic about everything.

•   Name- Alex
•   Age- 19
•   Race- Koopa
•   Kingdom you came from- Hate
•   Appearance-
•   Personality- Usually fun and hyper,though recently he has been sad and emotionally depressed.
•   Other- Has a sword.

Name: Miles
Age: 16
Race: Yoshi
Kingdom: Pure
Appearance:  A light green Yoshi with a red bandana around his neck
Personality: Fun, excited, easily distracted, humorous, pretty smart.

Name: Trixie
Age: 16
Kingdom: Love
Race: Human
Appearance: a young woman who has curly long blonde hair.  She usually wears pretty revealing/small/tight tops  and short skirts.  Her favrite color is red.  She wears make up and also wears red stilettos.
Personality:  Very kind and caring but kind of ditzy.


Name Lux
Age 13
Kingdom: Humble
Species: Boo
Personality:Cold and sarcastic, he hates Dimentio, but is careful not to show it.
Appearance: He has a bluish tint and wears a dark blue outfit.


Something tells you that you like sarcasm, don't you...:P Anyways, your character is accepted. ;D


Name: Kaizer
Age: 16
Race: Human
Kingdom: Courage
Appearance: White t-shirt and jeans. He has mesmerizing bright blue eyes, and is of a muscular build. He has messy, medium-length brown hair.
Personality: An actor at heart, he can put on any personality he needs to fit the situation. When he's laying back and relaxing, he's usually calm and collected. If faced with a scary situation, he usually will come off as fearless because even if he's scared, he'll fight.
Other: He's skilled in martial arts.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Nice character you have there! ;)


Name- Kleft
•   Age- 15
•   Race- Paratroopa
•   Kingdom you came from- Light
•   Appearance- Blue-shelled Paratroopa. A little shorter than average, but his slightly larger wingspan makes up for it, in his opinion. Wear a Koopa-shell-red T-shirt.
•   Personality- A little standoffish because he tended to be made fun when he was younger. Does not take offense well, but deals it out easily. Basically, not someone you'd expect to come from the land of light.
•   Other- Due to rare genetic 'glitch', Kleft was a Paratroopa born to Koopa parents. Hence his name starting with a K instead of a P. He was raised in an exclusively Koopa Troopa city, when his wings made him something of an outcast.


Character Form
•   Name- Alex
•   Age- 19
•   Race- Koopa
•   Kingdom you came from- Hate
•   Appearance-
•   Personality- Usually fun and hyper,though recently he has been sad and emotionally depressed.
•   Other- Has a medium sized sword.4 feet tall,3 inches wide.

(Can I have a Koopa use a sword? >_>)


Name: Miles
Age: 16
Race: Yoshi
Kingdom: Pure
Appearance:  A light green Yoshi with a red bandana around his neck
Personality: Fun, excited, easily distracted, humorous, pretty smart.


Name:  Sabrina
Age: 17
Race: Toad
Kingdom:  Dark
Appearance:  A female toad.  Wears black pants and a black shirt with a black jacket over it.  Has straight blonde hair that has bangs that cover her left eye in a diagonal angle.  Her bangs have a black streak in them as does the rest of her hair.  The spots on top thing are red and black
Personality: Emo.  She's depressed, hates others and is very apathetic about everything.


Who knew that fungus could go emo?


lol, yeah.  Crimson: very interesting character.  She'll bring a lot of...interesting stuff to the plot. haha.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 31, 2007, 04:21:13 PM
Who knew that fungus could go emo?

-pictures it-

Can Fungi cut themselves? Do they have blood?


Hey, MD and Joe...I said that I would like it if you chose a kingdom that someone hasn't already chosen. Hey, the sooner that there's at least one person from every kingdom, the sooner we start! :)


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 31, 2007, 06:30:13 PM
Hey, MD and Joe...I said that I would like it if you chose a kingdom that someone hasn't already chosen. Hey, the sooner that there's at least one person from every kingdom, the sooner we start! :)

Oh...darn.I missed your sign-up >_<

Sorry,i'll edit it.

Also,could you answer my question on my sign up?